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Salazar's One-Night Heir

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by Jennifer Hayward

  The challenge: take revenge for a decades-old injustice...

  Tycoon Alejandro Salazar will take any opportunity to expose the Hargrove family’s crime against his—including accept the challenge to pose as their stable groom! His goal in sight, Alejandro cannot allow himself to be distracted by the gorgeous Hargrove heiress...

  Her family must pay, yet Alejandro can’t resist innocent Cecily’s fiery passion. And when their one night of bliss results in an unexpected pregnancy, Alejandro will legitimize his heir and restore his family’s binding Cecily to him with a diamond ring!

  Alejandro cradled the glass in his palm, a ghost of a smile curving his lips.

  “I do care, Cecily. Hence the situation we find ourselves in. I told you that before I knew about the pregnancy. In fact everything I said to you in Kentucky was true, every emotion I expressed real. The only thing I lied about was my identity, and that I had to do.”

  Her stomach curled with the need to believe him. To believe something in all this was true and real—that what they’d shared had been real. But she’d be a fool to take what he was saying at face value—even more of a fool than she’d already been.

  He gestured toward the cream sofa that faced the spectacular view. “Why don’t we sit down?”

  “I’d prefer to stand.”

  “Fine.” He lowered himself onto the chaise, splaying his long legs out in front of him. “We are keeping this baby, Cecily.”

  “Of course we are. I am,” she corrected. “I would never do anything else.”

  “Good. And just to clarify,” he drawled, eyes on hers, “when I said we are keeping this baby I meant us. We are both going to be parents to this child, which means we need to be together.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean together?”

  “I mean we will marry.”

  Her knees went weak. She slid down onto the sofa, a buzzing sound filling her ears. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, but I am.”

  ‘I’ll wager that not one of you can go two weeks without your credit cards…’

  The Secret Billionaires

  Challenged to go undercover—but tempted to blow it all!

  Tycoons Antonio Di Marcello, Stavros Xenakis and Alejandro Salazar cannot imagine life without their decadent wealth, incredible power and untouchable status—but neither can they resist their competitive natures!

  Dared to abandon all they know, these extraordinary men leave behind their billionaire lifestyles and take on ‘ordinary’ lives.

  But, disguised as a mechanic, a pool boy and a groom, they’re about to meet the real challenge…

  Conquering the women they’ll meet along the way!

  Di Marcello’s Secret Son by Rachael Thomas

  May 2017

  Xenakis’s Convenient Bride by Dani Collins

  June 2017

  Salazar’s One-Night Heir by Jennifer Hayward

  July 2017

  Salazar’s One-Night Heir

  Jennifer Hayward

  JENNIFER HAYWARD has been a fan of romance since filching her sister’s novels to escape her teenage angst. Her career in journalism and PR, including years of working alongside powerful, charismatic CEOs and travelling the world, has provided perfect fodder for the fast-paced, sexy stories she likes to write—always with a touch of humour. A native of Canada’s East Coast, Jennifer lives in Toronto with her Viking husband and young Viking-in-training.

  Books by Jennifer Hayward

  Mills & Boon Modern Romance

  A Debt Paid in the Marriage Bed

  The Magnate’s Manifesto

  Changing Constantinou’s Game

  The Billionaire’s Legacy

  A Deal for the Di Sione Ring

  Kingdoms & Crowns

  Carrying the King’s Pride

  Claiming the Royal Innocent

  Marrying Her Royal Enemy

  The Tenacious Tycoons

  Tempted by Her Billionaire Boss

  Reunited for the Billionaire’s Legacy

  Society Weddings

  The Italian’s Deal for I Do

  The Delicious De Campos

  The Divorce Party

  An Exquisite Challenge

  The Truth About De Campo

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

  For my husband, Johan, who helped me find my perfect ending in a book that stole my heart. You call life with a writer a ‘rollercoaster’ but I think you secretly like it!

  For Melita and Maria—your help with the beautiful Portuguese language was so very much appreciated.

  And for my co-writers Dani Collins and Rachael Thomas—it was a joy to work together and create such a fabulous series. I can’t wait for the world to read it!




  Back Cover Text


  The Secret Billionaires

  Title Page

  About the Author





















  St. Moritz—February 2017

  A 1946 MACALLAN, his three closest friends consuming that exceptional bottle of whiskey with him and a game of high-stakes poker played in a private room at one of St. Moritz’s swankiest clubs was a trifecta of such absolute perfection, Alejandro Salazar could not deny it was the ideal ending to a day spent paraskiing in the Swiss Alps.

  Cutting a vertical line to the cliff’s edge, throwing yourself off a mountainside only to hope your parachute landed you in an equally traversable stretch of snow below required some coming down from—quality bonding time that only this particular male ritual could supply.

  It had dwindled down to the four of them tonight after today’s challenge—Sebastien Atkinson, his good friend and mentor, founder of the extreme sports club they’d joined in college; Antonio Di Marcello, a giant in the global construction industry and Stavros Xenakis, the soon-to-be CEO of Dynami Pharmaceutical—perhaps the only quartet with the spare change to put up the ante this type of a game required.

  Not even the trio of delectable Scandinavian women draped across the packed bar, looking for an opportunity to crash their party had been enticement enough to abandon such a rich moment in time. Friendships forged in fire.

  Just last year they had pulled Sebastien off a Himalayan mountainside before it had collapsed in a cloud of snow that had nearly killed them all. The ending to this weekend’s challenge seemed tame in comparison.

  An intense feeling of well-being settling over him, Alejandro sat back in his chair, rested his tumbler on his thigh and considered the table. There was a different air about the celebration tonight—subtle, but distinct.

  Perhaps last year’s near tragedy still lay too close to the surface. Perhaps it had reminded them all that their club mantra—life is short—was truer than it had ever been. Or maybe it was because Sebastien had gone and done the sacrilegious in getti
ng married, taking the sampling of the popular ski enclave’s wares off the table.

  Stavros, as if sensing this new playing field, eyed Sebastien across the table. “How’s your wife?” he asked with a curl of his lips.

  “Better company than you. Why so surly tonight?”

  Stavros grimaced. “I haven’t won yet.” He lifted a shoulder. “And my grandfather is threatening to disinherit me if I don’t marry soon. I’d tell him to go to hell, but...”

  “Your mother,” Alejandro said.


  The Greek billionaire was between a rock and a hard place. If he didn’t play the game, extend the Xenakis line with an heir, his grandfather would follow through on his threat to disinherit Stavros before he assumed control of the pharmaceutical empire that would be his.

  Stavros would have called his bluff, walked away with pleasure if it weren’t for his mother and sisters who would be stripped of everything they possessed if that happened, something Stavros would never allow.

  Sebastien pushed a pile of chips toward the center of the table. “Do you ever get the feeling we spend too much of our lives counting our money and chasing superficial thrills at the expense of something more meaningful?”

  Antonio tossed a handful of chips at Alejandro. “You called it,” his friend muttered, “four drinks and he’s already philosophizing.”

  Sebastien scowled at Stavros as he added his own chips to Alejandro’s pile. The Greek billionaire shrugged. “I said three. My losing streak continues.”

  “I’m serious.” Sebastien eyed the table. “At our level, it’s numbers on a page. Points on a scoreboard. What does it contribute to our lives? Money doesn’t buy happiness.”

  “It buys some pretty nice substitutes,” Antonio interjected.

  Sebastien’s mouth twisted. “Like your cars?” he mused, then moved his gaze to Alejandro. “Your private island? You don’t even use that boat you’re so proud of,” he said, moving on to Stavros. “We buy expensive toys and play dangerous games, but does it enrich our lives? Feed our souls?”

  “Exactly what are you suggesting?” Alejandro drawled, pushing a pile of chips into the pot. “We go live with the Buddhists in the mountains? Learn the meaning of life? Renounce our worldly possessions to find inner clarity?”

  Sebastien made a sound at the back of his throat. “You three couldn’t go two weeks without your wealth and family names to support you. Your gilded existence makes you blind to reality.”

  Alejandro stiffened. He took offence to that. Sebastien might be the only self-made man among them, older than the rest by three years, but they had all achieved success in their own right.

  Leading his family company had been Alejandro’s birthright, yes, but he had been the one to transform the Salazar Coffee Company from a fledgling international player into a global household name as CEO. He had more than paid his dues.

  Stavros threw away three cards. “Try telling us you would go back to when you were broke, before you made your fortune. Hungry isn’t happy. That’s why you’re such a rich bastard now.”

  “As it happens,” Sebastien countered with a deceptively casual shrug, “I’ve been thinking of donating half my fortune to charity to start a global search and rescue fund. Not everyone has friends who will dig him out of an avalanche with their bare hands.”

  Alejandro almost choked on the sip of whiskey he’d taken. “Are you serious? That’s what? Five billion?”

  “You can’t take it with you. I’ll tell you what,” Sebastien mused, gaze moving from one to the other, “you three manage to go two weeks without your credit cards and family name and I’ll do it.”

  Silence fell over the table. “Starting when?” Alejandro queried. “We all have responsibilities.”

  “Fair enough,” Sebastien agreed. “Clear the decks at home. But be prepared for word from me—and two weeks in the real world.”

  Alejandro blinked. “You’re really going to wager half your fortune on a cakewalk of a challenge?”

  “If you’ll put up your island...your favorite toys? Yes.” Sebastien lifted his whiskey glass. “I say where and when.”

  “Easy,” said Stavros. “Count me in.”

  They all clinked glasses, Alejandro dismissing the challenge as one of Sebastien’s philosophical, whiskey-induced rants.

  Until he ended up undercover as a groom in the Hargroves’ legendary Kentucky stables exactly five months later.


  Five months later—Esmerelda, the Hargrove Estate, Kentucky.

  Day one of Alejandro’s challenge

  CECILY HARGROVE TOOK the turn to the final line of jumps at such a tight angle, Bacchus’s hind end spun out before her horse regained his balance, smoothed out his stride and headed toward the first oxer.

  Too slow. Way too slow. Dammit, what was wrong with him?

  She dug her heels into her horse’s sides, pushing him forward to give them the momentum they needed for the jump, but Bacchus’s hesitancy at takeoff threw their timing all off—only her horse’s pure physical power allowing them to clear the fence.

  Jaw set, frustration surging through her, she finished the last two jumps of the combination, then brought Bacchus to a dancing trot, then a walk, halting in front of her trainer.

  Dale gave her a grim look as she pulled off her hat, the hot summer sun sticking the strands of her hair to her head. Her stomach knotted. “I don’t want to know.”

  “Sixty-eight seconds. You need to figure out what’s wrong with that horse, Cecily.”

  Tell her something she didn’t know. With her second mount, Derringer, showing his inexperience in competition, Bacchus was her only chance to make this year’s world championship team. Fully healed from their accident last year, her horse was physically sound, it was his mental outlook she was worried about.

  If she didn’t straighten out his head—this strange hesitancy he was displaying toward jumps he never used to blink at—her dream would be sunk before it had even started.

  The only thing in this world that meant anything to her.

  “Do it again,” Dale instructed.

  She shook her head, fury and frustration welling up inside her to spur a wet heat at the back of her eyes. “I’m done.”


  She kicked Bacchus into a canter and headed for the barn, fighting back the tears. She had handled all the lemons life had thrown at her and Lord knew there had been a few of them, but this, this was not something she could fail at. Not when she’d spent every waking moment since she was five working toward this day.

  Pulling Bacchus to a halt in front of the groom who stood lounging against the stable door, she slid off and threw the reins at him with more force than she’d intended. He caught them with a lithe movement, pushing away from the door. Hands clenched at her sides, she spun on her heel and turned to leave.

  “You don’t cool your horse down?”

  The unfamiliar low, slightly accented drawl stopped her in her tracks. Spinning around, she took in its owner. The new groom she’d seen with Cliff earlier, presumably. She’d been so preoccupied she hadn’t paid any attention to him. She wondered now how that had been possible.

  Tall, well over six feet, he was pure, packed muscle in the T-shirt and jeans he wore. Slowly, furiously, she slid her gaze up that impressive body and found the rest of him was equally jaw dropping. His black hair was worn at a slightly rebellious length, days-old stubble lined a brutally handsome, square-cut jaw, his eyes the most sinfully dark ones she’d ever seen.

  Her stomach flip flopped, a moment of sizzling hot, sexual chemistry arcing between them. She allowed herself to sink into it for a moment, to absorb the shimmer way down low, because it was something she hadn’t felt in a long, long time, if ever.

  His blatant s
tare didn’t waver. Unnerved by the intensity of the connection, she sliced it dead. “You’re new,” she said icily, lifting her chin. “What’s your name?”

  A dip of his head. “Colt Banyon, ma’am. At your service.”

  She nodded. “I’m fairly sure then, Colt, that Cliff will have explained the finer points of your job to you?”

  “He did.”

  “Why then, do you think it’s okay to question how I handle my horse?”

  He lifted a shoulder. “It seems to me you were having some trouble out there today. In my experience, spending some bonding time with your mount can help with the trust factor.”

  The pressure in her head threatened to explode through her skull. No one dared talk to her like that. She couldn’t believe his audacity.

  She took a step closer, discovering just how big he was when she had to tip her head back to look up at him, his dangerously beautiful eyes a rich whiskey fire lighting an inky black canvas.

  “And from which school of psychobabble does that assessment come from?”

  His sensual mouth curved. “My grandmother. She’s a magician with horses.”

  The smile might have taken her breath away if the red haze creeping across her brain hadn’t taken complete hold of her now. “How about this, Colt?” she suggested, voice dripping with disdain. “The next time you or your grandmother achieves a top one hundred world cup ranking, you can tell me how to handle my horse. Until then, how about you keep your mouth shut and do your job?”

  His beautiful eyes widened.

  She winced inwardly. Had she really just said that?

  Shocked at her loss of control, fighting desperately to find some, she clutched her fingers tight around her hat. “He’s recovering from torn ligaments on his rear hind leg,” she said, nodding toward Bacchus. “Keep an eye on it.”

  * * *

  Alejandro watched Cecily Hargrove flounce off, hat in hand, convinced the tiny blonde would be the thing that tested his control in this challenge Sebastien had issued him.


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