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Bound By Heat - Dragon Shifter

Page 6

by M. K Eidem et all

  “He just disappeared?”

  “Yes. No evidence of where he went has ever been found, and with him went our greatest strength.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “There is a hierarchy for Dragoons. I am a Prime. Dacke is a Minor. The higher mate sets your status in our society. If a Minor mates with another Minor, they cannot become more powerful, but may increase their status. If a Prime mates with a Minor, then the Minor becomes a Prime, more powerful. And there was a time when you could become a Supreme.”

  “But now you are the most powerful.”

  “Yes, but our world is a weaker place without the Supremes.”

  “So are all Primes black like your Battle Beast?”

  “No, they will all have black tips because they are Prime, but their other color is dependent on their parents. I am a Black with black tips because both of my parents were Blacks. It is the highest level of the Prime. I can evolve no further. Nor can my offspring. If a species cannot evolve, they become stagnant.”

  “So what are you looking for in a mate?”

  “That is something only my Dragon knows.”

  “And he would kill me.”

  “Yes, for you are small and fragile, and he would not want that in a mate.”

  “I see.” But as she spoke, she felt his cock begin to rise and bump against the back of her thighs. “But it seems you and your Beast do.”

  “We do, but you have to understand, it is only the Joining Heat.”

  “Of course it is, because it couldn’t have anything to do with me,” she said sarcastically. “So what did you do during your other four Joining Heats?”

  “I would find a female that was willing to assist me. My Beast never appeared with any of them.”

  “Well, I guess that’s something,” she said, rubbing her ass against his growing cock.

  “Autumn…” he growled.

  “I know. I can feel it too. Where do you need me? Here or on the bed?”

  “The bed.”

  Lifting her up in his arms, he carried her to the bed then carefully laid her down on her back. Ripping away her towel, the gold began to bleed into his eyes as he gazed hungrily down at her. “There is so much I want to do to you. So much of you I want to taste.”

  “Then do it,” she challenged.

  Chapter Five

  Kirall lay stretched out on his side, an elbow propping him up as he ran a large hand along her curves. Her skin was so soft and pale that it made her seem even smaller and more fragile as she lay beside him. Her curves weren’t as pronounced as they were on the Other females on his planet, but that was the only aspect in which they outshone her.

  “You are a truly beautiful creature, Autumn,” he told her gruffly.

  “Not true, but thank you,” she denied, letting her hand slide along his chest. “Is it alright for me to touch you?”

  “Yes.” Kirall closed his eyes struggling for control as her fingers glided over his chest. Kur, those soft hands had his heat rising, and already he felt the need to spill his seed inside her. But he didn’t want this time to be like the ones that had come before, full of only blinding need. This time he wanted to take the time to explore her body, wanted to be as gentle as he could with her.

  “What’s this?”

  Opening his eyes, Kirall looked to what she held so carefully in her hand. “It is called a sleeve. I use it to control my hair so it does not interfere when my Beast emerges.”

  “But it doesn’t interfere with your Dragon?”

  “No.” He was surprised she would realize that.

  “Will you let me see it?” she asked. “Or is that something else not allowed?”

  “It is allowed,” Kirall told her, reaching down to release the tie that held the sleeve tightly closed.

  “Oh. My. God,” Autumn gasped when he removed the sleeve and the most amazing mass of thick dark hair suddenly appeared down his back. How had she thought he had short hair. It was so black it was almost iridescent, but along its ends there was a deeper, darker black that for some reason reminded her of the scales she’d seen on his Beast. Reaching out, she found it silky and soft to the touch, not coarse as its thickness had led her to believe. “It’s beautiful.”

  Kirall felt his chest expand, and it wasn’t because his Beast was trying to emerge, but because of the swell of pride her words filled him with. Autumn found him attractive. At least he thought that was what she meant until she chuckled softly.

  “What do you find so funny?” he growled.

  “My dad would have loved to have seen this,” she smiled, sliding her fingers through the long strands. “He had hair similar to this.

  “Your father had black hair with laminae at the ends?” Kirall couldn’t believe it.

  “Lamina?” she asked.

  “It is similar to my scales only thinner. When I am in my Dragon form, it becomes very hard and sharp, and is used as a weapon against those that get too close.”

  Autumn carefully touched the ends of his hair, rubbing them between her finger and thumb. It felt as if there was a coating around the ends, not really a scale. It wasn’t unpleasant to touch, just different.

  “It wasn’t like this,” she told him. “He had black hair, but his tips were white, like mine. When he was growing up other kids used to tease him about it.”


  “Because it made him different, made him stand out. Some people aren’t very tolerant of those that are different.” She gave him a sad smile. “He told me how he used to try cutting the ends off but no matter how short he cut it they always grew back. He even tried to color it, but it would never take. Finally, he just gave up and accepted it.”

  “He cut off his Laminae!” Kirall roared, sitting up as if shot.

  “It wasn’t Laminae, Kirall, it was hair.” She pushed herself up so she sat on her knees, her butt resting on her heels as she faced him. “I take it that for you, that’s a bad thing.”

  “It is an extreme punishment reserved for only the worst of offenses, for it takes nearly a year for the Laminae to regrow, leaving a Dragon without its protection.”

  “A year, really?” She reached out to touch the strands he deprived her of when he’d sat up. “Dad would have loved that, me too for that matter. How does it protect your Dragon?”

  “The laminae turns into hard, sharp barbs that can be used against any that might attack.” Kirall found himself fighting the heat that wanted to overwhelm him as she rubbed her thumb over the points of his laminae. They’d never been sensitive before, but then no female had ever been interested in them either. To distract himself, he asked, “How long did it take your father’s to regrow?”

  “Dad’s never took longer than a day.”

  “A day!” Kirall reared back in disbelief.

  Autumn tightened her grip on his hair stopping him. “Maybe for a dragon and laminae it’s different, but my dad wasn’t a dragon and his was just hair. Although he always said it was the reason he discovered his one true love.”

  “Why?” Kirall found himself asking.

  “Mom had red hair with white tips, like mine. It was what first drew my dad’s attention. When he found out it was natural, that was it for him.”

  “What do you mean ‘natural’?” Kirall frowned.

  “Many humans color their hair if they don’t like what they were born with. They can put in highlights and streak it with different colors,” she quickly explained when she saw his confusion. “Like Kristy had.” She waited for him to nod. “Or just do the tips and they can look like this.” She held up some of her own hair showing her white ends.

  Kirall reached out carefully touching the hair she held, and found the ends very different than his own, softer. “But you do not do this? This is ‘natural’?”

  “Yes, no self-respecting hair stylist would want to touch this mess,” she joked.

  “Mess…” Kirall gave her an appalled look. “Your hair is gorgeous, Autumn.”

, if you like the color of dirt.” She gave him a self-deprecating smile. “My parents thought they were being ‘inventive’ when they named me. We lived in the northeast and the leaves were starting to change when I was born. When they saw my hair, they decided to name me Autumn. I always thought ‘dirt’ would have been a better description.”

  “You are wrong,” Kirall growled out, “that is not the color of your hair.” His fingers sunk deep into the luxurious mass and felt the strands curl around his hand as if they wanted to hold onto him. “This…this is the color of the deepest, darkest of fires. It is full of life and passion. It draws you in, daring you to touch it. Daring you to experience it.”

  “I…” Autumn found she was speechless at his impassioned words. She’d never thought of her hair in that way before. She’d never really liked the multi-colored strands that had gotten her teased, just like her father. But Kirall’s words had her reassessing them. She had always liked her parent’s hair and even Jack’s, whose was identical to their father’s. It was something that had always bound them together as a family, this shared difference.

  “Your parents were very wise, Autumn.” He frowned when she gave him a sad smile. “Why does saying that make you sad?”

  “Because they are gone.” Forcing herself to shake off the sadness that always filled her when she thought about her family, she rose up on her knees. She tucked the long strands of Kirall’s hair behind his ears, and looked at him for the first time without any fear or anger.

  He was really quite handsome, despite him not being human. The features she’d thought so exotic, if slightly strange when she’d first seen him, now seemed right for him, especially when he was in his Beast form where they were perfectly proportioned. She also realized that with his hair pulled back in the sleeve, the tips of his ears had been covered. Leaning in closer, she saw they were flatter to his head than hers, and came to a point instead of being rounded. Reaching out, she carefully touched a tip and found it was also slightly harder than hers, like his laminae. Following its curve, her fingers ran along his strong jaw. Enjoying the feel of his skin, she let her fingers continue to dance along it, stopping only when she reached his lips.

  They were as soft and giving as she’d expected. As she slowly traced them, a sudden need filled her, a need to press her lips against his and give him her breath, but she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t take what was meant for his mate.

  Her eyes shot up to his when those lips suddenly opened and captured her finger, sucking it deep into his mouth.

  “I thought…” she stuttered as his tongue wrapped around her finger, stroking it the way her channel did his cock. Her channel spasmed in response, and slowly she began to move her finger in and out of his mouth, feeling him grip and release it.

  Autumn couldn’t believe how erotic it was to watch her finger disappearing into his mouth. Would it be as arousing to watch his cock disappear into her? The thought had her breath shortening and her body flooding with need. Unable to stop herself, she leaned forward and lightly bit his strong chin, watching as gold flared brightly in his eyes.

  With her finger still a willing prisoner of his mouth, she let her lips move along the thick vein of his neck, her lips latching onto it. She needed to kiss him, and if she couldn’t kiss his lips, then she would kiss him everywhere else.

  Running her tongue along the pulsing vein, she gently sucked on it, enjoying his sweet spicy flavor. It was something she knew she could easily become addicted to. Reaching that spot at the base of his neck where he indicated he would bite his mate, she bit slightly and felt him tense.

  “Autumn,” Kirall relinquished her finger to warn. “You are playing with fire. My Beast…”

  “Will never harm me,” she told him confidently, knowing in her soul it was true. Neither he nor his Beast was anything like those that had attacked her and her family. Kirall, for all his roughness, for all his gruffness, hadn’t truly hurt her. Yes, she had a few bruises, but with her pale skin she always bruised easily, and she could live with that. What she was suddenly discovering she couldn’t live without was Kirall.

  Pressing her hands against his massive shoulders, she pushed. As he fell back, she straddled his waist. She knew the only reason she was able to do so was because Kirall allowed it. Still, she gave him a triumphant smile.

  “Now I have you just where I want you,” she teased with a mock ‘Beast’ growl.

  “You think?” Kirall asked, his lips quirking slightly.

  “Oh yes.” Her smile broadened as her eyes traveled over the feast laid out before her. “It’s my turn to wreck havoc on your body, Kirall.”

  “You think you can?” he challenged even as his cock jerked in anticipation.

  “Oh yes, and by the time I’m through with you, the story you tell about your time with me will outshine any told about Kristy.”

  Autumn wasn’t sure where this was coming from. This need to make sure Kirall remembered her. Suddenly she wanted Kirall to be envied for having been allowed to hear her sounds. The way they all did Dacke with Kristy. It was like a tiny ember someone had suddenly breathed life onto deep inside her, and it was growing.

  “For that to happen, Autumn, you will have to give me your sounds.” Kirall lifted his hips, and his Beast howled his displeasure that his cock was sliding along the hot slick lips that guarded her lair, instead of thrusting into her tight folds.

  “If you earn them, Kirall, then I will give them to you. But first,” she dug her nails into his chest when he tried to rise, “you will give me your sounds.”

  “You think you can demand…”

  “Yes,” she interrupted him. “Whatever you demand from me, Kirall, I will demand from you. Unless you don’t think you can handle it.”

  Kirall and his Beast both growled their displeasure while at the same time they were excited by her challenge. They all knew he was stronger than her, more experienced, and that he had more control, but for her to fearlessly challenge him…

  “Do your worst, little Aud-um,” he taunted reverting back to his original pronunciation, “and then I will do mine. And I will have your sounds.”

  Autumn just quirked a brow at him, then arching her back she slowly lowered her chest so just the very tips of her breasts touched him. Continuing to move ever so slowly, she stretched out, running them up his body until they were suspended on either side of his mouth, tempting him.

  When Kirall’s head suddenly lurched up, trying to capture a nipple, she pulled back laughing.

  “Oh no, Kirall.” She waggled a finger in his face. “It’s not going to be that easy for you.”

  Leaning down, she pressed her lips to his chest, working her way between his flexing pecs until she reached the bounty that lay below. She’d seen Kirall’s ripped abs before, had even touched them, but this close she realized she’d never truly appreciated them. Each was like it’s own mountain range with high, hard peaks and deep, carved out valleys between them. And while they decreased in length the farther down she traveled, their hardness didn’t.

  Kirall couldn’t believe how amazing it felt to have Autumn’s mouth on him.

  Her kiss.

  The drag of her tongue.

  Even the occasional small bite she gave him as she traveled down his body aroused him. But nothing compared to what the scent of her desire was doing to him. It called to him so deeply, and in a way he didn’t understand that even his Dragon took notice.

  Autumn slid her body further down Kirall’s legs, trapping them as she kissed and licked his lower abs, then something nudged her cheek. Turning her head, she found Kirall’s cock just a breath away from her mouth.

  For a moment she hesitated, but then the molten desire that had been building inside her rose, burning through her insecurities, and she daringly ran her tongue along his slit before fearlessly taking him in her mouth.

  “Kur!” Kirall’s hips surged up, nearly bucking her off him as her hot mouth ate his cock. Sinking his hands into her hair, he held her i
n place. He never anticipated she would take him in her mouth, not with her inexperience. He thought she would only stroke him with those soft hands of hers. He knew he could handle that. But this… this was so much more. Groaning, he struggled for control.

  Autumn had never given a man a blowjob before. She never had the chance or the desire to, but with Kirall the desire was overwhelming. The sight of that large, pearly drop of pre-cum leaking from his slit was what did it. She needed to taste him, and that small sample of his hot, spicy seed would never satisfy her. She wanted the whole meal, and she was going to have it.

  Rising up, her mouth still around his cock, she tightened her legs that were now around his lower thighs keeping him from dislodging her. Then, fisting the base of his cock, she began to consume him.

  She started with small, delicious bites, twisting and sucking the bulbous head until she was rewarded with more seed.

  “Take more!” Kirall demanded as the hands gripping her hair tightened, moving her up and down the way he wanted.

  Autumn willingly complied.

  “That’s it! Kur, Autumn!”

  Never in her life had Autumn felt so powerful. Kirall could easily harm her, kill her, but instead he trembled beneath her, filled with need and desire because of her actions.

  Looking up at him through her eyelashes, she found he was using his powerful abs to pull himself up so he could watch his cock disappearing into her mouth. Gold was filling his eyes, and she knew his Beast was close and she wanted him closer.

  Biting down lightly, she let her teeth graze his entire length. His hips thrust up in response, choking her while his hands tightened painfully in her hair, holding her in place. Gold nearly consumed his eyes.

  “You wish to play with me, little Aud-um?” The rough question came from his Beast. “Then we will play.”

  Autumn’s eyes widened as Kirall’s cock began to thicken, growing wider and longer in her mouth and she realized it was because of his Beast’s presence. She’d asked for him, now she was going to get him.


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