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The Complete Quake Series

Page 29

by Chance, Jacob

  “I could do this all day. You feel incredible.” His voice is a hoarse whisper beside my ear. He cups both of my breasts in his large hot palms and then rolls the pads of his fingers around each tip. I arch my back and push my hips back toward him.

  “Do you want more, Leoncita? His rough stubble scratches the delicate skin on my neck. “Do you want me to fuck you harder?” He thrusts into me, jarring my body from the force. Oh, my God.

  “Yes.” He draws back and slams into me again. “Don’t stop,” I gasp when his cock continues to pound into me, slow and hard. He slowly trails his fingertips down my stomach; I hold my breath anticipating where they’re headed. All air expels from my lungs on a moan when he runs a finger over and around my swollen clit. His touch is magic for me; he instinctively knows what I like. I think he was made for me. I grip his hand on my breast and reach the other behind me, burying my fingers in his thick hair. I hold onto him as his thick cock drives me closer and closer to my orgasm. His teeth bite into the back of my shoulder, marking my skin. It turns me on even more. No one has ever dared to do that before – it’s sexy and feral; like I’m making him lose control. The way he’s controlling my body with his, is magical. His cock slams into my pussy, his balls slap against me. No one has ever had this effect on me before. No one has ever driven me so high before pushing me over the edge. Every part of my body is tingling and tensing as the urgency builds more and more. I’m so close. His finger rolls over my clit so slowly – too slowly. I bite on my bottom lip and focus on the pure ecstasy he’s making me feel. I’ve never been so lost in the moment before. He wipes everything else from my mind. He’s all I can see, all I can feel, all I’ll ever want.

  I reach down and place my fingers on top of his. “Faster,” I urge. He grips my hand in his and places it back in his hair. His hips cease, his cock still buried inside me.

  “Keep your hands where they are. I control your pleasure, not you,” his voice is gruff. “I’ll make you come when I’m goddamn ready to. I’ve been wanting this for a long time and I’m not going to rush.”

  He draws back and slams into me, immediately picking up where we left off. My eyes close as I lose myself in the pleasure he’s making me feel. Warm lips tease along the edge of my ear.

  “I want you to remember every moment of us fucking. You’re never going to forget what my cock feels like filling your pussy.” I gasp when he thrusts harder. I can feel my orgasm getting closer as his fingers continue to rub circles over my clit. My teeth dig into my bottom lip when the pleasure borders on the edge of pain right before I fall into indescribable ecstasy. I tremble through my release and Derek growls as he comes. “I love coming inside your pussy.”

  * * *

  “Do you know how long I’ve wanted you for?” Derek whispers in my ear. I break out in goosebumps and a shiver runs down my spine. “Do you know how long I’ve been fighting my feelings for you?” He pulls me closer, wrapping himself around my back and burying his face in my neck. Lying here in his arms, makes me feel as though we’re in our own little bubble and the rest of the world doesn’t exist. If only that were true.

  “No, how long?” I ask curious at what his answer will be.

  He nuzzles his nose behind my ear. “I’ve wanted you since the first time I set eyes on you. I’ve tried to stay away, but I couldn’t fight it any longer. And now that I’ve had you I don’t plan on…” My phone beeps with a text message notification and by the sound of the alert I know it’s the hospital.

  I exhale a breath of relief at the interruption. I was getting nervous with the path the conversation was starting to go down. I sit up, wrapping the sheet over my breasts, holding it there with one hand and pick my phone up with the other. I scroll to my messages with my thumb and when it opens I see there’s an open shift this afternoon if I want it. Do I want it though?

  “Is everything okay?” Derek caresses his palm up and down the middle of my back. His touch reminds me I need to leave here soon and it could potentially be extremely awkward. I chew on my bottom lip while I think about it. If I take this shift at work it will give me a viable excuse to leave. I text a reply accepting the shift and place the phone on the dark stained wood of the nightstand. I’m already regretting agreeing to work the overtime, but I know it’s for the best. I don’t need the embarrassment of a long drawn out goodbye or even worse – tears. I turn around to face him, lying on my side. His eyes slowly wander over each feature of my face, slowly studying every contour and angle. I wonder if he’s thinking about how this is the only time we’ll be here together like this? Is he creating memories of me here with him to hold on to for the rest of his life? That thought almost makes me laugh out loud. Derek Santiago isn’t sentimental. He’s not the kind of guy who gets attached to anyone. He doesn’t think about the future. He doesn’t weigh out the consequences before he acts. He lives for the moment.

  “I have to get going. There’s an extra shift at work and I said I’d take it.” He draws his eyebrows together in a scowl.

  “Can’t you go one day without working?” His question strikes a nerve, especially since Kyle was just on my back about this same thing.

  “I like my job. I don’t mind working extra shifts,” I snap in reply. I slide to the edge of the bed and stand up to get dressed. Crap. All my clothes are downstairs. I glance around and notice one of his t-shirts on the chair in the corner of the room.

  “You’re just going to leave now?” His tone is incredulous. I walk the few steps to where it lies and hurriedly pull it over my head. It swallows me up from neck to mid-thigh and I grab my cell phone and make short order of grabbing my things from his floor.

  “I’ve got to run now. I have to go home, shower and eat, before work.” My eyes make contact with his dark chocolate ones and I can see a glimpse of anger.

  “I would have fed you and you could have showered here. You didn’t have to run out the door at the first opportunity.” Shame washes over me. I don’t want to make him feel bad. I just want to get out of here without my heart shattering into a million tiny pieces. Is that so wrong?

  He rolls out of bed and stands, showing me a clear shot of his muscular ass. My thoughts immediately flash back to what it felt like squeezed in both of my palms. He pulls his jeans on without any boxers and turns to face me. He doesn’t bother with a shirt and my eyes track the wide expanse of his chest, the modest amount of chest hair and the way his stomach muscles bunch under his skin as he fastens his jeans. My mouth goes dry. He’s so fucking sexy. What I wouldn’t do to be the lucky woman who gets to be held in his arms every night and to wake up next to him for the rest of my life.

  I walk across the room and hurry down the hallway, heading for the stairs.

  “Kenna. Wait up.” I hear him mutter a curse behind me while I hurry down the stairs. I step into my dress and slide it up over my hips. I pull his shirt over my head just as he hits the bottom of the stairs and his heated gaze moves to my bare breasts. With only a glance he makes my knees weak and I hate that he has that effect on me. I slip my arms into my bra and do up the hook before sliding the sleeves of my dress up. When I reach behind to do up the zipper he steps in.

  “Let me help you with that,” he murmurs as he steps behind me. I can feel the heat of his body when I gather my hair in my hands and hold it up. His knuckles brush the skin along my spine as he slowly zips my dress. I shiver. I can’t hold it in. The smallest touch from him affects me. I let my hair fall down my back and his hands come to rest on my shoulders. He leans down and tenderly kisses the top of my head. The kiss is so sweet and unexpected; it catches me off guard. My chest tightens and my eyes burn as I fight to keep the tears at bay. I can’t let this turn into a tearful goodbye. I knew what I was getting when I agreed to come home with him last night. One night – one pleasure-filled night. His hands trail down my arms before falling to his sides.

  My eyes open; I steel myself and school my expression before I turn around to face him. We lock eyes, I wish I knew what he
was thinking right now. I chew on my lip, trapped by the power of his dark chocolate gaze. Does he regret what we did?

  “I need to go now. Thanks for a great night.” My face flushes and I can feel the heat in my cheeks. I’m not sure how to do this. I’ve never had a one-night stand before.

  Is it a one-night stand if you’ve known the person for seven years and they’ve starred in every sexual fantasy you’ve ever had?

  I move to walk past him, he grips my arm and spins me around. He swallows my gasp of surprise with his mouth and crashes me into the solid length of him. My breasts are crushed against his chest while our tongues twist around each other. I pour every bit of emotion he provokes into this kiss. Desire. Love. Longing. Sadness. Remorse. Can he feel them all? Does he know I’d spend every single moment of the rest of my life with him if I could? In a different time and different place, I wouldn’t be walking out that door. I’d stay in his arms forever.

  He pulls back, both of us are breathing heavy. I know that kiss was the goodbye neither of us wants to say. I take a step back away from him and slip my feet into my heels.

  “Let me grab a shirt and I’ll take you home.” I nod and watch him walk back up the stairs. Hurry up. I just want to leave and get this over with. I want to go back to my apartment and be alone with my memories of what happened.

  The ride to my place is filled with awkward silence neither of us can seem to fill. My mind is blank of idle chit chat, already occupied with visions of what we did last night.

  “You want me to fuck you harder?” I can still feel him thrusting inside me. My face is turned to the window, hiding the flush on my cheeks brought on by my x-rated thoughts. “You’re never going to forget what it feels like to have my cock owning your pussy.” Oh God, he’s right. I close my eyes. I’m never going to be able to forget what we did. No matter how much time passes, it will always be with me.

  We’ve pulled up to the curb in front of my apartment, when I open my eyes. The car has barely stopped when I open my door and step outside into the brisk fall day, feeling cold in just my dress. I look at anything, but Derek.

  “Kenna,” he says, pulling my attention back to him. We stare at each other, both of us wanting to say more, but neither of us willing to. He rakes his teeth over his bottom lip. “I’ll see you soon.” Ouch. That’s all he has to say. I don’t know what I was expecting from him, but it wasn’t that. My stomach’s in knots and my eyes are burning from unshed tears. I need to get away from him before he sees how much he affects me – before he sees how deep my feelings for him run.

  “Bye for now.” I slam his passenger door shut and expel a large sigh. I walk across the empty sidewalk and up the stairs to the front door of my building. I jam my key in the lock while I curse him out in my mind. I’m not really angry with him. I’m upset with myself for expecting him to be more than he’s capable of. It’s not like I thought we’d be in a relationship after we had sex, but I did hope for more than the brush off he just gave me. Now I know for sure I’m just another naive woman on a long list of conquests. I push the thick, hand-carved door open and when I close it behind me I refuse to let myself peek out the rectangular windows that line each side of the door frame. What does it really matter if he’s still parked there? From this point on, I should pretend that Derek Santiago doesn’t exist. It’s the only way I’ll ever be able to get over my feelings for him and meet someone else.

  While I’m slowly climbing the stairs to my apartment I can hear the tapping of heels descending toward me. I smile, wondering who Robert ended up bringing home. I catch sight of female legs, revealed by a short dress, before I realize it’s Lana. My mouth drops open. I’m shocked to see her here. She doesn’t sleep around and her dating experience is more limited than mine. Lana is gorgeous, with her red hair and an innocent look about her. She reminds me of Emma Stone.

  “What are you doing here?” I raise my eyebrow.

  Her hand raises and she swipes her palm over her forehead. “Robert brought me back here. I was so drunk he didn’t dare let me go home alone. I feel like absolute crap now. Why did I drink so much?”

  “Go home and get some sleep. Drink lots of water first though. Do you want to come to my place and I can make you something to eat?”

  “No thanks.” She shakes her head. “My stomach doesn’t feel so hot. I’m going to go home and die a slow, painful death.” A giggle slips out of me before I can stop it. Her big green eyes are comically expressive.

  “Did you and Robert…?” I trail off, not wanting to ask the question, but wanting to know the answer.

  “God no. I was too drunk to do anything. He and I are just friends. He’s got his baggage to work through and God knows I’ve got my own. He sure makes a great friend, though.”

  “Yeah, he does.”

  Once Lana and I had made plans to get together sometime soon, I glance at the clock. Three more hours until I must be at work, plenty of time for a nap. It seemed like a great idea until I lie down and realize how lonely I am without Derek lying beside me. I miss the comforting scent of his cologne and the firm way he wrapped himself around me.

  * * *

  I followed her to Quake last night. She looked so beautiful in her short dress. I wanted to back her into an unoccupied corner of the club and push that tight skirt up her hips, exposing her bare pussy to my gaze. I wanted to glide my fingers over her slit and then plunge them inside her as hard as I could. I’d lift my other hand to her mouth and make her suck on two of my fingers. My cock would be rock-solid once she pulled them between her lips, anticipating what it would feel like when she sucked me off. I’d pull my fingers from her mouth and in the dim lighting of the room, I’d still be able to see the glaze of pain in her eyes when I pushed my fingers into her tight little ass. I’d simultaneously plunge in and out of both holes and push her into a body shaking orgasm, swallowing her harsh cries of pleasure with my mouth.

  Since my fantasy couldn’t be acted on and my dick was excruciatingly hard, I had to find another hole to fill. There was a hot little brunette giving me the look – the one that says I want to ride your cock into tomorrow. She wasn’t the one I wanted to be with, but she’d suffice.

  After introducing myself and exchanging brief pleasantries, I took the fingers she had creeping up my thigh as a sign that she wanted my dick. I grabbed her hand and pulled her along behind me, heading toward the back of the club. I pushed open the back exit and stepped out into the deserted alley. As soon as the door closed behind us, I slammed her back into the brick building and took her mouth. Her enormous breasts cushioned my chest as I leaned into her. I reached up under her barely-there skirt and ripped her panties down her legs, plunging my fingers inside her. She was soaked already and I had barely touched her. I undid my pants and rolled on a condom with my other hand. Her eyes got wide when she caught sight of my huge cock. I spun her around away from me, not wanting to see her face. I wanted to see my precious angel’s face in front of me. I replaced my fingers with the tip of my cock and then shoved it inside her. She gasped and pushed her ass back toward me. I gripped her hair tight in my fists and tugged hard. She moaned like a good little pain slut. I pushed her head forward until her cheek was grinding into the brick of the building and pulled her hips back. I left her wet pussy and moved to tease the tight hole behind it. This was the one I wanted tonight. I rammed my cock inside her in one motion and she groaned.

  “Do you like my cock stuffed in your ass you little whore?” She whimpered and wiggled back against me.

  I closed my eyes and pictured my angel while I took her ass hard and fast. My balls were slapping against her; my fingers were digging into the flesh on her hips as I relentlessly fucked her. I bit on her neck when my orgasm hit, and she shrieked. I squeezed her clit tight between my fingers and made it hurt so good. She twitched and jerked through her orgasm like she was possessed. I smiled, knowing that it’s only a matter of time before my cock would be buried in the sweetest little ass of them all.

>   Soon there will be no secrets between us.

  Chapter Nine


  Two weeks later

  I haven’t seen Kenna since the night we spent together, but that’s not unusual. In the past, we’ve gone weeks and occasionally months without being in each other’s company, but that doesn’t mean she’s far from my thoughts for long – especially tonight. I’ve been sitting here, on my couch, nursing a few beers while I watch the Pats game. Visions of Kenna naked are assaulting my mind and my cock won’t go down no matter how much I want it to. I can’t even focus on the game. All I can think about is how her hot, wet pussy tasted when I buried my tongue inside her. She’s a flavor I’d never tire of.

  By halftime I’m ready to jerk off, just to rid myself of this uncomfortable erection, but I’m sick of being the only hand tugging on my dick. I want to see her pink-tipped fingers caressing me and holding me in place as she swallows my length. Fuck. I need to do something now. I turn off the television, grab my keys and head to the only place I can find the relief I need.

  * * *

  I rap my knuckles against the hundred-year-old wood and wait for her to answer. The stories this door could probably tell. I wonder how many other people in situations similar to ours have been standing on opposite sides trying to breach the gap between them. Kenna and I have a fucking canyon to breach. It’ll never happen, but tonight I’ll be happy if I can get her panties off and bury my dick inside her. It seems like forever since the one night we spent together.

  The door opens. Kenna’s there with her expressive gold eyes staring into mine. Neither of us say a single word. We just stand there lost in each other’s gaze. Being this close to her has my breath becoming shallow and my blood racing through my veins. Every cell in my body craves what she makes me feel. For so long I’ve kept her at a distance and I can’t do it anymore – at least not tonight.


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