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Page 48

by Daniella Wright

  “It would do well for you to know that you are not to touch Kara without her express consent. If she would have you, I would not come between it. However, it is clear that you’re pressing an issue where you are unwanted,” Kajin says coldly. His teeth are bared in an almost animalistic gesture, and I swallow a thick lump in my throat as Clarke storms towards the door.

  Something has to give, it’s only a matter of time at this point.


  The next day, I awake in Kajin’s arms. He has decided to keep a closer eye on me while Clark remains in our company. Clark himself is growing increasingly distant, though I don’t have many complaints on that front. I could go the rest of my life without speaking to him, were it an option. This morning, however, Clark seems exceptionally chipper. I watch him warily, not knowing exactly what he has up his sleeve. He approaches me and Kajin that afternoon, smiling a daring smile at the alien man.

  “I have news,” he reports boldly, and I draw nearer to Kajin, having the vaguest of ideas of what this news could be. Kajin seems altogether uninterested, but allows Clark audience, gesturing for him to continue. “I have received a signal from planet Earth. They have sent a rescue team, who will be arriving at our crash site by this evening,” he smirks. Kajin, much to our mutual surprise, simply smiles in response.

  “That is certainly news,” he says noncommittally. Clark narrows his eyes dangerously, drawing nearer to the two of us.

  “If you are to try and stop my return to earth, it will be a matter of intergalactic war. I’m well respected on my planet, and I can give the word for the United States army to launch war upon your planet,” he says with a wicked smile. I stiffen at Kajin’s side, but the alien man simply shrugs his shoulders, gesturing towards the door.

  “I care not for your United States but if you want to leave, I will make no move to stop you. I will even escort you to the rescue site, to ensure that you are not injured by the planet’s fauna. You seem the foolish sort to take on a wild bagaloon with only your bare fists,” Kajin chuckles, and I manage to relax, if only slightly.

  “I would think that you would be more upset to lose your little sex toy,” Clark bites out. Kajin narrows his eyes, reaching out to grasp the human man by his shirt collar. He draws him in closer, pulling him off his feet and meeting his gaze with a steely expression.

  "I will thank you for showing my mate the respect she deserves," he begins, hesitating before turning to face me. "I know the Earth is your home, and I would not presume to ask you to remain here with me. However, I want you to know that my soul is forever entwined with yours. We are fated to be, in the everlasting afterlife. I love you, Kara," he says gently. My eyes widen, and I can do little but throw my arms around his neck, drawing him in for a passionate kiss.

  “I love you too,” I whisper against his lips, drawing away and shooting Clark a dirty look. “I intend to remain here, with you and your people. Space travel has always been my dream, and you, Kajin, are a dream come true. I dare not lose you for the sake of a home that is no longer my own,” I murmur, holding him close. He inhales a shuddering breath, pulling away to consider me with his wide and dark eyes.

  “You are sure this is what you want?” He asks gently, and I nod my head fervently in response.

  “I could want nothing more. Let’s see Clark to his rescue pod, and I can finally return to my studies here, in peace,” I say, glancing to Clark with pursed lips. He watches the two of us with wide eyes, sputtering nearly incoherently.

  “Kara! You can’t stay here! The Earth is your home! Have you gone absolutely mad?” He cries out, struggling as Kajin takes him by the arm and guides him out of our now-shared home.

  “If love is a form of madness, consider me absolutely batty,” I say with a smirk. I lead the men to the crash site turned rescue site, spotting an earth vessel long before we reach the location. I hesitate, glancing to Kajin with a soft smile. “I will say my goodbyes, and then… it’s the two of us, here on out,” I murmur. Kajin nods obligingly, trailing after me as I make my way to the human vessel.

  “Captain Nolan! You did survive! It’s so wonderful to see you in one piece,” the apparent captain of the rescue vessel announces. I nod my head politely, speaking before Clark can possibly interrupt me.

  “I indeed survived the crash. However, I will not be returning to Earth with you and your crew. My research is needed on this planet. I simply wanted to bid Clark farewell, and establish that I am remaining here of my free will,” I say firmly. The captain’s eyes widen, and he glances to where Kajin stands behind me. He seems to consider my words, and I’m certain he will try to convince me to return with them. However, he simply shakes his head before guiding Clark into the ship.

  “As you wish, Captain Nolan. If you ever wish to return to Earth, we will be but a signal away,” he says kindly. I’m more than mildly taken aback, but manage a broad smile.

  "I don't think that will be necessary, but… thank you, captain. God speed," I say grandly. He salutes before ducking into the rescue vessel. Kajin steps up beside me, reaching out to take my hand.

  “I will not be upset if you leave. I don’t want you to feel forced to remain here,” Kajin murmurs, watching as the thrusters for the ship begin to ignite. “This is your last chance, for some time, Kara. Are you sure this is what you want?” He inquires.

  “I want you, Kajin. That’s all. I want only you,” I smile. He gathers me in his arms, and the two of us watch as the rescue vessel takes to the sky. Though I know I am leaving my entire life behind, I’m confident in the life I will begin anew. I’ve always been an explorer, my dreams to explore the vast depths of space. However, it seems that in my journey I have found something better, something so much more. My new dream is to explore this feeling, this sensation of love unlike any I have felt before. It wasn’t just my escape pod that crashed on this planet, my heart crashed alongside it.

  Such is the splendid result of unexpected landings.

  Prisoner X

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Erotic Alien Abduction Romance

  He was… divine. No human male had ever tasted like him in a kiss before. Was that his alien nature? Was that a part of his biology? Was her reaction just because of the novelty of it?

  It was all over far too soon. He pulled away from her just as she started to rock her hips against him. Almost instantly, that mind-high of a connection snapped – but only enough so that most of her rational thought came back to her. Her body was still hot, her center throbbing. If she gauged herself well… She was also embarrassingly wet. From kissing.

  * * *

  I: The Fact of the Matter

  Adrien always thought that life was better when dealing with it in facts. Facts could never lie, for instance, and while facts might be hard to swallow, they would always steer a person to the truth.

  Fact one: She was light years away from any human civilization.

  Fact two: That wasn’t a bad thing, she was a scientist, after all. She had been trained to deal with those situations.

  Fact three: She was a captive – a prisoner.

  Fact four: That, also, wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Her captor wasn’t an unknown factor, and she could use that to her advantage.

  She breathed in, out, reviewing those facts in her head. Adrien supposed that she should feel a little more… Well, more. But the fact remained was that she hadn’t been killed yet, hadn’t been harmed. She’d only been taken. Why? She could venture a guess, but that guess wasn’t necessarily a welcome one. She didn’t know how well that would bode for her as time went on, but at the very least, she appreciated feeling like she was prepared. With that in mind, she cleared her throat, speaking from the floor where she was bound with plasma-cuffs.

  “Subject X?”

  He didn’t respond to her, which wasn’t that surprising, considering the way that she had addressed him. He didn’t like being called Subject X, but it was a hard habit for her to break, even when she was in such
a predicament. Realizing the mistake, she sighed, blowing the hair out of her face as she did.

  She needed to amend her grievance.

  “I’m sorry. Mor’an? Will you speak to me? Will you tell me why you’ve taken me?”

  The alien glanced over at the sound of his name. He was at the control panel, standing before it and the great plane of glass in front of it. As a native Jundar, he could almost pass as human – though he was much larger than the average human male and the exposed skin of his chest and arms had a silvery sheen to it. His blondish hair was short, cropped close to his head, and the particularly striking thing about him were the perfectly obsidian eyes set into his face – no whites present.

  The anatomy otherwise was all the same, either way, and Mor’an merely shrugged his shoulders as he regarded her before turning away.

  That was frustrating. He only ever treated her this way when there were others around; he’d outright refused to speak to the other researchers, wouldn’t even answer yes or no questions unless it was just her there, alone with him; he’d always favored her presence to others. Now, with no one else around them, she had expected that he would at least speak to her, would at least answer such a simple question. Instead, he chose to ignore her. She huffed.

  “I agreed to come with you without a fuss, Mor’an, you could at the very least tell me why you took me.” Again, there was silence. Adrien scowled, irritated. She was resigned to sit there, as stubborn in her silence as Mor’an was as he continued to ignore her.

  When he had broken out of his captivity and taken her with him, she had gone without fighting. Her curiosities over what he was doing outweighed any potential fear that she might have had otherwise about what he was going to do to or with her – but now, she wished she had at least had the sense to ask him what his plans were exactly before he decided to give her the silent treatment. She had almost always been left with more questions than answers when she dealt with Mor’an. In the comfort of the labs, it had sparked curiosity, a desire to get closer, learn more. Now it only infuriated her that this is what her situation was.

  “You’re mine.”

  His voice so sudden made her jump. Her brows furrowed a bit, and stared at him as he continued to not look or speak further to her.

  “Excuse me?” she asked.

  “You’re mine,” he repeated. This time, he turned around to her. The low hum of the ship filled the silence, just long enough for him to fold his arms over his broad chest. “I’ve chosen you. You’re mine. I no longer wanted to remain on your planet, with your scientists and your questions, but I would not leave you there – so I took you with me. Is that sufficient?”

  He said it so plainly, as he always did, she would have been stunned had she not been used to it. She had, after all, been studying him for months. She chewed on the inside of her mouth, though. He had chosen her? Was that some sort of… mating thing?

  “I don’t understand,” she said honestly. “You never expressed an interest in reproduction, let alone with me or any other human. You also came to the labs of your own violation, so what does all of this – breaking out, taking me – what was the point of it? I don’t understand.”

  He continued to regard her, as he usually did when they began their talks like this. She would ask him questions, he’d answer, and typically that would lead to more question asking until their time together was up. That’s how it always went; it was oddly comforting to Adrien that that hadn’t changed, simply because he had, for lack of a better word, abducted her and taken her captive from the research facility.

  “We never got around to talking about it,” he said simply. “My people sent me so that I might see if there was any stock to your people. I thought perhaps there was something to find in your kind… something interesting. I was disappointed as a whole. Your superiors wanted to know about things like our armies… our government… Things that don’t matter; the Jundar have no interest in your pitiful human civilization, no matter how much your kind try to insert yourselves into the greater parts of the universe. You though… I stayed because you were interesting, and our talks held merit. We almost got there, when we started talking about the culture of my planet and my people, though. Our, what did you call it, our biology? But I had found myself bored playing the game of your people.”

  He walked over to Adrien. His steps thudded heavily against the floor. She had had one on one moments with Mor’an before – but never quite like this. She had never been restrained. She had never had him in the position of power over her.

  Despite all of this, she wasn’t afraid of him.

  Mor’an crouched down in front of her, putting him level to her. She stared back at him, her eyes on his, unwavering in the stare of pitch black back at her. The feeling of her heart beating could be felt in her ears, pounding in her head as she waited, anticipated, his next move.

  He had never, once, been so close to her, either. How had she never noticed the soft, alluring scent of him before? It threw her off a bit, and she had to shake her head before addressing the real issue at hand.

  “So, what does your biology have to do with you kidnapping me?” She kept her eyes on him, and he did the same with her. It would have been unnerving had he been a stranger.

  “I thought there was something different about you,” he said. “You appealed to me when I first saw you.” Again, he shrugged. “My people… there is a pull towards the person our body wants us to mate with. My body wants you. It’s not common to want it with something that isn’t the same as we are, but it happens sometimes. There’s something about you that that’s alluring… appealing. Eventually you’ll come to understand it; it’s how it works.”

  He said it, as if it were just that simple. Adrien, however, found herself questioning that. She wasn’t Jundar; she was human, her biology was human.

  That being said, if Mor’an thought that she was that to him… some sort of biologically intended mate, that meant he wasn’t going to hurt her – she was important to him, then. Her mind began to work, thinking perhaps she could use that to her advantage. And, honestly?

  If she needed to use that appeal to keep herself safe and alive, then she would.

  “I see,” she said, not fully understanding, but deciding she would leave it for the time being. She sat back, and Mor’an seemed pleased that was accepting this. He left her on the floor, returning to the control panel. Adrien said nothing, did nothing – but she began to think. One way, or another, she would get herself out of the situation she found herself in. Luckily for her, she had an angle to work.

  She could only hope that Mor’an wouldn’t see through it.

  II: Biologically Speaking

  They were in deep space by the time Mor’an released her from her binds. She wasn’t sure if they would be tracked or not (her guess was no, considering she was but one researcher and those were easy to replace) though she did wonder if he had had any plans to take them to his planet. She filed that away as something that she would have to weasel out of him at some point, but at present, that wasn’t an important detail.

  She needed to make him think that she was buying into what he had told her the day before.

  She still didn’t think there was any special connection between the two of them that would necessitate him kidnapping her. She could admit a scientific curiosity on profession alone. Privately, she knew that at the least she found his body appealing. He may not have been human, but his physique was exquisite and she had always been fond of, well. Large men. Being destined to be mated, as he called it, however? She didn’t think so.

  Either way, she knew she would need to get him off his guard. Initiating that was her goal as she sat across from him at the ship’s dining table. It wasn’t a particularly large ship, one that was used for long-term expeditions for crews of about five to ten people, but that meant it had space enough for the solitary two people that were on board. He made faces as he ate the ready-made meal the shit was provided with, but ate he did. She fo
und it amusing; his alien palate didn’t appreciate the ingenuity of re-hydrated space food. She used that as the jumping point for her little experiment.

  “You don’t like it?” she asked, casual.

  His grimace deepened as he spooned another bite into his mouth.

  “It isn’t the best thing that I’ve eaten in my life. I don’t understand how you humans consume this. It’s worse than the rations given at the facility.”

  Adrien laughed. She thought that was a bit of an exaggeration; the rations from the research facility had been purely nutrition based and hadn’t been engineered to offer much other than the base of those – but whatever fit for Mor’an.

  “I don’t mind them, to be honest. They taste fine to me.”

  “Humans aren’t known well for their tastes,” he said blandly. Her brow raised.

  “What are we known for?”

  “Brutality. Perhaps stupidity. You’re far less advanced than the rest of the universe, even with your… innovations.”

  “Is that so? May I ask something, then? We’re so unadvanced, what makes you think we – you and I that is – are… intended? I don’t quite understand, and you never really explained fully.”

  Mor’an tilted his head at her, his own brow raising.

  “Of course, you wouldn’t understand,” he said, as if he were realizing it for himself. He sat his spoon down, disregarding the food in front of him almost happily. “Our kind… we are like humans, in a way. We’re sexual, the word is. But for each of us, there’s one person that we’re completely compatible with. We could have relations with a hundred others before we found the proper one; we could have them with one person, and that person is the one with whom we’re supposed to commit ourselves to entirely. Our bodies know this… it is an intense feeling when it happens. I thought perhaps I simply enjoyed the way you looked when we first met, because you’re human and it is rare that any of our kind find our mates in another species… but the feeling was persistent. I knew.”


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