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The Bringer of Light

Page 3

by Black, Pat

  It read: JAUNE ELECTRONICS. A single image burned at its heart: a yellow sun perfectly centred among radial lines.

  “Newcomers! The Newcomers! The Split! It’s true!” Joon began to scream. The monk touched a control on his belt, and her pedestal unit died. Cutwater caught her as she fell.

  The analogue recording device Mazimdas had placed in the unit spat sparks, and died with a hollow pop.

  Two monks ran towards them, both wired up, and grinning. In place of both men’s right eyes were glowing red orbs, solid as jewels.

  “Your proposal is accepted,” the first monk told Cutwater. “Now you must join us.”


  Thank you for reading my work. This story is one of many you can find in my forthcoming sci-fi anthology, Sail The Starry Skies. It’s available for pre-order now.

  I’m currently on a mission to ping out all of my short stories. There are hundreds of the buggers. I’ve split them up into genres for now.

  If you like horror, then you’ll SHIT YOURSELF in fear and excitement with this collection, Shadow Plays. Ghosts, maniacs, werewolves, vampires, general ghoulies and things that go bump in the night are the order of the day. Er, night. It’s creepy, rather than bloody, though a little drop of the red stuff does get spilled… a couple of pints’ worth, at least.

  If that doesn’t do it for you, you can put on a battered hat and a grubby raincoat… wait, that doesn’t sound right… I mean, you can put on a police uniform and brandish a truncheon… Aw strewth, I mean, you can check out my crime stories collection, Scream Blue Murder.

  If you’ve read this far without punching your device, then it’s possible you will like my general anthologies. Anything goes, here. The first is called Suckerpunch. Three others – Flying Dreams, You Be A Pirate, I’ll Be A Cowboy and This Thing You Humans Call Love will follow.

  I also have a few collections of essays, criticism and literary reviews. The first one, Paper Cuts, is available now.

  You can berate me here, on Twitter. But if you want to say hello, that’s absolutely fine. If you reviewed my stuff, that’d be even better. But we’ve only just met, I don’t want things to go too fast.

  Thanks again. See you around.




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