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Her Lawful Master (Pleasure Island Book 4)

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by Anya Summers

  Her Lawful Master

  Pleasure Island Book Four

  Anya Summers

  Blushing Books

  ©2017 by Blushing Books® and Anya Summers

  All rights reserved.

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  Her Lawful Master

  Pleasure Island Book 4

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-947132-01-6

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  Anya Summers

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  Chapter 1


  If she had to title the scene like one of her pieces, she’d call it ‘A Master & His Domain,’ what with Jared peering over his creation looking like the epitome of Alpha Dom in his tailored gray pinstripe slacks and mint green dress shirt, the sleeves artfully rolled up on his muscular forearms.

  “It’s quite the view,” she said, taking a few snapshots. Her digital camera clicked through the frames at a rapid pace. Perhaps there’d be a winner in the bunch. But, more likely, it would give her a starting point to springboard from—a set of images she could study to discern what the best potential angles might be.

  “Yeah, I think so too,” Jared murmured with a proud expression on his strong face, his ginger hair framing him. And, well, why not? The Dom had done a remarkable job with the island getaway. He should be pleased. It was the realization of a dream, and a kinky hideaway for those in the BDSM lifestyle that Piper had yet to explore.

  She liked Jared. He was a damn fine Dom. He was a few years younger than she, considering the fact that she was staring down the double barrel of forty in a few months, but his confidence tended to overshadow his younger age. If only Piper were a few years younger. She sighed to herself.

  There were a lot of what-ifs and if-onlys when it came to her single status. What if she had or hadn’t done things this way or that? It was enough to drive her to drink. At least she’d avoided the curse of the crazy cat lady syndrome. So that was something, although it was a road she could still traverse here if she weren’t careful. Mentally shaking herself, Piper considered the myriad ways in which she could approach this job and asked, “I know we had tossed a few ideas back and forth via email, but did you end up having a direction in mind for the brochure?”

  “Why don’t we have a seat? I do have an image in my mind of what I would like, but I’m not sure I can translate it so you will understand, lass,” Jared said, and gave her one of his blazing smiles. Happiness seemed to permeate his being as he reclined behind his grand wooden desk, looking every inch a powerful Master, and there was a calmness to his energy that hadn’t been there previously. In fact, the last time she’d run into him at Declan and Zoey’s wedding, he’d appeared depressed to her—at least, that was what had come through her camera lens. His normal exuberant flair for life seemed to have been diminished. Piper suspected it was his new sub Naomi putting the blissful expression on his face.

  “Well, how much input do you want from me?” she asked, sitting on the soft leather chair opposite him. It was one of those chairs that you sank into and never wanted to leave. While she could get comfortable anywhere, and had on occasion slept in the bush as comfortably as she had in a five-star resort, she did enjoy the creature comforts more and more. Probably an age thing she didn’t want to contemplate too much. Jared and Pleasure Island were her customers, which meant that, at the end of the day, what he preferred was what she would deliver, even if it went against her aesthetic and artistic sense or she creatively preferred a different angle. He was paying, therefore, this was his project. Although she wouldn’t issue a horrible product, no matter if stylistically it wasn’t her cup of tea.

�As much as you will give me. I know how gifted you are, and if you say to head in one direction versus another, then I will trust your guidance. I want the brochure to make the expansion of the place into new markets, to entice the individuals in those venues to visit. In order for the island to truly be sustainable and turn a profit, I need customers to come. The opening fanfare has been stellar, however, before I will declare it a success, we need both repeat and new business. I want the brochure to convey why this is the only destination spot for those in the lifestyle to experience a bit of exotic R&R with all the convenience of it being lifestyle friendly,” Jared said, leaning back in his chair.

  Sublime pleasure suffused her veins at his compliment. It never failed to amaze her that she was able to work in a profession she loved and get paid rather handsomely for it. Having her talent recognized by Jared was the cherry and whipped cream on top of an already blessed life. Being given freedom to express her creativity and proceed with her gut instincts for a shoot made Piper salivate over the upcoming project. It was like letting a child loose in a candy store and saying, ‘have at it, kid.’

  “I appreciate your confidence in my work.” She studied his office. It was comprised of sleek lines and elegance, very much like the man himself, with nothing out of place, but it was also a room full of comfort, from the buttery soft leather chairs to his expansive desk and his chair, a full service coffee and tea station, to pastries from the chef made for Jared. These were added touches she’d noticed in the lobby as well. This resort, from what she’d viewed of the hotel and his office so far, was chock full of understated elegance and extra touches that went above and beyond the normal fare found elsewhere. In her mind, the brochure for Pleasure Island needed to be an extension of those items.

  When it came to people in the lifestyle, they didn’t need to see more tits and ass. They saw that at any club. Their community was rife with people who didn’t restrain themselves from living out their fantasies, and that was what was needed to entice them. The fantasy of the island was the key to marketing it: making people desperate to visit and, more importantly, demonstrating what fantasy the island could allow them to experience that their local club or home could not.

  “You know, Jared, why don’t I approach this from two angles, and make more than one mock up? Then you can decide which choice is best for you. From what you explained in your email, you want something that is going to entice the higher end lifestylers to the island, but then also have sale weeks for those who can’t afford the regular full price.”

  “That’s correct. And I did send you a list of clubs that we’ve opened the doors to in order to expand our base of operations. Working in cooperation with the owners in those clubs, we have already vetted the majority of their members. Now it’s about getting them to come here.”

  “Well, I think I can help you with that. In my opinion, I think the best way to proceed, especially knowing the owners at Allure, Underworld, and Cuffs and Spurs, along with their memberships, is to play up the elegance of Pleasure Island. Show them why it’s a must-see destination for those in the lifestyle and what they might experience here that they cannot at home, in a tasteful package.”

  Jared contemplated her with his intense jade eyes, his hands steepled under his chin as his mind worked out the angles. Then he said, “I like it, Piper. Let’s try it your way first. If need be, we can reassess in a few days.”

  “Absolutely. If there’s another direction that you feel is better for you and the island, I’m open to your input and direction, as much as you want to give me. I can get started photographing right away and will have the first few mock-ups in a handful of days.”

  “That’s good. I like your efficiency on this. Just so that you are aware, you will have full access to every part of the island: the villas, pool, marina, restaurant, club. You name it, you can photograph it. Anything but the guests—and that, lass, is non-negotiable. We value our guests’ privacy and safety above all else, so I cannot have you film them, but the rest of the island is your oyster, so to speak.”

  Those words were literally music to her ears. Piper wanted to tap dance around his office at her little victory. It was like she’d been handed keys to the kingdom with the all-access pass to shoot as she wanted, where she wanted, and when. From what she’d viewed of the island so far, she might even get a few pieces to add to her gallery in Santa Barbara. Piper was as pleased as punch that this job was turning into a win-win scenario with potentially huge payoffs. “And that’s something that I will be sure to include in the mock ups: the privacy and safety portion. I have your key points that you want listed on the brochure. If you have literature you want included, email that to me. I may need to edit a bit for space but you will have final approval on every aspect of the finished product. Don’t worry about the images, I will take more than enough pictures so when we are deciding what should be included in the brochure, you will not want for selection but will have an overabundance to choose from.”

  “That’s perfect, lass. And my secretary is adding the amendment to the contract like you requested. As long as I sign off on the prints you decide to use for your gallery, I love the idea. Might even have to purchase one or two of the images myself.”

  The man certainly was a charmer. Was it any wonder his staff adored him? She said, “They would be a gift for you, Master J, I wouldn’t charge you to make a print or two with your more than generous fee for doing this job. With the amendment added to our agreement, you would receive a royalty of twenty percent for any image I develop and display for sale at my gallery, Phoenix Rising in Santa Barbara, but for the others, pish-posh.”

  He chuckled, a deep-throated bark and said, “Thank you, I appreciate it. Maybe I could interest you in taking a photograph of my sub and me.”

  “I’d be delighted to do a portrait shoot. Just let me know when you would like it done and we can put it into my agenda while I’m here,” Piper said.

  “Great, we’ll make arrangements for that. I had my staff put you in one of the private villas, number five, so you can have privacy to create. One of the bellhops—Sean, I believe—has already delivered your suitcases. You will have a cart at your disposal while you’re here, to take you and your camera equipment anywhere you want to go on the island. If you give me five minutes, we can get started on our tour. I have one more individual joining us. I hope that’s all right. He just needs to do a bit of an inventory of the property for legal purposes.”

  “No. I don’t mind at all,” she said, to prove she was as publicly relatable as possible, even though she did mind the intrusion. She would have far preferred the chance to scope out the island without interference, but she’d deal with the complication and do her own tour later without anyone present. This was all formalities for the job. Jared was paying her a pretty penny to put together this brochure, so if he wanted her to do headstands while she took photos, she’d do it.

  Piper stood up and snapped a few shots of the translucent turquoise ocean from the window while they waited. Who was joining them on the tour? There had been a few couples on the boat when she’d traveled on the ferry from Nassau, but she had been the only single person on board. Being the only single person present was the story of her life. By this point, she’d been on her own so much that she didn’t know if she’d even function well in a relationship, whether she wanted one or not. Piper wasn’t bitter about her continual single status. It was more like she was resigned to her fate because so far she’d not met a Dom who could accept a sub who only submitted in the bedroom, for reasons that she tended not to disclose to them. Piper had been steering her life for far too long and balked at the idea of handing the reins over to anyone else.

  Feeling like she needed to get higher up, change the focus, and play with the light a bit so she could get one killer shot, she asked, “Is there roof access? I’d love to get an aerial shot.”

  Jared joined her back at the window and said, “There is, but it’s tricky with the slope of the roof. No
t to worry, though, I can have Cal take you up in the chopper if you want some photos from up above.”

  She almost tap-danced, seeing the shot in her mind, and enjoying the surge of adrenaline that came when she slipped into her creative mode. “That would be great.”

  At the click of the door handle, Piper glanced over her shoulder at the intrusion. Jared’s office door opened, whereupon Mary, his secretary, a proper English woman and submissive in her mid-fifties, entered. Her small, compact form was adorned in tweed and her salt and pepper hair scraped back into a bun. But it was the athletically built man striding in behind the secretary who made every molecule in Piper’s body roar to life.

  She knew him. They’d crossed paths a time or two before. Master Theo Brown wore a suit the way some men wore a pair of jeans. It was like his body was perfectly sculpted to be adorned in expensive linens and silk. And today’s tailored, form-fitting dark navy slacks and matching blazer only heightened his inherent masculine grace. His crisp, ivory linen shirt was open at his neck, displaying a hint of his sculpted physique beneath, and a few whirls of dark chest hair. This was the first time she’d ever seen him without a tie.

  His intense cinnamon gaze caressed her form briefly, like a man selecting a fine bottle of wine, before he turned his attention to Jared.


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