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Dark Days (Written Pictures #2)

Page 22

by H. A. Kotys

  She felt his tongue dance and Jacqueline’s eyes fluttered closed to the bliss sealing the moment in her mind. His tongue pushed, probing and without hesitation, she permitted him unhindered access. In a second, he plunged inside, delving into her mouth, meeting her tongue and pushing it back, dominating the kiss with a groan of his own.

  Why had he come? As his heavy kiss continued unabated, Jacqueline felt the thrill of his large, warm hand find her breast. Her back arched on instinct, rising to the call of his strength and when his other hand slipped under her naked bottom, it was already beyond her to stay still. He was strong, so strong and the odour of him beckoned her forward.

  Her hands slid across his broad back, clutching him to her, nails gouging to keep him hard against her. Her untethered leg slid up his, toes pointed as she caressed her way to his buttock. She wanted to trap him firmly to her, needed to even, though she knew from his pressing stiffness that there was no question of him pulling away.

  Feeling her entwine around him, Alexei’s tongue pushed deeper into her mouth. One hand squeezed her breast as fingers of the other curled into her soft buttock. With the passion whipped up by weeks of self-denial he asserted himself on her. It wasn’t the first time in her life she had allowed herself to be physically controlled but this time she truly felt it. This was real. Fresh. He had control. She was his woman. She loved it.

  The remnants of her nails clawed at his back and the chain with which she was attached to the bed clanked as she tugged at it in an effort to hold him closer still. She needed him more than she had needed anyone before - that scared and thrilled her in equal measure. What raw intensity she felt in that kiss. Even if she lived forever, the passionate ferocity would never be matched.

  And so she kissed. She kissed him back with the fury of her need. She kissed him with the intensity of long, slow-stoked lust. She kissed to show him she was his. She kissed him until her lips were raw and she felt unable to physically kiss any harder.

  Raven was alive and ablaze. She needed more, much more and grabbing his hair, she yanked his head back, finally breaking the kiss. Panting hard, her chest rising to him, she breathed out what she needed more than anything. “Fuck me! Fuck me now!”

  Held off her, Alexei’s breathing was as heavy as hers. Dancing eyes watched her plumped lips as she rasped the words he had longed to hear. With a growl, he devoured her breast, ignoring the tear of pain in his scalp from the tight grip she still kept.

  His lips engulfed her nipple, rolling it before his teeth bit down, flicking the ring with his tongue. Grinding down, he reminded her who had control. Raven groaned. Her back arched further up to ease the pain but also to ease his access. She pulled his head right, left, steering him to her need as he served his own.

  Fuck Natalia. Fuck escape. She needed this, needed Alexei. She was Raven reborn. Leant heavily on her legs, she had no choice but to splay them. With easier access, he quickly slid a hand over her sex, gathering her juices before delving into the inferno that was her clitoris.

  The explosion to his contact pulsed pleasure to each pass of skilled fingers. All those weeks. All that work. All those days of destruction were worth it just to feel what she was feeling right now. He had swept away any doubt just as surely as he had swept fingers across her soaking sex.

  Finding the waistband of his boxer briefs she thrust her hand beneath to clutch his erection, his erection for her.

  “I said fuck me!” she growled, tugging firmly on his cock, matching the rhythm of his divine attentions to her bud. He responded though as he wanted to. His tongue flickered over the very tip of her pierced nipple, nibbling the base with his teeth to spur a rise in the pitch of her moans.

  Alexei ignored her commands. Commands slowly weakened to requests. As he played a symphony on her body, even requests melted into needy pleas of desire. She was his to command. His and only his.

  When her body started to roll to each steady sweep of his finger on her clitoris, her grip on his hair became nothing more than a token gesture. On and on he pushed her, driving her body hard and fast with his twin assaults while she in turn smoothed elegant fingers up and down his thick cock, wanting to release it from his briefs, wanting it inside her.

  “Fuck me!” she groaned again, her voice heavy with need. Again he answered with action, withdrawing his mouth from one breast only to plunge onto the other, hurtling her arousal ever higher, way beyond her control.

  “Please..!!!” she gasped, hips rolling to receive the luxury of his touch, shuddering as an exploratory finger slithered back across her sex.

  “Master, please!” she begged, rolling her thumb in circles over the head of his cock to emphasise her need.

  Withdrawing from her breast, Alexei looked down at Raven and Raven looked up at Alexei. A pause. Don’t fucking stop! Hips thrust up to him, wanting, needing.

  “Good girl.” No more needed to be said. With that, he tore his underwear down to reveal the full majesty of his manhood.

  Two predators. Both panting, both needing. They were about to consummate a bond neither had expected to find, each driven to the edge of sanity by lust for the other.

  “Fuck me, Master,” spat Raven, voice strengthened by the implicit threat of what she may be driven to do if he didn’t.

  Her soul was his and now he would take her body. With a curling of his hips, Alexei drove hard into her, meeting no resistance as he finally thrust forward, taking his desire as surely as he now took her body.

  Raven’s world melted. Pressing deep into her she welcomed him totally with all of her being. It was so right that she was here. Now. With him. Their connection was more than simply physical. Had her whole life led to this moment?

  She lay beneath him, matching his powerful thrusts with her own in a melding of two worlds. Was she just his latest fuck? She had to show him she was more. She had to demonstrate to him all that she was and with a grunt at the exertion and strain on her bruised body she managed to unbalance him. Still impaled, Raven was now on top.

  Growling in animal lust she rode him, grinding her hips down hard to take all that he was, grinding out her need. She was still Raven even as she declared him Master. She could see her future. As he lay beneath her, fists clutching the sheet and eyes closed in ecstatic bliss, she had the proof within herself that Raven would never be fully broken. Raven had become part of the core of who she was.

  Her fingers closed around his throat, riding the moment, riding her man. Yes, she was Raven once more. She always would be and fucking him hard, she started to squeeze.

  There was so much hate in her, so much frustration at how she had been treated and it seemed now to flow to her fingers, even as she fucked down with wild abandon. She was taking him now as he had watched her taken. He was just like the others, just another fuck and feeling him tense, her fingers flexed on his throat, savouring the moment just before….

  She was close though too. This wasn’t the Raven of old. The old Raven would have fucked him to her orgasm then rolled away. Not finished? Too bad, she had.

  He had to cum too. She wanted to feel his pleasure inside her. Her inner muscles rippled to milk him as she fought her own orgasm, growling to hold it back. He was so close, she knew the signs.

  She drove down on him with renewed urgency, fingers playing with his throat, fucking him as she breathed her ownership of his body, “Mine.”

  A single word. A simple word. But without doubt, a heavy word. A word heavy in lust, heavy in meaning, heavy enough to be an unbreakable bond between them. And Raven drove down harder, her thighs quivering as she struggled to keep her mind from dissolving in the white-hot inferno of passion. She needed him to cum. Releasing the grip on his throat, Raven slapped his face then jagged her hand to clutch his throat again.

  He was the bastard that had presided over her humiliation. She had him. She could squeeze the life out of him. Yet all she wanted to do was squeeze down harder on his cock, squeeze it with everything she had. She needed him. He needed her.
It was carnal passion and with a tensing of his body and a final cry of release, Alexei gave her what she needed.

  It was enough, more than enough. Feeling his warmth spread inside, Raven plunged over her precipice too, their bodies writhing as one in single climactic perfection. Wave after sumptuous wave crashed over her, caressed back then crashed again.

  She could kill him but she couldn’t. He was different. He alone understood her. He alone could give her all she needed and relaxing the grip on his neck, she collapsed onto his sweating, spent body to be enveloped protectively in strong arms as she fucked him through twin orgasms and into their beyond.

  CHAPTER LIV – Right Place, Wrong Time

  It was no use. No matter what she tried, nothing worked. Even her usual staple of counting the bricks on the front of the doll’s house couldn’t help her sleep. Natalia threw her covers off in frustration.

  Too much had gone on and her mind insisted on trying to find order and a sense of proper place. It had been exhilarating to be so spontaneous, stepping for once outside her well-structured comfort zone and to hell with the consequences. Now though, the consequences had crept up to concern her, churning endlessly in her head.

  What if she had pissed off Alexei so much that he threw her out? No, he was blood, he would never do that. What if word of what was essentially murder leaked out? She had been careful to filter the web-feed, vetting subscribers individually before pocketing the substantial sums each had paid. She would keep that money to herself for now though. Those in the arena had witnessed it first-hand but not one had stepped forward to stop it, and anyway the cameras had recorded all of them. It was controlled. Even so, what if? What if?

  With a grunt she snatched the male figure from the miniature house and threw it against the wall. Men! They were all the same. In the early twentieth century a well turned ankle had driven them wild. By the forties, things had moved on to the bikini. The sixties brought the miniskirt to reveal an expanse of leg to the streets that only a decade before would have caused women to die with shame. And by the turn of the millennium women thought nothing of prostituting their bodies just to sell an extra CD or two. It was all men. What more was left to show? What more was left for women to give?

  ‘What more’ was what that American bitch had shown to lure her beloved brother into such stupidity. Natalia could feel her anger build – she had always been the driving force behind him, pushing him on, providing for him, sweeping up behind him, never letting him waiver.

  Power. She needed the security of it even more than he did, though she had never let on. Power insulated, power preserved. Power meant that what had happened to her mother couldn’t happen to her. But in a male-led society, she had no way to just snatch it and feel safe, not without Alexei, at least not yet.

  So she had pushed him and pushed him hard. She couldn’t be a victim like her mother had been but now the bitch, long of leg and Alexei’s growing lust, threatened that. Alexei’s priorities had changed and that loss of focus worried Natalia. She needed to feel safe again, just as she had before the witch had woven her spell.

  Alexei’s powerbase wasn’t yet solidified, the election was still to come and in a brutal world any wavering could be seen as an opportunity for others to rise in challenge. Natalia had already had to stand up in public and remembering how the crowd had roared when she raised the stakes sent a thrill through her. She was born to be before a crowd, to dance for them and have them in awe.

  Maybe she had misjudged things. Perhaps she could do more, take charge, shape events. She had long been in the shadows, coaxing and cajoling, clearing up the mess but was it time for the next step? She was the real driving force, making Alexei look good, rounding off his edges to make him seem coldly clinical to the outside world. Was it time for her now to step into the sun?

  She loved detail and in her heart Natalia knew that without her, Alexei wouldn’t have got as far as he had. He would probably be just yet another brutal thug in a brutal country. She had lifted him above that, sorting, securing and when necessary, using Tomas and Yuri to sweep aside any threats. But now even that had been changed and all by her.

  Alexei was wavering again. Subtle nudging wouldn’t work this time, she needed to slap the sense back into him, make him wake up and realise what a whore he was falling for.

  That was what she would do, yes yes. Snatching up a dressing gown, Natalia knotted the belt tightly and set off down the corridor intent on venting the full fury of an anger that prevented her sleep.

  Moving swiftly into the annex where the American woman was kept, Natalia rehearsed her condemnation, muttering to herself, gesticulating to emphasise her disdain. Reaching the door, Natalia flung it wide open only to be cut cold at the sight that greeted her.

  Two heads snapped round as one in shock, two lovers lay entwined before the storm of Natalia’s tirade crashed over them.

  Words spewed from Natalia in her native tongue, spiced by English profanities picked up from American cinema. Alexei stammered his objections, defending himself clumsily, caught totally off guard. The first slap to his cheek was a shock but the second he simply took with a flinch, before his smaller sister shot down a hand and grabbed him by his balls.

  Switching to English for the benefit of the woman on the bed who clutched the thin sheet to cover her sweat-sheened body, Natalia screamed her opinion of her brother. “You have a fucking Achilles dick, Alexei!!” She twisted her grip to underline her point. “Always fucking any cunt you can.”

  Natalia’s look shot to the woman who scrambled away as far as the ankle chain would allow from the wild woman. “That’s right, Ki-Ki,” Natalia spat with eyes aflame. “You’re just another whore to him. Far from the first and probably not even the last of the week.”

  The words bit as hard as anything she had gone through in the last forty-eight hours but Raven could do nothing, still chained to the bed. Natalia’s head snapped round to look at her brother. “I know how to treat an American whore. You should remember she was brought here for the Games.”

  Alexei had never seen his sister in such a rage before. He had to deflect her in some way before she totally lost control and killed his woman. He bowed his head to her, grasped her hand and kissed it deferentially. His move knocked her off her stride.

  All in the room paused, shocked. Was this the sign of who was really in charge? Raven couldn’t think quickly enough, couldn’t process events as they careered past.

  With a wave of the hand Alexei was moved aside and a somewhat calmer Natalia purposefully approached the woman on the bed. Raven’s eyes were wary, a little fearful. Looking down into them with a new steely resolve in her own, Natalia repeated in a voice of disturbing calm, “I know how to treat an American whore…”

  She placed a hand firmly on Raven’s shoulder. The pressure soon started; the small woman’s thumb pressing in on the epicentre of the damage until Raven had to twist, struggling to cope with the pain.

  Leaving words and wound to percolate in Raven’s head, Natalia relaxed her grip. With three short sharp pats to her cheek, Natalia left her to a torrid night of half-sleep. Shell-shocked, Alexei turned and followed his sister out, leaving Raven naked and chained to the bed on which they had just made love.

  CHAPTER LV – Senseless

  “You need time to think things through properly, Ki-Ki,” goaded Natalia as she positioned a black rubber mask above Raven’s head in preparation to take away her sight and muffle her hearing. It would match the catsuit she had been made to wear, entombing her back in the type of outfit she once loved.

  “You are not his in the way that you think you are, you will never be that.” She fussed for a moment with the air intakes until, satisfied, she double checked that each of Raven’s limbs was properly secured to the four corners of the frame.

  “You are just the current whore he uses. And as sure as night follows day, another whore will follow you. Now he has fucked you, you are removed from his ‘to conquest’ list, Ki-Ki. Seen it
before, will see it again, yes yes.”

  Natalia turned the mask in her hands to inspect it, the sickly sweet smile on her face telling Raven that she was sticking to the mother-hen act, despite having revealed what really lay underneath the day of Red’s death. Now her supposedly gentle advice was coming across with the same foreboding as an offer of a poisoned apple.

  “Yes yes, seen it all before. Just another whore to fuck and forget, leaving Natalia to pick up the pieces. I’m sure you think you love him, they all do, but he didn’t defend you, did he?”

  Allowing her final words to leech into Raven’s soul, Natalia started to tug the thick rubber over the American woman’s head.

  First, the mask occluded Raven’s sight. Then, as if under water, the sharpness of her hearing was taken too. When her nostrils were covered she started to feel her first alarm and opened her mouth to take in air only to find it suddenly filled with a wide rubber mouthpiece which she had no choice but to breathe through.


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