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Magic Hands

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by Brenda Stokes Lee

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  Table of Content

  Publisher’s Note

  Copyright Notice

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Do No Harm, Sneak Peek

  Something New

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  Copyright Notice

  Magic Hands

  An Erotic Romance Quickie by Brenda Stokes Lee

  Published by Daddy’s Girl Publishing House

  Charlotte, NC 28269

  Copyright © Daddy’s Girl Publishing House and Author 2019

  All rights are reserved and under copyright law will be strictly enforced.

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  Publisher’s Note

  This is completely a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, personalities, scenarios, situations and incidents that occur within this work are products of the author’s vivid imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance, similarity, or likeness to actual persons, living or dead, groups, business establishments, organizations, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Chapter One

  “Why did I get stuck with this bullshit assignment?” Vice Detective, John Srisuk growled at his boss, reading through the case file of his latest assignment.

  Captain Jenkins, the head of Vice looked at the detective, and chuckled. “Detective Srisuk, there is not one other officer in this squad who would look more at home in a back-street dive like Magic Hands than you. Besides, you’re Asian... They’ll never suspect you’re one of us,” he explained. “With any luck they’ll say something incriminating in front of you in Chinese.”

  “What?” John gasped, offended. “Sir, I don’t speak Chinese... I’m Thai.”

  “Isn’t it the same?”

  “No! It’s not... China and Thailand are two different countries... With distinctly different dialects I should add.”

  “Thai... Chinese... Same difference... Tomato... Tomato! Just be alert and keep your ears open.”

  “Seriously? Are you kidding me? Of course, they’re not the same! And, what does that even mean... Tomato... Tomato?”

  “It means you’re taking the damn assignment,” Captain Jenkins huffed. “So, get out of my office and familiarize yourself with the case.”

  “Captain,” he protested. “This is bullshit! And if I may add... I feel this whole thing is a tab bit racist.”

  “Racist? Really, Detective?” the captain glared at him, rising from his office chair. “You can actually look in my black face and call me a racist... Huh, Detective?”

  “Captain... I didn’t mean you are... I was just noting that... The assignment is...,” the detective stuttered and babble, quickly backpedaling.

  “Detective Srisuk, do you even own a damn mirror?”

  “Excuse me, sir?”

  “Do... you... own... a... damn... mirror?” Captain Jenkins repeated, emphasizing each word.

  “Yes... Of course, sir.”

  “Then use it, damn it!” Jenkins snapped. “When you do... you’ll figure out why I said nobody would believe you’re one of us. For God’s sake... The least you could do is iron your damn shirt. And if you don’t have an iron, take them to the cleaners. Damn it, man! You look like you’re homeless.”

  John looked down at his worn, faded jeans, crumpled shirt, and ran his hand through his overgrown hair. He was embarrassed, realizing that he should have had it cut weeks ago. His boss had a point, John had to admit as he looked at his colleagues hunched over their desks. They were all professionally dressed in suits and ties. Each was clean shaven with a precision haircut. The Captain was right. John’s appearance made him the odd man out.

  “Yes sir... Certainly sir,” John said, defeated. “Captain... Is there any way I can get a reassignment?”

  “No damn way in hell,” Captain Jenkins promptly answered. “You’re perfect for the job. It’s a Thai shop, and you’re our only Thai officer. And you can whine until you’re blue in the face, but you’re taking the case.”

  “Fuck it!” John snarled, turning to leave.

  “That sounds like a plan, Srisuk!” Captain Jenkins laughed as the door to his office swung shut, almost hitting John in the crack of his ass. “That sounds like a good game plan!”

  Deep down John knew that he was the picture-perfect detective to investigate Magic Hands Thai Massage Parlor. “You’d think that if it was a prostitution ring posing as a massage parlor, they’d pick a less obvious name. What guy doesn’t think about magic hands when he’s getting a good hand job,” he grumbled to himself, as he threw the file on his desk and headed for the restroom.

  Looking in the bathroom mirror at his rugged, tired, worn image John had to admit that he could really use some magic hands to give him a good rub and tug. The handsome, Thai- American was single, but that’s the way he wanted it. John had survived his share of dead end, failed relationships and really didn’t want to be bothered. He couldn’t stomach trying to make another one work. Honestly, he hadn’t been laid in months. And that was a mercy fuck from a homely waitress who had no one else, and nothing else to do on a Saturday night. He loved sex, but didn’t want the hassle of dating.

  Sure, John was handsome enough, but of late he’d let himself go. Ironically, it wasn’t much a good shave and a haircut couldn’t rectify. A change in wardrobe could help as well. Even still, many women found the ruggedly good-looking detective sexy. His thick black hair, straight white teeth, broad seductive smile, and chiseled physique would thaw the coldest Artic pussy. But John simply wasn’t interested.

  Two bitter divorces had left Detective Srisuk severely damaged. And in the aftermath of his second divorce, the detective chose to steer clear of the fairer sex. In his mind, pussy just wasn’t worth the aggravation. So, John chose to find comfort in his assortment of lotions and his firm
right hand.

  Srisuk was convinced that the investigation of the Thai massage parlor was a mediocre assignment, one beneath his level of expertise. But what could he do? So, he decided to make the best of it and took the case. After all, he didn’t have any leverage. John was a hot ass mess and he was well aware of it. And until he got his shit together, Detective Srisuk knew it was just going to be one of many shitty assignments to come.

  Chapter Two

  A week later, John found himself outside the door of Magic Hands. He had booked an appointment with the registered owner of Magic Hands, Summer Raine. He figured if there was any illegal activity going on in the massage parlor, she would know. He’d gone over the financial reports, phone records and tax returns, nothing seemed out of order. So, he decided to visit and wait to be propositioned.

  The parlor was on a back street off the main drag, which made sense. It was close enough to the bars to attract after hours clients, without being too obvious and attracting unwanted attention. With a wry grin John laughed as he thought that their plan hadn’t really worked. And if something illegal was going on in the massage parlor, he’d find out.

  John was wearing the same faded jeans, with a different crumpled shirt. He’d added a day-old beard to the hair that still needed to get cut. He definitely didn’t look like a cop. Hell, he didn’t even look like he could afford a damn massage. It was the perfect cover for a seasoned vice detective.

  With an air of confidence, he walked into the quaint shop and took a casual look around. Everything seemed to be on the up and up and didn’t set off any alarm bells. The beautiful Blasian (Black and Asian mixed) woman at the front desk greeted him with a friendly smile.

  “Hi, welcome to Magic Hands, I’m Summer. Can I help you, today?” she asked, cautiously eyeing him.

  At first glance, John had to admit the woman didn’t look much like a prostitute, let alone a Madame. She was young, not even thirty. And very petite; barely reaching his shoulder. She was so tiny in fact, she made John feel large and clumsy.

  “Yes, my name is Donnie Srisuk. I have an appointment for a full massage.”

  “Welcome, Mr. Srisuk. Is this your first time here?”

  “Yes... A friend referred me.”

  “No problem. I just need to get some information from you, and we can get started. Do you mind filling out this contact form for me?” she asked, handing him a clipboard with a couple of forms attached.

  “Sure... No problem.”

  Her smile was brilliant as she welcomed him to Magic Hands. Summer was stunningly attractive, and John was instantly floored by her delicate beauty. He could hardly keep his eyes off of her as he completed the short form. He nodded blankly as she explained the process, trying not to gawk. It didn’t work. John couldn’t stop staring at her breasts, no matter how hard he tried.

  “So, if you’ll ready, I’ll take you to your room,” Summer politely smiled.

  As she led him to a private room, John got a good look at her. She was gorgeous. She was tiny, but very shapely, with a near perfect ass. Summer was in a word, mesmerizing. John hoped that he was better at hiding his identity as an undercover vice cop than he was at resisting the urge to stare at a beautiful woman.

  Summer didn’t seem to mind his lustful gaze. In fact, she appeared to be flattered. “Please strip down to your bare flesh,” she said, handing him a thin hospital like robe. “Here’s a robe you can wear, if you’re modest.”

  While he undressed, the masseuse left the room. After considering the nature of his assignment, John decided not to bother with the robe. He was well built and fairly well endowed. So, he wasn’t the least bit ashamed of his body. Tossing the robe on a chair, he lay on the massage bed on his belly, and waited. John had booked an appointment for the, Magic Hands Happy Ending Special. He wasn’t sure what the happy ending was, but he suspected it had something to do with sex. So, the detective figured if this was truly a front for prostitution, then Ms. Raine wouldn’t mind his nudity.

  The masseuse quietly came back into the room, wearing a short, silk, Kimono like robe. John smiled; he was now convinced there was some validity to the prostitution allegations. Summer didn’t notice his celebratory grin. She smiled professionally and slipped her short robe from her body. She stood straight, with her tiny breasts pushed out, as if for his inspection. John nodded his approval, feeling his dick throb, pinned beneath his body.

  Summer immediately went to work, massaging his stiff back muscles. As she massaged his shoulders and back John felt all his pinned-up anger, frustration and stress dissipate. Suddenly, he felt as if he was melting beneath her tiny hands. By the time she climbed onto the bed and straddle his ass, he was in heaven. He groaned with pleasure as her hot pussy pressed onto his ass cheeks. Her long, dark hair brushed his bare back as her fingers worked their magic.

  At this point, John’s dick was so hard he couldn’t lie on his belly any longer. This was going to be one of the easiest arrests he would ever make, he quickly decided. He considered busting her there and then, but his body was so relaxed he couldn’t move even if he wanted to.

  Actually, Summer hadn’t done anything worth arresting her for. All she had done was massage his back, while nude. At best, he could get her on an indecent exposure charge. And the prosecutor would probably decline to charge her, since Summer had no prior offenses. Her record was squeaky clean. She’d never even had a parking ticket. John knew he needed more evidence if he wanted his bust to stick.

  Hard as a slab of granite, he asked, “Can I turn over now? This position is uncomfortable.”

  “Sure,” she answered, lifting up, so John could turn over onto his back. Summer tried not to giggle, as he rolled over revealing his raging hard on. In this position John’s long dick was reaching for the ceiling. Summer ignored it, even though it jabbed at her belly, as she massaged his chest.

  Without warning, Summer leaned over and softly kissed him. Her lips were extremely soft and inviting. John didn’t resist. Aroused, he slid his tongue into her eager mouth. Deeply he kissed her, pulling her into his arms.

  Summer moaned with pleasure and delight as he massaged her teardrop shaped breasts. She allowed him to caress them briefly before she broke their embrace. Pushing him down on the massage bed, she went back to massaging his chest. Her pussy teased the head of his dick as she did.

  John was feeling completely relaxed and thoroughly aroused. It had been months since he enjoyed the warmth of a woman. He was so horny, and Summer was so damn sexy. John tried to resist, but he couldn’t help himself. Losing the battle between right and wrong he did something he knew he shouldn’t have done.

  Sure, he was a policeman on a case, but he was also a man. Summer was irresistible, and he was rock hard. John’s body needed her, and he was convinced Summer wanted him. So, he grabbed her slender hips and pulled her onto his big, hard dick. Before she could protest, he lifted his hips and thrust into her.

  Oddly, Summer wasn’t surprised by his action. Actually, she expected it. In fact, she wanted it to happen. She whimpered slightly, as his big dick pierced her tight opening. It felt good and she liked it. Pushing him flat on his back, she took control of the action.

  With a big sexy smile clued on his face, John lay back as Summer rode his throbbing dick. He savored how tight and wet her pussy was. He loved how his dick felt as she ground deeply onto him. He watched as she squeezed her breasts and tweaked her hard nipples, enhancing her pleasure. Her hips swayed back and forth driving him deeper inside of her.

  John was too aroused to last long. He was certain he would explode any second. But his beautiful masseuse had other ideas. As soon as she felt his manhood jerk, she pulled up off his thick dick. Wiggling down the table until she was on her knees and elbows, she took hold of the throbbing dick. Summer looked into John’s eyes and smiled at him, before licking his shaft with long, slow deliberate licks.

  The flat of her tongue felt amazing on the back of his dick. Wrapping his fingers in her long, glossy
, mahogany hair, John groaned in pleasure. He enjoyed watching her as much as he enjoyed her licking tongue. The sensation of lust coursing through his body was driving him crazy. He thrashed on the massage bed, fighting the urge to come.

  Summer licked the bulbous head, circling it to flick the tip of her tongue over the edge and into the slit. She concentrated on the little ‘V’ at the base of the head of his dick. She giggled as John bucked his hips and moaned in complete surrender.

  Slowly she sucked his manhood into her mouth. Summer was so pretty, and so tiny. The sight of her sucking his dick was almost enough to make the detective come. But she was skilled. Summer knew when he was on the edge. She’d draw back, just enough to make him relax. Then, she licked and sucked him again to bring him back to the threshold of an orgasm.

  John lost count of the number of times she had him ready to explode. He reveled in the sight of her taking his long shaft into her small mouth, repeatedly. Her hungry mouth was always busy on his dick. Her head bobbed up and down, as she sucked and licked his veiny cock.

  He held her head, enjoying the pleasure that she was giving him. And when she looked up and smiled at him, he breathed, “You’re amazing,” confirming how wonderful she was. Understandably, Summer didn’t verbally respond.

  He watched as she licked his manhood from the tip to the base, and back again. Then she sucked the head deep into her warm mouth. When she pulled away, there was a string of pre-cum linking her lips to his dick. It was so erotic, he almost exploded then and there. Everything about the beautiful mixed-race woman was exciting to the Thai man. She knew exactly how to drive him mad.

  As Summer lapped up his seminal fluid, John moaned and thrust his hips, to show that he wanted her to take his dick into her mouth. Summer smiled, sensing his need. She moved forward, slightly. And then, in an instant, she deep throated him, swallowing over half of his length.

  John gasped as he felt her throat muscles start to milk his dick. He knew that there was no way he would be able to control himself. Once again, her tongue swirled over his erection. Her mouth sucked and her throat milked him. It was over. The vice detective let the sensation of floating take him.


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