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Page 26

by Daniella Wright

  Ka’thon had two suns, and both of the orange-red orbs shone brightly in the sky. Blooms of all sorts of different flowers sprung up in every crack of the village walk-ways, and flying birds with silver-and-gold colored feathers circled over them, singing melodiously. Thrain had tried to teach her their name, but Ka’thon’s language was difficult, and she was still trying to figure out simple words, let along the mouthful that was. Re’lain, apparently, was the time of year where it was appropriate in Ka’thon for the women to roam about more freely than usual. When she asked why, Thrain had told her that was simply the way it was, that the elders determined it to be. That seemed to be the answer for many of her questions that did not get further explanation – but as Kira was learning, that was the way it was.

  Either way, she was happy that it was the ‘summer’ time that she was allowed more freely out. She didn’t mind having to stay nearer to hers and Thrain’s home, and over the months that she stayed on Ka’thon, she had come to think of it as that, but it was nice to be out nevertheless. No one had come for her from Earth; she imagined that they likely thought her disappearance a human one, and if they had not traced her off-planet, then they would not anytime soon. Besides, she knew that, by Earth standards, she was not important enough to waste resources on an interstellar search party on. The thought, initially, had saddened her, but there were things for her to look forward to…

  Her hand settled on her belly as they came to the village market. The women who had been claimed the longest, and who had birthed the most and strongest sons were the only ones allowed to run it. They were the ones that gathered the fruits, and vegetables, who handled the technology that built the warrior’s weapons. New women – women like Kira – or those who had not had sons, or who had given their men children who were weak, were not considered worthy of running the market. It these women who achieved status on Ka’thon – and it was these women who guided expecting mothers through the trials of pregnancy.

  Kira had not thought she would find herself needing their services so soon. After she and Thrain became intimate fully, he had settled in teaching her everything of the village, the customs – especially of the revered women who ran the market, tended the food, the tech, and the mothers to be. She had thought his enthusiasm was amusing, and hadn’t thought to make much of it, aside from having more knowledge. She wasn’t planning to carry his young anytime soon; and for all intents and purposes, they still had had a lot to learn about each other, and he still had yet to separate her duty from her as a person. It was a process, one she was willing to work through, but a process nonetheless.

  Her belly, in comparison to others that walked among the streets that day, was considerably flat, seemingly empty. It didn’t bother her. It didn’t even bother Thrain – he was willing to continue their intimacy until he got her full with child, and then he would do so again when she gave birth. They had time. As he had said to her so many months ago, he was young, he was strong. He could wait.

  She smiled to herself as Thrain went to grab his favorite fruits from one of the women, and made eye-contact with a knowing smile. Small-bellied she was now, it was a happy thought to her that day that he wouldn’t have to wait much longer – and perhaps, if luck was as kind to her as it had been so far, her visit to Earth, with Thrain and her baby, wouldn’t be too far behind.



  The Hunt

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Outlaw Alien Romance

  Being an intergalactic bounty hunter isn’t as exciting as it seems. Sure, sometimes I find myself rumbling with the worst of them but there are times where I just roam aimlessly waiting for the next outlaw to make his move. It can be so boring.

  In search of excitement, I found myself on the rogue planet Ayris. It was colonized predominantly by Zeroths, a race of blue-skinned aliens with pointy ears and a very handsome physique. They were excellent miners and I was about to find out that they were even better lovers…

  Zigzag Zander appeared in my life like a lightning bolt, raging through my body and energizing every inch of me. One day I was hot on his tail, determined to catch him, to put him behind bars and then the next thing I knew, he had swept me off my feet. I knew I would never turn to a life of crime but then again I had never met Zander, an alien who could shoot the buck off anyone, who could pull off any heist, and who most importantly drove me absolutely wild. But would I let the rough and tumble alien cowboy get to my head or would I keep my cool and turn him in as I was supposed to do?

  * * *

  Chapter 1

  From an early age, I had always loved the wild frontier. When I was a young girl, I used to curl up in my bed and read old westerns until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. As soon as I was old enough, I took advantage of space travel. It had become easy and accessible for everyone. Space travel was no longer the hassle NASA had gone through in 1969, just to get to the moon. Now, in the year 5005, instantaneous transportation had been in use for nearly a thousand years.

  So once I turned twenty-one, the legal age for interstellar travel, I was quick to explore some of the neighboring planetary systems. Despite all the technology that surrounded us in everyday life, I still liked to keep things simple. I didn’t need a laser gun or a teleporter, all I needed was an old-fashioned revolver and my faithful companion, Bianca.

  We galloped through Ayris, a rogue planet that was currently the Stardust System’s final frontier. Because it was free-floating, it could never develop any life, but its path around the galaxy caused the crust and mantle to constantly morph over the millennia. As such, it held a plethora of valuable resources, attracting races from the other twenty-five Stardust planets, as well as outsiders like myself. I hadn’t seen another human for years, but that had never bothered me. Of all the species, I considered mine to be the least interesting. We were nothing more than bags of flesh, barely evolving throughout our existence.

  The species that inhabited Stardust, however, were a totally different story. There were large green giants, one-eyed blobs, primates with bionic appendages, and of course, Zerothians.

  Zeroth was the leading planet in Stardust. Its huge size and massive population gave it an unmatched advantage over the rest of the races inhabiting the system. Wanting to avoid an extended war and unnecessary bloodshed, they had quickly agreed to become a part of the Zerothian Empire. This, of course, gave the empire control over Ayris for the period it was passing through the system, with the majority of its precious resources being shipped back to Zeroth. The blue-skinned species were not only hard workers but also had great luck on their side. It only took them but a day or two to find a deposit of Blood Diamonds, no matter where they looked. They were the envy of their vassals, but the pointy-eared race just held their heads high, knowing they were the dominant species.

  I had always found the Zeroth race rather attractive. They had a build similar to ours, only taller and with a lot more muscle. One Zeroth often held the strength of five human men. The main differences, however, were their ears and skin color.

  There was a lot more to them than just muscle of course. Zerothian technology was leaps and bounds ahead of ours. In fact, if it wasn’t for them, travel between Stardust and the Milky Way wouldn’t be possible. Yes, we had teleportation readily available centuries ago, but its range was rather limited. Zerothian were the ones to upgrade a few of our transporters to allow travel between the two systems. Of course, they didn’t tell us how they did it, they just stationed a small crew on Earth to maintain and operate the technology. They probably wouldn’t have done that either if it wasn’t for one thing. Sugar. Yes, who would’ve thought a planet several times bigger than Earth, with species a lot more advanced than humans could never cultivate or invent something to produce sugar? The Zerothians were, therefore, happy to agree to a cultural exchange, a tourism agreement and even some rudimentary (to their understanding) technology in exchange for copious amounts of sugar and the various sweet recipes to go along
with it.

  As I thought about this, I suddenly heard a cry of despair, deep within the town’s center. Eagerly, I pushed my faithful horse forward, getting closer. I rushed past strange, lopsided infrastructures and five-legged animals, pulling large carts filled to the brim with Blood Diamonds. When I finally reached the town’s center, there was a clear commotion around the bank. People gathered, whispering amongst themselves, wondering what had occurred.

  A Zerothian man sat down on the edge of a water fountain, away from all the chaos. Behind him, the planet’s naturally purple colored water poured out of a Desert Dingo’s mouth. The sprinkling water splattered against his tight-fitting clothes, but he didn’t seem to care. He had his head in his hands and he seemed to be crying, his pointed ears tilted downwards in his dismay.

  “What’s going on here?” I asked, tilting my cowboy hat in his direction. I pulled on Bianca’s reins, forcing her to come to a halt in front of the distressed individual. He craned his neck, looking past Bianca’s muscular chest to see me. His golden-speckled eyes were filled with tears of frustration.

  “I’ve lost everything!” He wailed, getting up in a fit of excitement. “I’m this here town’s bank manager and I’ve lost everything!” He exclaimed, running his fingers through his wildly-matted hair. There were dangling bits of jewelry that hung from his slender neck that captured my attention for a moment. It was quite common for Zerothians to wear dazzling pendants, amulets, or necklaces.

  “What happened?” I questioned him, narrowing my eyes at the bank.

  “He stole almost everything! All he left were some fragments. Took the large Blazing Diamond that had been found this morning! It was the most valuable piece that had ever been found in the mine. My own son found it and this guy just stole it all!” The man was in hysterics, pacing back and forth. “What am I supposed to do? I’ll surely be fired for this! I cannot go back to Zeroth empty-handed. I promised my family I’d make a name for myself out here…”

  I listened to his story with interest. Throughout the years, my love for travel and adventure had put me into a rather peculiar occupation. I was something of a bounty hunter, searching far and wide for the vilest criminals in the known universe. This month, however, things had been slow. It seemed like peace had for once, settled over space. “Do you know who did it?” I eagerly asked. I didn’t want to ride around aimlessly anymore. I was starting to get rather bored and if I didn’t find something to do soon, I would surely lose my mind.

  The Zerothian looked at me with wide eyes. “Of course I know who it was. Everyone knows Zigzag Zander. He’s notorious! He has no heart. He has made a name for himself across the Ayris colonies! And yet, no one will do a thing about him!”

  I ground my teeth. So this was the work of Zander. He had been on my hit list before, but the cunning devil had slipped through my fingers time and time again.

  Suddenly, the mayor walked up to us, his large, two-story hat on his head. It wobbled with a slight gust of wind but stayed pinned between his large, blue ears. “You must be Aliza Westerly. I’ve heard about you.” He said. “And I have a request to make.”

  I tilted my head in his direction, letting my cowboy hat cast a shadow over my green eyes, now dazzling with excitement. I had a pretty good idea what he would ask of me.

  “Capture that vagrant and make him pay for his crimes.” I grinned wildly, nodding. It was time to finally corner the outlaw and show him I wasn’t someone to mess with. Zigzag Zander was about to regret ever crossing my path.

  Chapter 2

  Luckily, I already knew Zander. I knew how he tended to operate and what I should look out for as I did my research. The people in the small mining town didn’t have much to tell me. Most of them were drunk out of their minds or too tired to speak in coherent sentences. I tried going to saloons and the women of the town, but they didn’t seem to know much about the criminal either. It seemed like I was getting nowhere.

  Then, I hit my stroke of luck. As I sat down at the local saloon, I picked up on a conversation next to me. Two bionic chimps were whispering to each other, talking about a high-speed train that would be full of expensive consumer goods. Apparently, it would be carrying everything from transporters to flying vehicles. There would even be rare novelty items such as muskets or cosmetic Nano-implants. I grinned, knowing this was exactly what I was looking for.

  I heightened my hearing, edging a little closer to the chimps as they drank merrily, picturing what it would be like to ride a unicycle. I bit my lip. I had to find out where this train was going so I could plan my ambush.

  “I sure wish I lived in Garuda. Everyone there is stinking rich, showing off their Blood Diamonds, wearing them like trophies. It makes me sick. You know I haven’t found one bloody diamond since I got here!” One of the chimps slammed down his glass.

  “I’m sure you’ll find something soon.” The other one tried to comfort him, saying something else, but I was no longer listening. I had my target in sight: Garuda.

  I briskly walked out of the saloon. Bianca was tied to one of the support beams, patiently waiting for my return. She flared her nostrils as she saw me, patting the silver dust under her feet in greeting. I smiled at her, gently patting her back. “I hope you’re ready for a long ride. I finally figured out where Zander is going to strike next.” Putting my foot in the stirrup, I hoisted myself up, settling myself in the saddle. She turned around, her long black tail flicking back and forth in nervous excitement.

  I dug my heel into her side and she shot off like the wind. I leaned forward, letting her go full throttle. I nearly lost my beloved hat, but I managed to hold onto it even as we traversed the rocky terrain. Soon enough, we were approaching Garuda. I could see the towering buildings of the wealthy city. I spotted the slick track the train would rumble over and looked for any kinks in its armor.

  Finally, I found what I was looking for. A few miles away, there was a remote valley the train had to go through, clinching it between two mountains. It would make it the perfect place for an ambush and I had no doubt that Zander would plan his attack from this very spot. I rode up to the valley, finding myself a hiding place, determined to stake it out.

  Sure enough, Zander appeared with plenty of force behind him. Strangely, they all rode horses, just like I did. It was odd to see a non-human on a horse. I furrowed my brow at him, wondering where he had gotten them. Maybe he had been inspired to get some help since the last time we met.

  Quickly, I grabbed my revolver from around my belt, taking aim at him. He was in my direct line of fire. All I had to do was pull the trigger and take him out. But where was the fun in that? I grinned and saw him pointing at the track, a beautiful bracelet hanging from his wrist. There was a blue orb attached to it, which I aimed for.

  My hands were steady and my breathing level as I finally took the shot. My bullet whizzed through the air at a breakneck speed, making contact with the orb and shattering it to pieces. This spooked the group, their horses rearing in fear. Zander shouted something to his men and they dispersed.

  With an air of confidence, he started to ride toward me. I didn’t hesitate to shoot again, this time blowing a hole in the canteen on the side of his hip. He didn’t even flinch. I was impressed. As he started to get closer, I noticed him for the first time. Even though I had seen him before, it was never in great detail. Now, however, I could see his lovely blue skin, decorated with well-placed hues of green. His pointy ears twitched slightly, listening for any movement. His muscular, human-like body. His piercing gray eyes. It was all so breathtaking.

  I found my heart speeding up, admiring him further. Unlike most Zerothians, who didn’t tend to their hair, his was tamed into two thin braids that hung over his broad shoulders. Around his neck was a complicated necklace with a white gem as a centerpiece, glowing fiercely, as if his proud heart was on display.

  “Why don’t you come out of hiding, Ms. Westerly?” He suddenly called out, flashing me a dazzling smile. His teeth were pointed, but
his face was still sincere and gentle as if he were an old-time friend.

  “Oh, I’m not hiding!” I called back, riding into the clearing, rushing right toward him, my gun pointed straight at him. He moved away before my bullet could make contact. I cursed myself for missing. Seconds later, I heard the ear-tingling sound of a bullet flying past my head. “Close, but no cigar!” I laughed giddily. This was more like it.

  We kept shooting at each other. It seemed we were rather well-matched, making it almost impossible for either of us to hit our mark. Suddenly, just as I was about to reload, he came dashing into me, grabbing my gun and tossing it away. Seconds later, he grabbed hold of me, effortlessly picking me up and setting me down on his lap.

  I was about to struggle when he pinned my body to his. He held me tight and I froze. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn’t think straight. I looked up at him with wide eyes. “You’re beautiful.” He whispered, his hot breath caressing the side of my face. I shuddered, a tingling sensation running down my spine. He chuckled at my reaction before tossing me back on my saddle and riding away, leaving me disgruntled and confused for a brief moment.


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