Mister Hottiee: A Bad Boy Romance

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Mister Hottiee: A Bad Boy Romance Page 7

by Alice Cooper

  “Hey Lucy, can you come with me to the bathroom?” Fran asked as she got up from the table. I nodded as we both made our way towards the bathroom. Fran used the bathroom as we both started checking our makeup.

  “It’s going better than I expected.” Fran voiced out as she retouched her lips with a lipstick. “I expected them to brawl out or cause a scene.” I told her. She laughed and said “I know right? But I can see in Zen’s eyes that he wants to punch Ciel. There’s never an end with those two.”

  “I thought they were best friends?” I asked.

  She sighed and said “That’s technically how boys are especially Ciel and Zen. They look out for each other but they never hesitate to beat each other up.” Fran gave me a reassuring smile as she said “Don’t worry, if ever it comes to that then you have me. I can beat them up if need to.” I wish I could be as bold as her but the only times I find myself being more confident is when I’m alone with Zen. He brings the best out of me and that’s one of the things I love about him.

  We both walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the table. But as soon as we arrived we came to a complete halt at what Ciel and Zen were talking about. They were talking about the one thing that men love to talk about.


  “I’m telling you man her tits are big, it’s just that she loves to wear those frilly shirts or sweaters that cover them up.” Ciel said as his hand gestures formed like he was grabbing breasts.

  “Nah, I still think Lucy has bigger boobs man. They especially look great when she wears those doctor white coats.” Zen said. They argued whose boobs were bigger and better as if we weren’t standing here but I knew that they knew of our presence.

  I had an expressionless look on my face but as I glanced over at Fran I knew that she was furious. I could actually see the twitching of her eye as she glared daggers at Ciel.

  “Besides man, if she wears sweaters all the time then there’s a possibility that she’s wearing paddings.” Zen pointed out. Fran who still looked extremely furious took a seat next to Ciel in hopes she might grab his attention but what happened was the complete opposite.

  Ciel grabbed his chin looking as if he was thinking, his eyes slowly drifted over to Fran who sat beside him and what he did next made Fran snap. Ciel grabbed one of Fran’s breasts and gave a gentle squeeze as he said “Nope, there was no padding.” I could see Zen smirking, he also knew what was about to happen next.

  Fran bolted up from her chair making the chair knock down to the floor which even grabbed the attention of a few people around us. Fran then grabbed her purse as she started whacking Ciel with it.

  “You idiot! Why on earth would you do that in all the places? And why did you have to be talking about our breasts?” Fran practically shouted as she kept whacking him. Ciel tried his best to defend himself but Fran’s whacks seemed ferocious. “I’m sorry!” Ciel kept repeating.

  I glanced over at Zen who looked as if he wanted to burst out laughing but was trying not to because he might also be at the receiving end from Fran. I smiled at Zen which caught his attention, his smirk not leaving his face. He looked at me wondering how I was going to react. It didn’t bother me that they were talking about boobs since I worked at a hospital and I’ve heard worse topics than men comparing boobs.

  Zen thought I was going to do nothing but he broke my composed face long ago so I felt more comfortable with him than I was before. I smiled at him which caught him off guard as I flicked his forehead making him slightly jump from the unexpected action.

  He looked at me for an explanation but I simply gave him a smirk. The night was going great and I wasn’t looking forward to it ending. But then something happened that seemed a bit off. We were about to leave the restaurant when Zen checked something on his phone, at first I thought nothing of it but when he frowned and clenched his fists, I knew something was not right.

  As we walked out of the restaurant Zen didn’t take his eyes off from his phone. I grabbed onto the sleeves of his leather jacket and asked “Is anything wrong?” He quickly shut his phone off and inserted back into his pocket. The gesture seemed suspicious, something was definitely wrong.

  “It’s nothing.” he had no particular expression on his face. After he looked at the phone he seemed a bit distant like his mind was elsewhere. I don’t know if Ciel or Fran knew but it got me worried. We walked the streets of the city and Fran would tell jokes and I would try my best to laugh at them but my mind kept wandering back to Zen and what he saw on his phone.

  Ciel said goodbye for him and Fran as they started rushing off. Zen offered to walk me back home and all I could say was that the silent atmosphere surrounding us wasn’t comfortable. For the first time in Zen’s presence I felt like suffocating like someone was putting pressure on my throat.

  When we were nearing my apartment I slightly turned towards Zen and asked once more “Are you sure everything’s alright? You seem to be in deep thought.” I pointed out.

  He sighed as he turned towards me and rested his hands on my shoulders “Everything’s fine. Just some dumbass joke my friend sent me and I look forward to disfiguring his face.” he said as he clenched his fist. I smiled at Zen, thanking that it was actually nothing. Unexpectedly, Zen pulled me into an embrace as he buried my head in his chest.

  “Everything’s fine.” he whispered. I didn’t question nor complained, I simply melted into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his torso and inhaled his comforting scent making all my worries go away. Moments like these don’t need words and I was glad that Zen wasn’t one of those people to force me to speak my mind.

  As long as I can remember I’ve always been like this. I spoke my mind when I want to and usually had a composed face on. My parents would always pester me to smile more often or socialize more but I just never felt comfortable in doing those. I help people when need to which led me to meet Zen back at Fancy Cups but when he kissed me I didn’t know what to do.

  No one has ever kissed me let alone wanted to touch me. Despite everything I was glad that Zen kissed me that day because if it wasn’t for his teasing and stealing kisses then I wouldn’t be here standing in his arms, in his arms where I truly felt comfortable.

  Zen pulled away as he looked into my eyes, our arms still wrapped around each other. “I… I…” he trailed off. My heart was beating in anticipation, was he really going to say those three words?

  My hands unconsciously gripped onto the back of his leather jacket as I stared at him awaiting those words I secretly longed to hear.

  “I… care for you.” he finished.

  Not exactly what I was looking for but I’ll take what I can get. I noticed that Zen’s cheeks were all flustered which made me mentally laugh at how adorable he can be, if I ever told him that he was adorable I think he might just punch the wall or something.

  He leaned towards me as he gave my lips a gentle peck. Also not what I was looking for, I was expecting a passionate rough kiss. Something was wrong, I can feel it in the way he kissed me. But one thing is certain, I won’t be getting any answers tonight. Might as well try tomorrow.

  Chapter 15


  I have a job for you. Declining isn’t an option.

  That was the message I received from one of the guys who helped me get extra money. If it was fist fighting then I wouldn’t have mind but I didn’t want to go on another job so soon, since last time we almost got caught by the police.

  I could tell that Lucy was worried, she knew something was wrong but I didn’t want to worry her, but I think I have failed. It’s been a week since the double date and I haven’t contacted Lucy at all. No text, no call, it’s like I disappeared from the face of earth.

  I didn’t want to involve Lucy in this job of mine. The job was to track down people who owe our client money and if they don’t pay then they shall receive consequences. This business wasn’t suited for my dear Lucy.

  A few of the guys were discussing who has paid up and who hasn’t but I wasn�
�t paying attention at all. My mind was on Lucy and her interesting expressions, lewd expressions that is. I longed to touch her, kiss her, and to be inside of her. To feel her skin upon mine. To hear her scream my name.

  I wanted Lucy so badly that I wasn’t able to think straight at all. I wanted to text Lucy but since it’s been a week since I last talked to her, I was now afraid to speak to her again. She tried texting me and calling me but I simply ignored her. She even tried coming to the bar but I had the guys to tell her that I wasn’t there.

  I didn’t want to worry her yet she got extremely worried that she asked Ciel where I was. I was glad that Ciel told her that he didn’t know where I was but assured her that I was all right. I even received messages from Penelope asking where I was but I made sure to tell Penelope that I was working and won’t be able to visit her for a while. After all, this was all for her.

  Ciel told me that at a beginning of a relationship that if you truly felt something for the girl then your thoughts will constantly be about her. He wasn’t exaggerating for my thoughts were constantly about Lucy. I wanted nothing more than to run back to her and assure her that I won’t ever leave her but I had to finish this.

  Ciel’s girl even called me by using Ciel’s phone and started scolding me about how I’m not acting like a boyfriend should and how I should get my act together and make Lucy happy again. But Lucy won’t be happy if she knew what I was doing.

  I would quickly hang up at the sound of Ciel’s girl because she only made me more frustrated. I know I wasn’t acting like a boyfriend should but I’d only made Lucy worry if I tell her about my current job and not to mention I’d do the street fighting when I’m not working on the job.

  Lucy would be the main star in my dreams at night. We would either be making sweet love or rough fucking in my dreams which only gave me the case of the blue balls. I’d have to get myself off using my hands as I thought of nothing but Lucy.

  Shit, I really do love her.

  I’d always have to remind myself of those feelings because I just can’t believe that I would fall for a woman like Lucy. But the heart wants what the heart wants.

  “Zen, you alright man?” one of the guys asked. I snapped back to reality to see everyone looking at me, just noticing that I wasn’t paying attention at all. I shook my head from the thoughts of Lucy but even shaking my head didn’t work at all, she was still in my head. I sighed knowing she wasn’t going anywhere.

  “I’m going to get some fresh air.” I told them, before they can protest I was already walking out of the bar. Once outside I took a deep breath of the fresh air. I suddenly jolted from where I stood as I smelt the familiar scent of oranges.

  Was she here?

  My head whirled around in search of the blonde beauty but she was nowhere in sight, my heart clenched in disappointment. I looked down and noticed that the tangy orange scent was actually coming from me. I grabbed my shirt and took a whiff, I smelt like her.

  I missed her.

  I internally laughed at myself, I’m so whipped.

  When an image of Lucy’s face popped into my head, I mentally admitted that I was whipped by this small beautiful woman. She’s the only one who can tame this bad beast within me. Just like how I’m the only guy who could touch her the way that I do, I’d kill anybody who tried touching her.

  She’s mine.

  My fists clenched in determination. After this job I’ll claim Lucy once more, maybe not once, I’ll keep claiming her over and over.

  Chapter 16


  His hands, big and strong traced my collarbone sending shivers down my body. Zen’s touch makes me feel all sorts of amazing. His head laid casually on my shoulder as we both got comfortable on my bed. His manly scent was intoxicating. I could never get enough of this.

  His skin was pressed against my naked one making the both of us sweat, our heavy breathing and body heat made each moment erotic. His long wet chocolate hair was sprawled against my naked chest as each time I took a breath the tips of his hair tickled my breasts.

  “Let’s go again.” he whispered against my skin making goosebumps sprinkle across my skin. I laughed as I tightened my arms around Zen and asked “Again? Aren’t you tired?”

  This time he chuckled and answered “I could never get tired of you,” as he placed a tender kiss on my collarbone. “Just the tiniest taste of you only makes me want you more.” he said as he pressed another kiss to my neck. I giggled as he proceeded to assault my neck with opened mouth kisses.

  It’s moments like these I wished that time stopped and I could forever be in this moment. In my arms Zen wasn’t the notorious bad boy that everyone warns me about, he’s simply my Zen. He’s a whole different person when he’s with me just as I’m a different person when I’m with him. I never want to part from the warmth of his arms.

  “Come on, let’s go one more round.” his voice was muffled against my neck. He just never wants to stop. I chuckled and commented “That’s what you said last round.” Zen got up from his spot on my shoulder and was now hovering over my naked body.

  “It’s just hard to stop when it comes to you.” he admitted as he stared into my eyes. But right as he was about to close the gap between our lips I suddenly bolted up from my bed realizing it was nothing but a dream. My breathing was heavy and my pajamas were soaked from my sweat.

  It’s actually been a week since I’ve last spoken to Zen. He hasn’t replied to my texts nor picked up my calls. I even tried contacting him through Ciel but was unsuccessful. When I tried going to the bar or even his apartment his friends told me he wasn’t there. It’s like he completely vanished.

  Was this truly it?

  Was he really going to leave me?

  Was I nothing but one of the names checked off his list?

  I wanted to know but the more I searched for any answers the more I find unanswered questions. I clutched my head as I sat in my bed gathering my breath. These dreams were no stranger to me for ever since Zen has been away they have been haunting me every night reminding how much Zen meant to me, how much I missed him.

  I wasn’t even able to study for my upcoming medical examination which was super important but when I tried to study my thoughts only ended up with Zen. My heart ached to see Zen, it was truly an ugly feeling. I couldn’t focus on anything not even work or eating. My mind is so consumed with thoughts of Zen that I sometimes accidentally put orange juice in my cereal and salt in my coffee.

  Ezra noticed this behavior but as promised he didn’t bother me when it came to my love life, that’s if I still have a love life because as of right now I didn’t know. I felt like an empty shell of a body just trying to get through life everyday but this was also no strange feeling to me because before I met Zen this was how life was for me except I was able to focus. With Zen gone everything was unknown.

  I gave up on trying to go back to sleep because every time I closed my eyes all I could see was Zen, and if I did fall asleep then it would only lead me back to those heart aching dreams. Trying and going to sleep was only giving myself torture rather than relief.

  I slowly got out of bed and started making my way towards the kitchen. It was still dark outside and I knew that Fancy Cups wasn’t open yet. Fran, Angela, and Stephen were growing worried each time I showed up at the coffee shop with dark circles and bags around my eyes. My hair wasn’t tidy like it usually was and my clothes seemed to not match at all.

  Since when did a man could turn my life upside down? I felt pathetic for feeling this way for Zen but I also felt pathetic without him by my side. Tears refused to fall from my face until I hear from Zen that he no longer cared for me that he no longer wanted me in his life.

  Going to the kitchen to make coffee has always been normal in my life but nowadays it’s been abnormal. Coffee was my only source to keep me going at work and mostly everything I do. As I waited for the water to heat up I suddenly grew frustrated with myself.

  I was weak all because of one guy. My
fist clenched tightly as I suddenly threw a punch to the wall of my kitchen only for me to quickly cradle my fist. “Ouch!” I shouted as I felt pain shooting up and down my arm which only proves how weak I am.

  When the sun came up I quickly took a shower and started making my way towards Fancy Cups. I couldn’t help but hold hope that Zen would suddenly turn up, and I was readying myself if he would decide to let me go. So when he does let me go I would be able to land on my two own feet.

  When I arrived at Fancy Cups I was lucky to run into Fran who was just about to open the shop. She was a bit startled when she noticed my presence.

  “Woah! You’re super early today Lucy. Getting ready for the exam?” she asked as she opened the door and let me in. I sighed wishing that was the case. I lazily plopped onto one of the chairs and gave out another sigh.

  “Still no word from Zen?” she asked.

  “No… I wasn’t able to get any sleep at all. I would have… sweet nightmares.” I said as I slammed my head onto the table. Fran was like a fairy-godmother as she quickly flicked on a few machines and moved around gracefully as she made a cup of coffee. Once she was done she set the coffee in front of me and said “It’s on the house.”

  I smiled in thanks as I stared at the beautifully designed coffee, only Fran could make coffee look this beautiful. I suddenly started seeing Zen’s face in the coffee.

  “Fran, why did you make Zen’s face in my coffee?” I asked which made Fran sigh out loud. “Sweet nightmares eh? I’ve had my fair share of those. They start messing with your head afterwards which makes it hard to do just about anything.” she said.

  “You met Ciel here at the shop, right?” I asked as I stared around the shop. Fran sat in front of me as she nodded. “I think Fancy Cups has some sort of curse where girls like us meet boys like Ciel and Zen.” I commented.


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