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Prime Medic (Katieran Prime Series)

Page 15

by KD Jones

  This meant all the arrangements had been made by AriELa, SandELa, Cassie, and Jaxon. Even her mating gown was a mystery to her. As long as she was wearing clothing, she was fine. At least, that was what she thought before seeing her gown on.

  She stared transfixed at the image in the mirror. She wore a strapless, pale yellow dress. It seemed to shimmer as it glided down her body. Her hair she wore in natural curls that had been allowed to grow down to her shoulders. She kept meaning to have cut it, but just had not had the time. Cassie and Jaxon fought over how much makeup Kat should wear. Cassie insisted on heavier colors. Jaxon wanted to go lighter. They compromised with a light foundation, very light blush, and a glossy lip glaze called Ocean Coral. When she saw the results of their labor in the mirror, she was stunned. Was that beautiful woman staring back at her from the mirror really her?

  She walked out onto the balcony, which had been transformed into a lovely fantasy, with strange exotic flowers all over and the moon shining down to illuminate everything. There were torches lit and candles as well. She felt tears building up. She had never had a real birthday party, never gotten to go to a dance or the prom, never even really gotten to dress up and have a handsome boy take her out on a date before. All the events she had missed out had been rolled up into one and handed to her this night. It was magical.

  Her heartbeat raced the moment she saw Syd. He stood near the railing to the balcony with his brothers on either side of him. He was so handsome in his dark blue uniform. He seemed to freeze when their eyes met. Everything else faded away. She didn’t hesitate. She walked straight up to him and gave him a big smile.

  “You are a vision. So lovely,” he whispered with awe.

  “You look wonderful, too,” she said shyly.

  “Are you two going to stand there all night staring at one another or are we going to get this thing going? I’m hungry already,” Kyd commented.

  “Shut up Kyd! You’re always hungry.” Jaxon punched him in the side.

  Kat and Syd laughed.

  The Katieran priestess directed everyone to take their places. Syd turned serious eyes to her. “I, SydEL, Prime Medic of Katiera, claim you, Katrina Lynn Morris, as my mate.”

  “I, Katrina Lynn Morris, claim you SydEL, Prime Medic of Katiera, as my mate.” She smiled warmly at him.

  “I now rename you Prima Katrina, mate to SydEL, Prime Medic of Katiera,” the priestess pronounced. The small group of people applauded. Syd bent to kiss her tenderly on the lips. “My mate,” he whispered for her ears only.

  “Yes, only yours,” she agreed, touching his face tenderly. Grandma Morris was right after all. Forever after love did exist. You just had to keep believing.

  “Medic JadEN, are you not going to join the celebration?” Commander TylOR asked the male standing by balcony doors.

  JadEN looked at the Kiljorn Commander. “No, I was just getting ready to go back to the Medic Wing.”

  “I hear that you requested to go on the next transport to Earth?”

  “Yes, I was originally assigned the mission heading up the medical teams on the transport ships to and from Earth. I had postponed going back, but now . . . now, I am ready to take up my previous assignment.” JadEN watched with longing as a joyful Kat danced in the arms of her new mate. He was happy for Kat. But it would hurt too much to stay. Especially now that she was breeding. It would remind him of all the things he had wanted to have with her. “I expect to go on the next transport, leaving in a week.”

  “Why wait? Our transport leaves in the morning to secure the path. You could come with us,” TylOR offered him.

  JadEN stopped staring at Kat to look at the Commander. “I accept.”

  Excerpt from the next book: Kiljorn Prime

  Lindsey felt uncomfortable being alone with the Prime Leader of Kiljor. The man was too gorgeous for his own good, and he knew it. He knew that women drooled over him, falling over their feet to just serve him. It really pissed her off. She was determined not to let him know that, though.

  “My apologies, Ms. Carreli. Prima AriELa is not feeling up for the shuttle tour today. I am more than happy to take you alone, though, if that is what you want. Or would you prefer to cancel until she is able to come with us at a later date?” KadEN was baiting the female. She was stubborn and prideful. He knew he would get a reaction.

  “Of course I am feeling up for the tour! But I will understand completely if perhaps your delicate sense of propriety demands that you postpone until a later date.” She recognized the challenge for what it was and threw it back in his face.

  “Then it seems that we will have that shuttle tour after all. I will notify our pilot and security liaison. I will meet you on the landing pad in fifteen minutes.” He smiled arrogantly at her as he walked away.

  Fuck me! What did I just agree to? A shuttle tour with only a pilot and security liaison to act as chaperone. She had always been able to keep a low profile when AriELa was around by letting the other woman do most of the talking, but now Lindsey was going to have to actually hold a conversation with the irritating Prime Leader. The Prima had better be on her deathbed for putting her in this awkward position. Now she had to worry about her biggest problem. What the hell did one wear on a shuttle tour?

  Fifteen minutes later, Lindsey took the lift up to the roof of the building where the landing pad was located. Her heartbeat sped up the moment her eyes met Prime Leader KadEN’s. He was waiting for her by the shuttle. Why did he have to be so damn attractive? His dark brown hair, those eyes, and his kissable lips were hard to ignore. She tried to make herself breathe in and out, in and out. Get yourself together, Carreli. He’s just another man with a big ego. No big deal. Right?

  “You look as lovely as always, Miss Carreli.” KadEN welcomed the female. She had the best pair of legs he had ever seen. Even though she wasn’t as tall as the Katieran females, only about 5’ 7”, her legs just seemed to go on and on.

  She was showing them off to great advantage by wearing a dark navy blue skirt that swished a couple of inches above her knees. She had a silky, ivory button-up shirt with short sleeves. It seemed to shimmer against her skin. Her long, golden brown hair hung down her back in a thick braid. He had been hoping she would have her hair hang loose. She often wore it pulled back. He longed to spread her hair out and have it drape across his naked body. He shook his head. This kind of thinking was dangerous.

  “Thank you, Prime Leader.” Lindsey replied. She was proud that her nerves didn’t show in her voice.

  The man’s 6’7”, 240-pound frame seemed to tower over her. His dark brown hair was loose around his shoulders. The closer she got to him, the better looking he was. His dark blue eyes with the golden pupils seemed to see right through to the core of her. If she stared too long into his eyes, it always left her feeling a little light headed. She had thought RendEL was a beautiful man. He was nothing compared to the one who stood before her now. She was in deep trouble.

  “Come, I think you will like the tour I have planned for you,” he said in a deep, sexy voice.

  It wasn’t until she got inside the shuttle and sat down that she noticed the pilot and security liaison weren’t there yet. She froze in place as she helplessly watched KadEN seat himself in the pilot’s seat and fire up the engine. She managed to get her voice to work.

  “Um . . . KadEN? Where is everyone else?”

  He gave her a devious smile. “It’s just you and me, beautiful.”

  Katieran/English Dictionary

  Asi = Yes

  Bond Mate: a mate that was destined by the Gods to be together

  Comm Link: communications device

  Digital Tablet: tablet similar to a computer with audio-visual media, periodicals,

  movies, communications and other functions

  IHI = Instant hologram imaging in 3D

  IHM = Instant hologram messaging

  Katieran Juice = Similar to Earth’s wine

  Key = Be

  Kitasa = hell no

  Kitana: Katiera’s equivalent to Hell

  mate = spouse

  Mating ceremony = wedding

  Medic: a doctor

  Medic Room: similar to an exam room and recovery room

  Medical Scope: pencil shaped silver instrument that has many medical uses;

  administering medications and performing scans like x-rays.

  Mile = Still

  Nanos: biologically engineered nanotechnology used to help

  repair internal damage to the body

  Phase ray = hand held weapon looks like a remote control that

  sends out a directed burst of energy

  release = climax

  Sa = No

  Sayer = Don’t

  Scent marking = exchange of sexual fluids

  Stada = us/all of us

  talle = female

  Token = Fear

  Viewing Screen: digital video screen used as

  windows in space crafts

  Young = child or infant


  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the

  following word marks mentioned in this work of fiction.

  Google: a web search engine owned by Google Inc.

  Discovery Channel: a specialized tevelision channel that provides documentary

  television programming focused primarily on popular science, technology, and history. (Per Wikipedia)

  The iPad is a line of tablet computers designed and marketed by Apple Inc. (per Wikipedia)

  Other Books by KD Jones

  Katieran Prime

  Prime Commander

  The Katieran Culture Guide Book

  Prime Medic

  The next book in KD Jones’s Katieran Prime Series Coming Soon:

  Kiljorn Prime

  About KD Jones

  KD Jones works as a Quality & Organizational Excellence Specialist at UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill, NC where she has been employed for the last 15 years. She attended college at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has been a huge fan of both romance novels and science fiction novels since she was 16 years old. Her favorite television shows growing up were Star Trek and Dr. Who. When not writing, she can usually be found curled up on the couch with a good book, working on her hobby of photography, or spending time with her family.

  Visit the author’s website at for updates on upcoming new releases and promotional giveaways.

  Also, look for her on Twitter @kizziedj




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