When the Lights Went Out: Britain in the Seventies

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When the Lights Went Out: Britain in the Seventies Page 69

by Andy Beckett

and Harris, 1;

  and Heath, 1, 2, 3 ;

  at Heath’s funeral, 1, 2;

  in Heath’s government, 1, 2, 3, 4 ;

  and IMF loan, 1;

  and immigration, 1, 2 ;

  and ‘Labour Isn’t Working’ campaign, 1;

  lack of leisure habits, 1;

  and Lib–Lab pact, 1 ;

  on McWhirter (Ross), 1;

  marriage and family, 1;

  and Milton Keynes, 1;

  and miners, 1;

  and NAFF, 1, 2, 3 ;

  on the Open University, 1;

  as Opposition leader, 1 ;

  as PM, 1 ;

  political and popular appeal, 1, 2, 3 ;

  as product of the seventies, 1;

  on Saltley, 1;

  on three-day week, 1;

  and trade unions, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  TV performance, 1 ;

  and Winter of Discontent, 1, 2, 3

  Thatcher, Mark, 1, 2

  theatre see plays

  Theroux, Paul, 1

  Thirteen Club, 1

  Thomas, Hugh, 1

  Thomas Cook (company), 1

  Thorneycroft, Peter, 1, 2

  Thorpe, Jeremy, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  three-day week: background, 1 ;

  end, 2;

  impact, 1 ;

  productivity during, 1 ;

  rules, 1 ;

  was it necessary?, 1

  Times, The, 1, 2

  Tipi Valley, 1

  Torrey Canyon, 1

  Trade and Industry, Department of, 1, 2, 3

  trade figures, 1, 2, 3, 4

  trade unions: and Callaghan’s postponement of election, 1;

  and equality, 2;

  and gay rights movement, 1;

  government relations to 1970, 1 ;

  and Grunwick, 1;

  and Heath’s government, 1, 2;

  history of British, 1;

  and IMF cuts, 1, 2;

  influence in seventies, 1;

  and Labour government, 1;

  and Labour vote, 1;

  and materialism, 1, 2;

  membership statistics, 1;

  militancy, 1 ;

  NAFF campaigns against, 1 ;

  nowadays, 1 ;

  organization, 1;

  public attitude to, 1 ;

  and race issues, 1 ;

  shop stewards, 1;

  and the social contract, 1, 2 ;

  and Thatcher, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  wage protection, 1;

  and Wilson’s government, 1;

  and women, 1, 2, 3;

  see also individual unions by name;


  Trades Union Congress (TUC): 1978 conference, 1 ;

  and free festivals, 2;

  and Grunwick, 1, 2;

  and the social contract, 1, 2, 3;

  TUC–Labour Party Liaison Committee, 1, 2, 3;

  Valentine’s Day concordat, 1;

  Williams on, 1

  Transport and General Workers’ Union (TGWU): and 1972 miners’ strike, 1;

  Eastbourne holiday centre, 2 ;

  and Ford strike, 1;

  and Grunwick, 1;

  HQ, 1, 2;

  membership size and scope, 1, 2, 3;

  nowadays, 1;

  and road hauliers’ strike, 1, 2, 3, 4 ;

  Rodgers on, 1;

  and the social contract, 1 ;

  and Winter of Discontent, 1, 2;

  see also Jones, Jack

  ‘Treasures from the European Community’ (exhibition), 1

  TUC see Trades Union Congress

  Tuohy, Denis, 1

  Twine, Adam, 1

  2000AD comic, 1

  Twomey, Seamus, 1

  Ulster Defence Association (UDA), 1

  Ulster Unionist Party, 1, 2

  Ulster Vanguard, 1

  Ulster Workers’ Council (UWC), 1

  unemployment: before 1970, 1;

  under Callaghan, 2, 3 ;

  under Heath, 1, 2;

  Northern Ireland, 1;

  seventies overview, 1;

  under Thatcher, 1;

  and three-day week, 1;

  and women, 1

  Union of Post Office Workers (UPW), 1, 2, 3, 4

  Unite, 1

  United Nations Continental Shelf Convention, 1

  United States: attitude to British economic policy, 1, 2, 3;

  and Bretton Woods, 4 ;

  Callaghan seeks loan from, 1;

  Callaghan’s relations with, 1;

  cruise-missile deployment in Europe, 1;

  and IMF, 1;

  Kennedy and the corporations, 1;

  mid-seventies economy, 1;

  New Deal, 1;

  and North Sea oil, 1;

  and Northern Ireland, 1

  universities: campus left-wing radicalism, 1

  UPW see Union of Post Office Workers

  UWC see Ulster Workers’ Council

  Valentine’s Day concordat, 1

  Verney, Stephen, 1, 2, 3

  Verso, 1

  Victoria Park demo, 1

  Vietnam War, 1

  wages see pay

  Walden, Brian, 1, 2, 3

  Wales, devolution process, 1;

  see also Plaid Cymru

  Walker, Derek, 1, 2, 3

  Walker, Martin, 1

  Walker, Peter: appearance, 1;

  background, 2 ;

  and Conservative Party 1975 leadership contest, 1;

  and environmental movement, 1 ;

  and free festivals, 1;

  and free-market ideas, 1;

  on Heath’s government, 1 ;

  on Macmillan on Thatcher, 1;

  and Maplin, 1;

  at Selsdon conference, 1 ;

  and Thames Barrier, 1;

  and three-day week, 1, 2, 3;

  as trade and industry secretary, 1

  Walker, General Sir Walter, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Walters, Alan, 1, 2

  Wandor, Michelene, 1

  Ward, George: background, 1;

  and Grunwick, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

  Warwick University, 1

  Wass, Sir Douglas, 1

  Watchfield festival, 1

  Watership Down (Adams), 1

  Watters, Frank, 1, 2, 3

  Weatherill, Bernard, 1

  Weatherstone, Dennis, 1

  Webb, Richard, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  Webster, Roger, 1

  Weekend World (TV series), 1

  Weidenfeld, Sir George, 1

  Weir, Angie see Mason, Angela

  Weir, Stuart, 1, 2

  well-being: Britain’s best year, 1;

  late seventies, 2

  Wells of Mayfair, 1, 2

  West Mill Farm, 1

  whipping: parliamentary, 1

  White, Harry, 1

  White, Michael, 1

  Whitehouse, Mary, 1

  Whitelaw, Willie: and 1970 election, 1;

  character, 2;

  and Conservative Party 1975 leadership contest, 1, 2;

  favoured to replace Thatcher in seventies, 1;

  and Northern Ireland, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Whittome, Alan, 1, 2, 3

  Widgery, David, 1, 2, 3

  Widgery report, 1

  Wigan, 1

  Wilberforce, Lord, 1

  Wild, Eric, 1

  Willesden Friendship League, 1

  Williams, Marcia, 1, 2

  Williams, Shirley: appearance, 1;

  Blair on, 2;

  and Grunwick, 1;

  public attitude to, 1;

  and the social contract, 1;

  and TUC–Labour Party Liaison Committee, 1;

  on Wilson, 1, 2

  Wills, Robert, 1

  Wilson, Amrit, 1

  Wilson, Harold: on 1970 Conservative policies, 1;

  and 1970 election, 2, 3;

  and 1974 elections, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;

  and alcohol, 1 ;

  appearance, 1;

  background, 1; />
  and Benn’s radical ideas, 1 ;

  character, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  and council-house sales, 1;

  economic measures, 1, 2 ;

  economic training, 1;

  on Economist cover, 1;

  electioneering style, 1, 2;

  health, 1 ;

  and Heath’s entry into Europe, 1, 2;

  and Heath’s trade union reform, 1;

  homes, 1;

  and Jay (Peter), 1, 2;

  Jones on, 1 ;

  kitchen cabinet, 1;

  lack of ambition in 1974, 1 ;

  and North Sea oil, 1, 2;

  and Northern Ireland, 1, 2;

  at Oxford, 1 ;

  plots to replace him, 1 ;

  political career to 1964, 1 ;

  resignation, 1;

  and Scottish devolution, 1;

  and security services, 1 ;

  sixties governments, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;

  on Thatcher becoming Conservative Party leader, 1;

  and trade unions, 1, 2 ;

  Walden on, 1;

  and women’s rights, 1, 2

  Wilson, Herbert, 1

  Wilson, Mary, 1, 2

  Wilson, Trevor, 1

  Windsor festival, 1, 2

  Winstanley (film), 1

  Winstanley, Gerrard, 1

  Winter of Discontent, 1 ;

  Callaghan’s handling, 2, 3, 4 ;

  road hauliers’ strike, 1 2 ;

  Westminster Hospital strike, 1

  Witteveen, Johannes, 1, 2, 3

  Wolff, Michael, 1

  Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1

  women: and 1979 election, 1;

  Asian women and strikes, 2 ;

  and Grunwick strike, 1;

  legislation, 1 ;

  as MPs, 1;

  public and media misogyny, 1;

  radical feminism, 1;

  rise of feminism, 1 ;

  socialist feminism, 1 ;

  Thatcher’s non-promotion of, 1, 2 ;

  and three-day week, 1;

  Wilson’s promotion of, 1, 2

  Women and Equality Unit, 1

  Women’s Industrial Union, 1

  Woodnutt, Mark, 1

  Worcester, Robert, 1

  Workers’ Revolutionary Party, 1

  working conditions: hours, 1, 2 ;

  legislation under Wilson, 3;

  and women, 1 ;

  see also industrial relations;

  strikes, trade unions

  World Bank, 1

  World Turned Upside Down, The (Hill), 1

  Worthing festival, 1

  Wortley Hall, 1

  Wright, Peter, 1

  Wyatt, Woodrow, 1

  Yarwood, Mike, 1

  Yeo, Edwin, 1

  Yes, Minister (TV series), 1

  Yom Kippur War, 1, 2

  York, Peter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Young, Hugo, 1

  Young, Janet, 1

  Zorch, 1

  Author biography

  Andy Beckett was born ten days before the seventies started. He studied Modern History at Oxford University and Journalism at the University of California in Berkeley. For his first, widely praised book, Pinochet in Piccadilly: Britain and Chile’s Hidden History (2002), he was nominated as the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year. Since 1993, he has written for the New York Times, The Economist, the Independent on Sunday and the London Review of Books. For the last twelve years, he has been a feature writer at the Guardian. He lives in London.

  By the same author

  Pinochet in Piccadilly


  First published in 2009

  by Faber and Faber Ltd

  Bloomsbury House

  74–77 Great Russell Street

  London WC1B 3DA

  This ebook edition first published in 2009

  All rights reserved

  © Andy Beckett, 2009

  The right of Andy Beckett to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

  This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly

  ISBN 978–0–571–25226–8




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