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Page 34

by Daniella Wright

  “Um… excuse me.” I cleared my throat, hoping to get her attention. When she looked at me straight on, I nearly gasped. I could hardly believe it. My heart skipped a beat. It was her. I nearly took her into my arms and rejoiced, but the look of confusion on her face brought me back to reality. Maybe it wasn’t her…

  “Yes?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.

  “I just couldn’t help but introduce myself to a beautiful woman like yourself. I’m Slade Blackstone.” I pronounced my name carefully, watching for any sign of recognition, but she just smiled politely, her cheeks growing pink at my compliment.

  “I’m Nixie Highwater.” I froze in place. Nixie. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She said, holding out her delicate hand. For a moment, I didn’t know what to do. I was now so certain it was her that I found myself at a standstill. Finally, as things started to get awkward, I shook her hand, jolts of electricity running through my spine as if Zeus had just hurled one of his lightning bolts at me. There was no doubt that it was her. But why couldn’t she recognize me? “What brings you here?” She asked, taking a sip of her colorful fruity drink.

  “Oh well… I own a few shops. Jewelry shops.” I stumbled over my words, still caught in the holds of her gaze.

  “Oh, that’s really cool. I’m actually an environmentalist and marine biologist, affiliated with the Smooth Sailing Foundation. Are you familiar with them?” I shook my head and she continued. “Well, we’re a business that harvests red coral from protected reefs so we can cultivate them and repopulate the decimated areas around the Caribbean.”

  The word Caribbean was like a bullet through my soul. I kept staring at her, hoping she would remember her past, but she seemed oblivious to what she once was. “You know, I used to know a little nymph whose job it was to protect those reefs.” I joked, thinking it would spark her memory, but all she did was glare at me, thinking I was using the word nymph in the derogatory sense.

  “You see, that really isn’t something you should joke about. People should care about the reefs, no matter what their sexual preferences are. Corals are very important to the ocean’s delicate ecosystem.” She looked at me, taking a sip before continuing. It looked like she had enough stamina to lecture me through the night. It wasn’t like I minded all that much. Just being around her again made me feel whole once more. “Anyway, so my parents are scuba divers and they do research on the subject all the time. They tell me that the reefs are very beautiful and I want to ensure that my children and grandchildren can enjoy clean water, biodiversity, and the taste of fish for their entire life on Earth.” She then narrowed her eyes in my direction. “You said you were a jewelry shop owner, right? You aren’t one of those despicable people who make jewelry with red coral, are you?”

  All of a sudden, I felt extremely guilty. I thought about the pile of red coral on my workbench and how I planned to turn it into a beautiful necklace fit for the Queen of England. “I used to… but after hearing your passionate speech, I would never think to do so again. I promise to dissolve that part of my business in order to keep the oceans healthy. I hope you can forgive me for my ignorance.” I said, letting an air of humility fill my voice. I bowed my head as if I were addressing royalty, a grin painted on my face which she couldn’t see. She was much too flabbergasted to either accept or refute my plea for forgiveness.

  Chapter 6

  I couldn’t keep my mind off her. Even as the party came to an end and we went our separate ways, my mind wandered. It had to be her. She was the spitting image of the nymph I had come to adore so many years ago. They had the same mannerisms and even went by the same name, but it seemed like this Nixie had no recognition of her life two hundred years ago. She seemed so caught up in her life in the present, genuinely believing she was the child of two hard working scuba divers. I had to help her to snap out of it. I had to get her to remember.

  So I did some research, finding the address for Smooth Sailing’s Headquarters. Hopefully, with some luck I could find Nixie and impress her with a business scheme I had concocted that night as sleep eluded me.

  I hummed along with my car radio, my thoughts buzzing. I could see her image as clear as day before my eyes. I couldn’t believe how beautiful she still was, even after two centuries. Her cute button nose hadn’t changed a smidge. Her eyes were still the color of the ocean. Everything about her was exactly as I remembered. There was no way it couldn’t be her.

  Motivated by this thought, I eased my car into a parking spot in front of the large building. I straightened out my tie and grabbed a briefcase from the passenger side, bringing it with me.

  Inside, I inquired about Nixie Highwater, thinking for a moment how fitting her last name really was. To my surprise, the secretary was very kind about pointing me in the right direction. She didn’t give me any trouble at all. I nodded in gratitude before making my way down the hall to the elevator. After a short ride, I was on the fifth floor, searching for room 507. Finally, I found it. Nixie’s name was printed on the frosted-glass door. I knocked, hearing her sweet voice from within. “Come in!” She chimed. I could already feel my heart racing and my knees going weak, but I still kept my head high, determined to see this through.

  I opened the door and saw her sitting there. Her silver hair was pulled back into a tight bun, showing off the features of her angelic face all the more brilliantly. I stopped in place in the middle of the room, gawking at her like an idiot. “Ah! Mr. Blackstone. What brings you here?” She tilted her head to the side, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

  “Oh… um…” I choked on my own words, enthralled by her breathtaking beauty. I gulped down my own anxiety. I had waited two hundred years to find her and now that I was face to face with her, I could no longer remember how to speak.

  Her brows came together in confusion, noting my obvious trepidation. “Why don’t you take a seat?” She pointed to a chair in front of her desk before she got up, filling up a small cup with water. She had to bend over slightly to do this, her waistline and firm backside coming on display. For the first time, I realized I had never seen her from the waist down. I gulped, a fire burning between my thighs as my excitement kindled new emotions inside of me that I had never felt before.

  Finally, I managed to sit down, taking the water from her hands. I took a sip, grateful for the cold liquid splashing against my throat. I took a deep breath, trying to regain my composure. “Right. I have a business proposition for you.” I said, my voice softer than I had intended.

  “Oh?” She pinned a strand of hair behind her ear. “What is it?”

  “I wanted to market a new line of jewelry and I want all the proceeds to go to your foundation. After last night, I knew I had to do something to help your efforts.” I said, trying to appear confident.

  Her eyes grew wide at my words. I could tell she was quite jubilant. It looked like she wanted to jump out of her seat and give me a hug. “You know, I have a pretty busy schedule ahead of me today. But I wouldn’t mind talking about this over some dinner. What do you say? I heard Gilligan’s, the new restaurant that opened up nearby is making quite a name for itself. How about we meet there tonight?” She asked as she leaned forward, the cut of her shirt dipping down, revealing a light blue lace bra. I gulped, the fire between my legs intensifying. I simply nodded, unable to do anything else. “Well then, I’ll see you tonight. How does eight sound?” She asked before walking over to me. “I can’t wait to see what kind of jewelry you have in mind for this project.” With that, she ushered me out of the room.

  Chapter 7

  I was at Gilligan’s promptly at eight. I sat at my table, fidgeting, constantly looking at my watch. 8:02. 8:07. 8:15. Where was she? I started to doubt that she would show up at all, my fears nearly getting the best of me. I cursed myself for not getting her number.

  The steak knife was in my hand as I started to subconsciously carve into the table in my anxiety. I kept looking out the window, hoping to see her, but it was a rainy eveni
ng and everything was blurred. All I could see was a variety of different colored umbrellas. I sighed. I should have never gotten my hopes up. I sunk down deeper into my chair.

  Then, just as I was about to give up completely and go home, Nixie appeared as if out of thin air. She wore a plain crimson dress that fitted her perfectly. My cheeks turned red at her appearance and I quickly got up, pulling out her chair for her. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.” She said with a sweet voice, batting her eyelashes.

  I shook my head. “No need to apologize. I would wait an eternity for you.” She glanced up at me, thinking my comment was a little inappropriate. I sighed softly under my breath before sitting down. “Anyway, do you know what you would like to eat?”

  “I’m not sure yet.” She said, glancing over the menu. As she did, I couldn’t help but stare at her, taking in her impossibly beautiful figure. I wanted to reach out and pull her into my arms, to kiss her lips and feel the touch of her skin against mine, but I managed to control myself. This wasn’t the Nixie I had fallen in love with two hundred years ago.

  “So tell me, a beautiful girl like yourself, you must have a boyfriend.”

  “Actually, I’m single.” She said, her cheeks turning rosy. She hid her face behind the menu like she didn’t want to talk about her romantic life, but there was a deep curiosity inside the pit of my stomach. I had to know.

  “Oh, come on now. You have to be pulling my leg. I don’t believe you.”

  “Really.” She said, putting her menu down. “I’m not dating anyone.”

  My intrigue was piqued. Maybe if she fell in love with me all over again, it would spark her memories. “Well, would you like to?” I said smoothly, hoping I didn’t come across as some sort of a creep.

  “Look.” She sighed. “You’re very nice and all, but you aren’t really my type. I really appreciate what you want to do for Smooth Sailing and I’m sure you’ll make some girl very happy one day, but it just won’t be me.” Her words were like daggers, piercing into my heart, leaving me breathless. I couldn’t understand how she could reject me so easily.

  “I…” I wanted to say something, but the words were lodged in my throat. I looked at her, feeling anger shooting up from the depths of my soul. “Why can’t you remember me?” I suddenly blurted out, losing my temper. I got up in a fury. “You have to remember. I was Slade of the Seven Seas. I was your husband. You saved my life!” I screamed, not caring who heard me, not caring that all of this made me look like a madman.

  Nixie got up, her eyes going wide with fright. “Please! I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She pleaded with me, hiding behind her chair.

  “Oh yes you do!” I bellowed, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her toward my body. I was so angry that fate had to pry us away. I wanted her to remember me. I wanted it more than anything else in the world. “Please…” I begged her, shaking her slightly.

  “Let go of me!” She struggled, hitting me with her arms as I continued to hold her close. Our argument quickly caught the attention of the other patrons, who started to interfere. As this happened, a lone yellow jacket buzzed around, having found the restaurant as a place of refuge from the storm outside.

  When Nixie started to wave her arms around, calling for help, she managed to swat it. It was disoriented before becoming quite angry. It flew forward, suddenly making contact with my arm, driving its stinger into my flesh time and time again, even though I wasn’t the offender it was looking for.

  I winced, feeling the sharp, needle-like pain in my arm. I finally managed to kill it with my hand. My eyes grew wide as I saw what it was. I was deathly allergic to yellow jackets.

  Seconds later, I passed out.


  I had no idea where I was, but I had the feeling I had been here before. With déjà vu muddling my brain, I floated through a thick blue fog. I tried to move my limbs, but they felt like dead weights. Suddenly, I heard a beautiful melody that invigorated my body. I started to swim, even though I had never swum a minute in my life.

  I followed the sound like a sailor follows a siren’s song. I didn’t care what I encountered as long as I found the source. Finally, I laid eyes on Nixie. I had to stop because she was completely naked before me. Her milky white skin was on full display. Her long, silver hair draped over it, beckoning me forward.

  My heart started to rampage in my chest and I couldn’t help myself from taking her into my arms. My fingers ran over her delicate flesh, my lips colliding with hers. They locked together perfectly, dancing with one another. My fingers continued to roam her body like I had once explored the Seven Seas. They tried to take in every inch of her, moving down her spine to the subtle curve of her ass and finally, to her thighs. I grasped them between my fingers, spreading them apart, seeing her fleshy pink lips already glistening with her juices. I grinned, knowing she was wet for me. At the thought, my dick sprung to live, twitching between my legs. It was only then that I realized I was naked as well.

  Nixie looked at me, her eyes blazing with desire as she placed her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. “You’ve been gone so long, my love. I’ve missed you…” She whispered into my ear, her voice soft and seductive. I felt lightheaded as blood rushed from my head to my dick, making it swell. My tip was now engorged, nearly purple with excitement. God, I wanted her so bad. “I’ve always wanted you… I still do.” With her last word, her small, sharp teeth sunk into the side of my neck, sucking on it slightly as her tongue teased my flesh, making me shiver.

  Her nimble fingers ran down my chest to my stomach, outlining my chiseled midsection before finally making their way to my cock. The moment I felt her soft hand wrapping around my hardening shaft, I felt like I would explode. She giggled, obviously aware of how much she was turning me on. Her eyes sparkled even more as she started to jerk me off, squeezing me as tightly as she could.

  Her movements were rhythmic, driving me crazy. I wanted her to go faster and send me over the edge, but she never did. Instead, she stopped whenever I was close to release. “Nixie… please… I can’t stand this much longer.” I pleaded with her, eager to be overcome with pleasure.

  “Patience…” She assured me, her hands reaching down to fondle my balls, leaving my dick wanting more. I groaned, thrusting into the open space between us. I wanted to take her in that very moment, to rest my hands on her hips and dive deep into her wet folds, but her alluring gaze had left me completely paralyzed.

  Her tongue slowly moved over her full pink lips as she looked at me before she kneeled down, her small hands slowly spreading my thighs. Gingerly, she left a trail of kisses along my skin, bringing me to new heights of desire. “Nixie… you’re going to drive me insane!” I exclaimed, watching as she continued to tease me, moving her body seductively. Her hips swayed side to side and her ass was high in the air before she finally wrapped her plump lips around my eager cock.

  A loud moan escaped my lips as I bucked my hips forward, hoping to slide down her throat, but she moved away in that moment, the drop of pre-cum that had gathered on my cock, now on the tip of her tongue. Naughtily, she swallowed it, closing her eyes as if it was the sweetest thing she had ever tasted. “Mmm… delicious.” She mused. Suddenly, there was a look of carnal hunger painted on her face.

  Seconds later, her hands were on my thighs, her fingernails digging into my flesh as her hot mouth traveled up and down my considerable length, taking in every inch of me. Her tongue was working overtime, moving along the base of my throbbing cock. I could already feel a tightening in my balls as she continued to tease me expertly.

  Just when I was about to cum, she would pull away, teasing my tip, letting her tongue run along the underside. Occasionally, she would flick across my tiny hole, as if her tongue could slither inside. I moaned, my voice now hoarse from the amount of times I had screamed her name in pleasure.

  I had no idea when she would finally grant me sweet release, but I could only hope that it would happen soon. Already, I was feeling diz
zy from the amount of pleasure that surged through my body. Every nerve felt hypersensitive. Her every touch felt like fireworks under my skin, ready to push me over the edge.

  Eventually, to my dismay, she pulled away completely, looking up at me with those big eyes of hers. There was an angelic glow radiating from her face that made me weak in the knees. “What’s wrong?” She asked, her fingers tightening around my aching balls.

  “Please… Nixie… you have to let me cum… if you don’t, I’ll lose my mind.” I begged my voice nothing more than a ragged breath. “All this teasing… it’s driving me insane. You’re too sexy for the mortal world.”


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