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Scrupulous (An Affliction of Falling Novel Book 1)

Page 23

by Canady, Kristina

  “You’ve met before? Darn it, I thought I was doing something big for my baby sister,” Bre pouts, something that only a man of Devon’s magnitude could make a typically well poised woman do.

  “It was in a different capacity. A brief meeting during a social event but we didn’t get to chat much, unfortunately,” Devon recovers, a twinkle in his eye. His charcoal-grey suit hugs his tanned figure well, reminding me of how deceptively muscular his lean figure was under those clothes.

  “Well then, I will leave you to it! And Sor, the show is almost sold out!” Bre chimes as she scampers off like a two-year-old in five inch heels.

  My jaw hits the floor. “Ssssold out?” I mouth to no one in particular. We had never discussed putting the pieces up for sale. I hadn’t agreed to that. My heart thrums and the room spins as my life’s work slips away into the hands of strangers. The speaker volume on my hearing fuzzes as it tunes in and out and the ground begins to rush up to meet me, but suddenly stops as strong arms right me.

  “I’ve got you, pet. Easy there.” Devon coos as his arm makes itself at home tightly around my hip. He guides me over to the cocktail tables and sits me down like an inept child. “Rest your head down in your hands and I will be right back.” His order left no room for argument.

  The room stops spinning and my ears begin to work again, the sounds of the lively party now booming around. It had been going on for two hours now, and what had been a steady stream of bodies is now shoulder-to-shoulder packed. Light, house-type instrumental music floats in the background, a new sound I hadn’t registered earlier. Looking up to the raised platform, I see a DJ that I hadn’t noticed earlier who seemed to be bustling about, setting up more equipment. What the heck? My friends seem to be full of surprises. I am already on sensory overload and verging on emotional as my better half hasn’t even bothered to let me know his whereabouts.

  “Here, drink this.” Devon’s sexy figure comes into view as he places another martini in front of me.

  “Thank you. You are too kind.” My fingers dance around the base of the glass as my eyes continue on their voyage around the room. It is nice to sit back and watch for a minute. Being out and about, yanked from one person to another as the ‘featured artist’ proved to be dizzying.

  “Interesting how we are once again, brought together. The gallery owner is a friend of mine; he called yesterday and insisted that this is how I should spend my Sunday night. He couldn’t have been more right.” The weight of Devon’s gaze makes me tingle. As that registers, my body quickly retracts.

  “Devon, I am so happy that you took time out of your busy schedule to come down. I am honored, truly. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to find someone.” I go to stand, but he places a halting hand on my forearm.

  “Must you go so soon? You always seem to be running off the minute we are alone.” His eyes plead before coming to rest on my chest.

  “My date is late and I should go look for him.” Devon nods in understanding and smiles.

  “I wondered why Gavin’s face graced the center of your main piece.” His demeanor relaxes and his energy changes to that of a like-minded friend. Gone is the sexual tension, flipped off like a light switch.

  “Sorry, I never meant to mislead you. It is quite new and the sod isn’t even here.” Feeling like I can be myself for the first time all night, my eyes dampen in frustration. They seem to be springing a leak often these days, is that what he has reduced me to? Blubbering idiot?

  “There must be a good reason for his absence. The connection the two of you have made is obviously profound in this short amount of time if he is showcased in your work and he has relinquished his spot at the club.” His assuring tone is soothing to my nerves.

  “You know about that?” I openly question and bite my lower lip in uncertainty.

  “Of course. I took on some of his clients. We all look out for one another. Finding one to collar and spend the rest of our days with is quite a common goal. We are happy for him.” Devon’s handsome face lifts fondly in thought as he taps his glass.

  “He said that he had but hearing you validate it eases my mind that much more, thank you.”

  “You don’t trust him?” Devon cuts his eyes in disapproval.

  “I do. We had a bit of a difficult start; trust has been something that we are building.” His Dom edge doesn’t stimulate my submissive side, as palpable and tempting as it may be. Which solidifies what I share with Gavin. Not just anyone can bring that side of me out, thank God. Our unique exchange is something special between us.

  “I can appreciate that. He is a difficult character. But I can see why he fell for you.” Devon’s attention lingers on my lips before remembering himself.

  “Seriously? You don’t even know me.” I chuckle, my cocky side that had been absent quickly returning.

  “You have a special draw. Sexy, confident, smart, talented.” He sits back and sips his glass of wine while assessing me.

  “Oh, flattery will get you nowhere, even if he doesn’t show.”

  “And that bratty edge is the cherry.” He winks.

  “I prefer sass to brat, thank you.” I carelessly laugh, finally feeling like myself, that insecure version gone. “Alright then, no more flirting with the devil. I have a few people to have a word with. Thank you for humoring my sorry ass for a jiff.”

  “I didn’t come to humor you, love. I came to procure.”

  My perplexed expression answers for me.

  “Your art. Your style is what many of my clients look for when wanting to showcase pieces that appeal to guests’ wanderlust.” He sets his glass down and puts on his serious business face.

  “You’re serious?”

  “You’re surprised?”

  “Yes.” My hands come to rest on my stomach as disbelief debases me and I inwardly scramble.

  “You really don’t see it?”

  “Devon, obviously I don’t.” Is he playing at something?

  “Your talent will be taking you places, pet. Here is my card; your sister already adorned my pocket with a stack of your cards. I will be in contact with you.” His determination is cut short by a vacant sigh.

  “I have cards?” I squeak. What the hell? This was supposed to be an informal shindig and I’ve been conspired against on a whole new level.

  He slips his hand into the inner breast pocket of his jacket and pulls forth a sleek, black card embellished with a lovely lotus flower, my name and number in raised, metallic bronze. A delicate Celtic knot circles the flower. Tracing the card’s edge in thought, sentiment and shock overwhelm me. The cards design mirrored my father’s. He must have had had these made for me but added the lotus.

  “Thank you, Devon.” Leaning down, I peck his cheek and disappear to find my daddy.

  It doesn’t take long, I find him squared off with the mandala piece, oddly alone as the family has migrated to the DJ’s area. Oh God, that can’t be good. Cozying up to the man I have admired my whole life, my head comes to rest on his shoulder and we simply exist like that for a few minutes as if the world was holding still just for us.

  “I’m sorry, wee lass. You downright gutted me when you looked at me the way you did, like I was a sudden stranger,” his voice finally croaks, wrought with emotion.

  “In that short span, you became one, Daddy.” We’ve never had to pretend between us and honesty always reigned.

  “Sorcha Quinn, you have never done anything but make me proud. There is nothing in this world that you could possibly do to change that. And now, for the first time, I clearly see why you walked away from medicine.” He gazes out over my piece, chest puffed up with pride.

  “Thank you, Daddy.” I sniff and squeeze his arm.

  “You really love the bloke, don’t ya?” He inclines his head toward the center of the piece.

  A black-and-white profile of Gavin looking out over the wharf with an intense, heated gaze sits perfectly. I hadn’t intended to use him at all. After months of indecision, the spot had sat em
pty until the day I developed the roll from our first date. It screamed at me and demanded to be seated where it now resides.

  “I do.”

  “Well then, I will do my best to keep an open mind. I don’t understand it and it goes against my instincts to protect you, but I will try.” It seemed almost painful for him to get out, but he wouldn’t have said it if he hadn’t meant it.

  “That’s all I can ask.” Squeezing him tight, we don’t get deeper in the exchange as the DJ turns up the volume and dance music reverberates over us. I knew it!

  “It would seem your friends are ready to turn this into a proper holiday party,” my dad yells over the wall of descending tunes, his face reddening yet youth touches the creases in his brow.

  The flow of bodies begin to dance and sway as I scamper off to find my crazy lot, the upscale event immediately shifting into a night none of us will soon forget. My friends and family completely blindsided me by uplifting me into the next phase of my career. I didn’t ask for it or expect it, but I sure as hell couldn’t be mad. Having people who believe in you is a priceless gift. Tonight will go down in the record books, and it is a shame the one person I wanted most by my side remained absent.

  Anger isn’t even a factor, but sheer disappointment is. I know there are things he is involved in that he can’t completely tell me about, but he has a phone and we talked about this. Perhaps this is a sign─ things between us were never meant to go beyond what they had.

  Our momentary coupling propelled us out of our comfort zones and taught us a lot. Maybe that was the point and all else has run its course. However, the thought of losing him makes my world spin, the floor drop out from under me, and a sickening sense of grave loss takes over. Who would love me the way he did? Who would satiate my new found perverse desires on the level that he did? I had a sneaking suspicion that the type of chemistry we have in the bedroom is not often found and it extended beyond sex. A life without him doesn’t fit; it doesn’t seem right. The whole world looks all wrong in his absence.

  The party goes on well into the night; it has been forever since the lot of us has partied together. Marie’s wedding was probably the last time. Even Jade and her husband stopped through for a bit, which made it all the more special. My mum and dad even danced a bit before heading home, dragging a begrudged Shamus with them, claiming they needed to leave the wee hours to the younger ones. Shamus would most likely out-party all of us if left up to him.

  After a few more martinis intended to make me forget about the pain my strappy stilettos had been causing me, I dare check my phone one last time. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Fucker. Anger begins to fire up in my belly, and my spiteful side begins to point a finger at me for turning down all the offers to dance from well-dressed men. I had stuck to shimmying with my group of hooligans and fought off the urge to pluck a stranger from the crowd. It would have been a great way to teach Gavin a lesson had he decided to show and walk in to find me with another, but my heart wasn’t into that. My heart was rather beaten black and blue at the moment and didn’t have the desire for games. Thankfully, things have begun to wind down and the crowd is thinning out.

  “He never showed?” Samuel pops up out of nowhere and distracts me from my inward rant taking place as I stare out over the dance floor.


  “No call, no show?”


  Samuel sighs heavily in disapproval and puts an arm around my shoulder. I lean into his tall frame, the weight of the world wearing me out.

  “He missed one hell of an event.”

  “Leave it to you lot to pull out all the stops for a girl.” I pucker my crimson lips at him, earning me a laugh.

  “Nothing but the best for you.”

  “Ah, thanks.”

  “You’re too good for him.”

  “Perhaps. Tonight was amazing. Thank you.” Samuel kisses the top of my head. “Alright, you and Reed have a smashing good night. I’m headed home. My dogs are barkin’.”

  “See ya, kid.”

  After saying my goodbyes and many thanks to everyone, I find myself back home, collapsed on the couch in my favorite robe. After pointlessly flipping through the terrible late-night TV options, I turn it off and lay down on the leather, a crying mess as I can’t hold back any longer.

  Holding face all night proved an immense task that almost failed on multiple points when my friends asked after him. I feel lost, broken, and alone─ not to mention confused. Is he lying in a ditch this time? Should I call around to the hospitals? Where do I start to ferret out the truth? Texting Gavin seems pointless; he didn’t answer my previous ones that I sent early in the evening. Needing answers and fearing for Gavin’s safety, I text the almighty, Daz. Another first and only saved for emergencies.

  “Sorry to bother you. Gavin never called or showed. Any idea if he is okay or not? Just want to know that he isn’t dead or something.” It doesn’t take long to receive a reply.

  “He ran late in the office. Hank just took him to the airport. Keep me out of it.” I can hear his trademark gruff voice in the message. The thought bubble on the messenger pops up, telling me that he is typing again. “Again, good job, pet.”

  Screaming in angst, I throw my phone across the room, scream in frustration, and then run to grab it. Phew! It’s intact. Fuck that; Daz doesn’t get off that easy. I’ve slaved for that asshole since ditching out on residency. I’ve missed hours of studio time that had been set aside to work on my pieces to be at his beck and call. I’ve missed out on countless family gatherings and fun times with friends!

  Tapping the screen to pull up his number, I get a hint of nostalgia and desire for the satisfaction one had back in the day of angrily pounding out someone’s number on actual buttons. He picks up on the first ring, his smoke-filled voice deeply rolling across the receiver.

  “I said leave me out of it, Sorcha.”

  “Fuck that and fuck you, Daz. If it wasn’t for you always pulling him around left and right like a dog to do your bidding, he would have come!”

  “Jesus, thought he would have straightened out that dirty little mouth of yours by now. Calm the fuck down. He’s a grown-ass man who knows how to use a phone last I checked. I got nothing to do with it.”

  “Bullshit, you’ve got everything to do with it. Calling at all hours, expecting us to jump when you snap your fingers. Yeah, he’s a grown-ass man, which is why he’s still on my shit list but so are you. You showed up all supportive and shit and knew very goddamn well that he wasn’t there and didn’t bother to say a damn thing. So thanks a fucking lot for allowing me to not only be pissed but worry myself sick over his well-being. I’ve put up with your shit long enough, you will be lucky if I bother showing up Thursday!” My chest heaves with hot, spiteful breath and I wipe a trace of spittle from my angered lip.

  “I don’t know who you think you are talking to but─”


  I hang up and again wish like hell for the old phones that you could slam back down on the receiver in a heated fit. Daz responds to threats about as well as he does to weakness. Too bad I am beyond caring and have jumped fully clothed into the pool of irrationality.

  Pulling up Gavin’s number, I carry on my plight and compose a message. “After worrying myself sick, I was finally able to confirm that you did not miss the biggest night of my life because you were lying in a hospital bed or worse. No, you, in fact, were quite well. I dared to believe in you, in us. Words can’t describe my state of disappointment. Maybe I was just your dumping ground, a notch on your headboard to make you feel better about yourself. Who knows why you ran off into the night instead of facing me like a man. In truth, I do hope you find what you are looking for, find your happiness. It breaks my heart to know you don’t respect or care about me enough to allow me to be a part of it. Goodbye, Gavin. This is the end of the line for us.”

  Stumbling to bed, I cry myself to sleep. How is it that my world just came crashing down around me on the best night of
my life?

  Chapter 16


  The mattress of my childhood bed dips alarmingly low beneath my heft. In my hand sits the text message that has placed me in a daze, unable to enjoy the soothing atmosphere only capable by my mother’s hand. It had lit up my screen as Hank drove me to the airport last night, and my world seemed to come crashing down in an instant. I had fucked up big time, and my asshole tendencies to be one-track minded may have just cost me everything.

  The nine-and-a-half-hour flight was a gut-wrenching blur, and my brother James thought I had gone daft on the drive home. I tried to ease his worry by citing work issues but he didn’t buy it. We’ve been close our whole lives and he saw through my attempts. After quick hellos with the parents, I came to my room to rest before supper. I’m not sure how long I’ve sat here for, trying to make heads or tails on how to fix things, but my ass is starting to go numb.

  “Oy, ya wanker! Get the fuck up; it’s time to eat!” James pounds on the door and barges in without waiting for a response. Little brothers can be quite annoying.

  “Thanks for knocking, asshole,” I grumble, unhappy to be brought back to reality.

  “Now, is that any way to speak to your baby brother? Mum’s calling you down, Grandad has just arrived.”

  “Alright ya barmy brat. I’m coming!” I bark and get up, the blood rushing to my legs in a fierce burn. I slap him across the back in comradery and follow him down to the dining room. God, the kid has filled out a bit more and is almost as big as me.

  “Glad you could finally join us for a proper meal,” my mum says, huffing as she busies about the table, doing I don’t know what.

  “Sorry Mum, I’m just tired from the ride over,” I attempt to placate. She is the last person I want to upset. Her shoulders notably drop under the weight of my apology.


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