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Carter's Treasure

Page 23

by Amy Gregory

  “But you love me.”

  “Well, yeah. You did kinda save me and all. I kinda…owe ya,” Molly said with mock aloofness.

  “Hmm…owe me, huh? I like the sound of that.”

  The humor in his voice made Molly weary. She had gotten to know Carter’s ornery side. He could still be that twelve-year-old boy she’d heard stories about last night. Molly lay very still. If she had been standing, she would have thrown her shoulders back and chin up, ready to take him on. She wasn’t in a position to look that cool. Unfortunately.

  “Well? Spit it out, boy.”


  Shit. That sin-laden grin that danced across his face was a doozy. And damn it all to hell, it got her every time.


  “All right, little girl.” Carter winked. “The way I see it, I love you. And even though at first you were staying with me while…you know…” He waved his hand dismissively through the air. “It was something I needed you to do. We don’t have that excuse anymore.”

  The conversation and playful banter had just taken a ninety-degree turn going way too fast and skidded into something else. Suddenly, Molly felt like he wasn’t teasing anymore and a tingle rushed across her skin from head to toe.

  “I want you to move in with me permanently, Molly. I want you with me because you want to be here now. Not because we need it. I know, even though it feels like we’ve lived a lifetime over the last few weeks, it really hasn’t been that long. I also know it feels like I’m rushing things, but Molly…I love you.”

  Carter propped himself up on his elbow, his head inclined in emphasis.

  “This isn’t a proposal yet, but only because I need to get the ring from my parents house. It was my Grandmother Sterling’s and it will be yours. That’s how serious I am.”

  She’d had drugs in the emergency room yesterday, maybe they were still in her system. Molly wasn’t sure she was hearing the words he was saying, because it sounded an awful lot like he was proposing.

  “We can take it as slow as you want. I just know you will start to feel better day-by-day and I don’t want to get to the point that that because you’ve healed, you think you need to move back in with Brody. I don’t want you to wonder how serious I am. I want you with me and not just until you’re healed.”

  His voice was steady, his face happy but entirely serious. Molly took a long look, reading every line, every nuance. She was looking for…she wasn’t sure what. Maybe he was teasing? But he wasn’t laughing. He had a reassuring smile, but nothing more. Suddenly, she realized he was waiting for an answer.

  When she didn’t say anything, he continued, “I told you when I made love to you that first night, it was going to change everything. You’re mine. I wouldn’t have let you go, but after almost losing you yesterday…” Carter shook his head. “I can’t bear the thought of being apart from you. I won’t risk losing you a second time.”

  He wanted her.

  After everything she’d put him through, put Mike through, Carter wanted her. Nightmares, scars, panic attacks, her crazy brother and all, he wanted her.

  Molly was in awe. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Gorgeous. So much…I always will.”

  His mouth turned up in that lop-sided, sexy as sin smile that pulled at her heart, but it was his eyes this time. They were beautiful and so full of love. She melted.

  It didn’t matter what happened from here, she knew she would always be his.

  He had leaned in over her, and she raised a shaky hand to his jaw and stroked the early morning whiskers. “Yes.”

  It was an answer to moving in with him, but it was so much more than just that.


  They were having their own private party in a secluded corner of the pits. Emotions were high, the adrenaline still pumping. The track had been a challenge tonight, very technical. Carter excelled on these tracks. He wasn’t a mudder and usually lost ground in points when he rode outdoor tracks with bad weather, but he made up for it on tracks like tonight. Taking another second place finish went a long way to securing a top three finish for the season. He wanted that coveted red number one and Molly wanted it for him. They still had a long season ahead of them, though.

  Eli had edged poor Jesse out for third, but Jess could have hung onto some points if it hadn’t been for his bike in the sixteenth lap. Out of nowhere, he had no power. They were all thankful he wasn’t mid-air clearing a triple when it happened or he would’ve been taking up the bed in the hospital that Molly had occupied yesterday.

  In their sport, a bike failure could be life or death as far as points and wins went. They had faced death yesterday. So in the grand scheme of things today, a bike failure was minor. Jesse was fine and that was all that mattered.

  Molly listened to the laughter around her. The liquor store across the street had been raided and no one was giving her any trouble as she reached for the bottle of white wine closest to her. She laughed with this story and that story. She even let Carter put a piece of pizza on her plate, a total splurge. His face lit up when she took a bite. Molly rolled her eyes at him and took a second bite of the warm, gooey goodness. Alcohol and pizza, what was the world coming to? When Molly caught the knowing smile of Karen across the circle, she realized what they’d already put together.

  She hadn’t run in over a week and she was eating something other than grass, as Brody put it.

  She had finally accepted herself.

  She wasn’t trying to outrun her past anymore.

  The man she loved knew about it, had witnessed the evidence it had left behind. He had lived through it and stood beside her when it had come back to haunt her.

  Molly finally realized what Karen and James had been trying to tell her for years. It wasn’t her fault. She didn’t do anything wrong back then, just like she didn’t yesterday. Bad things happened and she’d lived through them—but she didn’t cause them and she couldn’t control it.

  Molly looked at the pizza in her hand. She didn’t need to try to control anything anymore and her past didn’t control her. Carter had lifted that burden from her—had helped her see.

  She didn’t have to hide anymore.

  He must have sensed her breakthrough, and when she glanced at him in the chair beside her, he nodded. “Figured it out, didn’t ya?”

  Molly looked back across the circle to see Karen and James holding hands and smiling at her. Karen mouthed, “We love you” and James winked.

  Carter pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

  “Yeah…I did. Because of you.”

  Carter’s thumb crossed beneath her eye, wiping the tear that escaped. Finally though, it was a happy tear. Molly sucked in a breath at the loving smile on Carter’s face. She was so at peace; she didn’t even startle when someone squeezed her shoulder.

  “Sis, can I talk to you?” The sheepish smile on Brody’s face was one she remembered well. She’d seen it every day since she moved in with him. Up until a few weeks ago, anyway.

  “Sure, Brody. Everything okay?” Molly blinked back another tear that was threatening to fall and stood up.

  Brody didn’t speak. Instead, he turned and walked a few feet away from the group, apparently waiting for her to follow.

  As soon as Molly got close enough, he reached out and pulled her into his arms. He towered over her, but he bent to tuck his face in her neck, whispering his words into her ear, “I’m so sorry, Mol.”

  “It’s over, Brody. It’s okay…I’m okay.” For the first time, she knew she really was.

  “No…not that. Well, that too. But…” He stood back up. Molly could see the sincerity in his eyes. “I’m so sorry about how I’ve acted about Carter.”

  Molly drew in a deep breath. Seeing the nerves in Brody’s eyes, she could sense he was waiting to find out if he could be forgiven. Like there was a chance he wouldn’t be.

  “Brody, I understand. There’s nothing to forgive.”

  “But there is, Mol.
I was a jackass to Carter and to you, too. He’s a good guy, I see that now.”

  “You didn’t know that in the beginning. I didn’t either, for that matter. I’d just…sensed it. You were right to try and protect me, especially with everything that went wrong.”

  “I know, but I’m talking about before everything went to hell. I was rude and pretty hateful. He didn’t deserve that and neither did you. I’m sorry.”

  “Brody, from the day I moved in with you, you have been my protector. You were my best friend, my confidant, my partner in crime even.” She grinned and saw the slight smirk tug at his mouth. “We’ve been inseparable for almost thirteen years. You’re my twin. I wouldn’t have it any other way. You were nervous of his intentions…Carter understood that, especially when he found out about everything.”

  Brody shuffled his foot. Molly understood his need to apologize and she appreciated it.

  “I’m…um…Brody…” Molly hesitated then decided just to be straightforward with her brother. “Carter sorta asked me to move in with him. Or I guess, stay with him, I mean.”

  He nodded. “I know.”

  “What do you mean, you know?”

  “Carter came to talk to Dad and me this morning before his practice time. He told us.”

  Molly took in the half smile on Brody’s face and tilted her chin. “Did he…tell you…everything?”

  That made Brody chuckle. “Yeah, he asked our permission, both of us. If that’s what you mean?”

  Molly bit her lip. “Yeah.”

  She knew he was keeping her in suspense on purpose, just to be a mean brother. Brody was back to being fourteen again. Finally, he snickered.

  “We told him yes. Both of us told him yes. He’ll take care of you, Mol. I’m just going to miss you so damn much, you’re my little twinny.”

  As tears formed in her eyes, Brody’s hand came out for their secret handshake they’d made up as kids. By the final swipe of his hand against the back of hers, tears were rolling down her face.

  “I’m always going to love you, Brody. You’re my brother.”

  “And you’re my sister. Forever.”

  He gathered her into his arms. The brother she loved so dearly was back. She took a breath in, but hadn’t heard Carter approach until she felt his palm on her back.

  “Everything okay?” Carter asked.

  Molly glanced up to see the lop-sided grin on the face of the man she’d fallen in love with. Before she could answer, Brody did.

  “Yeah, Carter. You’ve made my sister happy. Everything’s just fine.”

  With his final words, Brody kissed her forehead and pulled out of her arms. Then he stepped back for Carter to take his spot.


  Molly looked around the hotel room. It was simply heavenly. Ready for bed in her tank top and sleep shorts, she flopped onto the big, fluffy bed like a teenager. Now if Erin would just hurry back with the snacks.

  The knock on the door made her grin. She had specifically requested chocolate and pop. The two girls were having their own private celebration. Molly climbed back off the bed and hustled to the door to let Erin back in.

  “Did you forget your key or did you get so much you couldn’t…“ Molly asked as she was pulling the door open. Her confusion stopped her.

  “Aren’t you going to let me in?”

  The danger in his voice sent her stomach to the ground. She tilted her chin, still trying to figure out what was going on. “What are you doing here?” she asked, a nervous giggle escaping.

  “I missed you, Gorgeous.”

  Molly glanced down both sides of the long hallway. Erin was going to be back any second, not to mention that their family and friends were scattered all over the hotel.

  “Are you going to make stand out here in the hallway…?” He motioned around him. “And talk to you from here?”

  “Carter. You’re not supposed to see me.”

  “That’s tomorrow…in your dress. This is tonight.”

  Carter had proposed shortly after her attack. He had taken her to an amazing restaurant near the stadium they were at for the weekend. Tucking her in a dim corner, the two of them had just relaxed. She hadn’t been expecting it when he leaned in close and began to whisper words of love and promises as he slipped his grandmother’s ring on her left hand. It still shocked her when she peeked down at it. The princess cut two carat sapphire was beautiful, and the diamonds surrounding the sapphire on all four sides sparkled as the light glimmered off of them. The platinum band looked delicate on her narrow finger. She loved everything about it. Carter still hadn’t shown her the matching wedding band and the suspense was making her crazy. After he had proposed, Carter had surprised her with a small engagement party. The entire family had been there, including Jesse, Eli, Joey, and George.

  Molly’s mouth watered as she made a slow pass over the sex in jeans leaning against the door frame. Low slung 501s, snug t-shirt with his muscled forearms visible, his hard planed chest straining the soft cotton. Not to mention the hint of facial hair from the long day. Damn, the man was hot and he knew it. When her eyes made it past the smile that got her every time and up to those baby blues, he winked.

  “You’re so bad.”

  Carter chuckled. “You still haven’t invited me in, Gorgeous.”

  Molly backed up and opened the door wider. As Carter walked through, she once again peeked into the hallway before shutting the door.

  “Are you afraid you’re going to get in trouble?” Carter snickered as he pulled her into his arms.

  “Erin will be back any second. She went to get snacks.”

  Carter shook his head, the sinful smile tugging on his lips. “Sorry, Gorgeous, your snacks aren’t coming.”

  Molly’s face scrunched. “What do you mean? And why aren’t you at your bachelor party? We’re in Vegas, I thought you guys were hitting every bar and strip club open.”

  “I didn’t want to. We ate, hit a bar, and Brody and I ditched ‘em.”

  Molly’s mouth dropped open. “You left James?”

  “Eli and Jess were going to take him, my dad, and everyone else to one more bar, but I think your dad was ready to come back and see your mom.” Carter wiggled his eyebrows and Molly giggled.

  “I don’t need to know that.”

  Still grinning, Molly glanced back at the door. “So where’s Erin?”

  “You girls made it too easy. We caught her down in the lobby. I stole her key card and Brody kidnapped her.”

  Molly feigned anger at her loss of snacks, her eyes narrowing, arms crossing over her chest. “What about my chocolate she was supposed to bring me?”

  Carter laughed. He dropped one of the arms he was holding her with and reached behind him. Molly’d bet her laughter could be heard from two doors down as he whipped out the plain chocolate bar from his back pocket.

  “I missed you, Molly. I haven’t slept without you by my side in four months and I don’t want to wake up on the most important day of my life without you in my arms.” Carter squeezed her around the waist, tugging her closer. “Erin and I are going to switch places before we all meet for breakfast.”

  “You’re going to keep me up all night, the night before our wedding?” Molly tried to contain her smile so she could continue reprimanding the handsome man holding her. “I’m going to have dark circles under my eyes in our pictures.”

  “And a smile.”

  Molly lost it at his quick retort. “You are so, so bad.”

  “That’s why you love me.”

  “Damn straight.”

  Molly gasped when Carter suddenly scooped her up in his arms and threw her on the bed. She bounced twice, her peals of laughter apparently contagious. Carter was laughing as he tore his shirt over his head himself.

  “So, it seems to me you boys got lucky. What if Erin hadn’t been in the lobby? What were you going to do then?” Molly asked with more than a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

  “Ah, my sweetheart…don’t you wor
ry. Brody and I had a plan.”

  “The two of you make me very nervous. You’ve gotten really close and I’m not sure I trust you with him.”

  Carter bracketed her head with his arms. The sinful smirk came across his mouth as he shook his head. He dropped a kiss on her lips. “You shouldn’t.”

  Molly could see the fire in his eyes as he slowly pulled her shorts down her legs. As he inched her tank top up, she raised her arms for him. She could see the rapid rise and fall of his chest, hear his breathing become jagged as he slowly removed her panties, like he was unwrapping a treasured package. Once he had her undressed, he pulled back and stood. Molly couldn’t move as she watched his eyes roam over her, darkened with desire.

  He unbuttoned the fly on his jeans and pushed them off. The sharp intake of air Molly sucked in was audible. Her gaze traveled slowly over the man whose body she now knew so well. She had felt every ripple of every muscle, felt every inch of smooth skin over the steel beneath it. He was beautiful. Not what a man wanted to hear, but he was, simply breathtaking. Underneath it, though, was the heart she’d fallen for.

  He climbed on the bed next to her and wrapped himself around her, the heat of his skin burning her. His lips brushed hers lightly.

  “This is the last time I’ll ever make love to you as Molly West. From now on, you’ll be Molly Sterling. You’ll be mine.” There was an edge to his voice.

  A ripple of need rolled up Molly’s spine. “I’ve been yours since the night we met.” Her admission came out breathless.

  Carter kissed her harder the second time, the possession in it not masked. His tongue passed over hers for a few delicious seconds before he made his way to her jaw and down her throat.

  He slowed.

  His lips gentled over her newest injuries. Carter never kissed that side of her neck roughly anymore, it was always with love and tenderness. Unspoken, but there, a simple acknowledgment of what he’d almost lost. Then, as usual, he let the moment go and moved past it. She had never asked him why. She didn’t have to…she knew.

  His mouth continued down her chest, over her heart that was now pounding, to her breasts. Molly ran her fingers through his hair as he took the first in his mouth. She arched back with closed eyes as he moved to the other, the fire in her climbing higher and higher, need quickly eclipsing want.


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