The Andreasson Affair

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The Andreasson Affair Page 11

by Raymond E. Fowler

  Betty shouted to her father, but received no response as he followed the little man into the living room.

  Betty: “Are you all right, Daddy? Daddy!” He’s not answering me. They’re going into the other room, into the other room there. I’m just standing there. I don’t hear any noise at all. Just standing in the kitchen. I turned and asked the other one, “What are they doing in there?” He won’t answer me. He has that other smaller ball in his hand. He’s just holding it out in the palm of his hand. Just standing there, still.

  Then the first entity returned from the living room. He was not walking; he glided like a skater.

  Betty: Here comes the other one back in now—gliding, seems like he’s gliding. And he says, “Betty, now will you follow us?” And he got in front of me and turned. And he, too, has both hands holding on to it, both palms of his hands have that large ball. And they’re walking into the other room.

  Betty glided with them into the living room. Startled, she first saw Becky sitting mutely with a smile frozen on her face. All of her family looked like statues. They were completely unaware of her.

  Betty: And they’re still all sitting there motionless. Becky’s sitting there, and she’s smiling and grinning. She seems to be awake! She seems as if she’s up, standing up, just smiling at me. Oh-h-h. [Softly] Just standing there.… Her expression isn’t changing now. She seems to be frozen in that smile. Just standing up there, in the living room.

  Betty’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a voice in her mind.

  Betty: And that one is saying, “Betty, you will have to forget this—you and your family—for the time being.” I just keep on seeing Becky standing there smiling. “There are many other things that we have told you. They will come out at the appointed time. The book is over there,” he says. And the book is over there—it’s on the stand.

  The entity was referring to the blue book that Quazgaa had given Betty earlier in exchange for her Bible.

  The entity said, “We are now going to put you to rest.”

  “What about all of my children?” Betty asked.

  “They have not been harmed,” he answered. “We are just going to put them to rest, and they will be relaxed, and asleep.”

  One of the entities then proceeded to take the children to bed. The white glowing spheres seemed to have been employed as control devices.

  Betty: And I see that one taking…[Pause] The little ones are standing up. They’re standing up! And they’re moving, but their faces seem as if they just don’t know what’s happening. They’re just all getting in line. And they’re.… [Pause] The being stopped and said he would be back shortly. The kids are just playing follow-the-leader there! They are just marching off, through the hall. And I can hear them on the steps, ’cause our stairs are squeaky. They’re all going upstairs, except for me and my mother and father. And my mother and father are sitting on two sides here, and just waiting there.

  Betty’s eyes lighted on the small blue book lying on the stand.

  Betty: And I turned to the other one and I asked him, “May I see that book while I’m waiting?” He still wouldn’t answer. He just held that little ball in his hand. “May I see the book while I’m waiting?” He just won’t answer. I don’t even know their names. I don’t know why Quazgaa didn’t come back.

  Suddenly the other entity somehow just appeared in front of Betty.

  Betty: Oh! That other one is suddenly in front of me. I didn’t even see him come in. He’s just there.… He’s holding that ball closer to my face.… [Sigh] He’s taking my mother and father with him. And he’s going…into the hall…into my bedroom [softly]. He’s moving over now and wants to get after me now. And suddenly that one is in front of me again. Oop! Appeared, just appeared! He’s raising up his hands.

  One of the entity’s hands held what looked like a glowing green candle. The other held the white glowing ball. Betty demanded to know who he was: “What is your name? What is your name?”

  The entity said his name was Joohop.

  “What is this all about, Joohop?”

  “You will see as time goes by.”

  “And what about that blue book there,” Betty repeated. “Is that for me?”

  “For a time,” Joohop answered.

  “What is this all about?”

  “Because of love. It’s all about love. Man seeks to find out about our place…our ships…our knowledge.”

  “What about that book over there?”

  “It is given to you for a while to grasp as much as you might grasp from it. There is writing there that will be discerned only through the spirit. And it’s the writing of light. It can be understood only through the spirit. The other writing that is upon that is for man to seek and find out. There are formulas, and riddles, and poems, and writings—for man to understand nature, for he, too, is nature. He is formed from love, and love is the answer for man.”

  “Why is it man does not seek love all the time, Joohop?” Betty wondered. “Why is it?”

  “Because man has separated himself. He has become dual—separation, duality. He has formed that other side. He has made it to happen. It was all good at one time. Even his choice was good at one time. He has separated it. Even in love there is some separation. Betty, follow me.”

  Betty: And he’s taking me up into the hall and up the stairs. And I can hear the stairs creaking.…

  This detail puzzled me, and I mentioned it during a later debriefing:

  Ray: What confused me is, if you were floating, how would you explain the stairs creaking?

  Betty: I was floating.

  Ray: Were you in control of your movements?

  Betty: Until—until we started up the stairs into my room, I didn’t seem under my own power. My mind was not under my own power, I don’t believe, because I was following. Whatever he was saying, I was doing. When we got to the stairs, I was under my own power.

  The entity did not return Betty to her own bedroom.

  Betty: We are going around and around, and he’s taking me into the white and purple room. He’s telling me now that I will rest and I will forget all that has happened until the time is ready.

  “Why must I forget?” she protested. “Why must I forget?”

  “You must forget until the time appointed.”

  Betty: And he’s raising that ball, and he’s turning it over on the back of his hand again. And—I’m getting undressed and pulling the covers down and I’m crawling in bed just like I was a little child. I’m jumping in and crawling in, just like I remember seeing the little ones do. And I’m covering up and looking up at him, and he still has that big ball of light. And he’s bending over me and he’s waving his hand over my face. [Softly] I’m in bed and I hear whirring and whirring and—um, starting up something like a big motor or roaring. Like a whirring, roaring noise. I don’t know. And it’s coming over from the right-hand side, by Becky’s little bedroom.… And it’s not roaring anymore, just the—like a “dink-dink-dink”.… I don’t know. There’s just a—and I feel very relaxed and rested and, uh, I’m asleep.

  Betty fell into a deep sleep. The next thing she knew was that it was the next morning. Familiar voices echoed up the stairs.

  Betty: It’s the next morning. And, uh, I jump out of the bed, and I feel very happy. I can hear the kids up already. They’re downstairs. And I can hear my father talking with a couple of the boys. And he’s talking in sort of a baby talk to Cindy. He always does that to her. And it’s morning.

  Betty awoke suddenly from hypnosis without aid from the hypnotist. Harold, in turn, put her back under hypnosis and then brought her out again without any stress.

  The reader will recall that 11-year-old Becky had been briefly “awake” when the entities had first entered the living room. Almost immediately, though, Quazgaa had glanced at her, and again Becky lapsed into sleep. As she explained during hypnosis, the next thing she remembered was waking up in bed the next morning. At first, she thought that she had experienced
a very frightening dream.

  Becky: I’m waking up in the morning.

  Joseph: You didn’t see your mother and the beings leave the living room?

  Becky: No, I didn’t see her going anywhere.

  Fred: When you woke up in the morning, were you still in the living room?

  Becky: No. I was in bed.

  Fred: Can you remember leaving the living room?

  Becky: No. I woke up in the morning and came downstairs, and the kids were all fooling around.

  Fred: How about the other kids?

  Becky: And there’s Cindy lying on the couch—no, Bonnie; it’s Bonnie lying down on the couch.

  Joseph: Did you fix breakfast? Or did Mom have breakfast for you? What happened?

  Becky: No. Mom must have had it ready for us, ’cause we had pancakes.

  Debbie: (sitting in on session) Was your mother up?

  Becky: Yes, Mom was up. She was in the bathroom—’cause Scotty wanted to get into the bathroom. He was down in front of the door.

  Fred: Did you talk about what had happened the night before?

  Becky: No. I didn’t tell my mom that until about three days later.

  We wondered if Betty had noticed any physical marks on her body after her UFO experience.

  Ray: There were no marks on your body, your navel, your nose? You never felt any pain there—anything like that?

  Betty: I never checked. I couldn’t. With seven kids, I had to keep well.

  Some of our questions assumed she had total recall of the experience on the following day. We tended to forget that prior to her recall via hypnotic regression, Betty had remembered little about the UFO incident. Other than vague memories of the creatures entering the house, the rest of the experience had somehow been blocked out of her conscious mind.

  Ray: How much did you remember of what happened when you got up in the morning?

  Betty: I don’t know. It’s too long ago.

  Fred: I’m interested in whether you went out the next morning to look in the backyard to see if there were any signs or impressions on the ground.

  Betty: No, but I just thought recently about that back hill. We were trying to grow grass there, and grass would not grow on that hill. We thought it was because of the children always passing through from school. And we would stop the kids and ask, “Would you please use the sidewalks?” You know, Becky? Do you remember that?

  Becky: Yeah, because they walked through on a path.

  Fred: The grass grows there now, doesn’t it?

  Betty: It’s all dug out. The whole hill was dug out. But we even were going to call the principal because the kids just—you know, they had one line. We didn’t want to be mad about it or anything, but we were going to call the principal to see if they could somehow speak to the kids to please use the sidewalks. You know, I was making the garden and we were trying to grow grass.

  Jules: How much of an area was it? Just a path width?

  Betty: No, that whole hill would not keep grass.

  Ray: Had it before?

  Betty: Yes. There was just the path coming down, and then the whole thing started to get all bare, like patches. That’s why we were throwing grass seed on there.

  Ray: So, when you wrote to Dr. Hynek in 1975, how much did you remember about the incident?

  Betty: The pulsating light was the first strong thing. That was the strongest thing I remember—the pulsating light. For a long time, that’s what I remembered. And then I started to remember the part about them coming in—you know, the beings coming in.

  Ray: And so, that was about when—1967, 1968, 1969?

  Betty: I think it was about 1969.

  Ray: How about your father? Did your father ever mention these strange creatures he saw out the window and ask you where they came from, what they were doing, and so forth?

  Betty: No.

  Ray: So, the first time you really got any confirmation that he saw anything at all was just recently?

  Betty: When I called up and asked him if he remembered anything about the UFOs and about the experience that I had, he said no to begin with. And then afterward, he told me yes, but he did not want to get involved in it. I told him, “Daddy, then why did you tell me no, you didn’t see it? Why didn’t you tell me at the beginning of it?” And he said, “I don’t want to get involved in that stuff!” And my mother is scared stiff of it. When we were down my sister’s house and she learned Jules had come up, she was thinking that an actual UFO man was coming up, you know. She said no. She said, “Don’t send him up to my place at all!”

  Ray: As far as you know, she doesn’t remember anything at all?

  Betty: No.

  Ray: What are you going to do now that all of this has been brought to your conscious mind?

  Betty: I really don’t know what to do about it, Ray, I…I’ll tell you how I really feel. I feel a little threatened—because of my faith. I don’t want it to fall upon my head if it is [Pause].… I don’t know. I feel a great responsibility and, uh, I shouldn’t feel a responsibility because my faith is that Jesus takes the burden from me. And yet, there is.

  Ray: If you accept at face value the messages they gave you, why do you feel threatened? They seemed to reassure you that they are part of what you believe.

  Betty: Maybe because of—it’s just that so many people…telling me about coming down to be hypnotized, “Oh, Betty, don’t do that. That’s against God. It’s in the occult realm.” It’s even stronger in the churches.

  Ray: They told you that you were going to forget about this incident for a while—or for a time, your time. Do you feel that we are doing the right thing in trying to bring this out? Do you think that this is the right time?

  Betty: Well, I feel that when I sent that letter to Dr. Hynek, a whole weight went off my back. I felt that I searched as much as I could search, and it had me in a state of anxiety. I couldn’t find out any more—I figured, here’s somebody that really is interested in finding out about it. They have the knowledge. They’re educated. They are really going to spend time searching out the thing. I felt relieved, I figured, this was it—I just figured at least, the burden was off me and I really felt better before God. I felt as if, “Lord, I’ve done all that I’m able to do in searching out the thing.” Exactly when was the date that I sent that letter to Dr. Allen Hynek?

  Jules: Here’s the letter—August 20, 1975.

  Fred: Do you think that we as investigators should be working with you to try to help bring out this knowledge? Is that a desirable thing to do?

  Betty: If this is what you would like.

  Ray: You don’t feel any inclination to do a book?

  Betty: Well, you know, as I said, a book if it can help people. But also I’m worried about the effect on my faith and what people are going to say, and what they’re going to think. And religions are going to get uptight about it.

  Ray: Do you think that this is the end of the affair, now that it’s all out?

  Betty: No, I don’t think it’s the end of the affair. I know there’s so much locked up inside of my mind. I don’t know what it is. I know it’s not the end. I know that there are many things in there, and they probably will just start coming out. I know they are going to be easier to come out now than they ever were before. I don’t know what they are, but I know that it’s going to come out when I least expect it. I don’t think I’ll be afraid this time.

  I have added the emphasis to portions of Betty’s last statement—which, as the reader will soon see, was only too accurate!

  Betty: If suddenly something comes to me, I’ll write it down and get in contact with you. I think that I would rather stay in contact with you than get involved with any new investigators, because I feel as if you are my friends.

  Betty was preparing to move to Florida at that time.

  Jules: Well, even when you’re in Florida, I’d like to call you once in a while and see if you’ve got anything new.

  Betty: Fine, that’s fine. Well, I’ll
tell you if I get new things. I will automatically send them to wherever you want me to send them. As things come out, I’m going to write them down.

  Ray: Should we consider this the last session for our report? If something else comes along, fine, but let’s get this whole thing documented.

  Fred: I think we want to get it down, read it all through, and then ask more questions.

  Jules: One thing that we should do, if possible, is have her put back under hypnosis and see if she could look at the blue book and come up with some kind of formulas, proof, or.…

  Fred: Yeah, I was hoping you had kept the book for a number of days and had a chance to look at it.

  Our debriefing session ended. Betty was exhausted from the ordeal we were putting her through but agreed to attend two more hypnotic/debriefing sessions. We wanted to find out just how long she had kept the cryptic blue book and how much she had learned from it. But we were to find out that the aliens had other plans for us. They would intervene directly!


  Messages for Humankind?

  It would be a full three weeks before we again submitted Betty to hypnosis. On the following week, tragedy struck when Peter Neurath, one of our investigators, was stricken with a heart attack and died. Needless to say, no session was held that week. Arrangements were made to conduct further lie detector tests with Betty and Becky on July 9, the following Saturday, and the next two hypnosis/debriefing sessions (sessions 12 and 13) were scheduled for July 16 and 23.

  Of particular interest to us were the little blue book and the messages given Betty by the aliens. On July 16 the 12th session began with what had now become a rather routine matter. Betty was soon under hypnosis and was regressed to the time when she and the entities were in the living room after her return to the house. We attempted to probe her mind for the messages given her by the aliens. One of the investigators had asked a question:


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