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Lisa Wells - Dib

Page 17

by Lisa Wells

“I can’t hold still, I want more.” She wanted a lot more. How much more, she didn’t know? But, more than this.

  His fingers lightly fluttered down her arms. “I’ll give you more, eventually,” he teased her.

  “What if I want it fast?” she asked.

  He laughed. Their lips found each other in the dark tent. “Too bad,” he whispered. “You’ll have to trust me on this.” He pulled her into a sitting position, loving her with his mouth, his lips.

  He was having no problem getting to first and second base with her, but he wasn’t trying for third. She was ready for the homerun. In fact, she wanted a grand slam out of him.

  “I don’t trust m…” His kiss broke off the rest of her sentence.

  He used his weight to push her into a reclining position. She fell on a pile of pillows. He leaned hard muscles against her and allowed them to personally introduce themselves to her soft curves. Her hands came up. She didn’t know where to place them, so she caressed the strong tendons in the back of his neck.

  Their bodies melted together in a tumble of caresses. He rolled, and she was on top, straddling him and skimming her fingers down his chest. Then, without warning, he was back on top, and he grabbed her hands. She waited, expectantly.

  He guided one to his swollen shaft. “Recognize this?” he rumbled in her ear.

  Her fingers wrapped around a rod of steel and her hips rose, grinding into him, of their own accord. “Sensational. It’s like magic,” she said in awe. “Just add kisses and it grows like a bean stalk.” She held his penis in her hands and stroked slowly, enjoying the subtle textures. “That’s the vegetable you should have chosen,” she whispered.

  He kissed her taut nipples, arousing a melting sweetness within her. Slowly, his hands moved downward, skimming either side of her body to her thighs. “How about your body? Do kisses cause it to do anything magical?” he asked, as his right hand slid between her thighs and he cupped her pussy.

  She groaned. “Oh God, I need this.” Pure blips of pleasure coursed through her.

  He slid a finger into her while his thumb did a slow massage of her clit.

  I’ve died and gone to heaven, thought Lacey. She shook her head yes in the dark, unable to speak. Passion pounded the blood through her heart, chest, and head. She felt ready to jump out of her skin with need. “Yes,” she said breathing in deep soul-drenching drafts. “Please, don’t stop.”

  “I want you to relax and enjoy the feeling of me touching you,” he whispered. “I’m going to please you and there’s no rush. We’ve got all night to find your release button.”

  His expert touch sent her to even higher levels of ecstasy. Waves of emotions rocked her. She struggled to think, to remember not to get her hopes too high. “What if you can’t? Neverfail couldn’t get me there.” She paused and took a gulp of breath. “He was supposed to be the best. It won’t be your fault. God, I can’t believe we’re talking about this.” The words tumbled out of their own accord while the real world spun and careened.

  Covey savaged her lips with a bruising kiss. “I don’t know who in the hell this Neverfail is, but you’re going to find I can accomplish what he couldn’t.”

  When he slid a finger inside of her, she gasped in sweet agony. “Let’s just pretend you don’t know about my problem,” she suggested.

  “I don’t want to pretend. Why wouldn’t we talk about it? You’ve got a problem. I’m going to help you fix it.” He continued his rubbing of her clit as he spoke. “Sex isn’t any fun if you’re deceiving one another.” He slid two fingers in and Lacey bit back a moan.

  She forced her mouth to stay shut when all it wanted to do was drop open in awe. Covey sounded liked he actually cared about her needs. He knew the sordid facts, and he wasn’t making fun of her.

  He may merely be filling a moment of physical desire for himself, but he was willing to tear apart her soul and help her rebuild it so that it worked again.

  This sex isn’t going to be trashy at all. She felt her defenses weakening. How could she be having real sex with a total stranger? How could she be talking about her orgasm and searching for it with him?

  His lips caressed her lower belly.

  This was the most intimate moment she could ever remember having with a man. She was completely open, vulnerable, and he was handling her with care.

  She was bonding with her Mr. Wrong.

  Lacey waited for the panic to follow this realization. It wasn’t there. She desperately needed more of him than he was giving. She wanted him to match a soul-for-a-soul.

  She tried to visualize Marty in bed with Ms. January to give her the drive to be anti-man. To be a user of men. All she could see was Covey and herself making love. What did Marty look like? She couldn’t remember.

  “Kisses appear to make you wet and slippery. A great place, I think, to bury the magic beans from a magic bean stalk.”

  “Yes,” she moaned, while squeezing her heart tight to keep it from filling with emotion. She couldn’t control the rest of her body. It was reacting without her tempting it with fantasies. Covey was controlling her body. It was him. Not a make believe guy she saw behind closed eyes.

  He laughed and paused in his administrations. “Not yet, though. I’m not done with you.”

  He leaned up on an elbow and started a slow massage at her temples. “Close your eyes and concentrate on my fingers,” he demanded. He took his time, massaging her earlobes, her shoulders, her breasts. He spread her legs and massaged every intimate spot she had and some she didn’t know she had. He continued down her legs and stopped at her toes where he kissed and stroked each one. “Roll over,” he said.

  Feeling once again like a stick of melted butter, she struggled to do as he said.

  “I think you might be ready for the next level of seduction,” he whispered.

  His voice brought her back to him. “There are condoms underneath the pillow,” she said. She rolled over. “Why don’t you get one and slide on in my gentle giant,” she urged him in a heated whisper.

  Covey moved above her and handed her the condom. “Would you care to dress the giant?” he offered.

  “I would love to.” She opened the foil package and rolled the condom slowly onto him.

  His body entered hers with urgent need. There was no gentle teasing, just heated movement. “I’ve wanted to do this since I saw you standing in the water topless,” he whispered in her ear.

  “My top was…all I had to use…as a…flag to wave you…down.” Her hips thrust hard to meet his demanding movements.

  “It was incredible taking you in the limo. Have you ever had sex in a limo before?”

  “No. Have you?” Her voice asked the question in a tone of sexual tease.

  “Baby are you ready? I can’t hold it.” He groaned the warning in her ear.

  Lacey’s answer was a sexual laugh of pleasure that echoed loudly down the riverbank. Her orgasm was back. His sounds of pleasure blended in with hers.

  It took her a while to come down off the cloud he’d placed her on. When she did, she whispered. “Okay, so I’ve recently decided my next Mr. Right is going to have to be able to do that with his equip—,” Lacey stopped mid-sentence and grabbed her nose to pinch it shut. “Ohmigod, what’s…that…smell?” Lacey pushed him off of her and sat up.

  He rolled over on his elbow and looked at her with sardonic amusement. “My guess would be a skunk.”

  Their tent was filled with the horrific odor of a skunk.

  “Ughh!” Lacey held her nose tighter causing her voice to sound nasal. “Make it go away.”

  “I think our sounds of mating must have aroused it.” Covey leaned forward and kissed her left breast. “It must have recognized the sound of a woman having a real orgasm instead of a fake one.”

  “That’s not the point. What are we going to do? I can’t sleep with that smell in the tent.”

  He paused in his exploration and looked up at her. “Who says we have to sleep?”

  “Go out
there and run it off,” she demanded. “I want another orgasm before it disappears again. I’ll probably lose the damn thing all over again from this.”

  “Pardon me? You want me to take on a skunk?”

  “You have to or it might spray all night,” she whined.

  “What if I get sprayed?” he asked. “That’s not going to be conducive to you enjoying another orgasm.”

  “Just be careful.”

  “Forget it little lady, I’m not stepping foot outside of this tent. You wouldn’t give me the time of day for the rest of the weekend if I got sprayed by a skunk.” He leaned forward and kissed her right breast. “And, I, for one, am thoroughly enjoying your trashy behavior.”

  Lacey tangled her fingers in his hair and tugged hard.


  “I’ll go with you. That way, if we get sprayed, it will be both of us,” she offered.

  “Let’s just lie here very quietly and it will move on down the river.”

  “Coward,” she muttered, as she lowered her head to his shoulder.

  “Just practical.”

  She moved her toe very carefully toward the tent flap. With stealth-like movements, she pushed opened the flap. There it stood looking in at them. His eyes glowing bright.

  She gulped in surprise and pushed up against Covey, away from the knowing eyes of the skunk. “Did you see it,” she whispered, snuggling closer to him.

  Covey chuckled. “This would probably not be a good time to get out that sex toy of yours and give it a whirl would it?”

  “Shhh.” She slapped her palm over his mouth. “He’ll hear you and want to come in.” What would they do if the skunk came into their tent?

  Covey’s tongue flicked out and licked her palm. “If it’s a him, you’re the one he’s after,” he warned, through his muffled lips.

  She removed her hand. “What do you think he’s doing looking in our tent?”

  “Probably, a skunk with a fetish. It likes to watch two people having sex,” Covey answered.

  Lacey narrowed her eyes and looked at him. Was he being serious? “Then, we’ll just have to stop having sex, so it’ll go away.”

  “I have a better idea. Let’s ignore it.”

  “And how, exactly, would you propose to do that?”

  “Well, it’s a complicated plan. But it is going to involve green. It’s the only way.”

  “I’m listening.”

  Chapter 18

  Bits of daylight seeped through the seams of the tent waking Covey. Lacey’s body was spooned into his, causing his morning hard-on to grow cement stiff. She was beautiful when in the throes of an orgasm. After the first, she couldn’t decide rather to laugh or cry. So, she’d done both while he held her and smoothed her hair with his hand.

  Lacey shifted, stretched, and settled on her back, her head resting on her own pillow, plus the one she’d stolen from him sometime during the night. He pushed up and rolled on top of her. She protested with a small grumble and went back to sleep.

  She was a firecracker. Once they unleashed her orgasm and she got use to the idea it was back, she was unquenchable. He couldn’t remember the last time he had so much fun having sex.

  He leaned down and touched his lips to her perky nose, barely resisting the urge to bite it. She opened one eye and wiggled underneath him. He watched with admiration. Little Miss Fantasy Coordinator had curves in all the right places. Unlike his recent girlfriends who were sharp and thin, she was sensationally touchable. He found her curves to be a turn on last night, and they were having the same affect on him in the daylight.

  He settled into her and enjoyed the feel of her smooth skin moving against his balls. His dick was ready for some appreciation from her.

  “Good morning,” she murmured, reaching out to stroke his cock.

  He groaned in pleasure. An image of himself down on one knee, proposing to her zipped by his brain. He’d been seeing the same image off and on. Had woken up in the middle of the night with it.

  There was no use going through the possible ways to make the vision come true. He couldn’t justify proposing to Lacey.

  She was into happy-ever-after endings. She deserved them. Only a first-class ass would offer her less than the whole ranch. He prided himself on not being an ass.

  Having met her at this juncture in his life was going to make it really hard to go out and look for a woman to fall in love with. His lust for her was so deep, he had no desire to seek out love.

  Not her problem.

  He watched a grin spread across her face and both eyes opening. “What’s the grin for?” he asked.

  “It’s for you,” she arched her hips into him playfully.

  “Me? Why?”

  She cupped his balls and scratched gently along his scrotum. His elbows buckled and he fell against her.

  He heard the breath whoosh out of her.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled. He pushed himself up. “You’ve got to warn a guy before you give them that kind of treatment. It’s dangerous for your well-being to catch us off guard.

  “You made two of my favorite fantasies come true,” she purred.

  He raised his eyebrows in mock disbelief and leaned down placing his mouth within inches of her ear. “You’ve fantasized about overturned canoes and horny skunks?” he whispered.

  She giggled. “No, you idiot.” She gave him a shove and pushed him off of her. “Why are you whispering, the skunk’s gone?” she said, before sitting up.

  “Yes, but I don’t want the skunk to hear us and come back for scene three.” He lay on his back and enjoyed the sights.

  “He didn’t slow us down too bad,” she said, punching him in the arm.

  He grabbed her and kissed her fingers. “You made some of my fantasies come true,” he told her.

  “I did. Which ones?”

  “Meeting a girl who wanted me to teach her how to get off is a pretty great fantasy for a good ol’ boy.”

  “Lucky for you then, I’d temporarily misplaced my orgasm and needed your assistance. Now, get up you big brute.”

  He sighed deeply and did what she asked. “I don’t suppose you have a fantasy about cooking a man breakfast on a river bank?”

  “Nope. Do you think I’m a tramp yet?”

  “A tramp? Sorry, you’re just not cut out of tramp cloth. I’ll never think of you that way.” He could think of her as the mother of his children, but not a tramp.

  “Why not? I think you’re a perfect Mr. Wrong for me.” She frowned fiercely at him and then looked away when he returned the frown.

  So much for the mother of his children. “How about you opt for me thinking of you as the best lay I ever had. Will that work?”

  A grin lit up her face. “The best. Really?”

  “Mmm mmm. The best by a long shot. And, you have the best body of any I’ve been with.”

  She sighed and her shoulders slumped. “Now, I know you’re lying.”

  “Nope, God’s honest truth, scouts honor,” he said, and held up his fingers in the scouts symbol of truth.

  She grimaced at him. “If all that was true, I wouldn’t be here. But, thanks for trying to build my confidence.”

  He grabbed her by the elbow when she went to turn away. “I’ll give you a penny for your thoughts. Why wouldn’t you be here?” he asked the question softly, his lips, once again, millimeters away from her ear.

  He was getting tired of being her Mr. Wrong. He didn’t want to be her Mr. Right, but he wasn’t happy with the wrong thing either. He wanted to be her Mr. Right Now.

  She turned and looked into his eyes. “You have great eyes. They’re a lovely shade of brown.”

  “My mom use to swear I had brownie colored stardust in my eyes.”

  “She was right. You do.”

  “Are you going to share your thoughts with me for a penny?”

  “Nothing less than a million will get my thoughts out of me. I may be working on the title of trashy, but I’m not cheap.”

  He sat d
own on the cooler and pulled her down on his lap. “Are you sure they’re worth a million? I’m a stickler for getting my money’s worth. Especially, when it comes to spending that kind of money on a woman.”

  Lacey blinked and lowered her stare to his bare chest for a long drawn out moment. “I was thinking about men and why they make the choices they make. Is that worth a million?”

  “I’ll take it under consideration. You know, just because one man made a bad choice where you’re concerned, doesn’t mean every man will make a bad choice.” He ran a finger down her arm. He liked the way it made her shiver.

  “I can’t think when you do that,” Lacey said, and pushed his hand away. “You may be right, but it’s going to be a very long time before I ever trust what a man says to me again.”

  He found her breathtakingly vulnerable when she wasn’t acting the vamp. He promised himself he wouldn’t break any promises to her. He’d be one man she could trust.

  Lacey was destined to be his last fling. And nothing more.

  “How did you sleep?” she asked, roughly interrupting his internal dilemma.

  Covey ruffled her hair. “Let’s just say, I’m too old to be sleeping on hard ground. Although, your breasts made a perfect pillow for my head.” He cupped her breasts. “Has anyone ever told you they are the perfect size? Perfect for a weary head to rest upon.” He squeezed her breasts and toyed with the nipples until they hardened.

  Lacey rolled her eyes. “Well, I’m glad one of us was comfortable. While you were enjoying your pillow, I was flat on my back trying to breathe under your weight.” She stood up and pulled him off the cooler before opening it. “Orange juice?” she asked.

  “Coffee,” he countered. “You should have just pushed me off of you if I was heavy.”

  “Next time, I will. If you want coffee, you need to get your butt out there and stoke the fire.”

  Next time. He liked the sound of that. “Damn, we’re not even married and you’re bossing me around.” He grimaced as he slowly rolled to his feet and stretched to get the kinks out. His exit from the tent was halted when she reached for a tiny pair of cutoff shorts and slipped them on. Sexual hunger engulfed him. “Come here,” he ordered, and he sat back down.


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