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Perfect Sacrifice

Page 4

by Parker, Jack

  "Exactly," she said. "Ramirez knows me only as the ace knight, Rayla Cayden. The less you and your sons know about me, the safer you'll be. I don't want to put any of you in danger. That's why it's vital that my communicator is fixed. I need to get back to the base and report what I saw in the desert."

  "You lead such an eventful life," Dr. Solaris said with a smile. It was obvious that she agreed. However, she had to admit that she had had worse days.

  "Yeah, really. Let's see…I was chased through the desert, ran from two Genos in the gorge, and then got shot and stabbed in the park. Yep, the typical life of a GRC knight…but usually without the getting shot and stabbed part." Dr. Solaris just laughed wholeheartedly at how blatantly she stated it. The amusing part was that she was probably right. That sounded like the typical day for someone like her. It obviously took quite a bit of stability, both mentally and physically, to be a knight.

  "You're too much, Ms. Cayden," he told her in good humor, finally getting over his small fit of laughter. Ray just smiled as she looked around the room a little. Her eyes fell on a picture sitting nearby on the bed stand. She picked it up, studying it for a while. It was a picture of a woman with long blond hair and dark lavender eyes.

  "Who's this?" she asked, looking to the doctor. David Solaris lost the humor in his eyes as they fell on the picture she was holding.

  "That was my wife, Lily," he told her.

  "Was?" questioned Ray as she set the picture down. Dr. Solaris lowered his head sadly.

  "About twelve years ago, back when Leon was nine and Chris was only four, she…" He didn't need to finish for Ray to understand what had happened.

  "I'm sorry," she said sympathetically, wishing she hadn't asked at all.

  "It's alright," he assured her. "Lily had been sick for a long time. I knew it would eventually happen, but neither of the boys had been ready. Even today it affects them. Chris is quieter than he used to be, and Leon…" He didn't continue, and Ray wasn't going to push him to. The subject was a touchy one; she could tell.

  He stood up after a moment of silence and began to head to the door. Ray's eyes followed him the entire way. She was hoping she hadn't stirred up too many bad memories by asking such a personal question.

  "I'll see if I can fix your communicator tomorrow, alright?" he said while opening the door. "I'll send Chris first thing in the morning to get the parts I need."

  "Alright," she said as she laid back down, closing her eyes. Dr. Solaris left the room, making sure to close the door behind him.

  Ray just lied there for awhile, thinking over what Dr. Solaris had told her. It was a sad story, one he probably didn't tell too many people. It was kind of nice to know that he had been willing to tell it to her of all people. Then again, she had to remember that no everyone was like her. Not everyone insisted on keeping to themselves.

  Ray just shook her head a bit, not wanting to ponder this anymore. It was late now, and she needed a bit more sleep. Her wounds wouldn't heal without it. So without any resistance, she drifted off into a seemingly peaceful slumber.

  * * * *

  It was morning before they knew it, the sun hanging high in the desert sky. It was the same thing they saw almost every morning. Currently at the Solaris base, it was time for Ray's hourly checkup, and Dr. Solaris had sent Leon to take care of it. When he reached the medical room she was staying in, he quietly opened the door. He was met with the light of the sun in his eyes and an empty bed. He looked around the room, but Ray was nowhere in sight.

  Leon, now slightly panicked, ran out the door and down the hallway. It didn't take long for him to reach his father's work room.

  "Dad," he called when he got through the doorway.

  "What is it?" asked Dr. Solaris as he tinkered away on Ray's communicator.

  "I can't find Ray." Dr. Solaris quit working, snapping his attention towards his eldest son.

  "What do you mean you can't find her?" he asked, sounding slightly worried.

  "She's not in her room," explained Leon. Dr. Solaris just stood up and went to the door, pausing just as he passed Leon.

  "We'll split up and find her," he suggested. "She shouldn't be walking around yet." Both men ran from the room and began searching the base. Leon went to the kitchen, throwing open the door that led down into the hanger. His father was taking care of the upstairs area, so he decided that he might as well start at the very bottom of their base.

  He began looking around, but there was no sign of Ray anywhere. He searched around the Genos, going from one end of the room to the other. He couldn't find her. True, the hanger was a bit dark, but she would still be easy to see if she were there.

  He took a few steps back, surveying the room once more. He wasn't aware that someone was coming up behind him.

  "Whatcha doing?" asked a familiar voice. Leon jumped before spinning around, startled. In front of him stood Ray, munching on a handful of chips.

  "There you are…" he sighed in relief. "We've been looking for you."

  "Why?" she asked as she put another chip into her mouth.

  "What do you mean 'why?' You shouldn't be up yet." She shoved the few chips that were left into her mouth and then gave Leon a hard stare.

  "I'm just fine," she told him rather stubbornly.

  "Will you stop saying that?" he asked irritably. "It's obvious you're not. Now get back to your room." She just crossed her arms and turned away arrogantly.

  "I refuse," she stated. "I'm sick of being in that stuffy room. I won't go back, and you can't make me." Leon just sighed as he walked up behind Ray. Before she knew it, he had swept her off her feet.

  "What do you think you're doing?" she yelled at him, squirming around in his arms. He was doing his best not to drop her as she flailed around like a child.

  "Stop squirming," he told her. She ended up twisting the wrong way, and pain shot through her midriff. She stopped struggling and held her stomach, cringing at the sensation. Leon just smirked. "See?" he said as he began walking across the room. "I told ya you weren't in any condition to be moving around." He began walking up the stairs and carefully moving across the catwalk, using his shoulder to shove open the door to the kitchen.

  Dr. Solaris turned to his son, watching him carry Ray into the living room. She didn't appear to be happy. She had her arms crossed, a scowl on her face which was accompanied by a small blush.

  "Ray," Dr. Solaris said, drawing her attention. "You should know better than that. If you had wanted something, you could've asked one of us." She didn't respond, only turned away. She was too embarrassed to say anything right now. She obviously wasn't used to be treated like this.

  Leon began heading down the hallway, eventually reaching the medical room that was serving as a makeshift bedroom for the ace knight. He kicked open the door and walked over to the bed. Gently, he set her down.

  Ray just sighed in disappointment, realizing that she wasn't going to be allowed to leave her bed. For some reason, they were really persistent. Didn't they understand that she was fine now? Her body healed differently than most. Someone like Dr. Solaris should be aware of that.

  "Now will you please stay here?" Leon asked her. "It's not like it's that hard of a request."

  "But I'm…" she began.

  "Just fine, I know," he finished for her. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" She crossed her arms and turned away from him.

  "I don't need help from strangers," she insisted. "I'm fine on my own."

  "What about Chris?" he asked her, drawing a sideways glance from the girl. "He helped you at the park, didn't he? If he hadn't, you coulda bled to death on the pavement."

  "Don't you think I know that?" she asked softly. "I'll admit that I needed his help, but I don't need yours." She shot him a small glare before turning fully away. Leon just shoved his hands in his pockets and went to the door, not wanting to keep arguing with her like this. Neither one of them was going to win on a topic like this anyway.

  "Fine," he told her as he paused in th
e doorway. "However…it's not a sign of weakness to ask for help." Before she could respond to that statement, before she could tell him how wrong he was, he left the room, closing the door soundly behind him.


  Heading Home

  Dr. Solaris stood outside the base, along with his two sons. Ray was with them, staring off into the desert. Her communicator had been fixed, and only moments ago had she called her base. She had spent two days with the Solaris family, and after her rather embarrassing encounter with Leon, she hadn't once tried to leave her room again.

  A car soon appeared in the distance, kicking up dust and sand as it drove along. There was sand as far as the eye could see. Not even a road had been placed out this way. It was nothing but a hot, dusty desert. The bright sun was bearing down on them all, but the planet was nearly one third desert, so most people had gotten used to the rather hot climate.

  The car stopped in front of them. The door opened, and a boy with light blond hair and blue eyes got out of the driver's side. Ray smiled as she skated over to him.

  "Brian!" she exclaimed as she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

  "Hey Ray," he greeted with a smile. She released him, and they both turned their attention to the Solaris family. "Thanks for looking after her," Brian said with a small bow.

  "It was no problem," assured Dr. Solaris with a bright smile, despite the fact that the ace knight had caused a few problems. Brian just gave him a small nod and then looked down at Ray.

  "Shall we get going?" he asked her. She nodded cheerily and walked to the passenger's side of the car.

  "Bye!" she waved as she opened the door. "Thanks for everything!"

  "You're welcome," called back Dr. Solaris as he waved to her. She disappeared into the car, which took off only moments after.

  Dr. Solaris sighed as he removed his glasses, cleaning them with a corner of his jacket. He watched the car disappear into the horizon, the bright sun blocking out its retreating figure.

  "Nice girl," he said. "A little stubborn perhaps."

  "Very stubborn," corrected Leon.

  "Kind of like a certain someone…" began Dr. Solaris, looking to his eldest son. Leon just shoved his hands in his pockets and turned around.

  "I don't know what you're talking about," he said as he walked back into the base. Chris just snickered and followed after his older brother. Dr. Solaris was left alone, standing in the desert sands. He just smiled as he looked to the horizon once more. Take care, Ms. Cayden.

  * * * *

  Ray pushed open a pair of double doors, not caring that they were going to slam shut afterwards. She walked into the room, her skates now gone, along with her backpack. All the surrounding officials looked to her but quickly went back to their work. They had learned by now that this was normal. They needn't pay her any attention.

  Ray walked down the aisle, heading towards the main monitor. General Gordan was standing there, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Next to him was a woman with long black hair and deep emerald eyes. Unlike the general, there was a soft smile on her lips.

  Ray stopped in front of them, Brian coming up behind her. He looked to the general and then the woman. Both of them knew exactly what was about to happen between the general and the young ace knight. It was the same every time she came back from a mission like this and in such a manner.

  "Ray," began Gordan, drawing her full attention. "Why hadn't you contacted us sooner?"

  "My communicator was broken, sir," she said softly.

  "You broke another one?" he asked her in disbelief.

  "Yeah, but don't worry. Dr. Solaris fixed it for me." She held out her wrist to show him the communication device. He just sighed and rubbed his temples.

  "I swear, Ray. You're gonna be the death of me someday," he told her. "This was a simple mission. You were only supposed to observe them."

  "I was observing them," she defended. "It's not my fault they saw me." He gave her a hard stare, and she faltered under his intense gaze. "Okay, so it was my fault, but nothing happened. I'm fine." Gordan just sighed as he turned around.

  "Very well," he told her. "You're dismissed." Ray only smiled and turned around, heading out of the room. She began walking down the hallway, getting a decent distance away when someone called out to her.

  "R.C!" shouted a female voice. Ray stopped and turned to see the woman with black hair and green eyes.

  "Hey Abby," she greeted with a smile. Abby came up to her, and the two were soon walking side by side down the long, brightly lit hall.

  "I heard from Brian that you stayed with Dr. Solaris," began Abby, striking up a conversation.

  "Yeah," answered Ray, giving her a sideways glance. She got the feeling there were going to be a string of questions following.

  "What's he like?"

  "He's really nice and incredibly perceptive," she began, remembering just how much he had known about her and the GRC. "I mean, he knew exactly who I was, and I only gave him my nickname."

  "Yeah, he knows a lot about the GRC," explained Abby. "He's been working for us for years, though people don't see much of him anymore." Ray just nodded, taking in the information. Perhaps that was why she hadn't recognized him. She had heard his name numerous times, but never once had she been able to meet with him. "He has two sons, right?"

  "Yeah, Chris and Leon," she responded, placing her hands behind her head leisurely.

  "What are they like?" asked Abby curiously.

  "Well, Chris is kind of quiet and a little shy. He's actually the one that helped me out back in Torran. And Leon is…" She couldn't help remembering her encounter with him in the hanger when he had held her against her will. She scowled and turned away, hiding the small blush on her face.

  "Leon is what?" asked Abby.

  "Nothing," replied Ray haughtily. Abby put on a smirk and turned her attention to the stretch of hallway before them. By the way she was acting, it was obvious that Ray hadn't had a very pleasant experience with Leon Solaris.

  "Come on, at least tell me something," Abby pleaded. "I've heard he's an amazing pilot, one of the top in the ranks. I've also heard he's really easy on the eyes." Ray just crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks, annoyed that Abby was making such a big deal out of the eldest Solaris son. However, she had to admit that he was incredibly easy on the eyes, one of the first things she had noticed about him. He was possibly one of the cutest boys she had ever met.

  "Ray! Abby!" shouted Brian as he ran down the hall. They both paused in their walk and turned to him.

  "What is it?" asked Ray. He stopped, took a moment to catch his breath, and then straightened himself back out.

  "The battle tournament," he began.

  "Yeah, what about it?" she questioned, not seeing where he was going.

  "Have you forgotten? It's this afternoon." Ray's eyes widened slightly, her arms dropping to her sides.

  "It's today?!" she shouted in shock. Brian only nodded his head. Ray took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. She gently massaged her temples as she felt a headache coming on. "Okay," she began in a sigh. "Did Gordan remember not to enter me as Rayla Cayden?"

  "Yes," responded Brian. Well, there was one relief.

  "What about my Geno?" she questioned curiously.

  "Don't worry. You can still use it, but the armor was replaced with the standard black unit. Is that alright?"

  "Fine. I'll manage," she said somewhat disappointedly.

  "Manage?" questioned Abby. "Even without armor you'd still win." Ray just smiled at the compliment as she turned around and began heading down the hall.

  "Guess I better get ready," she said. "It's been awhile since I've been in a real battle." Abby and Brian just smiled as they followed her down the stretch of hallway.

  * * * *

  At the Solaris base, Leon was currently just sitting on the couch, flipping through channels. He was waiting for three o'clock to roll around, and it seemed to be taking forever. The minu
tes seemed to tick by like hours. Didn't they understand that he was bored? He wanted something to do, and at three, he'd finally have something. Why couldn't time speed up just this once for him?

  "Hey Leon," greeted Chris as he plopped down onto the couch next to his brother. "Whatcha doing?"

  "Waiting for the battle tournament to start," he responded as he flipped through the news channels.

  "Weren't you gonna enter in that?" questioned Chris as he opened a bag of potato chips and began munching on them.

  "I was, but only five people can participate," he responded lazily. "I'll try to get in next time." Chris nodded and began to focus on the television. The battle tournament was always a big event, and it always took place every six months. Everyone on the continent enjoyed watching it. Any extensive Geno battle was considered a big event by the public and fellow pilots.

  Leon flipped to a channel where a news reporter was standing in front of a huge coliseum, spanning for at least five miles. It was one of the largest structures on the planet. It wasn't very high in build though, but it was enough to keep the Genos in and the erotic fans out.

  "Hello," began the woman reporter in her plain, reporter like voice. "I'm standing here in front of the GRC coliseum where, in mere minutes, five warriors will take each other on in a battle royal to top all battles."

  "What's going on?" questioned Dr. Solaris as he entered the room.

  "The battle tournament is starting," explained Chris, sounding excited. Dr. Solaris came over to the couch and sat down next to Chris, reaching his hand into the bag of chips. Leon rolled his eyes at them before turning his attention back to the screen.

  "This year's tournament will be better than any other," continued the reporter. "We bring you live to the inside of the stadium where our pilots are all getting pumped for the upcoming battle." The screen switched over to another woman shorter in stature than the first, but her voice was nonetheless reporter like. She did, however, seem much more excited about the event.

  "We have a great variety of pilots and Genos here today, ranging from professionals to rookies," she began with a smile. "Amongst us today are pilots Rick Johnson and Dave Strobe with their humanoid base Genos."


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