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Perfect Sacrifice

Page 56

by Parker, Jack

  Ray stationed her Geno just outside of the hanger. The cockpit opened and she jumped out, landing on the soft desert sands. She then skated into the hanger, gliding gracefully on the metallic floor. She didn't even have to call out for Leon, because he came to meet her halfway. She thought he'd be relieved, but he wasn't. He obviously knew that Ramirez had gotten away.

  "Ray, that was amazing," he complimented, plastering a smile on her face. "But you know…he survived."

  "I know," she told him. "And he's still here, isn't he." Leon only nodded and then pointed towards an open door to their right.

  "He went in there," he told her. He hesitated before asking, "So what now?"

  "It's it obvious?" she asked as she took her backpack from him. "We go after him." Her smile quickly slipped into an expression of extreme severity. "We have to end this now. We can't walk away until we know he's dead." She reached into her backpack and pulled out a gun. She quickly handed it to Leon and then tossed the bag to her side. She gave him a small smile. "Let's go." He only nodded in response and followed after her as she skated towards the door. This was really it. This was going to be the last battle. Only one side would walk away alive. Either Ray or Ramirez would be victorious, and right now, it was anybody's game.

  * * * *

  Aaron ran down the dimly lit hallways of the GRC base, doing his best to keep the men behind him away from the control room that Gordan was staying in. However, it was starting to get difficult. He was currently trying to run while nursing his arm, which had been graced with a bullet. It was really starting to hurt from all of his constant movement, but he didn't have a choice. He had to keep moving, especially now that he was leaving a small trail of blood behind him.

  Aaron turned a corner and continued running, dodging the few bullets that were fired at him. If he just kept swerving and kept his distance, he'd be alright. As long as nothing hit his legs, he'd always be able to keep running. He was once a commander, after all. He was physically fit, especially when it came to things like this. Eventually the men behind him would get tired, and then they'd have to fall back. That's what he was counting on anyway.

  He ran into one of the larger rooms they had in the base, one of their storage rooms that was currently empty. He was going to make a dash for the door at the other end. However, to his dismay, he'd never make it in time. One of the men fired at him, and the bullet bore itself deep into his upper leg. He winced as he came crashing down to the floor, a small pained gasp escaping his lips as he fell on his already wounded arm. He quickly rolled himself over onto his back, shooting a small glare at the men advancing on him. He was trying so hard not to show any fear. He couldn't. If he was going to die, at least he'd keep his dignity.

  "Well, well, what do we have here?" asked a rather cocky voice, one that Aaron knew all too well. One man stepped out from the group, a pistol in his hand and a smirk on his face. He brushed a hand through his mahogany hair, his dark blue eyes gleaming in the dim lighting of the room.

  "Damn you Nathan," Aaron cursed, earning him a bullet hole in his right shoulder and one that just grazed his size. He bit his lip to hold back the cry that wanted to escape.

  "This certainly has been fun, hasn't it?" Nathan asked as his smirk only widened. "I wonder if Ramirez is having this much fun."

  "What do you mean?" Aaron managed to ask through clenched teeth.

  "There's a reason why no one could reach the ace knight," began Nathan as he twirled his gun carelessly on his trigger finger. "Ramirez is probably having so much fun with Leon Solaris and Ms. Cayden. It's a shame though. I was at least hoping to see her once more before she died."

  Aaron ground his teeth together, trying to get to his feet, but his injuries were really hurting. He was forced back into his sitting position, his eyes never once leaving Nathan. After all, it was a stupid idea to get distracted when facing an enemy. Maybe he could manage to get out of this. If he just kept Nathan talking, maybe someone would show up in time to help him. Who am I kidding? Who would be looking for me right now anyway?

  "You really should stay still," said Nathan as he watched the ex-commander attempt once more to get to his feet. "It'll only hurt more if you try to move."

  "Shut up," he rasped out. "I don't need you telling me that." He fell back to the floor once more, groaning a little as pain shot through his leg and shoulder. How could Ray put up with pain like this regularly? From what he had been told, she was always walking around after being shot in the leg, or she'd carelessly use an arm that had nearly been broken. He almost wanted to laugh at the very thought. Almost.

  "Well Aaron, it's been fun, but I'm afraid this has to end," Nathan said as he aimed his pistol right at Aaron's head. "Normally the punishment for traitors is a painful end, but since you were such a good commander, I'll make it quick." Aaron closed his eyes, and then he heard a gun fire. However, he didn't feel anything. Nothing had happened to him. He opened his eyes and noticed that Nathan's gun was now lying a few feet away on the floor. The men standing near him were all putting their hands up, and as they parted, he could see three very familiar people.

  Jace, Abby, and Brian all walked into the room, each one holding a gun in front of them. The men they were aiming at didn't seem to have any weapons. It looked like Nathan was the only one. Or perhaps the others had already discarded them, realizing that if they even tried to shoot a knight, they'd instantly get killed by another.

  All three knights quickly noticed Aaron, his arms and his leg dripping with blood along with a decent amount coming from his side. He obviously hadn't had an easy time. They had already known that, however. They had followed a trail of blood, and it had led them here. There was no mistaking that it had been Aaron's. Hopefully he wasn't too badly injured.

  Abby and Brian quickly went over to him, putting their guns back in their holsters. Jace stayed by the men, watching each one of them. He kept most of his attention on Nathan, however. After all, he had encountered this man before. According to Ray, he wasn't someone to mess around with. Despite his lax appearance, he was a very tough person to beat. He always had a trick up his sleeve.

  "Are you alright?" Abby asked, noticing the four bullet wounds he had. At least he wasn't too badly injured. However, any wound left unattended for too long could be deadly. He needed to be treated quickly.

  "I'll be fine," he stated, trying to keep the pain out of his voice.

  "We should get out of here," suggested Brian.

  "What about them?" asked Abby, looking to the men that had accompanied Nathan.

  "We'll figure that out after the battle is done outside," he told her as he began to reach for his gun. He might as well help Jace keep an eye on all of them. He was just a little late, however. A gun was fired, and he heard his fellow knight cry out, now gripping his gun arm.

  "Damn you," Jace cursed as he focused his attention on the man who had shot him, which turned out to be a mistake. In that one moment, Nathan had made a dash for his gun, swiping it off the floor and quickly aiming it in Aaron's general direction. However, the knights were too close to him. At this rate, any one of them could get shot, and Aaron knew it.

  "Get down!" he shouted as he reached over and shoved Brian to the ground. Just as the gun was fired he shoved Abby away and ducked down, the bullet just missing his head. However, that was the only shot Nathan would be able to fire. One bullet was all it took. One bullet that caught him in the back took him down to his knees, his gun slipping from his grasp and sliding away. Behind him stood Jace, who had managed to use his wounded arm to fire his gun. He now returned his attention to the man who had shot him, the man whose gun was now lying in front of him on the ground. This was a message to all of them. The knights weren't to be messed around with.

  Aaron sat up, followed by Abby and Brian. However, neither one of them was in pain. Aaron was another matter. His wounds all hurt, and he was starting to feel sick. He had never had this many holes in his body before. Sure, he had been shot once or twice in his life
time, but this was four times in only a matter of minutes. His luck had never been quite this bad before.

  "Aaron, don't move," commanded Abby as she stood up. "I'll go get some medical supplies, alright?" Unfortunately, she didn't even get to take a step or turn around. Nathan had gotten back on his feet, and he rushed her. Before Jace could shoot him again, he had already grabbed Abby. He locked his arm around her neck, squeezing just a little.

  "Damn it! That should have killed you!" shouted Jace angrily as he aimed his gun at Nathan's back.

  "I'd advise you not to fire that gun," said Nathan, glancing back at Jace. "I'll snap her neck if you do." Jace cursed under his breath and just held Nathan at gunpoint, not having any intention of firing while he was holding onto Abby.

  "Nathan!" shouted Aaron angrily, earning him the attention of his former coworker. He tried to move, but his side quickly began hurting. "Let her go. I'm the one you want."

  "My, how heroic of you," said Nathan, the sarcasm dripping from his voice. It was obvious that he was in pain. With a bullet wound in his back, no one could blame him.

  "Just let her go," he repeated. "Please. She's done nothing to you."

  "The knights all have to die," he stated. "It's a direct order from Ramirez. It's a shame though. I would hate to have to kill such a pretty girl."

  "Damn you," cursed Brian as he clenched his fists. He was powerless to do anything against this madman. How were they going to get out of this?

  "Don't you dare touch her," snarled Aaron. He had never been one for Nathan and his sick mind. He hated the former lieutenant and his "ways" of torturing his victims. For men, he'd simply fill them full of holes. The women suffered so much more.

  "You have no right to order me around," stated Nathan, a smirk forming on his face.

  Aaron hated that look. He was wishing he had something, just anything that he could throw at the commander. He found just that as he moved his hand a little. He glanced down and noticed that it was Nathan's gun. That would do nicely. Now all he had to do was time this. If he messed up, Nathan would kill Abby. However, she'd probably rather die now than face what Nathan had in store for her.

  "You might as well just give up," stated Nathan. "You can't win."

  "Think again," stated Aaron as he threw the gun at Nathan, straining his arm in doing so. The weapon flew so fast and so hard that Nathan couldn't get out of the way. It slammed into his chest, and he lurched forward, his arm slackening enough so that Abby could escape. She quickly ran over to Brian, who nodded to Jace. The redhead got the signal and quickly pulled the trigger on his gun, shooting Nathan in the back once again. This time the commander fell to the floor completely, and in a matter of moments, he showed no signs of getting back up.

  "Is he…dead?" asked Abby hesitantly.

  "I hope so," whispered Aaron as he cringed once again at the pain his wounds were causing him.

  "Let's get out of here," suggested Brian as he helped Aaron to his feet, having to support the wounded pilot. "You did a good job, Aaron. Not a single one got to General Gordan." A smile crossed Aaron's face when he heard that. That had been his goal all along. It was nice to know he hadn't failed.

  "That's a relief," he stated with a rather large sigh. "It's nice to know these bullet holes weren't for nothing." Abby quickly got on his other side, and the three of them began to make their way out of the room, following after Jace. After he had shot Nathan again, he had made sure all of the other men were unarmed. Afterwards he had knocked them all out. It's not like there had been too many of them in the first place. Now they were all locked in the empty storage room, and there was no way they'd get out without a weapon. The tides of the battle were finally shifting. Now it all depended on Ray and her battle with Ramirez. Hopefully she'd return to them alive. However, Ramirez was a hard foe, off and on the battlefield. This would be anything but easy, even if she was the ace knight. After all, unlike Ramirez, she had one major weakness, and he'd exploit it to no end.

  * * * *

  Ray and Leon ran down a long stretch of hallway. It was like the end was never going to come. This was the same hallway that the door had led to. They had already been running for at least three minutes. Just how long could one hallway be? If they didn't reach the end soon, they'd be too tired to fight Ramirez. Also, he probably wasn't alone. Some of his men had to still be at the base just incase things went wrong. Well, for him, things were really going wrong.

  "We're almost there," said Ray as her eyes landed on a doorway, the door already open. However, the room, like the hallway, was dark. In fact, it was hard to see anything from where they were. A lot of the rooms in his base were dark though. That's just how he liked it.

  They reached the room in a matter of seconds, but there wasn't a lot of time to look around. The only thing they saw before their battle began was Ramirez standing by what looked like a desk. It was then that Ramirez's men rushed them. None of them seemed to be armed with a gun. If they were, they weren't using them. Therefore, Ray and Leon decided not to use them either. This would be an old fashioned fist fight, and Ray preferred it that way.

  The battle raged on between the twenty men and the two Geno pilots. Ramirez simply stood by his desk, watching them. His ice blue eyes were mainly focused on Ray as he watched her punch and kick his men. Even on skates, she always managed to keep her balance. If anything, they enhanced her fighting skill. She had obviously trained hard and long to be able to maneuver that good while on wheels, especially since she was in no way at a disadvantage right now. The skates made an excellent weapon when kicking someone, and they also helped her move away faster. She never once lost her footing. She was perfect at this art form.

  Leon was having just as easy a time. He was throwing punches and kicks at whoever came his way. He had to give these men their props. They were indeed tough, since most of them would get right back up after an attack. However, their fighting was sloppy. Their moves were easy to evade, and they had horrible reaction times. They couldn't even connect a hit with him or Ray. This battle would be over before they knew it.

  Ray was fighting off the men that approached her with ease, but she kept her eyes on Ramirez. She had to watch him. She didn't trust the smirk on his face. She knew he was watching both her and Leon as they fought. The question was why? Was he waiting for something? He could very easily flee the base in one of the Genos, and yet he remained. He just stood by his desk, smirking to himself. It was then that Ray saw why. In his hand he now had a pistol, one that gleamed even in the dark lighting of the room. There was no way she'd have time to get out her own. However, he wasn't looking towards her anymore. His eyes were on Leon.

  Ramirez slowly raised his gun, moving it towards the unsuspecting Solaris boy. Leon was far too caught up in his own fight to notice Ramirez aiming a gun at him. At this rate, there would be no way for him to counterattack it. Ramirez smirked as he slowly began to pull the trigger.

  "Leon!" called Ray, but there wasn't time. He would never be able to dodge it, let alone return fire. If she didn't do something now, he was going to die. Everything she had just done would be for nothing. There was no way she was going to let that happen. A promise is a promise.

  She knocked the last man to the ground and then made a dash for Leon. He was just finishing up with his side as well. He punched out the last guy and then turned towards Ray. She had called out to him earlier, but he had been busy.

  "Look out!" shouted Ray, praying he'd notice in time, that he would be able to avoid the bullet, but there just wasn't. She would have to do something drastic. She wasn't going to let him die.

  Leon's eyes went from Ray to Ramirez. They fell on him just as he pulled the trigger, releasing one silver bullet from his pistol. Leon wasn't completely sure what was going on, but the next thing he knew, something had hit him from the side. Ray had thrown herself into him, shoving him out of the way. Please let this work. Please don't let it hit him.

  * * * *

  The sky was beautiful as the
sun was nearly gone from the sky, disappearing behind the horizon. It was at the point where half the sky was still painted in red and purple and the other half in a midnight blue. Some of the stars were even present, shining down on the world below. They were the only light being provided, since the moon was nothing more than a sliver hanging in the sky.

  On a cliff edge, high above a vast green forest, sat two Geno pilots. They were just sitting there, staring at the scene before them. If ever there was anything that could be considered beautiful, this was it. This place was the most amazing place on their entire desert planet. It was breathtaking.

  "Beautiful, isn't it?" asked Ray, her cherry eyes shining in the fading light of the sun.

  "Yeah," said Leon softly as he pulled her closer, his arm resting around her shoulders. His voice had been so soft, as if perhaps his mind wasn't even on the scene. He seemed to be thinking about something else. It was easy to tell. He didn't hide it very well. His dark lavender eyes seemed to give away everything about him.

  "Is something wrong?" Ray asked gently, resting her head against his shoulder as she leaned into him a little more.

  "Can I ask you something?" he whispered, drawing her attention.

  "Sure," she answered, wanting to know just why he had gotten so serious so suddenly. Of course, it's not like their evening hadn't been serious enough the way it was. He had drawn out her last story, and reluctantly, she had let him see her cry. She still felt a little ashamed of doing that, but if there was one person who had to see, she'd pick Leon.

  "When this is all over," he began. "When Ramirez is dead…what will you do?"

  Ray bit her bottom lip. This was the one question she had been dreading for the longest time now. What was she supposed to do? She was the ace knight. Her loyalty rested with the GRC, with General Gordan and her fellow knights. However, it also rested with Leon. There was no way she could have both. Her life as a knight was time consuming and involved her full attention. However, there was no way she could give up this life, the one she had started with the Solaris family. She wanted to stay with them too. What kind of answer was she supposed to give?


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