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Naughty Tales Collection

Page 8

by K. L. Donn

  “Don’t!” I hear Shane yell as one of his own friends goes to hug Melly and he stands in the way.

  “Shane, sweetie, it’s alright.” I try to soothe. My son glares at me as my husband glares at the four-year-old.

  “No momma, they can’t have her.” Shane pouts and Jack pats his back before walking over to me.

  “What did you do to my sweet boy?” I ask my husband as he picks me up to sit in his lap.

  Jack shrugs. “Taught him that his mom and sister are the most precious things in the world and no men should touch them.” I can’t very well get mad at that.

  “Fine.” I murmur as I feel Jack’s lips along my shoulder.

  “Thank you.” He whispers in my ear.

  Turning my head to look at him, I ask, “For what?”

  “You gave me the best things a man can ask for. Love, family, you. I thought I was getting too old for it. I had no idea I was in for such a treat when you walked in my office that day.” Oliver still takes credit for our relationship.

  “I think we might have been tricked by Oli.” I giggle as his hands tickle my bare thighs.

  “Oh, I know we were.” Jack confesses.


  “I asked him about you once. I think he suspected then, cause he started acting out a lot after that.”

  “Well. I can’t even be mad, can I?” Jack shakes his head no with a huge grin on his face.

  Whether it was a trick or treat, we got everything we ever wanted with each other.

  The End!

  Snowed In

  He’s brooding, snarly and grumpy.

  She’s young, shy and only wants him.

  They’re oil and water,

  Fire and ice.

  But when the snow starts to fall,

  And the weather turns turbulent,

  So does their attraction.

  Snowed In for the weekend,

  He’ll do everything he can to keep her.

  She’ll do anything to prove why he should.

  Chapter One


  Fucking storms.

  Fucking winter.

  Fucking people.

  A storm advisory went out every damn day this week at my request to the local TV station because I knew people wouldn’t listen to the forecast.

  It’s fucking Wyoming in January; of goddamned course we’re getting four feet of snow over the course of three days and of fucking course everybody and their mother was running around like lunatics today after the snow started to fall.

  If I didn’t love the town of Gateston so damn much, I’d tell everyone they were idiots and call it a day instead of spending it shoveling people out of ditches, helping them ignite pilot stoves and chopping wood. But it’s what I do. Who I am. And I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  The illuminated road as I drive home to an empty house makes me wish that being Sheriff wasn’t all I am. I suppose it’s the one downfall to living in such a small town. I know everybody and they’re always trying to fix me up.

  Trouble is, there’s only one woman I have my eye on and she’s off limits.

  Oaklynn Shaw.

  The daughter of Barrett and Nora Shaw, they own the local diner in town and protect her like she’s a princess. Every time I try to talk to her, she blushes and runs away. More than once leaving me with an empty cup of coffee before my shift in the morning. But always leaving me wanting more of her.

  I know she’s young, eighteen or nineteen maybe, and if I had my guess, she’s also a virgin. I don’t know when my obsession with her began but now that I’m facing the next three or four days snowed into my cabin alone, without once getting to see her, I regret not asking her out.

  Driving around the bend that leads to the driveway of my cabin, my lights flash upon someone walking in this fucking blizzard. “Jesus Christ.” Pulling over in front of them, I open my door, cursing the entire time and rush towards the person.

  “What the hell are you doing out in this storm?” I call over the sounds of the wind howling.

  “Sh-sh-sheriff?” A soft voice calls back and looks up.


  I’d know those baby blues and long dark curls anywhere.

  “Dammit Oaklynn, what are you doing out here? It’s way below freezing, and this jacket won’t do shit for you.” I scold, staring at the thin coat. It’s better for a fall day than a freeze warning.

  She stares down at her feet and it’s then I notice the squirming beneath her jacket and the bulky nature of her normally slim frame.

  “Come on.” Gripping her elbow, I half carry, half drag her to my truck. With no choice, I have to bring her home with me. It’ll be days before the plows come out and I know, even with the winter tires and chains, I won’t be able to get her home. “You’ll come home with me until the storm passes.”

  She’s silent as I guide her into the passenger seat, the wind whipping at her long hair. “Christ you’re soaked.” I hiss, my anger rising about her being out here. Not only is the snow falling but it’s wet too, like it’s mixed with rain. Making it especially deadly if someone were left out in it.

  “Where the hell were you going Oaklynn?” My words are harsh as I begin to unzip her coat, a puppy squirming its way onto the front seat, tail wagging. “A puppy?” Reaching into the back, I grab the blanket I keep there and throw it over her before slamming the door shut and rushing around to the driver’s seat.

  “You gotta talk to me Oak, or I won’t know that you’re okay.” I tell her softly. She’s always been a shy girl and I know my antagonistic attitude won’t help in getting her to open up to me.

  Shifting in her seat, she pulls the puppy into her lap and her bright blue eyes stare up at me and I can’t read what she’s thinking as we slowly drive down the road. “I was helping Ms. Sawyer collect wood for her stove and close up her house before the storm hit.”

  Of course she was. “So how’d you wind up heading this way instead of home?” I live outside of town, she should have gone home.

  Biting her lip, I shift in my seat, wanting to be the one nibbling on it instead. “I was on my home when I found him,” she stares down and smiles at the squirming furball in her lap, “And she ran out this way. By the time I caught her, it was easier to try and make my way to you, rather than home.” The sound of her voice decreases as she finishes talking but I heard every word.

  “You were coming to me?”

  “Yes.” She draws the word out with a soft smile.

  Here I thought I would be alone for this storm and now I’ll have exactly who I want.

  Chapter Two


  I purposely let the puppy get away from me knowing eventually I’d have no choice but to venture out to Sheriff Wades place rather than going home. Now that I’m here, with him, alone in his truck, I’m having my doubts.

  The roads are icy, visibility is poor and as I see the lights of his front porch growing closer, my nerves have taken over as I pet the puppy in my lap.

  “What’s his name?” Colter’s strong voice breaks the silence and I struggle to catch my breath.

  “Who?” I finally say.

  His masculine chuckle is warm as he shakes his head and stops the truck. “The pup.”

  “Oh.” Duh. “She. It’s a she. And she doesn’t have one.” I wouldn’t even know where to begin to think of a name for her. I’d never thought of owning an animal before, being responsible for another life hasn’t been a thought on my mind.

  Except when it comes to intimate dreams of Sheriff Colter Wade.

  “Well, what is it?” He asks again.

  “I don’t know. I only found her today.”

  “Christ, Oaklynn. All this for a dog? You could have died.” He scolds and it’s not the first time I’ve done it to myself either. I knew chasing her was a bad idea as soon as I put her back on her feet in the snow. I should have gone home or stayed where I was.

  But I’m a foolish girl.

  “It was stupid.
” I mutter as he opens his door, slamming it shut behind him as he rushes around to my side. I can see his mouth moving as he says something, but I haven’t a clue what.

  The squeak of his truck door has the puppy barking and jumping in my lap as he steps forward. “Enough.” Colter barks and she calms down and whines at him. “Grab snowball.” He instructs and before I can say or do anything, I’m in his arms, puppy, blanket and all, and he’s rushing up the steps to his door as icy snow pelts us, soaking my skin and clothes through the blanket.

  The cold penetrates my bones and I begin to shiver as I try to cuddle closer into Colter’s chest. The door slams shut behind us but he doesn’t stop moving until he’s seated me on the couch and places another blanket across my lap.

  “Thank you.” My teeth chatter so hard my jaw hurts.

  I watch, fascinated as Colter sheds his layers by the door quickly before coming over to the hearth, near wear I sit and begins to ignite a blazing fire. Filling the room with warmth.

  “So what are you going to call it?” He says as I stare into the flickering flames, entranced by their beauty, while he sets about making a pot of coffee.

  “Her.” I correct him again. “And I’m not sure.” I stare down at her dark eyes as she looks up at me, her soft tongue poking out to lick my chin. “But she’s not a snowball.”

  His laugh warms me up quicker than the fire does. “Fair enough, she’s too dark to be one anyway. Where’d you find her?”

  “Under a stoop as I was leaving Ms. Sawyers house. There were no others and I didn’t see any tracks that her momma was coming or going, so I took her.”

  “Drink this,” he hands me a steaming cup of coffee before sitting on the table in front of us.

  “No need to defend why you grabbed her Oaklynn, you did the right thing. She likely would have died otherwise.” Just as the words pass his lips, the wind howls and the sound of a branch breaking off a tree can be heard, as if to prove his point.

  “Now, little ball of fluff,” taking her from my arms, Colter holds her up to examine her. “She looks like a Shepard.” She begins to wiggle in his hold, trying to lick his face. “A vet exam will confirm that. How about Marble?”

  My nose scrunches and when his gaze wanders to me, he raises a brow in question. “Marble? Like the toy?”

  “Marble like the design. Because she’s so many shades of brown, she looks like a marble.” His grin and wink are adorable.

  “I like it. She almost looks like marble cake.” Her head tilts to the side and it’s almost as if she understood the reference. “Marble,” I whisper and run my hand through her soft fir. “Could I get her a bowl of water?” I almost forgot where we were for a moment and my shyness begins to return.

  Putting Marble on the floor, he stands and grabs my hand, pulling me to my feet. We’re so close I can feel the heat emanating from his body as he stares down at me. “Anything you want, Oaklynn,” his hand brushes the damp hair back from my face, “and it’s yours.”

  I get the feeling he means more than the bowl of water. Nodding my head, I feel uncertain about the look in his eyes and rush to the kitchen for the water. His footsteps can be heard retreating down the hallway and Marble padding along behind him.

  Taking a deep breath, I’m reminded of my wet clothes as I open cupboard after cupboard before finding a large enough bowl for the dog. After filling it, I place the bowl on the ground in the kitchen for her to find when she comes back in.

  “Here,” startled by the close proximity of Colter’s voice, I jump, and he grabs my hips from behind, pulling me back into his chest. I can feel his strong heart beating against my shoulder. Every puff of air as he exhales. And when he gently slides a hand down my arm, across my quivering belly and whispers in my ear, “you need to change into this,” before placing a long shirt in my hand and backing away, I can’t help but feeling disappointed that he doesn’t try for more.

  Chapter Three


  Her breath hitched and for a moment, I felt her holding her breath. She would have accepted an advance and fuck did I want to take it. But I don’t want her feeling like she’s obligated to give me something she may not be ready for.

  I know Oaklynn is a virgin. She’s never dated. Hasn’t been kissed. And I’m willing to bet she hasn’t even held hands with a boy.

  How I think she’ll be ready for a full-grown man like me, is delusional, but I just don’t fucking care. I want her and there isn’t much besides her outright refusal that will stop me from keeping her. Oaklynn is such a contradiction to everything I know about women and I think that’s why I’m so attracted to her.

  Yes, she’s gorgeous with her long dark hair, wide bright blue eyes, thick and plump pink lips with the constant blush when I stare at her a little too long. But she’s also intelligent, compassionate, and kind to everyone she meets. Even when they don’t deserve it.

  Oaklynn is the exact kind of woman I’ve been searching my entire adult life for and now that I’ve finally got her all to myself, I intend on showing her just what a life with me will be like.

  “Do you need help?” She’s still staring down at the shirt I handed her as I lean back against the table, crossing one leg over the other and placing my hands on the heavy wood.

  Rotating her body leisurely, I don’t expect her answer. “Yes.” Swallowing the shocked lump in my throat, I don’t hesitate to move forward.

  Taking the material from her hands, I place it on the counter, trapping her between me and the surface as I reach for the hem of her top. Damp from the snow still, I draw it up her body, exposing her soft flesh as I go.

  “You’re going to have to lift up.” I tell her when I’ve reached just below her breasts, not yet showing more than her flat stomach, quivering from nerves.

  Gradually her arms rise, and I follow with the shirt, stopping to stare when it’s revealed she’s not wearing a bra.

  “Son of a bitch.” I hiss. Mouth watering for a taste of her perky nipples. I need to feel her on my tongue.

  “What’s wrong?” She whispers. Her voice shaking with each breath.

  Darting a look up to her, I see her eyes are hooded and that blush I witnessed begin on her chest has already moved up to her cheeks. “Not a fucking thing.” I mutter as I lean forward and wrap my lips around one turgid peak.

  The cold from which I rescued her still holds her body hostage and it cools my mouth down as I suckle on her breast.

  All the blood in my body rushes to my dick and it throbs painfully against my thigh as I step closer to her frozen frame.

  “Sheriff?” She half moans, half questions my title and I growl.

  Pulling back from her is painful but I need her to understand something, “Colter. I’ve had you in my mouth, and soon you’ll have me in your body, so you fucking call me Colter. Got it, Oaklynn?”

  I’ve seen Oaklynn a lot of ways in the time I’ve known her. Happy, sad, mad, annoyed, shy. But never have I seen her more beautiful than right now.

  A soft smile on her face, lust filling her eyes and her heart on her sleeve, she murmurs, “Colter,” and my name has never sound better. The erotic whisper shoots electricity to my dick and I feel ready to pound nails. Her fingers scrape through my thick hair, holding me closer as my lips lower to capture hers.

  With one hand holding her waist, pulling her flush to me, my other hand slides along the back of her neck to keep her from leaving my grasp. Leaning over her shorter body, I know I need Oaklynn like air.

  Her plump lips are soft as silk as she opens for me. Biting down gently on her bottom lip, she gasps and gives me better access to the cavern of her mouth to explore. She lets out a light moan and I devour it, allowing her pleasure to feed mine.

  Needing to taste more of her, I allow my lips to trail along her jaw and down her neck. Sucking the flesh in my mouth as she rubs against me. Showing me without words that she’s just as into this as I am.

  Lights flickering finally draw us apart and when darkness
surrounds us except for the dancing flames of the fire, I know we’ve lost power. “So much I want to do to you Oaklynn. So fucking many ways I want to fuck you until all you know is my name.” I pull back to gauge her reaction. Her eyes are hooded, making her appear dazed but her gaze is fixated on me.

  Cupping her breasts, I flick my thumbs across the tight peaks of her nipples, enjoying her shiver. “As soon as I’ve got the house locked up and the fire roaring, my mouth is between those pretty thighs of yours until neither of us can breathe.” Dropping a kiss on her forehead, I pull the t-shirt over her head and direct her towards the fire where Marble is currently splayed out in front of and instruct, “Don’t move,” before heading to close the back rooms.

  Chapter Four


  I think I forgot how to breathe.

  Colter’s mouth on mine was more than I ever dreamed of. He’s soft and demanding at once. He pulls at all of my desires and then pushes for more. For all the nights I dreamed of Colter finally kissing me, I was so wrong about how it would feel. How I would feel.

  It was like I was floating and he was there to guide the way.

  It was wonderful.


  And I can’t wait to do it again.

  But my nerves are fried and now that I’m alone thinking about what he said, I worry I’m not woman enough for him. I’ve never been with a man, never even kissed one. How am I going to be able to give him anything when I know nothing?

  “Stop fidgeting.” His commanding voice surprises me, and I yelp as Marble’s head pops up.

  “I wasn’t fidgeting.” I counter as I look down at my hands to see they’ve tied the blanket across my lap in knots.

  Dropping an arm load of blankets on the floor, he walks back down the hallway and comes back a second later with pillows. I can already feel a chill penetrating the room and know we’re in for a cold few days.


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