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Cowgirl Up

Page 2

by Marteeka Karland

  “Maybe that needs to change.” Wyatt wasn’t sure why he said it, but having done so, he wasn’t about to take it back. He met her shocked stare unflinchingly. She obviously had no idea how to deal with him, which gave Wyatt the advantage. He touched the brim of his hat. “Good evening, then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  As he headed back to Colorado Springs, Wyatt thought of Julie Ann. How could such a force of will come in so small a package? It was no secret James Cameron wanted her ranch—and her. What man wouldn’t? The land was perfect for cattle, and she had some of the best Angus in the area. James wanted her ranch for the money, but he wanted Julie Ann as an arm ornament for social functions. Julie Ann might be many things, but she would never settle for being a trophy wife and would dismember anyone who suggested she should. Christ! Wyatt got hard just thinking about that temper of hers.

  Wyatt knew what it was like to fight and scrap for any and everything a person had. He and his buddies were as close as brothers for a reason. Growing up in an orphanage had brought them closer than most siblings. When they’d turned eighteen, they left, making successful lives for themselves. It had taken tons of hard work, scrimping and saving, but they’d finally managed to buy a small spread near Wild Creak, Texas. As the years went on, they added to the ranch in land, equipment, and livestock until they had one of the largest ranches in the area. They’d worked the land with cattle until the combination of intelligence, shrewd business practices, and force of will had made them all very wealthy.

  Since then, Wyatt had seen more than his share of women come and go, all of them with the same thing in common: they wanted his money. In Julie Ann, he’d finally found a woman he wanted to give money to and she didn’t want it. She wanted to get everything the old fashioned way. Julie Ann wanted to work for it. While Wyatt admired that, it also complicated matters enough to give him a headache. If he made a move on her, no matter how sincere and genuine, she was likely to misinterpret it as an attempt to buy her affections, or, worse, make her feel like a prostitute.

  He adjusted his grip on the steering wheel. Christ, this was complicated! Especially with James Cameron sniffing around her. Everyone knew James was a slimy son of a bitch, but other than being a creep with poor business ethics, Wyatt didn’t have any reason to warn him off Julie Ann. Not yet anyway. Wyatt had never had anything he hadn’t shared with his brothers. Julie Ann he wanted for himself. No other woman had come close to affecting him the way she did and he hadn’t even touched her.

  Every time he saw her, he lost himself in her beauty. But it wasn’t the perfection of her frame or the wild hair that made her look like she’d just been thoroughly loved. It wasn’t the sexy sway of her hips when she walked, though he’d fantasized about that particular portion of her anatomy many times. Julie Ann had sass. Wyatt loved her inner strength. She was the strongest woman he’d ever met, yet he sensed there was a softer side to her.

  She was special. He just wasn’t sure she was ready to take him on. He was a demanding lover and with her, he’d demand her heart as well as her body.

  He was adjusting himself to keep the seat belt from cutting into his dick when his cell trilled.

  “Wyatt Davis,” he answered.

  “I— Hello, Wyatt.”

  It was a damned good thing his truck offered a hands free option for his cell or he’d have dropped the phone.

  “Julie Ann? Is everything all right?” Funny his first thought was that something was wrong. Julie Ann would never ask him for help unless it was life and death, and she sounded too calm for that. Still, he’d already pulled off the road preparing to turn around.

  “I’m sorry.” Julie Ann sounded flustered. “I’m okay,’s just—” She stopped abruptly and Wyatt heard what sounded like someone banging on the door. He stayed quiet, though he wanted to demand she tell him what was going on. His heart pounded as he made a U-turn, headed back to Westcliff and Julie Ann.

  “Dammit,” she muttered, probably to herself. “Wyatt, I need your help. There’s a man here who claims to know my brother, and the guy isn’t in the best of moods. I really hate to ask, but you’re much closer than the cops. Could you come back?”

  “Absolutely. Are you safe?”

  “Yeah,” she said without hesitation. Then that warped sense of humor kicked in and his heart just melted. “But I’d prefer not to shoot the guy. The paperwork would be murder and I don’t particularly feel like cleaning blood off the carpet tonight.”

  Chapter Three

  “Let me the fuck in, Julie Ann!” The angry voice shouted through the door. Julie Ann had her shotgun at the ready, but really didn’t want to have to use it. Whoever this man was, he was furious. Apparently, her brother’s cronies had found out she’d cut his access to her part of the trust fund as well as his rights to the ranch, and they were furious.

  “Go away.” She bit her lower lip, trying to keep from losing her mind. It sounded as though the man was quite capable of harming her. Julie Ann had seen Brady’s friends like this before and it was never a good thing to get in the way.

  “Like hell! You stole my money, you little bitch!”

  “I kept Brady from squandering my part of our trust fund and the ranch. He’s already got this place mortgaged to the hilt for you guys. I’m not sure I can fix it this time, and you can tell Brady that. This ranch is practically gone and it’s his fault!”

  “I couldn’t give a damn about this place, Julie Ann. I want my money! Your brother owes me, and if he can’t pay me, you will!” The longer this went on, the more violent the man would become. It was a pattern she’d seen many times in the past. She didn’t know the guy, but it was an all too familiar situation. Julie Ann hated like hell calling Wyatt back and getting him involved in this mess, but he was the closest person available, and Julie Ann seriously doubted she could talk to the nameless man. Not by herself.

  She was just about to call Wyatt again when the distinctive sound of his big diesel pulled into the driveway. It was all she could do not to sag with relief. Like it or not, the one thing she knew for certain was Wyatt would make this all right. At least for now.

  As soon as the thought entered her mind, Julie Ann squashed it. According to her dad's friend Jonas, Wyatt was a ranch owner in his own right, but he was new to Westcliff. He was also, technically, her hired hand. What the hell had she been thinking? She had no right dragging him into this mess. He’d probably hate her, and rightly so.

  Julie Ann would never admit it to a soul, but she was a little afraid of her brother and his “friends.” She had no doubt she could defend herself, but she wasn't certain she could actually shoot someone unless she was certain her life depended on it. That meant she was likely to get hurt before she actually made use of the damned gun. Knowing she’d pulled Wyatt into the middle of this made her feel that much worse.

  Muffled words in a male voice—definitely Wyatt— followed by the stranger’s furious response caught her attention.

  “Who the hell are you? This is between me and that bitch, Julie Ann. Butt the fuck out!”

  Julie Ann expected more arguing, but there was none. Instead, there were heavy footfalls moving up the porch steps, and the sound of flesh hitting flesh, followed by a bone-rattling thud as a body hit the front door.

  She raced to the door and flung it open. Brady’s friend slumped against the wood but fell backward when the door moved. He wasn’t unconscious, but Wyatt had definitely knocked him silly. He laid half in half out of her home, moaning.

  “I don’t know who you are or what you think you’re doing, but you will leave her the hell alone.”

  Wyatt didn’t raise his voice, but the look in those icy blue eyes—and the fact that the man’s nose was spurting blood down his shirt—conveyed more menace than Julie Ann knew the bully was prepared to deal with. Just like any bully, when someone bigger and stronger got involved, he turned and ran. It’s all fun and games until someone gets his nose broken. Sure enough, there was complete silence for sev
eral heartbeats before the man got to his feet, mumbled something under his breath, and stalked away without a backward glance. Wyatt never took his eyes from Brady's “associate” until he was in his truck and headed down the dusty road.

  “You okay?” Wyatt's voice was gentle, but his eyes hardened when he saw the shotgun in her hands. He moved into the house, gently removing the weapon as he went. Opening the gun, he noted the shells seated in the barrels. Glancing at her, Wyatt unloaded the thing before placing it high on the gun rack above the closet door.

  “I’m fine. I just really didn’t want to have to shoot anyone, and I knew the situation was too far gone for me to talk sense into him.”

  “This is about the mortgage your brother took out on the ranch.” It was a statement, not a question.

  “Brady and his buddies are pissed because I cut them out of the rest of my trust and prevented him from using the ranch as collateral for more high risk loans.” She shrugged.

  “He keeps racking up debt with the people he’s dealing with and he will get hurt. You know that, right?”

  “I figure that’s why he sent that guy here today. Brady will send someone else if he can’t get more money.” Julie Ann sighed and sank onto the couch. “I really appreciate you coming back, Wyatt.” She looked at him, knowing she revealed far more than she was prepared for him to see but unable to help herself. “I could have handled it, but not without shooting him, and that would have only made things worse.”

  Wyatt gave her a slight smile. God, he was handsome when he did that. Well, he was handsome anyway, but there was something about his eyes when he smiled at her. Their sky blue depths seemed to gleam just for her, as if she were the most important woman in the world.

  “I know you could have. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about you over the past few weeks, it’s that you can handle yourself in just about any situation.” He moved to the couch and sat next to her, tucking a stray tendril of hair behind her ear in a curiously intimate gesture. “But I’m still staying here with you tonight.”

  It was a good thing she’d been sitting down, otherwise Julie Ann was certain she’d have fallen on her ass. Not from the shock of his proclamation that he was invading her home—which she needed to nip in the bud—but because of her reaction to his forcefulness. Her stomach flipped, did a funny little roll, and her heart pounded like a jackhammer. Just like that, sweat erupted over her body in anticipation of what the night would bring. No matter how much she knew she needed to do, no matter how much she needed to stand firm to not selling herself to keep her home, she knew if he stayed, it would be in her bed. Try as she might, she simply couldn’t deny herself the pleasure. He wanted her. She knew it in her very bones. And, God help her, she wanted him right back with an intensity that should have made her blush.

  “What makes you think I’m letting you stay?”

  Again, that heart stopping smile set her on fire. She burned for him. Burned! “What makes you think you have a choice? If you won’t let me stay inside, I’ll just camp out on your doorstep. I’m willing to bet you’re not mean enough to make me sleep outside.”

  Julie Ann’s hands shook; she was suddenly so nervous she couldn’t say a thing. How the hell did he do it? He’d reduced her to a pile of shivering female hormones in the space of about thirty seconds.

  “I’m won’t trade myself for this ranch, Wyatt. You have to know that.” Julie Ann wasn’t sure why she felt compelled to say it. She was taking a hell of a lot for granted. If she were wrong about Wyatt’s feelings, she would never be able to look him in the eyes again.

  Again, he found a stray tendril of hair, this time twirling it around his finger. Wyatt didn’t seem so much to contemplate her words as to be fascinated by that one curl he played with so intently. “I never thought you would,” he said absently. “You will, however, give yourself to me.” It was said so matter-of-factly Julie Ann had to replay it in her mind a couple of times to be sure she’d really heard him correctly. Wyatt met her gaze then. Direct. Potent. Sinfully sexy. “Not for money or to save your ranch. For pleasure. Pure and simple pleasure. Give me one night, Julie Ann. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

  Chapter Four

  Wyatt could see her warring with herself. Her eyes gave her away. He knew she wanted him, which was a good thing. His cock was so hard he wasn’t certain walking away from her was even an option. His dick actually hurt with the building pressure. And that wasn't even taking into account the emotional attachment they'd formed since going to work for her.

  Wyatt could fool himself about that as much as he wanted. It didn’t change the fact that he’d grown to love the little spitfire. Julie Ann was one of the hardest working people he knew. He always saw her around the ranch doing a man's share of the work. If he and his partners mended fencing on the south end, they would always see her driving the cattle to the north side. If they took time to put a new roof on a barn, she mended the fences or worked in the hay. Having spent so little time actually in her company, Wyatt was surprised at his feelings for her, but there was no denying they were there. He knew her work ethics and tried to spend a couple of hours with her every few days on the pretense of going over the week’s work, but it had always been an excuse to get to know her better.

  Staking his claim now would be a risk. She absolutely could not perceive this as him wanting her to trade sexual favors for her ranch. Though she voiced her denial, Wyatt knew she didn’t think he was in the same class as that slime bag Cameron. If Julie Ann thought that, she’d have tossed him out on his ear, no matter what. Even with her brother hovering around, she’d take her chances alone before selling herself. Julie Ann's strength of will was just one more reason Wyatt loved her.

  Emotions flitted across her face, not the least of which was lust. She definitely wanted him as much as he wanted her. The only question was, could he let her go in the morning? It took her less than thirty seconds to make up her mind.

  “Okay,” she said, rubbing her hands along her jean clad thighs. “But I want one thing absolutely straight. When it’s over, it’s over. I’m doing this because...” She hesitated, then looked him straight in the eye. “Because you’ve got to be the sexiest man on the face of the earth and I get hot just thinking about what you look like under those tight T-shirts that cling to you like a second skin when they’re damp with sweat...” Her voice trailed off as her gaze swept him up and down. Wyatt probably should have been embarrassed by her blatant perusal, but he wanted to puff out his chest and do a Tarzan yell.

  He couldn’t help the lopsided smile. “You think I’m sexy?”

  She licked her lips absently as her gaze continued to roam his body. “Absolutely,” she breathed. Her words were brazen, but her hands still shook. She left a faint dark smudge on her jeans where she continued to rub her palms over her thighs. His little Julie Ann might believe in taking what she wanted, but she was still nervous.

  “Before we do this,” he started, knowing he wanted to put her at ease and needing to be clean so he didn’t worry about anything but Julie Ann, “I want to take a shower.”

  She blinked up at him, confused. Then she blushed. “Oh! Of course! I’m so sorry.” Julie Ann withdrew from him. Maybe not physically, but emotionally. If he left her alone, she’d talk herself out of this. Good thing he had no intention of leaving her alone. “The bathroom is down the hall on the left—”

  “No,” he clipped sharply. “You’re coming with me.”

  She swallowed, clearly starting to regret her decision. Too damned bad.

  Wyatt stood, catching Julie Ann's hand and tugging her up beside him. His arms went around her easily, holding her flush against his muscular frame. “You can’t back out now, Julie Ann. Not with me wanting you so damned much. Say you want me.” Wyatt knew he was pushing it, but dammit, he burned for her! He’d wanted her for too long without making a sexual move. Now, just this slight contact was setting his blood boiling and his cock throbbing. Wyatt had to keep her wanting hi
m or there was no way he was getting out of here without begging for this woman's favors. That would do wonders for his ego, to be sure.

  Her hesitation was miniscule at best. She led the way to the bathroom. Not the one down the hall and to the left, but up the stairs to the master bedroom. Her bathroom. He was willing to bet he was the only man to ever invade that sanctuary. Okay, maybe that was wishful thinking, but the idea of another man in her bed cause a red haze to cover his vision and he had to blink several times and take a few deep breaths to steady himself. Julie Ann was his woman. His! He would make love to her until the break of dawn, then wake her up to more lovemaking. When he was done, she’d never want to let him go. At least, that’s the way it played out in his mind. Wyatt had to get himself together. This was his chance. He absolutely could not blow it.

  They entered her bedroom where the small bathroom was off to the side. Julie Ann gestured to the open door with a shaky hand. “Help yourself. The soap isn’t girlie soap so you don’t have to worry. She grinned at him, obviously trying to ease the nervous tension.

  He didn’t acknowledge her, preferring to get things started before she could back out. “Undress me, Julie Ann.”

  Her throat worked as she swallowed her nervousness. “Wyatt, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

  “Too late,” he pressed. “Take off my clothes.”

  Again, she hesitated a couple of heartbeats before stepping toward him and lifting the hem of his shirt and peeling it over his head. She gasped when she looked at him, her hands finding the heavy muscles of his chest and shoulders. She traced every hollow, every line of his torso almost absently. Her exploration was innocent, yet experienced enough to drive him wild. Her hands slid up his chest to circle his neck as her gaze met his. Wyatt’s hands came to rest on her hips, holding her to him.


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