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No Longer Weak

Page 4

by Lyra Parish

  She wanted me dead. She would succeed.

  I turned to look back at her as she gripped the knife, her knuckles white. Streaks of mascara ran down her cheeks as if she had been crying, but I knew her soul was too black for emotions like that. Her blood red lips curled into a smile. “You’re dead,” she whispered as she reared the knife back. As she inched closer, my heart rate increased, and I screamed again.

  “Stop it. Stop. Stop.”

  I tried to kick her away, but it was useless. She stood over me and sat on my chest. She was too heavy for me to push away. With both hands around the hilt, she lifted the knife above her head and stabbed it into my heart. My life slipped away and pain filled me. Her laugh—all I could remember was her laugh.



  She woke up screaming. I rushed to her side and pulled her into my arms. No matter how deeply she breathed, she couldn’t seem to get enough air.

  “I’m here, baby. I’m right here,” I whispered. I rubbed my hand across her back in the hopes of calming her until she was fully awake, until she knew she was safe, until she realized I was by her side.

  “It’s never going to stop. This is never going to end,” she said between gasps.

  “It will. I can promise you that.” And it would. I would make sure that this stopped.

  I pressed my lips against hers, trying to kiss away the pain and fear that clouded her. I wanted to take it all away. She looked up at me as if I could save her from herself, and if I needed to be that man for her, I would be. She placed her hands on her face and sucked in a few deep breaths. Then, just as if nothing had happened, she changed the subject.

  “My childhood dream was to perform in the Houston ballet. It was something I wanted. As I danced through college, I thought of quitting business and doing something I loved.”

  “I almost forgot that you danced. How silly of me,” I said.

  “I’m glad I didn’t pursue it, though.”

  She received a raised eyebrow as a response.

  “Because I would have never met you,” she said as she interlaced her fingers with mine.

  “I’m happy you didn’t either, but who knows. We could have still met, fallen madly in love, and gotten married even if you were a ballerina.” I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. My heart was so full of love for her. The cotton robe dropped to the floor, revealing the smoothness of her skin. I brushed my hands over the bare skin of her shoulders. Little chill bumps formed on her arms, and I dipped my head down to kiss her shoulders. I walked to the closet, pulled her dress from the hanger, and handed it to her.

  “The Nutcracker. It’s so magical. It’s a piece that ballerinas have been spinning to for years. We danced to it every December as kids, and dreamed of dancing to it professionally as adults.”

  She buttoned the dress to the top and slipped on the high heels. She sat and pulled a makeup bag from the bottom of the suitcase I had packed. After she had brushed mascara over her lashes and put gloss on her lips, we stood eye to eye.

  “Do you want to talk about the nightmares?”

  Her eyes moved from mine, and she stared off in the distance before shaking her head. I wouldn’t force her to talk about it. I had promised her that. It was time to change the subject.

  “Have you ever been to Gerald’s Steakhouse?”

  She gasped and I smiled. “That’s one of the best steakhouses in Houston. How did you get reservations? They are usually booked months in advance. Never mind. I know the answer.”

  She looped her arm in mine, and we walked out of the hotel room. When we stepped into the elevator, I couldn’t take my eyes off her, from the way her hair fell down her back so perfectly, or how plump her bottom lip looked. Every time she licked them it drove me crazy.

  “I want to kiss you so badly right now,” I said.

  “Then do it.” When the door shut, my mouth attracted to her like a magnet. She tasted sweet like candy, and was everything I’d ever wanted. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and when the elevator stopped on a floor and an older couple stepped inside, we hurriedly pulled away from each other. We were both disheveled with pink lips, smiling.

  The BMW waited in front of the hotel for us, and the valet opened the door for Jennifer. Once he got a good long look at her ass and shut the door, I waited with my arms resting on the roof of the car.

  “Like what you see?” I asked with a grimace on my face. He opened his mouth to say something then closed it immediately.

  “She isn’t a piece of fucking meat for you to drool over. Got it?”

  He nodded and walked away with quickness in his step.

  I slipped inside the car, started it, and made sure to leave the treads of my tires behind as I peeled off. That asshole needed to keep his sleazy eyes to himself.

  Jennifer glared at me.

  “No one openly gawks at my woman’s ass. Plain and simple, babe. Gonna have to get used to my protectiveness.”

  “Oh, I’m your woman now?”

  “You’ve been my woman since the moment I rocked your world.”

  She couldn’t deny it.

  “Rocked my world?”

  “You know it. And if you keep it up, I’ll fuck your world senseless.”

  She laughed.

  I took an exit and sped down a side road that led downtown. The steakhouse was in a high rise that overlooked the city. The lights of the buildings lit the sidewalks with a warm orange glow.

  “Can we park and walk? I kind of want to enjoy the city.”

  I found the next available place and parallel parked on the street. We got out of the car and noticed a line that wrapped completely around a building. It couldn’t be where we were going. I looked over at her, and she shook her head. I smiled mischievously. The temperature had dropped, so I wrapped my arm around Jennifer as we continued forward.

  “Is that Finnley Felton?” I heard someone whisper, and I knew I had been spotted. It was hard to go out in public these days without being recognized by someone, and it was a tad annoying. I gave a quick smile and placed my hand on the small of Jennifer’s back as we passed the hordes of people in the line.

  “What’s the crowd for?” Jennifer turned around and asked me.

  I shrugged.

  A woman dressed like a punk rocker openly answered Jennifer’s question. “Grand opening of Jackson Square, the hippest club in Houston,” she said.

  Jennifer turned around and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go inside. Fuck dinner. Fuck the ballet. Let’s have fun.” As soon as the words had drifted from her mouth, the music inside the club rushed through the streets.

  I pulled her toward me until her body was against mine. “Are you sure?”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely. I want to let loose. I want to have fun again. I want to dance,” she said.

  I interlocked my fingers with hers and we turned toward the entrance of the building. We passed droves of people. A golden rope separated the regular line from the VIP line of Jackson Square. A tall husky man blocked the entrance with his arms crossed. When he made eye contact with me, he lifted both eyebrows. I gave a small flick of my head and he walked over.

  “Can I help you?” His voice was deep and pure husk.

  “We’d like to get in,” I said.

  He looked at me as if I had told the funniest joke in the world, then burst into laughter.

  “I’m sorry. What fucking planet are you from?” He leaned down until his face was level with mine. I ran my tongue across my teeth.

  “Which fucking planet are you from that you couldn’t understand what I fucking said? We’d like in.”

  “I don’t think so, asshole. No one gets in unless they are on my list. Pretty sure you aren’t on my fucking list,” he said.

  “Come on, Finn. Let’s go,” Jennifer said, tugging on my hand.

  “Who’s your superior?” I asked him.

  “It’s not like you’d know her, you fuckin’ twat,” he said, then turned his back and walked bac
k to his position against the large wooden door with a J engraved in it.

  “We’ll see about that.” I walked to the car with Jennifer trailing behind me.

  “What are we doing?”

  “Get in the car. I need to find some information.” I opened my phone and did a quick search on the Internet then burst into a heavy laughter. “Oh, this is fucking great!”

  Jennifer shot me a quizzical look.

  “Remember the blonde? The tennis player everyone thought I was fucking a few months back?” I couldn’t hold back the bubbling laughter inside me.

  Jennifer lifted her eyebrows. “Natasha Dragtonsa? The tennis player? How could I forget?”

  “It’s her fucking place. Let me make a quick call,” I said, then immediately dialed Natasha’s number and stepped out of the car.



  “Hey, babe. So, I’m in Houston tonight and heard you were opening a new place downtown,” I said.

  “Finnley fucking Felton. Babe! Wait, you’re in town? You better come to fucking Jackson Square!” Natasha’s voice was full of excitement, and I could tell she had been drinking.

  “I’m actually standing outside looking at the line. Damn, girl. You always knew how to throw a party.”

  “I’m coming out right now. If you’re pulling my leg and you’re not really here, you’ll be sorry, Felton. I’ll chop off those cute little balls of yours. You know not to get a lady all worked up and then not commit. Meet me up front.”

  “I’ve already warned you not to talk about my balls. I’ll be there, just see. Call my fucking bluff.” I ended the call, walked around the car, and opened Jennifer’s door. She gave me a so kind of look, and I nodded my head. I always got what I wanted.

  I grabbed Jennifer’s hand. Natasha stood outside of Jackson Square yelling my name. Everyone in the crowd turned and looked at me as I smiled at Tash. Without hesitation, she walked around the giant bouncer and came to us. When her blue eyes met mine, she leaned in and gave me a kiss on both cheeks like we were stars, then did the same to Jennifer.

  “You must be the infamous Ms. Downs whom I’ve heard so much about,” she said to Jennifer.

  A hint of pink touched Jennifer’s cheeks and I smiled.

  “You might not want to say too much, Tash,” I said jokingly.

  “Oh, I’m sure she knows you think the world of her already.”

  I nodded my head as Natasha led us to the front door with her arms looped between Jennifer’s and mine. The bouncer stood there with a blank look on his face.

  “I’m sorry. What fucking planet were you from again?” I asked him as we approached.

  Natasha shot me a look of confusion as the man apologized to me.

  “It’s nothing, Tash. He called me a fucking twat earlier, but we both know who the real pussy is.” I stared him down as we walked into the club. Before we could go any farther, our ID’s were scanned and we were asked to sign a black book with gold-lined pages. Tash smiled as golden bracelets were slipped onto our wrists.

  The music blasted through the halls. Slow beats drove the small VIP crowd as they danced. I admired the tall ceilings, the bar that outlined the rectangular room, and the dance floor with colorful lights that changed to the beat of whatever song was currently playing. Mirrors lined the ceiling, which reflected the lights that flashed around. An upstairs area overlooked the bottom floor and, from what I could see, black leather couches and tables were scattered around.

  “Good fucking job, Tash. This place is outstanding.”

  “Thanks, Finn. I’m so fucking excited the two of you are here. Come upstairs to the VIP area.”

  Jennifer looked up, and I watched as her eyes followed the staircase that led to the luxury area.

  Natasha’s long, toned legs led the way, and she shook her ass with every step she took. The woman was on fire in a red, skintight dress. I still remember the night Tash had told me over dinner that she loved women, and since then, she had been one of the guys; she even threw punches like one. Who knew tennis players were so fucking strong.

  We walked past another bouncer in a suit who nodded at us as Tash passed him. She elegantly took the stairs, and when we hit the top step, a woman with a champagne tray greeted us. Jennifer took a flute, and so did I. She smiled over the rim and laced her fingers with mine. I’d do anything to make her happy.

  Tash waved us over to a group of people standing around, conversing.

  “Mr. Jones and Mr. Roboche, this is the infamous Finnley Felton, owner of the Elite and voted most successful entrepreneur of the year.”

  “Oh, Mr. Felton, I’ve read about your company. It’s very interesting, and I’d love to learn more about it.”

  “Sure, Mr. Jones. Here’s my card. Call me and we will talk business. Tonight, I’d love to relax and enjoy this amazing atmosphere that the beautiful Ms. D has created. Gentlemen.” I nodded, shot a smile to them, and downed my champagne.

  “You’re fucking brilliant. Those assholes have been annoying me all night,” Tash whispered in my ear, then smiled.

  Jennifer gulped the last of her champagne as well, and Tash led us over to a table with a large candle in the middle.

  “Hungry? I’ve got tons of food. Please eat it or I’ll have to throw it away at the end of the night,” she said.

  Tash snapped her fingers, and within a few minutes we had shrimp drizzled in a sauce with a side of vegetables.

  “You’re like magic, Tash,” I said.

  “Thanks so much,” Jennifer said.

  “Let me know if you need anything else, you two love birds,” Tash said. As she walked away, Tash mouthed, “She’s fucking hot. A 10!”

  I shook my head, picked up a fork, and looked over at Jennifer. The yellow glow of the candle lit her face as she chewed. She tucked her hair behind her ear, and I couldn’t stop looking at her with a smile across my face. I loved the way her eyelashes brushed the top of her cheeks and how her plump lips felt against mine.

  “You’re so fucking hot, Ms. Downs. I’d love to rip your clothes off and show you what I mean.”

  “If you rip my clothes off, Mr. Felton, you might get fucked,” she whispered.

  “Oh, touché. You’re a feisty little thing, and I love it,” I said.

  “You’ve not seen anything yet, Mr. Felton.”

  “I will, Ms. Downs. I can promise you that,” I said. And I knew I would.

  We finished eating and had a few more glasses of champagne. We walked to the balcony and looked at the crowd below us. Jennifer closed her eyes and her body swayed to the beat of the music. I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her in front of me. The music and lights poured over us, and I pulled her from her darkness. We had found each other, and being with her had made me feel complete again. Our bodies were pressed together, and her hands wandered from my neck, down my chest, then teased at the top of my pants with her cold hands. I threaded my fingers through her hair and pulled her face close to mine.

  “Don’t start something you can’t finish,” I whispered.

  “I always finish what I start.” She turned around and wrapped her arms around the back of my neck as her ass pressed against my dick.

  Clubs were dangerous. Dancing was dangerous. It was like fucking with your clothes on, and I didn’t know how much more I could take before I took her, took what I wanted, and what my body needed. Though I had a feeling I wouldn’t be taking anything. Jennifer wanted this, and maybe I would give it to her. I ran my hands down the side of her breasts, then the side of her waist, and grabbed her ass with both hands. She pushed herself into me harder, then turned around.

  I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers. The intensity was too much. She gave me everything she had in that kiss—her love and herself—and it was almost too much to handle.

  “Fuck, what are you doing to me?”

  “The same thing you’re doing to me, Mr. Felton.”

  I groaned and turned her around until her back was press
ed against the railing of the balcony. Lights continued to flash as the music changed to a slow pulse. Her hand slid between our bodies, and she grazed my dick with her fingers. Fuck.

  I shook my head, then leaned in and dragged my teeth across her neck and lightly bit down. She gasped for air and leaned over the railing, her hair flowing down her back. Cool air swooshed around us as the air conditioning kicked in. Then I glanced over her shoulder and thought for a moment that I had seen a familiar face. My face went blank, and I gently moved Jennifer out of my line of sight. My heart raced, and I swallowed. It couldn’t be. How the fuck did Jesse know we were here? Anger rushed over me, and I balled my fists.

  “What is it?” Jennifer asked with a tinge of worry in her voice. Jennifer pulled away from me, and turned and scanned the people below.

  I narrowed my eyes back through the crowd and didn’t see her anymore. Was it just my imagination, or had I really seen Jesse down below? Maybe I’d had too much to drink? Maybe I was going crazy? Or maybe she had found us and was here. What were the fucking odds of that?

  Jennifer grabbed another drink from a lady that was passing out champagne. Her worry-filled eyes met mine.

  “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

  “It’s nothing, babe. Nothing at all.” I’m not sure she believed me.

  After a few minutes, she excused herself to the bathroom. I followed behind her and pulled my phone from my pocket. I had one missed call from Abbot and immediately dialed his number.

  “You’re not going to like the next few things I have to say,” Abbot said.

  I ran my fingers through my hair as anxiety coaxed me.

  “Fucking tell me. I don’t want a charade of it. Go on,” I said.

  “Jesse is in Texas … and your parents went home because it was safer for them,” Abbot said.


  “I’m hopping on a fucking plane and flying out there tonight. Take care of yourselves.”

  “Does she know we are here?” I asked.

  “Not sure. But I’m not taking the chance,” Abbot said.


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