Mister Hottiee: A Bad Boy Romance

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Mister Hottiee: A Bad Boy Romance Page 8

by Alice Cooper

  “Hey! Don’t say such things about the shop. She has feelings.” Fran said as she walked over to the wall and started patting it softly. “But are you sure it some curse Lucy? I mean could you really imagine your life now without Zen? I thought the same before but now I can’t practically imagine a life without Ciel.”

  It was true. For all my life I’ve planned everything from where I would live and work to what I shall work, and when I would retire. There was no plan to meet some guy and get married nor was there a plan to meet a guy like Zen.

  “I guess you can call it destiny rather than a curse.” Fran said.

  Suddenly the bell from the entrance rang which meant there was a customer. My heart soared for just a second but once I saw it was just a woman it quickly pummeled.

  “Sorry but are you guys open?” the girl had a rich French accent. Fran smiled and said “We’re about to but you’re free to stay if you want.”

  “Thank you.” the girl said as she sat at the table next to mine. Once she sat down she gave out a heavy sigh. Fran chuckled and asked “Let me guess, boy trouble?” The girl sadly looked at Fran and nodded.

  “You’re not alone.” Fran stated as she pointed towards me. The girl looked at me as I gave her a sheepish smile.

  “Are all American boys like this?” the poor French girl asked as she buried her face in her hands. Fran sighed and said “Not all boys break hearts but what’s love without a little pain?” she tried to play it off but in only made the girl frantic. “But this isn’t little pain, I feel as if my heart is being ripped to pieces.” she explained.

  Fran sighed and said “We’ve all been there. My name is Francesca by the way, you can call me Fran. This is my friend Lucy.”

  “My name is Isabella.” Isabella smiled at us. “Sorry to be nosy but was this guy your boyfriend?” Fran asked as she made her way towards the counter and made another cup of coffee for Isabella.

  “Oh no, he was what you call a sex buddy.” Isabella explained which made me choke and spat out of my own coffee. That was unexpected. I was coughing and decide to drink my coffee again to clear my throat.

  “After having sex, Zen completely ignored me.” Isabella stated. I once again choked and spat out my coffee making me violently cough. Fran froze as she stared at Isabella and I with wide eyes.

  “His name is Zen? Can you describe him?” I asked almost desperately. Was this the reason why Zen ignored me? Has he finally moved on?

  “Uh… Long brown hair, tall, and very handsome. He always wears a leather jacket and…” before Isabella could continue I lifted my hand up to stop her. Fran quickly made her way towards us as she sat the cup of coffee in front of Isabella. I could feel my heart beating miserably in my chest almost as if any moment it would break into pieces.

  “When did you guys have sex?” Fran asked. Surprisingly, Isabella was a very open person. “Oh, it was long time ago. I tried reaching out towards him but he would turn the other way. There’s a rumor going around saying that Zen has a girlfriend and he’s serious about her.” Isabella explained.

  “When’s the last time you saw Zen?” Fran asked. I was glad that Fran was here because for obvious reasons my mind wasn’t working.

  “Yesterday,” Isabella’s answer made my head snap towards her. “He’s still with his girlfriend but he seems busy. He even turned down other girls. I’m happy for him but I can’t help but hurt, you know?” So this was the results of Zen’s conquered women?

  The dream I had of Zen popped into my head and made my heart tightened painfully. It seemed like my whole relationship with Zen was only a dream but when I think of the moments that Zen kissed me and touched me, there I know it’s not a dream.

  Zen was still with his girlfriend, me. Meaning he’s just ignoring me for reasons. Did I do or say something? Was it Penelope?

  Whatever I was I’m planning on luring Zen out one way or another. I down my coffee in one go, ignoring the burning pain on my tongue and throat. I bolted up and started heading out.

  “Where are you going Lucy?” Fran suddenly asked.

  “To get my blasted boyfriend to appear before me.” I angrily stated as I exited the shop. I quickly made my way towards the hospital, already forming a plan inside my head. I just needed help from one person.

  I arrived at my destination and quickly entered the room.

  “Lucy, what are you doing here?” Penelope asked as she looked up from her book. I needed a favor from Penelope.

  Chapter 17


  We quickly exited the building before the neighbors could call the police. My hands were bruised and bloody. We weren’t even half done with the job and two people already called the police. We started heading back towards the bar, making sure nobody was following us.

  By the time we arrived at the bar my phone suddenly vibrated. It was probably another message from Lucy but even if I ignored her I still read all her messages. She usually told me what she would do today or ask if I was all right. I sat down at the counter as I took out my phone only to find out that it was a message from the hospital.

  My hands trembled as I read the message. It was about Penelope and it was urgent which usually meant that something was wrong. I didn’t have to think twice as I bolted out of the bar, ignoring the shouts and protests coming from my friends. The only person that mattered at the moment was Penelope.

  I took a taxi to the hospital, at this point I didn’t even care if Lucy saw me. I had to get to Penelope and see if she’s alright or not. In a blink of an eye, I reached Penelope’s room. Without knocking I entered the room looking around frantically as I noticed that everything seemed too normal.

  Penelope looked at my frantic state and giggled. “I did my job.” Penelope stated proudly. I walked up to her and pulled her into an embrace. “Are you alright, Pen?” I asked. She giggled once more and replied “Of course I am, but you’re not about to be.”

  Penelope’s eyes were gazing at something or someone behind me. I slowly turned around to see a furious Lucy standing in her work outfit including her sexy white coat. Her arms were folded in front of her chest as her eyes fiercely glared at me.

  “Where have you been?” Lucy asked.

  “I’ve been busy.” Was all I could reply, I could tell that she was ticked off from my answer.

  “You know I’ve been worried sick about you. I wondered if you were dead or left me.” she said.

  “I told Ciel to tell you that I was alright.” I told her.

  “But that doesn’t make everything okay,” she argued. She suddenly started walking towards me and for the first time I’m seeing a furious Lucy. “I couldn’t even focus on my studying. A simple text or call would’ve sufficed.”

  “I had work and it was better not to contact everyone while I’m working.” I explained but I knew she wasn’t going to have any of it. Once she stood right in front of me she slapped me as she shouted “Do you even know how much I love you, you idiot?”

  I wasted no time as I wrapped my arms around her and buried my nose in her hair, smelling her beautiful scent. Her grip on my shirt tightened as she pressed her face against my chest, I wanted to be close to her as much as possible. If Penelope wasn’t in the room then I would’ve taken her that very instant.

  “I love you too.” I replied which made her whole body tense. I smiled to myself as I kept my arms wrapped around her.

  “I know you guys are like reunited and all but your PDA makes me want to puke.” Penelope commented which made Lucy chuckle. We both pulled away from our embrace but I could tell that we both didn’t want it to ever end. I turned towards Penelope and asked “Are you sure you’re alright?”

  Penelope giggled and said “That text was actually from Lucy. We wanted to lure you out here. But besides that I’m doing great.” Suddenly Penelope’s smile faded and was replaced with a frown which was rare. “But you should be ashamed of yourself. I might be all right and all but Lucy isn’t. She’s been a mess ever since you went MIA.�
�� she said.

  I turned towards Lucy and noticed the dark circles around her eyes like she hasn’t been getting any sleep. She looked a tad bit skinnier than the last time I saw her and her hair wasn’t as neat as it usually was.

  “That’s because this idiot right here got me all worried for nothing.” Lucy defended herself. Penelope sighed and said “This all seems like a drama show. Zen, why don’t you take Lucy home and make her sleep. She looks like she’s about to pass out at any moment.” We said farewell to Penelope as Lucy and I made our way towards her apartment.

  It was quiet the whole walk there but the sexual tension was rising. By the time we were inside of her apartment and the door locked, we couldn’t contain ourselves. Lucy leaped onto me as we both connected our lips together, I lost my balance as we both tumbled to the floor without our lips detaching.

  We didn’t care if we were on the floor because all the mattered was satisfying the need to be close to each other. Lucy straddled my hips as she attacked my lips. I took the opportunity to taste her sweet lips and didn’t hold back as I let out a groan. I missed these lips of hers.

  I managed to slip my tongue into her mouth as both our tongues started fighting for dominance. Of course, I always come up on top as the dominant one. We pulled away from the kiss, in need of breathing. Lucy stared into my eyes with love and lust, a look that truly suited her.

  “Do you know how much of an idiot you are?” she asked as she started leaving butterfly kisses on my neck. I grunted and said “I know, I’ll make it up to you somehow.” She pulled away as she unexpectedly stared at me with an evil smirk.

  “To make it up to me, I want you to say those three words.” she said. I knew what she was talking about, the old me would rather cut my tongue off before I ever utter those words. But this is my Lucy we were talking about, she’s mine. If I have to say those three words to make sure she’s mine and to prove to everyone she’s mine, then so be it.

  I smirked back her since she thought I was going to protest.

  “I love you.” I casually said. She looked at me with wide eyes not expecting to say it so easily. Her face suddenly lit up as a smile graced her face. She threw her arms around me as she buried her face in my neck and said “I’m so happy… I’ve never been this happy in a very long time.”

  Me too.

  I’ll always be happy as long as I’m with Lucy.

  Chapter 18


  The medical examination has passed, and everything was back to normal including my love life. Still Zen wouldn’t tell me what he did during those days he went missing but he kept telling me how agonizing it was for him to stay away from me. Even Ciel was hesitant to tell me what exactly Zen did but Ciel managed to tell me that he had a certain job that I didn’t need to know.

  My hands trembled in fear as I held the envelope of my examination results. Even when Zen returned I still wasn’t able to mentally prepare myself for the exam. I’ve been studying and reading before I met Zen but it didn’t cover everything that was on the exam. When Zen returned I barely studied since most of the time was spent in bed with Zen.

  Zen was hanging out with Ciel at the moment. Fran, Angela, and Stephen whom I have grown close to were also behind me for moral support. Fran was growing impatient as Angela scolded her for pressuring me while Stephen was cheering me on, but to be honest their voices seemed far away to me.

  My trembling hands slowly opened the envelope and the air around us was filled with anxiety and anticipation. We slowly read the letter and as I continued to read my heart was slowly breaking.

  I didn’t pass.

  Fran was yelling to no one in particular about how I didn’t pass when I literally kept studying, Angela was trying to cheer me up with words, and Stephen kept rubbing my back. I’ve worked so hard to get where I am today and not being able to pass was like a huge slap to the face. For the first time in a very long time I let the tears fall down my face.

  I couldn’t exactly blame Zen for everything for it was my fault why I failed the exam. I lacked concentration and hard work. I would’ve passed if only I would have worked harder. I didn’t say a word nor did I grab my things as I rushed out of Fancy Cups. Fran, Angela, and Stephen called out for me but I ignored them. I wanted to be alone.

  I didn’t know where I was going but I kept running as fast as I could. Almost thinking that I could out run my problems and just simply leave them behind, if only it was that easy.

  I ended up at the park near my apartment. I plopped onto the grassy ground and leaned against the trunk of a tree. Luck wasn’t on my side as it started to rain. I didn’t even bother to find shelter as I let the rain drench me from head to toe.

  I know I could always retake the exam but still rejection hurts especially when you’ve dreamed of it your whole life. Tears still leaked from my eyes but they started blending in with the rain. After what seemed like hours but was only minutes, somebody managed to find me.

  “We’ve been looking for you everywhere.” I looked up to see a panting Zen and was drenched from the rain. If I wasn’t too depressed then I would’ve swooned at how Zen looked. I tore my gaze away from Zen and looked back at the ground.

  “Everyone’s been searching for you.” he said but I still wasn’t saying anything. He squatted down in front of me but I didn’t even want to look into his eyes. “I heard from Ciel’s girl… about the examination.” He said. My face stood still like stone not reacting at all to anything he’s saying nor was my eyes moving away from the ground.

  “It’s okay to let go Lucy… it’s just me. I won’t say anything, I’ll just be here for you.” he said as he held his arms wide open. I looked up to see him expressionless and I wasn’t able to hold it in as I threw myself into his arms and let a sob. He wrapped his arms around me and just simply held me as I cried. His arms were warm and comforting, just what I needed.

  When I no longer could produce tears I pulled away from his embrace and was about to wipe the tears and rain stains on my cheek but Zen stopped me. His hands then wiped away the stains as he gave me a warm soft smile.

  “I can’t say that I exactly know how you feel because I don’t. You’ve been working hard for this only for you to not make it. I somehow feel that it’s my fault…” but I didn’t let him continue as I shook my head and argued, “No! It’s not your fault. It was my fault why I failed. I should’ve worked harder.”

  Zen’s brows furrowed as he said “There’s no need to place the blame on anyone. No use crying over spilt milk. But what we can do is prepare for the next opportunity and I’ll be by your side and support you.” Who knew that Zen could cheer you up with such words?

  I couldn’t help but laugh out loud from my thoughts which startled Zen. “What’s funny?” he asked which only made the situation even funnier.

  “I would’ve never expected you to say those kind of words.” I told him. The rain was getting heavy. “We should get you out of this rain before you get sick.” Zen pointed out as he ignored what I said was funny. I was about to stand up but before I could Zen scooped me up into his arms and proceeded to carry me towards my apartment.

  He even managed to take off my clothes and bathe me without doing anything naughty. Even when we’re not doing anything naughty I can tell by the look in Zen’s eyes that he was holding back with all of his strength. He changed me into new clothes after we both took a bath together. We both laid in my bed just staring at one another.

  “It’s amazing how you’re able to hold back.” I teased him as I traced each bulging muscle on his arm. He groaned and said “Don’t say that, I might not hold back if you keep teasing me.” I chuckled as I snuggled deep into Zen’s arms. This reminded me of my dream back then, I’m happy that this is no dream.

  He leaned towards my face and stole a kiss. Like all the kisses he has stolen from me they’re sweet and rough all at the same time.

  “You’ve been standing all by yourself, and working hard all by yourself. This time I’ll s
tand by you and beat the crap out of anyone who dares hurt you or stand in your way.” Zen said in his own way of sweetness.


  “Happy birthday Francesca!” all of us shouted in unison once Ciel and Fran walked through the doors of Fancy Cups. We had a small surprise party for Fran which was planned by Angela and Stephen. Fran was totally surprised by the amount of decoration in the shop.

  Balloons, ribbons, and confetti decorated the coffee shop making it look more festive. We even had cake and a few snacks ready for the party. A big banner was displayed in the front as it read Happy Birthday Habanero!

  Ciel was the one who got that, Fran’s reaction towards it was priceless. She even started scolding Ciel for it but he quickly silenced her by pressing his lips against hers. Stephen had to clear his throat for them to break up their kiss or else it would’ve escalated into something more.

  Stephen held the cake waiting for Fran to blow the candles. I stood at the side with Zen as we watched the situation unfold. Each of us even gave a gift to Fran, and I was even shock that Ezra gave a gift to Fran. I just found out that Ezra is actually the older brother of Ciel which Zen confirmed. He even told me that’s how he met Ezra and grew to hate the guy, hate is a strong word but it’s the right word.

  It was only us who attended Fran’s birthday party since we wanted to keep it small and intimate.

  “Ciel, leave the poor girl alone. If she wants to drink more wine then she can drink more wine.” Zen told Ciel as Ciel tried telling Fran not to drink more wine since she was growing tipsy.

  “Stay out of this! It’s none of your business!” Ciel growled which only made Zen angrier. They both literally started growling at each other. “Maybe if you treated your girl right then she wouldn’t have resulted to drinking.” Zen took a jab at Ciel.

  “The only reason why she’s drinking is because she has to see your pathetic excuse of a face.” Ciel shouted.


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