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Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series)

Page 2

by KD Jones

  “I was checking her vitals, her heartbeat.” Kat took a step back to put some distance between them. The other Katieran excused himself and left her with JadEN and the patient on the cot.

  “You did not have a medical instrument to do this,” he stated curiously.

  “I check using a human technique.” Kat showed him how she took the patient’s pulse at the wrist and checking it against her watch.

  “How primitive,” he snorted.

  “How would you check her vitals?” Kat challenged.

  Medic JadEN turned to grab a silver item that looked like nothing more than a pencil. He approached the patient and waved the instrument a few inches over her entire body. When he finished, he took what looked like an iPad and connected the silver instrument to it. He showed it to Kat.

  She gasped. The vitals and more for the patient were displayed. It showed her weight, height, temperature, pulse, and the gestational age of the infant.

  “Amazing. What are these things?” Kat, no longer fearing the large man, moved closer to him

  JadEN had to remind himself to keep his focus. He barely knew her and he did not know what her abilities were. She would only be a distraction for him and he had a job to do. He held the silver stick instrument.

  “This is a medical scope. We use it to check vitals and to administer treatment when needed. It can also take internal images of organs and bones.”

  He then picked up the thing that looked like an iPad. “This is our digital tablet. It functions similar to your computers. We have more applications that we can use on it. One of those is the IHI, instant hologram imaging. It allows us to see 3-dimensional images.”

  JadEN demonstrated the IHI by waving the medical scope over the patient’s stomach. He then attached it to the digital tablet. A 3D image appeared above the digital tablet, displaying the infant.

  “That is incredible!” Kat exclaimed. She checked the gestational age listed on the digital tablet and frowned. “She is not healthy.”

  “No, she is not. Our security detail in the ballroom could tell that the female was sick. That is why we needed to bring her here to implant the nanos.” JadEN went to a cabinet to retrieve something in a small metallic case.

  “Nanos?” Kat asked. She kept her eyes on JadEN, watching his every move.

  “They are biologically engineered nanotechnology devices used to help repair internal damage to the body. I will program these to help direct nutrients to the female and to her young.” He opened the case so that she could look at the nanos.

  “Fascinating. May I watch?” Kat asked eagerly.

  “Of course, Doctor Morris.”

  Chapter 2

  The advanced medicine the Katierans had was amazing. She probably spent a good hour grilling poor Medic JadEN. At first he was hesitant, not quite trusting that she was really a doctor. Kat found that insulting but refrained from saying anything. Once he realized that Kat understood the medical terminology and the scientific significance, he opened up to her.

  Medic JadEN allowed Kat to observe while he implanted the pregnant female with the nanos. The nanotechnology would have taken human scientists another fifty years to develop. The nanos could even cure the common cold. Unfortunately, they had a short shelf life. Once implanted, the nanos performed whatever they were programmed to do; then they were expelled from the body after a few months. Kat was relieved when the pregnant woman finally woke up.

  Kat introduced herself. “I’m Dr. Katrina Morris. I didn’t get to introduce myself with all that happened earlier.”

  “I’m Cassie . . .”

  “I am Medic JadEN. I am lead medic for this mission. I am similar to what you humans would call . . . doctor.”

  “Is my baby okay?” Cassie grabbed Dr. Morris’s hand.

  Dr. Morris sat on the bed beside Cassie. “Your baby is doing fine. In fact, I think you will soon start to feel a difference in your body. The Katieran medics implanted microscopic biological nanos to repair damages done to your body from the inside out. They will also direct nourishment to parts of the body in need; in this case, they will be directing the appropriate nourishment to your baby. By the time you reach the Katieran home world, you will be looking like a happy, healthy seven-month pregnant woman.”

  “They put nano things inside my body? Will it hurt my baby?”

  “No no, Cassie. The nanos are helping you and the baby. I promise. I was present during the entire procedure.” Dr. Morris turned toward the Katieran. “Medic JadEN, would you use your medical scope so Cassie can see for herself how her baby is doing?”

  “What is that thing?” Cassie asked, tensing up.

  It was Dr. Morris who answered her. “It’s what the Katierans call a Medical Scope. It performs many different tasks, from taking vitals to administering medications, and acts as a type of scanner for x-rays and, in this case, ultrasounds.”

  The Katieran medic waved the scope over Cassie’s abdomen. A few beeps sounded, and then Kat had Cassie look up at the wall in front of her. A 3D image of Cassie’s baby appeared. These were the first images Cassie had seen of her baby and she was overcome with emotion. Kat was nearly in tears herself.

  Cassie wasn’t in the medic room for very long before the Katieran Legal Advisor for Earth Relations, Lindsey Carreli, came by to see her. The patient, Cassie Tomlin, had been on the run for six months. The EWG, Earth World Government, had created a law in an attempt to resolve Earth’s overpopulation problem requiring all citizens to apply for a license to have children. If a person didn’t get a license, they could resolve the unauthorized pregnancy by getting a government mandated abortion. Cassie was in trouble with the EWG because she had chosen to keep her baby. Prime Leader RendEL, with the authority of the Katieran people, offered Cassie asylum and safe passage to Katiera. To avoid entanglements with the EWG, Cassie needed to be taken up to the transport ship as soon as possible.

  Kat was allowed to travel with Cassie on the shuttle taking them to the much larger transport ship. JadEN was with them, along with Prime Leader RendEL and the pilot. Kat was not formally introduced to the Prime Leader, though he did give her a curt nod. She found him extremely good looking but intimidating. The transport ships, from what JadEN told her, were used solely for space travel. They were too big to land on a planet. Instead, they used these smaller, silvery white shuttles to carry people back and forth from the planet to the transport ships. The shuttles could carry six to eight people at a time.

  Kat had always hated flying because of the jerkiness of the airplanes, but there wasn’t any jerkiness on the Katieran shuttle. It just seemed to float upwards past the clouds and into the stars. It was the most incredible experience. She watched the whole process through the viewing screens the Katierans used like windows.

  She couldn’t believe it. She was actually in outer space. She tried to think of the things she was going to miss on Earth, but couldn’t think of anything. Or anyone. She remembered the conversation she had with her parents when she called to let them know she was leaving.

  “Did you get the head of surgery position?” her mother asked.

  “No, someone else got it.”

  “Did your interview not go well? Your father said he didn’t think you would get it because of your difficulty with interviews.” Her mother went on and on about all of Kat’s failings until she couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Mother, I called to tell you that I am going to Katiera.”

  “Katiera? The alien planet?”

  “Yes. I’m leaving tomorrow morning.”

  “Are you getting a head surgeon’s position with them?”

  “No, they have their own doctors; they call them medics. I am moving there and hope that I will be allowed to practice as a doctor.”

  “It’s a bunch of nonsense if you ask me,” her mother stated sourly.

  Kat had a suspicion. “Did they turn you down?”

  “They turned both me and your father down. They must not understand our qualifications.�

  She did’t want to drag this out any longer. “I love you. Tell father I love him and goodbye.”

  “We love you, too. I expect you will return in a few weeks. They probably live in caves with no electricity.”

  No, she wouldn’t be missing anybody on Earth.

  She watched as their shuttle flew towards the much larger Katieran transport ship. It kind of reminded her of a huge cruise liner. Large doors opened to allow the shuttles to land. The pilot told them to remain in their seats until all shuttles were inside the docking bay. The only jarring she felt was when the bay doors closed and the shuttle lowered itself to hook onto connectors located on the floor. JadEN explained that the connectors locked onto the shuttles keeping them from flying out when the bay doors were open.

  Kat heard a sucking sound from outside of the shuttle. She looked to JadEN with concern. “The air is being pressurized,” he said. She looked out the viewing screen and watched as the bay doors closed and the pressure lock was sealed. The pilot finally gave them the all clear to unhook their seat straps. The flight had been smooth, but Kat couldn’t wait to get off of the small shuttle.

  The human women unloading from the shuttles were organized into small groups and given Liaisons that would show them around the enormous transport. The inside looked like a naval ship. The doors, which were kept open, operated like pocket doors that manually slid open and shut. Each sleeping quarters had three or four women assigned to them.

  The Liaison explained to them that everyone was expected to eat their meals in the large Meal Room. They were given Morning Meals, Midday Meals, and Evening Meals. If someone needed something to eat or drink in between meals, they could find assistance in the Meal Room at any time of day.

  About an hour after their Liaison left them to get settled in, there was a knock on the door. One of Kat’s roommates answered it.

  “Dr. Morris, it’s for you,” her roommate called out.

  Kat went to the door, unsure who it could be. She smiled when she saw who it was. “Hello Medic JadEN.”

  “Dr. Morris, I thought I would take you to see the Medic Wing.”

  “That would be great. Our Liaison didn’t take us there, and that’s the one place I really wanted to go.” Kat turned to tell her roommates she would be back later.

  “What do you think of our transport ship?” he asked her as they walked down the corridor.

  “It’s really big. I’m afraid I’ll get lost.”

  “If you get lost, just stop any warrior and ask for directions.”

  When they reached the Medic Wing, JadEN showed her where to find a medical scope and digital tablet to use. He explained the different types of procedures they performed and gave her access to some of the medical records.

  She had so many questions, but JadEN was very patient with her. He answered her questions and even had her practice using the medical scope with himself as the patient.

  “Just move the scope over my body without touching me.”

  “Like this?” Kat held the scope a few inches away from JadEN’s body and moved it up and down.

  “Yes, that is correct. Now, point it at the digital tablet and squeeze the scope with your fingers.”

  Kat did as he instructed. “Wow.” JadEN’s vitals appeared automatically on the digital tablet.

  JadEN asked for Kat to explain some of Earth’s surgical procedures. They stayed in the Medic Wing, so caught up in their discussions that they completely lost track of time.

  JadEN suddenly looked at his digital tablet. “It’s time for Evening Meal. Would you like to share the meal with me?”

  “Yes, I’m famished.”

  After that, she spent almost every Evening Meal on the Katieran transport ship with JadEN. He was easy to be around. She enjoyed his company. Sometimes she would catch him looking at her in a way that made her pulse beat faster.

  JadEN allowed Kat to train in the Medic Room and help treat injuries. Mostly, she helped treat sparring injuries. She wanted to do more.. An opportunity soon presented itself. She was assisting in the Medic Room when two Katieran men were brought in for treatment.

  “The female wants to mate me!” one of the injured men yelled at the other.

  The other man responded, “That is untrue, she said she wanted to mate with me!”

  “What’s happening?” Kat asked JadEN as she handed him the medical scope.

  “These two men were fighting over a female. Security asked the female which one she planned to mate; she said she would settle for the winner of the fight. I do not understand this. Why would the female want the men to fight for her?” JadEN asked and turned to face Kat. All the men in the room turned to face her. She turned a bright shade of pink.

  “I . . . not all women are like that. But, there are some who like to have men fight for them. I don’t understand it myself. Maybe it makes them feel special some way. I’m not like that,” she reassured them quickly.

  “Our females do not incite our males to fight each other. There seems to be many differences between our cultures. We have many questions about human females that we need answered before any of our males share sex with them.” JadEN said to Kat.

  “I’m happy to help answer any questions that you have.”

  After the two men were treated, JadEN and Kat found themselves alone in the Medic Wing.

  “What questions did you have?” Kat asked, sitting down in a chair near JadEN’s desk.

  “Most of our questions are about your mating rituals. We watched the mating documentaries from Earth, but we were even more confused.”

  “Mating documentaries?”

  “Yes, we were able to locate digital recordings of matings between your males and females.”

  Kat wasn’t sure what documentaries he was talking about. Not unless the Discovery Channel had released something that she hadn’t seen before leaving Earth. “I would like to see these mating documentaries you are talking about.”

  “Of course.” JadEN picked up his digital tablet and entered the saved link. The lights in the Medic Wing dimmed and a 3D video image appeared across from where they were sitting.

  Starla Star walked into her bedroom. She flicked her long blond hair over her slim shoulders. She started to disrobe as music played in the background. She sat on the bed with her long legs crossed and began to brush her hair. Her large breasts bounced up and down with the movement.

  She glanced up when two men walked into the bedroom. One man was tall and thin, with short blond hair. The other man was average height and weight with long brown hair. They stopped to watch the woman. She smiled at the men and started to touch her breasts, squeezing them. They encouraged her, “Oh yeah baby, squeeze them hard.” The men approached her slowly while taking off their own clothes.

  The music became louder. A man’s rumbling voice sang, “Let’s get it on. . .”

  “Oh.” Kat couldn’t help her response as she watched the “mating documentaries,” which were not documentaries at all, but porn videos. Really good porn videos. “Uh . . .,” she didn’t know what to say.

  “We have more, if you would like to view those as well?” JadEN’s voice was deeper, huskier. Clearly he was just as affected as Kat.

  “Maybe another time.” She made herself take several deep breaths. “These are not documentaries. They are what we call porn videos.” Was that her voice sounding so husky?

  “What is a porn video?”

  “First, the women and men on these videos are actors and actresses. They are paid to play out a scene or two involving sexual acts. Second, these acts are recorded and used for recreational purposes, not educational ones.” Kat reached up to feel her forehead. She was sweating.

  “So your females do not require penetration by two males in order to be sexually satisfied?”

  “No! I mean, of course not. You must have seen other videos with just one man and one woman right?” Please say yes to that. Please say yes.

  JadEN nodded, “We did see those, b
ut were confused by the multitude and variation sex partners. This is very different from our culture.”

  “Well, there are some that like to share sex with same-sex partners or with multiple partners. It is not frowned upon as long as it is mutually agreed and the parties involved are consenting adults. But for the most part, my people are monogamous preferring one sexual partner at a time.”

  “We may have a problem, Dr. Morris. Our males do not share. That is why the two males we treated earlier came to blows. Both men wanted to share sex with the same female. No, it was more than that. They wanted to mate with the same female. Your people just don’t understand enough about the Katieran Culture to realize the risk they are putting themselves and everyone around them in. Katieran males are extremely dangerous when defending their mates.”

  “What are mates?”

  “We Katierans may share sex with numerous females but the male will withhold his sexual fluids from entering the female’s body. When we find a female we wish to mate for life, we ask the female if she will mate with us. If she agrees, we release our sexual fluids inside her body. That is what we call an exchange of scent markings. Unofficially, that is when they become mates. To make it more official, they will hold a mating ceremony in front of witnesses and exchange ceremonial words.”

  “Do you ever have accidental matings? Like if the male does not pull out in time?”

  “All Katieran males have excellent control of their bodily functions. We are taught at an early age. That should rarely happen.”

  “What if you mate someone and then realize afterwards that she is not the right person?”

  “That would only happen if a bond mate shows up. Bond mates are very rare. It’s probably been almost thirty years since I have heard of a bond mating.”

  Kat frowned, “What is the difference between a regular mate and a bond mate?”

  “It goes back to our belief in the mated pair of Gods that we worship. We worship the Goddess KatieRI and the God KiljOR. It is said that KiljOR took one look at KatieRI and knew she was the one meant for him. We believe that a bond mate is the one person sent by the Gods that you are meant to mate with. It is a stronger mating. You can mate anyone if mutually agreed upon, but a true bond mate is rare and undeniable. To prevent future fights and accidental matings, I will have to advise Commander KydEL and Prime Leader RendEL that we order our males to refrain from sexual intercourse until they have a better understanding of Earth females.”


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