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Ella's Desire

Page 8

by Ella's Desire (lit)

  As he stepped away from the circle of light surrounding the slowly dying campfire, Ben felt a flash of excitement go through him as darkness swallowed him. It was a cloudy night with only a sliver of moon illuminating the prairie. Earlier, Ella stepped away from the camp, headed for the nearby stream to freshen up before retiring for the evening. Ben didn’t know exactly where she had gone, but he did know where she would return to. The idea that he could lay in ambush for her, as he had on that first magnificent night when he first tasted her charms and freed the sensual woman trapped inside, was too exciting to resist.

  He picked his spot carefully. It was closer to the camp than he would have liked—perhaps not more than seventy or eighty feet—but he was well hidden in shadows, and he had a vantage point for both the camp and stream. He could see Blue and Dirk near the campfire, but they couldn’t see him. The location wasn’t ideal, but it would have to do.

  When Ella returned, she would walk right past him.

  Another smile pulled at Ben’s mouth, but this smile wasn’t sardonic. It was sexual. Blatantly, fiercely sexual. Inside his black trousers, he cock started to grow, coming to life, anticipating the myriad of pleasures to be found with the surprisingly bewitching woman named Ella.

  Rather than be uncomfortable, Ben quickly unbuttoned the fly of his trousers and pulled out his rapidly growing arousal. A moment later, and after a bit of wrestling, he tugged his testicles out as well. His genitals were pale against the dark serge fabric of his trousers, his testicles hanging low. Wrapping his fingers around the shaft of his cock, he stroked himself twice. It was all the stimulation he needed to swell to full stature.

  Ella would walk by soon. He was sure of it. But she wouldn’t want to make love. Of that he was also sure. But if there was anything Ben was confident of, it was that he could change Ella’s mind about that whole making love thing, provided he had enough time. She might say no to begin with, but with the right combination of kisses and caresses, he could make her say Yes! Yes! Yes! in that breathy voice she used whenever she was thoroughly aroused.

  Looking toward the campfire, Ben watched as Dirk stood. He made a last comment to Blue then began walking away from the fire and almost straight toward him. Ben’s initial reaction was annoyance. He had been looking forward to “trapping” Ella all for himself. But that would have been selfish. He had no more right to monopolize her passion than Dirk did. Still....

  “Ben? Ben, you out there?”

  Dirk kept his voice very low, hardly more than a whisper as he approached. The only reason to do that was so Blue wouldn’t hear. Ben suspected his old friend had the same plans for Ella as he did himself. Dirk continued moving closer, walking slowly, peering into the shadows, searching for his black-clad friend.

  “Over here,” Ben said, keeping his voice so low it wouldn’t carry. Dirk stepped closer. His erection stood out through his fly. With a guilty shrug of his shoulders, Ben said, “I figure she’s got to walk past this spot to get back to camp. Thought I’d wait to greet her.”

  Nodding his agreement, Dirk replied, “I kind of figured as much.” He looked toward the campfire. Blue still reclined on his bedroll, his hands beneath his head, propped up on his saddle. “Ella’s not going to be in a frisky mood being this close to the fire.”

  “We’ll just have to change her mood, won’t we?”

  Dirk was busy unbuttoning his fly as he replied, “Seems like an effort well worth making.”

  * * * *

  If this isn’t love, then love doesn’t exist.

  The thought did not bring any particular joy to Ella. If a woman wanted comfort and stability in her life, which Ella most certainly did, then falling in love with two men with notorious reputations for not falling in love was about the absolute last thing in the world that woman would want to do.

  There was some consolation in Ella’s next conscious thought. Not a lot but some.

  But I never intended to fall in love. It just happened.

  As Ella made her way slowly back to the camp, she was willing to accept whatever comfort she could find in her own chaotic emotions. The advent of Dirk and Ben into her life, with the concomitant introduction of sexual excess on a scale she never considered possible, had skewed everything in her life. She always thought she knew who and what she was, just as she assumed she knew her life and world and what to expect of them. Now everything—absolutely everything—had been irrevocably changed. Some parts of her life changed for the better, other parts for the worse. But everything had changed...and like the little fellow on the fence, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put the egg back together again.

  She walked barefooted from the narrow stream that cut through the McWilliams' southernmost property. Her boots were pinched between the thumb and fingertips of her right hand, which weren’t nearly as spotlessly polished as they had been days earlier when she embarked on this sojourn. In her left hand were her damp and recently washed camisole, underwear, and socks. She rinsed the undergarments out in the stream.

  In a strange way, she enjoyed having so few creature comforts, so few of the amenities of a wealthy life she grew up with and always known. Out here on the prairie skirting the appropriately titled Badlands with Ben and Dirk and Blue for companions, she had a job to do, and she liked the fact that she could live quite comfortably without changing into a nice evening dress to have her four-course dinner.

  Still, it would be nice to once again curl up beneath the cotton sheets and thick blankets in her big, comfortable bed with her head on the goose down feather pillow.

  A big, comfortable...uncrowded empty bed.

  Returning to her bed meant returning to the T-3 Ranch...and that meant leaving Ben and Dirk.

  In an instant, Ella realized she would gladly forego all the delicious meals cooked by her family chef, give up all the luxury and comfort she had never in her life been without if only she could continue riding through the Badlands with Ben and Dirk. She wanted to share their lives and laughter during the day and their campfire at night. What could be better than sharing their passion out under the stars? Just to have the two of them with her, without anyone else casting a condescending eye at her for her libertine ways, would be worth giving up all the worldly comforts that were hers thanks to the fortune her father amassed and then willed to her.

  But that wouldn’t do. That wouldn’t possibly do. Ben and Dirk were men who enjoyed their wealth, who took great pleasure in their legions of promiscuous women. Most of all, these were men who loved their freedom. Ella’s flights of romantic fancy, she realized as she walked toward the campfire, were the stuff of silly, schoolgirl fantasies.

  No, not schoolgirl fantasies. She immediately corrected herself in a characteristically self-lacerating way. Schoolgirls don’t take on lovers two at a time.

  Ella was so entrenched in her own thoughts that she nearly walked straight into Ben and Dirk before she was aware of their presence.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed, so startled by the sudden movement in the shadows that she dropped one of her boots. When she bent to pick it up, she felt the free, unhampered movement of her breasts beneath her cotton shirt. Though the friction of the well-washed fabric against her nipples was very slight, she was distinctly aware of the sensation. Retrieving the boot so that she held both in one hand, she straightened and delivered a feigned frown to her men. “It’s not nice to startle women, you know.”

  “What’ll you do?” Ben asked as he stepped closer, his tone suggesting he wasn’t in the least bit contrite. “Spank us for being naughty?”

  “That’s not such a bad idea. In fact—”

  Ella’s sputtered with shock, her words getting choked off the instant she saw that both Ben and Dirk, though fully dressed, had erections standing out through unbuttoned trousers. In the pale moonlight and cast against the dark fabric of their trousers, the twin columns of lust-hardened flesh looked eerily pale and very predatory.

  With gargantuan understatement, Dirk de
clared in a casual tone, “We’ve missed you.”

  “Obviously!” Ella took a step backward, her vision simultaneously drawn toward those parts of her lovers’ anatomies that gave her such exquisite pleasure, and appalled that they would allow their baser desires to have free rein when Blue was so close they could see him reclining near the campfire. “Have you completely lost your minds?”

  Ben reached for Ella, and she skipped backward several steps. “You make us crazy,” he said, prompting a scowl from Ella. “Don’t be shy,” he said, his smile instantly becoming disarmingly benign, his powerful erection suggesting a rather more aggressive state of mind. “Blue’s a long way away. And even if he wasn’t, I’m sure he’d understand.”

  “Understand?” Ella exclaimed, much louder than she would have liked. “How could he possibly understand what the three of us feel for each other when I don’t understand it myself?”

  “Let’s not quibble.” Dirk moved so that he put a little more distance between himself and Ben while at the same time stepping closer to Ella. They could approach her now from different directions. In a way, it reminded Ella of the way wolves positioned themselves when moved in on a doe. “The night is warm, there’s very little moonlight, and no reason in the world Ben and I shouldn’t give you pleasure.”

  A frisson of sensation went through Ella at hearing Dirk’s declaration. The word “pleasure” conjured emotions so vividly recalled that a small gasp caught in her throat, and her nipples tightened in sympathetic response. She raised her hands defensively. Dirk grabbed her left wrist, causing her to drop her boots.

  “You can’t do this!” Ella said, her statement coming out so fast they nearly sound like a single word. “Blue’s going to catch us!”

  Ben grabbed her right wrist, and Ella’s freshly laundered and still damp socks, chemise, and underpants fell from her fingers to the grass below.

  An emotion very near panic suddenly came over Ella. Though her desire for Ben and Dirk was undiminished, the notion of shedding her natural inhibitions with her two lovers when her intemperate behavior might be witnessed by Blue was unthinkable.

  “Stop it!” she hissed. She pulled hard, trying to free her wrists from their grasp. Though neither man was straining, they held her securely with very little effort. “Don’t do this to me.” In a hushed whisper laced through with fear and embarrassment, she added, “I’ll do anything you want me to do—just not now.”

  “Sorry, my love,” Dirk replied, pulling Ella closer with his left hand as his right eased beneath the heavy, silken hair at the nape of her neck. “I kept my distance from you last night, and it damned near killed me to do it. I need a kiss. That’s not asking too much.”

  But his cock was telling quite a different story, one that suggested the big Dutchman wanted kisses, all right...and so much more. The sight of his pulsing flesh caused a myriad of emotions to ricochet through Ella’s consciousness. There was a part of her—a wicked, wanton part of her newly discovered sensuality—that wanted to drop to her knees to caress his magnificent erection with her lips and tongue, to feel him pulsing with virility as she sucked and nibbled, receiving sensual pleasure by giving it. But there was another part of Ella, the part of her that set very definable boundaries of right and wrong, that thought such behavior was thoroughly wicked and was made a thousand times more licentious when there was a possibility that a bystander would witness her licentious behavior.

  “Don’t.” It was a small sound that came from Ella. The men pinned her between them. “I don’t want to do this.” But in her tone was equivocation. Even she heard it, and she damned herself for it.

  “Give me the opportunity,” Ben said as he firmly twisted Ella’s arm so the wrist he held now pressed against the small of her back, “to change your mind.”

  “You’re wicked,” Ella whispered as Ben leaned down, his face coming nearer to her own.

  “The devil you say,” Ben replied as his mouth slanted down over hers.

  Chapter Seven

  She felt overwhelmed by her lovers, and most startling and flattering for a woman of generous dimensions, magnificently small and feminine. She was pinned between Dirk and Ben, her arms held securely behind her back. Ben’s mouth pressed securely against her own while Dirk kissed her throat. A strong, long-fingered hand caressed her breast, touching her through her shirt. Another strong hand was between her legs, a palm pressed snuggly at the apex of her thighs, the contact bold, demanding. For Ella to feel the caresses and not know which of her lovers it was added significantly to the experience of being overwhelmed by masculine dominance and forbidden desires.

  Little time had passed from Ella’s discovery that Ben and Dirk were waiting for her in the shadows just past the campfire’s glow, to the time that she was trembling while Ben’s tongue explored her mouth. One strong hand busily unbuttoned her blouse while another hand unbuckled her belt and began opening her English riding breeches. The rapidity with which these men could ignite unquenchable fires of longing mystified Ella. She had never been a woman ruled by her passions, yet here she was, standing between two of the territory’s most notorious rakes, dancing her tongue with Ben’s while Dirk’s moist lips caressed her throat just beneath her ear. Only the awareness that Blue Sun Rising, a man she hardly knew, was nearby prevented Ella from surrendering herself once more, willingly and without reservations, to her lovers.

  When Ben ended his kiss, Ella tried to move her hands from behind her back. Neither of her lovers seemed inclined to relinquish his grip on her wrist. Then Dirk cupped her chin in his big hand, forcibly turned her face toward him, and sealed his mouth over hers. Though Ella wanted to pretend she did not welcome his kiss, her purring whispered of carnal surrender.

  Within seconds, her blouse was completely unbuttoned and pushed off her shoulders, baring breasts that gleamed pale and succulent in the moonlight. Ella was still kissing Dirk, her tongue seemingly battling with his in slow advance and retreat, when Ben sucked her left areola and nipple between his lips.

  The heated wetness of his mouth upon her nipple made Ella’s body flinch from head to toe. The men continued to hold her wrists, pinning her arms behind her back to give themselves unfettered access to her body. The awareness of being completely helpless, trapped in bondage by these wildly sensual men, gripped Ella almost as tightly as their physical presence. The slick, lubricating nectar of her passion moistened the lips of her cunt. The pink lips were puffy, swollen with anticipation. Her clitoris throbbed, aching with a rapidly escalating need.

  A hand slipped into Ella’s opened breeches. It was Ben, she realized, and a single, slender finger slipped easily between the lips of her pussy. A low, masculine groan came from Ben, the sound mingling with Ella’s own sigh as she kissed Dirk.

  By the time Dirk finally ended his kiss with Ella, she was dizzy with sensual want, no longer entirely capable of putting forward any credible defense against these men whose apparent goal was to drive her to climax after climax. Despite her disorienting passion, Ella was still clear-headed enough to cast a wary eye toward the golden glow of the low campfire. Blue was still there, now rolling a cigarette between his bronzed fingers as he reclined casually against his saddle. There was nothing in his demeanor to suggest he had any suspicions of what libidinous activities were occurring in the shadows less than thirty yards away. But still, his proximity added elements of fear and excitement to Ella’s overheating senses.

  In the next several seconds, several things happened simultaneously which served to show Ella just exactly how captive she was to the sensual emotions Dirk and Ben were able to foist upon her. Dirk abandoned her mouth, but before Ella could complain, he bent at the waist to take her nipple into his mouth. Standing in the darkness with her arms held securely behind her back, Ella clenched her teeth against the sigh of pleasure as both of her breasts were sucked, licked, and nibbled on, her nipples pebbling so fiercely hard they were nearly in pain. As this happened, Blue rose to his feet and, after a cautious glance i
nto the darkness, pulled the fringed buckskin shirt over his head, leaving him naked from the waist up. His bronzed body, sinewy lean and solidly muscled, glistened erotically in the firelight, the copper hue of his flesh adding sinful temptation to his undeniable, masculine allure. The mixed-blood tracker was a feast for the eyes, his beauty heightened by the pleasure provided by the two handsome men sucking on her nipples.

  Ben’s finger eased up between the lips of her pussy, rubbing against her clitoris, and Ella’s jaw dropped open, though she maintained sufficient willpower and presence of mind to keep the sigh of ecstasy silent.

  Damn, he’s beautiful, thought Ella, looking at Blue as he stood near the campfire, looking contemplatively down into the low flames, completely unaware of how his lean, athletic musculature and dusky-hued complexion were adding significant degrees to the sensual heat burning inside Ella.

  She turned her gaze from Blue down to the two handsome men currently feasting on her nipples. The visual stimulation of seeing them, their faces very close together and pressed into the pillowy mounds of her breasts, added to the tactile sensation of having both of her nipples orally pleasured at the same time.

  If all women knew what ecstasy it is to be pleasured by two men at the same time, the world would be a changed place forever.

  As Ben’s hand beat slowly, pumping a single finger in and out of her pussy, Dirk used his free hand to push down her riding breeches from behind.

  Ella raised her eyes once more to Blue. He stood a little closer to the fire now, which allowed her to see his illuminated form a bit more clearly. It was a fact which, in Ella’s highly aroused state, seemed most propitious, as he rolled another cigarette. Suddenly, he lifted his head and peered into the shadows, looking almost straight at her. Ella’s heart nearly stopped beating.


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