When the Lights Went Out: Britain in the Seventies

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When the Lights Went Out: Britain in the Seventies Page 68

by Andy Beckett

  National Union of Mineworkers (NUM): 1969 and 1970 strikes (unofficial), 1;

  1971 conference, 2;

  1972 strike, 1;

  1974 strike, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  1981 dispute, 1;

  and Grunwick, 1, 2;

  Heath on, 1;

  militancy, 1 ;

  and three-day week, 1 ;

  see also Scargill, Arthur

  National Union of Public Employees (NUPE), 1, 2, 3, 4;

  see also Fisher, Alan

  National Union of Railwaymen, 1, 2

  National Union of Seamen, 1

  National Women’s Liberation Conference, 1, 2, 3

  nationalization, 1, 2, 3

  Neal, Len, 1

  Neave, Airey: and Conservative Party 1975 leadership contest, 1, 2;

  death, 3;

  and free festivals, 1, 2;

  home, 1;

  relations with Heath, 1;

  and trade unions, 1

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 1

  Nelson, Elizabeth, 1

  Netherlands, 1, 2, 3

  New Barons, The (Milligan), 1, 2

  New Labour: foreshadowings of, 1, 2, 3

  New Left Books, 1

  New Town programme, 1, 2

  New York, 1

  New Zealand, 1, 2

  newspapers: coverage of Winter of

  Discontent, 1 ;

  seventies problems, 1;

  see also media

  Newton, Huey, 1

  NF see National Front

  Nigg, 1

  Night Assembles Bill, 1

  1922 Committee, 1

  Nixon, Richard, 1

  Noakes, John, 1

  Nolan Sisters, 1


  North Sea, 1

  North Sea oil: Benn’s attempt to partially nationalize, 1 ;

  discovery and potential impact, 2 ;

  effect on Aberdeen, 1 ;

  extraction technology, 1;

  Forties oilfield opened, 1 ;

  industrial relations, 1 ;

  licences and taxation, 1;

  oil rig construction, 1 ;

  oil rig life, 1, 2 ;

  output stats and costs, 1 ;

  and Scottish independence, 1 ;

  Sullom Voe terminal, 1

  Northern Ireland: 1974 strike, 1;

  annual casualties, 2;

  author’s childhood memories of army in, 1 ;

  Bloody Sunday, 1 ;

  British and RUC interrogation techniques, 1, 2;

  British public attitude to Troubles, 1, 2, 3;

  Direct Rule, 1, 2, 3;

  economy, 1 ;

  in eighties, 1;

  and Heath government, 1, 2;

  Heath government talks with Provisionals, 1 ;

  history of British involvement, 1, 2 ;

  internment, 1 ;

  IRA mainland campaign, 1, 2;

  late seventies, 1, 2 ;

  loyalist organizations, 1;

  media coverage, 1 ;

  power-sharing Executive, 1;

  Troops Out Movement, 1;

  Troubles start, 1, 2 ;

  and Wilson government, 1;

  see also IRA

  Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, 1

  Norway, 1, 2, 3

  Nossiter, Bernard D., 1

  novels, 1

  nuclear power, 1, 2

  nuclear weapons, 1, 2, 3

  NUM see National Union of Mineworkers

  NUPE see National Union of Public Employees

  O Lucky Man! (film), 1

  O’Connell, David, 1, 2

  O’Dwyer, Sir Michael, 1

  office heating, 1

  oil: 1973 crisis, 1, 2, 3;

  British consumption, 1;

  see also North Sea oil

  oil rigs, 1, 2

  On the Buses (TV series), 1

  O’Neill, Terence, 1, 2

  OPEC see Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

  Open University, 1

  Operation Motorman, 1

  Orange Order, 1

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 1, 2

  Outrage!, 1

  Oz magazine, 1, 2

  Pankhurst, Christabel, 1

  Parker, Stanley, 1

  Parliamentary Socialism (Miliband), 1

  ‘Part of the Union’ (Strawbs), 1

  pay: under Callaghan, 1;

  under Heath government, 2;

  public-sector workers, 1 ;

  restraint under Wilson government, 1;

  and social contract, 1 ;

  trade unions and wage protection, 1;

  women’s, 1, 2, 3 ;

  see also Winter of Discontent

  Peel, John, 1

  Pencourt File, The (Penrose and Courtiour), 1

  Penguin Modern Masters series, 1

  Penrose, Barry, 1

  pensions, 1

  PEOPLE Party see Ecology Party

  Petit, Chris, 1

  petrol shortages, 1

  Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh, 1, 2, 3

  pickets: 1969 miners’ strike, 1;

  1972 miners’ strike, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  1974 miners’ strike, 1;

  flying, 1;

  Grunwick, 1, 2;

  legislation, 1, 2;

  road hauliers’ strike, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Pimlott, Ben, 1

  Pink Floyd, 1

  Pinochet, General Augusto, 1, 2

  Plaid Cymru, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Platt, John, 1

  plays, 1

  Pliatzky, Sir Leo, 1, 2

  Poliakoff, Stephen, 1

  police: and 1972 miners’ strike, 1, 2 ;

  brutality, 3;

  and free festivals, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  and Grosvenor Square riots, 1;

  and Grunwick, 1, 2, 3, 4 ;

  and NF, 1 ; picket tactics, 2 ;

  Special Patrol Group, 1, 2;

  TV series about, 1;

  see also Royal Ulster Constabulary

  Policy Unit, 1, 2

  political trends: Albion Free State, 1 ;

  environmentalism, 2, 3 ;

  feminism, 1 ;

  gay rights, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  left-wing campus radicalism, 1 ;

  monetarism, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;

  right-wing semi-revolutionary fringe groups, 1 ;

  right-wing students, 1;

  rise of the right, 1

  Poltergeist, 1

  Pompidou, Georges, 1

  population, 1, 2

  Population Bomb, The (Ehrlich), 1

  Porritt, Jonathon, 1

  Portugal, 1

  Post, Laurens van der, 1

  pound see sterling

  poverty, 1, 2

  Powell, Enoch: and Europe, 1, 2;

  and free-market ideas, 3;

  and immigration, 1;

  and Labour Party, 1, 2;

  resignation, 1;

  and Thatcher, 1, 2;

  trade-union attitude, 1

  Power, Lisa, 1

  power cuts: 1972 miners’ strike, 1 ;

  see also three-day week

  Prentice, Reg, 1, 2

  Prevention of Terrorism Act (1974), 1

  prices: food and the EEC, 1, 2, 3;

  food subsidies, 4;

  houses, 1, 2, 3;

  oil, 1, 2;

  Resale Price Maintenance abolition, 1, 2;

  see also inflation

  Prior, Jim: on 1970 election, 1;

  and 1974 miners’ strike, 2;

  and Conservative Party 1975 leadership contest, 1, 2;

  and NAFF, 1;

  and trade unions, 1;

  and Winter of Discontent, 1

  Private Eye, 1

  privatization, 1, 2

  productivity: and three-day week, 1

  Prostitution (COUM), 1

  public expenditure: under Callaghan, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  under Heath, 6;

  Northern Ireland, 1;

  under Wilson, 1, 2
br />   public-sector workers, 1

  publishers: and left-wing radical ism, 1

  punk, 1

  Pursey, Jimmy, 1

  Purves, Peter, 1

  race issues: discrimination legislation, 1 ;

  immigrants and race relations, 2 ;

  immigrants and work, 1

  Race Relations Act (1976), 1

  Radio On (Petit), 1

  Ramelson, Baruch ‘Bert’, 1

  Ramsey, Chris, 1

  Ranelagh, John, 1, 2

  Ransome, Dave, 1

  RAR see Rock Against Racism

  Rawle, Sid, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  Record Breakers (TV series), 1

  Red Mole newspaper, 1

  Reece, Gordon, 1, 2

  Reed, Laurance, 1

  Rees, Merlyn, 1, 2

  Rees-Mogg, William, 1

  reggae, 1

  Reid, Billy, 1

  Reid, Jamie, 1

  Release, 1, 2

  Resurgence magazine, 1

  Ridley, Nicholas, 1, 2

  ‘Right Approach, The’, 1

  Right Turn, 1

  Rippon, Geoffrey, 1, 2, 3

  Road Haulage Association, 1

  road hauliers: strike (1979), 1, 2 ;

  working conditions, 3

  Road to Serfdom, The (Hayek), 1

  Robens, Lord, 1

  Roberts, Alfred, 1

  Roberts, Beatrice, 1

  Robinson, Christopher, 1

  Robinson, Tom, 1, 2

  Rock Against Racism (RAR), 1

  Rodgers, Bill: on Callaghan’s postponement of election, 1, 2 ;

  and civil service, 3;

  and road hauliers’ strike, 1, 2 ;

  on the social contract, 1;

  and trade unions, 1

  Roe, Nicholas, 1, 2

  Rolls-Royce, 1, 2

  Rose, Sir Clive, 1, 2, 3

  Roskill Commission, 1, 2

  Rothschild, Lord, 1

  Rotten, Johnny see Lydon, John

  Routledge, Paul, 1

  Rowbotham, Sheila, 1

  Rowe, Marsha, 1, 2, 3

  Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), 1, 2, 3

  Rutherford, Andrew, 1

  Ryrie, William, 1, 2

  Saatchi, Maurice, 1

  Saatchi and Saatchi, 1

  Saltley coke depot, 1, 2

  Sampson, Anthony, 1, 2

  Samuel, Raphael, 1

  Saunders, Red, 1, 2

  Savareid, Eric, 1

  Saville inquiry, 1

  Saxon, Arthur, 1

  Scales, Prunella, 1

  Scanlon, Hugh, 1, 2

  Scargill, Arthur: and 1972 miners’ strike, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  and 1981 miners’ dispute, 7;

  appearance, 1;

  background and character, 1;

  and Grunwick, 1, 2;

  militant attitude, 1, 2;

  and TGWU Centre, 1

  Scarman, Lord, 1, 2

  Schmidt, Helmut, 1, 2

  Schumacher, E. F., 1

  Scorpio, 1

  Scotland: assembly building, 1;

  devolution process, 2 ;

  independence and North Sea oil, 1

  Scott, Norman, 1

  Scottish Labour Party, 1

  Scottish National Party (SNP): and 1979 election, 1;

  Edinburgh HQ, 2;

  and fall of Callaghan government, 1, 2;

  foundation and early history, 1 ;

  and Labour Party, 1;

  and North Sea oil, 1

  Scunthorpe, 1

  SDR see Special Drawing Right

  Sea Gem oil rig, 1

  Seabrook, Jeremy, 1, 2

  Second Sex, The (de Beauvoir), 1

  Seldon, Arthur, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Self-Help, 1

  Selfridges department store, 1

  Sellers, Peter, 1

  Selsdon conference, 1, 2

  Sewill, Brendon: and 1972 miners’ strike, 1;

  and 1974 (Feb) election, 2;

  on importance of full employment, 1;

  and plans for Heath government, 1;

  and three-day week, 1;

  on trade-union power, 1

  Sex Discrimination Act (1975), 1

  Sex Pistols, The, 1, 2

  Sexual Politics (Millett), 1

  Sham 1, 2

  Shanks, Michael, 1

  Shell, 1, 2

  Sherman, Alfred, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Shetland islands, 1

  Shoeburyness, 1

  shopping centres, 1, 2

  Shore, Peter, 1

  Silent Spring (Carson), 1

  Simon, William, 1, 2, 3

  Singh, Udham, 1

  Sivanandan, Ambalavaner, 1

  Skytrain, 1

  Slater, Jim, 1

  Slater Walker, 1

  Small Is Beautiful (Schumacher), 1

  Smith, Adam, 1, 2

  Smith, Graham, 1, 2, 3

  Smith, John, 1

  SNP see Scottish National Party

  social contract, 1, 2

  Social Democratic Alliance, 1

  social mobility, 1

  Social Security Pensions Act (1975), 1

  social trends: rise of materialism, 1 ;

  see also political trends

  Socialist Workers Party (SWP; formerly International Socialists), 1, 2

  South Africa, 1, 2

  South Armagh, 1

  Southend, 1, 2

  Soviet Union, 1, 2

  Spanish Civil War, 1

  Spare Rib magazine, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Spark, Muriel, 1

  Special Drawing Right (SDR), 1

  speed limit, 1

  sports centres, 1

  Spycatcher (Wright), 1

  stagflation see inflation

  Stanley, John, 1

  Steel, David, 1, 2, 3

  Stelzer, Irwin, 1

  sterling: 1967 devaluation, 1, 2;

  1976 run on, 1 ;

  pound’s value, 1, 2

  Stevens, Caroline, 1

  Stirling, Colonel David, 1, 2

  Stirling University, 1

  stock market, 1, 2, 3

  Stone, Joe, 1, 2

  Stone, Richard, 1

  Stonewall, 1

  Stonewall riots, 1

  Stowe, Ken, 1, 2

  Strauss, Norman, 1, 2

  Strawberry Fields (Poliakoff), 1

  Strawbs, 1

  street lighting, 1, 2

  strikes: British Asians, 1;

  dockers (1972), 2;

  Ford (1978), 1;

  government emergency machinery, 1;

  Grunwick, 1;

  legislation, 1, 2, 3;

  miners (1969 and 1970), 1;

  miners (1972), 1;

  miners (1974), 1, 2, 3, 4;

  Northern Ireland (1974), 1;

  rise in frequency, 1;

  road hauliers (1979), 1, 2 ;

  seamen (1975), 1;

  students, 1 ;

  Westminster Hospital, 1 ;

  Winter of Discontent, 1 ;

  working days lost to, 1, 2, 3;

  see also Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service; pickets

  Sturdy, Pat, 1

  Sullom Voe, 1

  Summer Before the Dark, The (Lessing), 1

  Sun, 1, 2, 3

  Sweden, 1

  Sweeney, The (TV series), 1

  SWP see Socialist Workers Party

  Takeover, The (Spark), 1

  Tanganyika, 1

  Tartan Army, 1

  Tatchell, Peter, 1

  Tate gallery, 1

  taxes, 1

  Taylor, Anne, 1

  Taylor, Gordon Rattray, 1

  Taylor, Robert, 1, 2, 3

  Tebbit, Norman, 1, 2

  television: evening closedown, 1, 2

  Thames Barrier, 1

  Thatcher, Carol, 1, 2, 3

  Thatcher, Denis, 1, 2, 3

  Thatcher, Margaret: on 1970 election, 1;

  and 1979 election, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;

  advantages over Callaghan, 1;

  advisers in Opposition, 1, 2;

  Amis on, 1 ;

  appearance, 1;

  author’s verdict, 1;

  background and character, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  on British politics in late 1978, 1;

  on Callaghan’s postponement of election, 1;

  Cameron on, 1;

  cartoon owned by Heath, 1 ;

  and Conservative Party 1975 leadership contest, 1, 2, 3;

  and council-house sales, 1, 2, 3;

  and fall of Callaghan government, 1;

  and feminism, 1, 2 ;

  first visit to US, 1 ;

  Flood Street home, 1;

  foreign policy, 1;

  and free-market ideas, 1 ;

  and Grunwick, 1, 2;


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