The Andreasson Affair

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The Andreasson Affair Page 12

by Raymond E. Fowler

  David: (investigator) At any time, Betty, did either Joohop or Quazgaa give you any predictions for the future? Things that would happen on earth?

  Betty: Yes.

  David: Can you reveal these now?

  Betty paused. Her face became contorted. It looked as if she were struggling against someone or something that was taking control of her speech facilities!

  Betty: They—have things—in control.—They—are—in—the heavens. They—have—powers.—[Sigh]—They—can make—you—think one thing—and yet—mean—another.—I don’t like them controlling my words!

  Joseph: You are still in the living room talking to them.

  Betty: I know I’m there, but I’m here also.

  Somehow Betty had been whisked from a past event that she had been reliving to the present time. No one in the room had suggested that she do this. Stunned, we could not understand why or how she had abruptly moved into the present time.

  David: Do you feel they are controlling your words now?

  Betty: They were, and I don’t like it. I don’t like them controlling my hands either. [Sigh] Oh, my arms and hands!

  Joseph: Are they doing something to your arms and your hands?

  Betty: Yes, they are, and I don’t like it!

  Joseph: What are they doing to your arms and hands?

  Betty: I don’t know. They’re doing it just like they had me before.

  Joseph: They are restraining them?

  Betty: Yes.

  Her hands and her feet felt restrained, as they had before on the examination table in the UFO.

  Joseph: What does it feel like, Betty?

  Betty: Feels like I can hardly feel them. They are so numb that I don’t have any feeling, like I’m stuck to something.

  Betty’s struggle was in vain. Whatever had sought to control her had the upper hand, and at this point, she started talking in an unknown language—mechanically, as if someone else were speaking through her! The following phonetic rendition represents the closest approximation of this language that I could derive from listening to the original tape recording. The total passage took about 35 seconds to deliver.

  Betty: Oh—tookfirah bohfitfitah mawhfilah dfih dfiwa ma her dfih okaht tfiraht [Sigh] nawrlahah—tfitrah aw—hoe—hoe marikoto tfitrah etrah meekohtfi- trah etro indra fikreeahlah [Sigh].

  Fred: Betty, what are you saying to us?

  Betty: I’m just saying it. I don’t know what they’re saying to you.

  Fred: Are you repeating things that they are saying to you?

  Betty: I don’t know what it is. They’re just saying it to me. I don’t know what they are saying.

  Betty again broke into a foreign language. Then: “Base 32—Base 32—[Sigh] Signal Base 32.”

  Fred: Betty, can you tell us any more about that? Does that refer to a number or a place?

  Betty: [Softly] I don’t know. [Softly, to herself] Is it a place? Is it a place? Curvature, curvature. Sombleado. Star Seeso. Sombleado. Star Seeso. [She continued with more strange language.]

  David: Betty, is this a message we are supposed to understand?

  Betty: I don’t think it’s from the book. I think it is coming from something.

  Fred: Is this a message that you got then? Or is this a new message?

  Betty: No, I didn’t get it then. It must be from now.

  Fred: Do you feel you’re in contact with them now?

  Betty: I don’t know, but my hands feel like it’s the same as it was then. So do my feet and my legs.

  David: Betty, is there something that they want us to understand right now?

  Betty: [After a pause] Yes.

  David: Do you know what it is? Can you tell us what it is?

  Betty: [Pause] Something about scientists must bury the past.

  Fred: Say some more. Tell us some more!

  Betty: There is an even flow. There are waves that are being sent out. And there are old walls that need to be broken down.

  David: Can you tell us more?

  Fred: Does this relate to the formulas that they gave you, or is this different?

  Betty: This is different, something about circling the plain. Circle the plain, P, L, A, I, N. Uh—count three and four, count three and four. Counting three and four is very important.

  Fred: Can you tell us what the three and four relate to?

  Betty: It’s something about a door, and it’s going to be opened. Oh, my hands!

  Jules: Betty, you mentioned Star Seeso. Is that a place?

  Betty: Yes.

  Jules: Is it in our galaxy?

  Betty: No.

  David: Is that where they’re from?

  Betty: No.

  David: What does that mean to them?

  Betty: It means something about a two and a four and zero, zero, line under zero, zero, zero, line under zero, zero, line under—it keeps going on!

  David: Betty, did they ever tell you, give you, the name of the place where they are from?

  Betty: I can’t pronounce it.

  David: Did they ever show you a map?

  Betty: All I see is a line straight down and—one, two, three, four, five lines. There’s something like [Pause] circled. I don’t know what it is.

  Jules: Can you draw us a sketch of it?

  Betty: If I can remember it, I’ll try and draw it.

  Fred: Try to fix it in your memory so you can draw it for us later.

  Betty: There’s an anchor there.

  Joseph: Are you still in the living room, Betty?

  Betty: No, I’m right here.

  While we changed our recording tape, Betty was taken out of hypnosis. While the tapes were changed in several strategically located recorders, we asked a few questions.

  Joseph: Did you see a map?

  Betty: It was a weird thing.

  Joseph: Was it a chart, a map? Where did you see it?

  Betty: I’ve just now seen it.

  Joseph: It’s in your mind now, or was it a few minutes ago?

  Betty: A few minutes ago, when I was in here, in this room. I was no longer back in that time. I was here. Whatever that was that came out was not from that time. It was now—and there’s an anchor.

  Jules: You mean like a metal anchor? A sea anchor?

  Betty: Something. It’s an anchor. I can’t explain, somehow an anchor.

  Betty was then returned to a hypnotic state and was asked if the aliens had anything to do with a recent power blackout in New York City.

  Betty: They have powers. They can control the wind, and water and even lightning.

  David: Did they tell you what the purpose of the blackout was?

  Betty: It was to reveal to man his true nature.

  David: What is man’s true nature?

  Betty: Man seeks to destroy himself. Greed, greed, greed, greed. And because of greed, it draws all foul things. Everything has been provided for man. Simple things. He could be advanced so far, but greed gets in the way. Freely it will be given to those that have loved. [Again Betty spoke in a strange tongue.]

  Fred: Betty, is this a message for us?

  A feeling of tension filled the crowded office as again Betty’s face became twisted and words forced themselves out through her reluctant lips.

  Betty: Even—now—you—cannot—see.—Even—now—we speak.

  David: We are trying to see. Do you have a message for us?

  Betty: You—try—to—seek—in—wrong—directions.—Simplicity—’round about you.—Air—you breathe—water—you drink—[Sigh]—fire—that—warms—earth—that—heals.—Simplicity ashes—things—that—are—necessary—taken—for—granted.—Powers—within them—overlooked.—Why—think—you—are able—to live? Simplicity.

  David: Betty, are you telling us this? Are you interpreting this for us?

  Betty: No, I’m not telling you those things.

  David: How do your arms and legs feel right now?

  Betty: Terrible.… That feeling in my hands—to hold my hands do

  David: Do you feel that the beings are using you?

  Betty: Yes, they are. [Softly] And I don’t know how they’re doing it.

  David: What do they want us, as seekers of the truth, to understand right now?

  Betty: The truth—freedom—love—to understand man’s hatred—to deal with it righteously.

  David: Are they trying to protect man from himself? Is that true?

  Betty: No, and yes. No, because—because other worlds are involved in man’s world. Man—is very—arrogant—and greedy—and he thinks—that all worlds—revolve around—him.

  David: But not all men think this way.

  Betty: Only—because—love is present.

  Fred: Will the blue book help us to understand the message?

  Betty: You—would—be—in—just—as—much—darkness—about—the—blue—book.—First—seek—out—the—simple forms—of—your—selves.—Man—is—arrogant—because—his—image—makes up—everything—that—is—condensed—and—pride—dwells—there—because—of—the—image—that—man—has—been given. [Sigh]

  Fred: Do the beings want us to understand? Does Quazgaa want us to understand?

  Betty: Quazgaa—is—just—an—official officer—under—the—clan—like—many—others.

  Fred: But my question is, do they want us to understand and to gain knowledge?

  Betty: Yes.

  David: What is the clan?

  Betty: It will not be told right now, they said.

  Jules: Where is Seeso?

  Betty: Far, far, past, twenty-four zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero. I don’t know how many zeros.

  Joseph: Betty, where are they from?

  Betty: They said, you will know the truth, and you will know once you find the truth.

  Joseph: Betty, what is the truth?

  Betty: I’ve told you the truth before. Jesus Christ is the truth. He is the answer for mankind. He’s the only answer.

  The investigator had asked Betty, not the alien, what the truth was. Betty, predictably, answered the question from the perspective of her religious faith. Fred quickly realized Joseph’s mistake and addressed his question to the entities who seemed to be controlling Betty.

  Fred: I have a question for the beings. I would like to know if they are willing to help us to find knowledge. Can we find out if they are willing to help us?

  The apparent answer via Betty had chilling implications.

  Betty: You—would—not—have—gotten—this—far—nor—gained—this—much—information—had—we—not—desired—to—help—you.

  Fred: Then I would like to have some indication of their help for us to proceed further. What must we do for the next step? How do we proceed further?

  Betty: Search.

  Joseph: In what direction?

  Betty: That—which has been given to you—seek—search. We—shall—help—reveal—certain—pieces—of—the—puzzle—will—be—fitted.—Try—to—understand—yourselves.—Seek—spiritually.—Seek.—Doors—have—been—left—open—to—you.—The great door—shall guide.

  Joseph: What is the great door?

  Betty: It is the entrance into the other world. The world where light is.

  Joseph: Is that available to us as well as to you, Betty?

  Betty: No, not yet.

  Joseph: Is it available to you?

  Betty: Yes.

  Joseph: Do you understand what is on the other side of the great door?

  Betty: Yes, I understand and believe in it.

  Joseph: Can you help us to understand?

  Betty: If you will accept it.

  Joseph: Will they permit you to guide us?

  Betty: No, they want to guide.

  David: Betty, we would like to try, then, to pursue this truth. We would like you to go back again to the evening of the incident.… Pick up the story where, ah, Joohop was taking your mother and father to bed. Do you remember that point?

  Betty: I remember it, Dave, but I can’t go back there right now.

  David: You can’t?

  Betty: They have my hands and my feet and my legs.

  Joseph: Are you being requested to continue the conversation?

  Betty: It must be, because they’re applying more pressure on my hands and my feet.

  David: Okay, then. You don’t have to go back right now.

  Jules: The twenty-four zero, zero, continuous zeros. Is that in miles, meters, light-years?

  Betty: It is in sunbursts.

  Joseph: What does the term “sunburst” mean, so we can understand it?

  Betty: It is something about the darkness that is left there after the sun has been exploded, I guess, or something or other. I don’t know. [Weakly] They won’t tell me.

  Jules: Are they referring to our sun as we know it?

  Betty: Yes, our sun. Sunbursts.

  Jules: Is the sun a key to the truth?

  Betty: Yes.

  Joseph: Is this sun explosion in the future or in the past?

  Betty: The future and the past are the same as today to them.

  Joseph: Does time exist?

  Betty: Time to them is not like our time, but they know about our time.

  Joseph: They recognize time as our dimension, but they have something else, through time?

  Betty: Yes, they can reverse time.

  Joseph: They can reverse our time?

  Betty: Uh-huh.

  Fred: Are the beings able to come here again?

  Betty: They travel freely. They travel freely throughout our whole earth.

  David: Can they travel inside the earth?

  Betty: Yes, their density is much different, although they have metals that they cannot penetrate. They have to have those metals.

  David: Are those metals in the earth?

  Betty: [Softly] Some of them.

  David: Is that one reason they’re here?

  Betty: Mmm, no. But some of the metals in the earth are enough to carry man to where they are. Then, when they get to their certain station, they are able to subtract ores from that planet for the use of going on further.

  David: Have they been visiting the earth for very long?

  Betty: Since the beginning of time.

  Joseph: Our time?

  Betty: Yes.

  David: Can they travel freely throughout the stars?

  Betty: Certain ones.

  David: Are these stars nearby to the sun and the earth?

  Betty: Yes, and they are beyond.

  David: What do you mean by “beyond”?

  Betty: Beyond ours there are others, but they are in a different plane. They’re in a heavier space.

  David: What do you mean by “a heavier space”?

  Betty: They’re in a heavier space than we are.

  Joseph: Why are they restricted to some stars and not others?

  Betty: Why are we restricted to earth and able to go only to certain stars, and not others?

  Joseph: Is that the answer or is that another question?

  Betty: That is the answer and the question.

  Joseph: Betty, do they have enemies as we have enemies?

  Betty: There is one planet that is an enemy, and also many men are enemies, only because they do not understand.

  Joseph: Men of this earth, you mean?

  Betty: Yes.

  David: Betty, are there many of these clans or races visiting the earth right now from many planets?

  Betty: Yes.

  David: How many?

  Betty: Seventy.

  David: Seventy different planets or races?

  Betty: Races.

  David: Do these races work together?

  Betty: Yes, except for the offensive one.

  Joseph: They come from different planets, then? They don’t come from the same planet? Is that correct?

  Betty: Some. Some come from realms where you cannot see their hiding place. Some come from the very earth.

seph: This very earth?

  Betty: Yes, there is a place on this very earth that you do not know of.

  Fred: Can they see the future?

  Betty: Definitely.

  Fred: Can they tell whether we are going to come up with an answer?

  Betty: The answer is here already.

  Joseph: When will we recognize it in our time?

  Betty: When you give your heart over.

  Joseph: Does that mean that each individual being will recognize it at a different period?

  Betty: When the heart is given over, each one will see it.

  Jules: When the heart is given over to what?

  Betty: To love and truth.

  Joseph: Does that mean that some people have already seen this since many, many years gone by, and some will never see it?

  Betty: Yes, and it is sad, because it was there for all mankind.

  Fred: Betty, what is your personal function in revealing this?

  Betty: They said that they have chosen me to reveal it because of the initiation, because of going through what I had gone through, because it was planned.

  Jules: Why were you chosen?

  Betty: Because I did not object.

  David: Betty, have other people like yourself been involved in being taken on board their craft and examined?

  Betty: Yes, but they quiet them. They tell them to be still. It’s hidden within them. As time goes by, mysteries are going to be unlocked from man. These people are very afraid.

  David: Did they tell you how many such cases there have been of people being taken on board?

  Betty: Many, many, many, many, many. Many, many cases. Many, but only a few have gone to the fullness.

  David: Have some of these people been taken back to the planets of the beings? Have some earth people been taken back?

  Betty: Yes, and they’re going to return, and people are going to be afraid because of it.

  David: Were you taken to their home planet?

  Betty: [Long pause and weak voice] I was taken to the high place, higher than their home planet.

  David: You mean a more important planet?

  Betty: It is not a planet, it is a place.

  Because Betty was showing signs of fatigue, Harold released her from the hypnotic trance, and we proceeded to question her. We were curious as to why she had not remained reliving the past as she had been instructed.

  Joseph: How did you get back to today? You were back 10 years ago.

  Betty: I know. I was back there in the living room, and suddenly I was in here.


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