The Andreasson Affair

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The Andreasson Affair Page 10

by Raymond E. Fowler

  Betty: And, ah, I’m just sitting there. And there’s warmness there. I feel nice and warm. There’s air coming in it, but this time I feel warm, not cold. It is very warm and [Sigh] I’m just sitting there and relaxing in the warmth of it. And there’s air coming in it. I can hear the air this time, and, it’s warm, very warm. I feel very comfortable—very comfortable there. I can feel the warm air blowing against me.

  “On the way back,” Jules Vaillancourt later reminded her, “you sat in a different seat. Can you describe getting in the seat and the fact that the temperature change was different?”

  Betty: That was on the other side of that round cylinder thing.… I thought they started floating me toward the very same place… where I was frozen—but I went over to the first seat and—

  Jules: Why do you say frozen?

  Betty: Because I think that is what happened.

  Jules: You said it felt good.

  Betty: No, that’s the first time. The second time, coming back, it was the warm air coming in that made me feel good. Maybe they were drying me off. I don’t know—I was wet from that gray liquid.

  The enclosure opened automatically, and Betty felt the chair swinging upward. A fixture swiveled over her.

  Betty: It’s stopping now and the chair is swinging up automatically. And whatever that thing is up there, it’s swiveled over, and is over me. And it’s a bright purplish-color pink light shining down on me. Oh [Sigh], just a light. And out of that light is little tiny streaks again, like I saw when I was in that other place [the cleansing device]. It’s a purple light, purple-pink, with streaks in that purple-pink light, and it’s shining down on me. [See Figure 35.]

  Betty’s conscious recall was slightly more precise.

  Betty: After the seat went up, the swivel thing came over, and it changed form. It came down like this, and it had a gray, dark gray—almost a sort of black—glass on it, on the edges.… Then this purple light was coming down. Just like that bug catcher for insects, that purple light that comes down. As it came down further, it became pink and there were streaks, just light streaks, that just kept darting out of it—you know, from the whole thing. Just like the cleansing light, it had the same light streaks as that.

  Betty watched as the other entity seemed to be reaching for something.

  Betty: He’s finishing up something. Oh, and he’s grabbing a ball of—a white ball. There are two white balls there. I didn’t see them before, but he’s grabbing them. He’s got two balls in his hand, one bigger than the other.

  Figure 35: The swivel light in the cylindrical room. June 26.

  The other entity had taken the white glowing spheres from two cylindrical pedestals. He carried one in each hand as he took up the familiar position directly behind Betty.

  Betty: And he’s in back of us now, ‘cause we’re moving on. That door goes whooshing up. We’re just moving on—I just keep on moving, through that same place, I guess, where we were before ‘cause I think I see like that elevator we were on before—that tube, whatever it was.

  Betty recognized the elevator tube through which she had floated down from the upper room shortly after she had been taken aboard the UFO. (See Figure 36 on page 126.)

  Betty: And then we’re up to that door, and we’re—it’s whooshing open!… And we’re back in that room. I see the hatch there.

  And on the floor—on the floor it’s up, and it’s got a huge spring underneath it. A huge spring with four other springs.

  Figure 36: Betty’s conjectural layout of the craft. June 19.

  This hatch, or rectangular enclosure, had previously protruded downward out of the wall into the floor. Now it had been telescoped into the wall, revealing what appeared to be an opening in the floor.

  Figure 37: Betty’s second view of the hatch. June 26.

  “These huge springs you mentioned,” Jules Vaillancourt later said during debriefing, “do you think you could get that on paper?”

  Betty: Yeah, I’ll try and get those. They were a silver-white.

  Jules: Like a coil type of spring?

  Betty: A coil-type of spring, silver-white—like aluminum. [See Figure 37 on page 126.]

  The trio had glided to a halt. Betty glanced around her. Nothing seemed to be happening.

  Betty: We’re just standing there. I don’t know why. “What are we waiting for!” They said Quazgaa would like to speak to me.…


  Quazgaa’s Farewell

  Betty and her two alien companions stood silently waiting. Thoughts of home and family briefly surfaced, then slipped away. The aura of friendliness emanating from her captors caused Betty to remain relatively calm. Only the most trying circumstances had caused her emotions to override their strange, hypnotic-like influence over her. At such times, a waving or laying on of hands by the aliens restored her calmness and eased discomfort. Now a door flashed open, and Quazgaa entered the room.

  Betty: We’re just standing and waiting and that door opens! And Quazgaa’s in that silver suit. He comes over to me.

  The little man looked up at Betty, reached upward, and placed his gloved hands on Betty’s shoulders. His large mongoloid-like eyes gazed deeply into her own.

  Betty: He’s putting both hands on my shoulders and is looking at me. And he says, “Child, you must forget for a while.” He’s telling me things.

  As Quazgaa gazed at Betty, his head seemed to become fuzzy. It seemed as if she were looking at him but also by him. One of his eyes glowed white, but the other eye had a black eyeball. Two deep dark furrows above his eyes became very pronounced.

  Betty: Quazgaa is looking at me with one white eye and one black eye. And this time, he looks just like a bee, with—somehow he’s got two things, that come out like a bee on their head. Two, uh—not antlers; what are they, feelers or something? It’s like I’m seeing past his head and I’m seeing him and he’s like a bee, like a giant bee head with big eyes [Sigh].

  Betty elaborated on this later, during debriefing.

  Betty: He looked like a bee’s face to me because his eyes got—you know, how a bee’s eyes get the whole of the face almost? And it comes down very narrow.…

  Jules: Can you get that on paper?

  Betty: I’m going to try—looked like feelers, you know, in the front.

  Jules: Under the pear shape or on the outer surface?

  Betty: Well, the eyes got huge like a bee’s eye, like, you know, they were huge. Maybe it was because the skin might have been crinkled up and there was a crease that looked like feelers, like a bee. [See Figure 38.]

  Ray: Did you feel dizzy or strange when he was looking at you in the eyes? He had his hands on your shoulders and was looking at you like this. As you were looking at him, did this sort of just change, like this?

  Betty: Yeah, it changed, right. It seemed as if he were going deeper inside of me—my mind.

  Then Quazgaa began to speak telepathically. It would be his farewell message to Betty. He would not be leaving the ship with her.

  Betty: He says he’s going to give me formulas. And he says until man finds those and understands those, he will not give any others.

  Betty repeated Quazgaa’s message to her.

  Betty: He says my race won’t believe me until much time has passed—our time.… They love the human race. They have come to help the human race. And, unless man will accept, he will not be saved, he will not live.… All things have been planned. Love is the greatest of all. They do not want to hurt anybody—but because of great love, they said: because of great love, they cannot let man continue in the footsteps that he is going.… It is better to lose some than to lose all.… They have technology that man could use.… It is through the spirit, but man will not search out that portion.

  Figure 38: "Quazgaa appeared like a bee.’ June 26.

  Betty began alternately pausing and then repeating Quazgaa’s words. It was as if she had somehow been transferred back in time and was listening again to his enigmatical discourse.

/>   Betty: Man must understand many of the natural things on earth.… If man will just study nature itself, he will find many of the answers that he seeks.… Within fire are many answers, within ashes—within the highest of the high and the lowest of the low are many answers.… Man will find them through the spirit. Man is not made of just flesh and blood.… It would be easy to hand them to us, but that would show that we are not worthy to receive those.… The knowledge is sought out through the spirit, and those that are worthy are given.… Those that are pure of heart, that seek with earnestness will be given.… Energy is ’round about man that he does not know of. It is the simplest form of energy. It is within the atmosphere—this atmosphere.… It has all been provided for him.… Many riddles will be given.… Those that are wise will understand.… Those that seek will find.… They must remain hidden in this way because of the corruption—the corruption that is upon the earth.… If they are revealed outright, man would use it. [Sigh] He keeps telling me of different things, of what is going to take place, what is going to happen—they are going to come to the earth.… Man is going to fear because of it.… Many are going to be astonished.… Yet many are not going to be afraid because they have overcome fear.

  Betty continued to interpret and repeat the mental impressions that the staring entity was transmitting to her mind. (We wondered about its literal accuracy in light of the earlier misinterpreted “burned meat” incident.) Then Quazgaa closed his dissertation with a startling statement.

  Betty: He says that he has had others here.… Many others have locked within their minds, secrets.… He is locking within my mind certain secrets [Sigh].… They will be revealed when the time is right.… Again, he’s putting both hands up on my shoulders. And he’s saying, “Go, child, now, and rest.”

  Quazgaa then took Betty into the small anteroom that she had entered originally from outside the ship.

  Betty: And he’s—going through another room. It’s raised up, and it’s going over to where I was to begin with. Some kind of an up-thing. It is an opening.… And that’s—we’re up at that place where I first came in. And the door is opening.…

  During debriefing, Jules asked her to go into detail about leaving the craft.

  Betty: Okay, after that cylinder (the half-cylinder room)—after that purple pink light, we went through the door again and into that same area where there’s that big round elevator.… We went past that again into that room where the dressing room was, over to the side, where that hatch was. And the hatch—this time—was sprung up and there was a huge, huge spring in the center—a real huge spring. And there were four springs on the sides of it.

  Figure 39: June 26.

  Fred: You couldn’t see where a door was until it opened?

  Betty: Yeah, and over to the side was that other place where the bubble was, but we walked over to this side. We went through and it was a thing that swerved up and over, and then went in like that. [See Figure 39.] It was dark down in there.… And then, ah, we went over that somehow. I don’t know how we got over that, but we got over that somehow and we went into the room where we had entered before. That room where there’s a gully.

  Ray: Now afterward—when you last saw Quazgaa, did his face change back to what he was before?

  Betty: Uh-huh. He changed back. And then the door opened.…

  The door to the outside flashed open. Betty peered out into a mist-enshrouded night. The edge of her house protruded from a bank of round fog. She was going home! Betty, as usual, took up a middle position between two of her captors. The three of them floated down to the ground, one at a time, and proceeded toward the house in single file. As she later explained it:

  Betty: And, ah, the two beings, rather than Quazgaa, went with me.… We jumped down and then—I saw the opposite side of the house, the flat wall of the house.

  Jules: The left corner? The left rear corner?

  Betty: No, the corner. Here is the corner of the house, right? I mean, here is the porch, and then a wall jutted out. A wall without windows jutted out. When we jumped out, I was facing that wall without windows, and we just jumped out and went around and just as if we really hadn’t even moved!

  Jules: What about the uniforms? Was there any change?

  Betty: No, just the silver uniforms down into the boots.

  Her alien companions carried the glowing white spheres.

  Betty: There are only two with me now, and the one in front of me is carrying a round white globe.… And we’re going now into the porch. I can see the old porch door. And we’re going through it! And I’m following.… And we’re going in—we are back in the kitchen.

  A later debriefing would add important elements to this account.

  Jules: When you got out of the craft and back on the ground, do you remember the conditions? Clear, bright night?

  Betty: It was still misty. There was fog. You couldn’t see off to the side. It was misty all around—you know, fog rising from the ground. But I could see the side of the house.

  Jules: Did it feel cool, cold, or—?

  Betty: A damp feeling.

  Ray: Could you see the stars?

  Betty: No.

  Ray: You ought to check the weather report.

  Jules: I should have gotten that report by now. I’ll have to call and find out why.

  Ray: I’m wondering if the mist had something to do with the object, or did the mist have something to do with the weather?

  Fred: You told us about these white balls. Could you show us about how large those balls were?

  Betty: There were two of them, and the one in back was holding it just like this.… He was just holding the small one.

  Fred: The little one, maybe 4 or 5 inches in diameter?

  Betty: About that size.

  Fred: Did it glow?

  Betty: It was light, but it stayed within itself.

  Ray: Did it look like metal or glass?

  Betty: Glass—it looked like glass. And he just held it in back of me like this. And the other one, he had the bigger one in his hand, and he rolled it. It rolled right over his hand and sat on the top of his hand. [See Figure 40.]

  Fred: So he could, you say, roll his hand under it?

  Betty: Yeah, it still stayed there, and he held it.

  Fred: How large was that bigger one?

  Betty: Maybe 8 or 10 inches in diameter.

  Jules: Was this the same type of material?

  Betty: Exactly the same as the other.

  Fred: Okay, let’s see now. The first ball, the smaller one—when did you first see that?

  Betty: That was in that cylinder place, ah, when we were coming out. The other one went back over—uh, by that chair—that’s where they were. They weren’t with those balls when they first came into the house.

  Figure 40: June 26.

  Fred: So they took both of these balls when they went with you back into your kitchen?

  Betty: The one in front of me had the larger one. The one in back of me had the small one.

  When Betty reached this point in her original session, the hour was late, and she had a two-hour drive ahead of her. This seemed an appropriate place to end the session, so Harold awakened Betty from hypnosis. He gave her explicit instructions to remember where she had left off in the reliving of her unearthly experience, and we made hasty preparations to meet again in a few days.

  “Today is the 26th of June 1977, at the New England Institute of Hypnosis. Session 11.” Harold’s voice seemed far away to me. June 25 was my wedding anniversary, and I was anxious to return home to be with my wife. Later on, we were going out to supper together to celebrate. This was just one of many occasions where the elusive UFO had interfered with family affairs. As each session got under way, it seemed as if my normal, everyday life was at complete odds with the paranormal world encountered within those four walls each week.

  Abruptly, my daydreaming dissipated as Betty was given instructions to continue her account from where she had left off two days ago.r />
  Harold: I want you now to take yourself back to the point that we left off this past Thursday where you were returned to the kitchen. Do you see yourself there?

  Betty: Yes.

  Harold: Please take over.

  Betty: I’m standing in the kitchen and the—ah, two beings are there, and they’re in silver suits. And we stopped. We’re inside. And the being is turning and I can sort of…[Pause] I think he was on the inside as he turned. He has that ball, white ball in his hand. He’s turning toward the right, and he’s going over toward the pantry part there.

  The alien being glided into the pantry area and stopped near the sink, where a partition divided the pantry from the kitchen. Betty watched him raise the larger white glowing ball before him. She gasped as her father shuffled out of the shadows. The entity had partially awakened him from a state of suspended animation.

  Fred: Was your father in the kitchen?

  Betty: He was in the kitchen, and I didn’t see him because there—uh, where the kitchen sink is, there’s a partition with an archway. He was over in the corner there, and I did not see him. But the being went over by the sink and raised his hand like this.

  Fred: Is it your impression that your father was there all the time that you were in the ship?

  Betty: Yes, that is my impression.

  Evidently the ball the entity carried had some effect on Waino Aho’s mental state:

  Betty: He’s raising the ball. And he’s putting it on the outer part of his hand somehow…made it like, roll, over onto the outer part of his hand—top surface, not on the palm. And he’s holding it up and pointing toward the window there. That’s my father there! And he’s just walking like in a daze—coming out and coming over. “What’s the matter with him?” I asked him. He said, “He will be fine.” And he lowered his hand and my father stopped there now. He doesn’t look like he’s aware of what’s happening. He just sort of trudged out of there. And the being still has that round light on the top of his hand. He’s like, gliding over and—he’s got his hand down, like a—balance or something. He’s balancing somehow, I guess, and he’s lowering his hands again—lower.… And he’s, uh, raising it and going into the other room, and my father is following him.


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