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Page 4

by Elizabeth Hayley

“Siobhan, why didn’t you tell me your boyfriend was sexy and generous?” Jacob asked.

  Derick laughed.

  “Hey,” Siobhan said, wrapping an arm around Derick’s waist and squeezing him tightly against her. “Get your own man. This one’s mine.”

  Jacob brushed the short dark hair on top of his head with his fingers and raised an eyebrow. “You don’t happen to have a gay brother you brought with you, do you?”

  “I don’t,” Derick said.

  Jacob shrugged. “It was worth a shot.”

  The group toasted Jacob and then threw back the shots.

  “Did Siobhan tell you about the gallery opening?” Daphne asked. “Jacob’s not the only one who should be celebrating.”

  “No.” Derick took a sip of his beer and turned to Siobhan. “Tell me.”

  “I just found out a few days ago, and I wanted to tell you in person.” Siobhan was nearly bouncing with excitement. “A few of my paintings were displayed in a gallery. The opening went well, and the owner wants to keep my work up for a few months.”

  “She’s being modest,” Wendell said. “The gallery’s been around a while, and Siobhan sold two paintings.”

  Derick beamed. “Really? That’s fantastic.”

  Siobhan smiled. “I was lucky to even exhibit there.”

  “Luck had nothing to do with it,” Jacob said. “You worked hard for that shit.”

  “Getting into this gallery’s a big deal,” Daphne added. “And it didn’t just happen on its own. Siobhan’s been doing a ton to get her work on different online retail sites and promoting it on social media. And it’s definitely paid off.”

  Siobhan’s cheeks flushed a bit. “I thought we were here to celebrate Jacob’s show?”

  “Looks like they want to celebrate your work, too,” Derick said. He put an arm around her, pulled her in close, and leaned down to give her a kiss. “And it sounds like you deserve it.”

  The group talked for a little longer before they started to disperse, some roaming the restaurant to look at the art and others welcoming more friends as they arrived.

  Siobhan introduced Derick to a few more of her friends before they finally decided to get a table and share a few appetizers. When a local band started to play, Derick asked her if she wanted to dance.

  He wanted his hands on her.

  The first song had a slow tempo, and Siobhan rested her head against his chest as he pulled her close. The two moved to the rhythm without speaking until Siobhan finally looked up at him. “Can I tell you something?”

  Derick nodded. “Of course.”

  “Jacob was right. You are sexy.”

  The corner of Derick’s mouth rose slightly, and he placed a soft kiss to her forehead. “I’m glad you think so.” Then he dropped his head down so that it touched hers. He could smell the sweet drink on her mouth. He wanted to lick the taste off her.

  His hands slid farther down her hips to her ass, which was only covered by the thin fabric of her dress. Siobhan giggled and tensed when he gave her a quick squeeze before bringing his hands back up to a place more suited for public viewing.

  As the music played, they moved against each other, causing Derick’s dick to harden with every soft brush of her body on his.

  Her hands roamed up and down his back as she pulled herself harder against him, and he could tell she was as turned-on as he was.

  Derick leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I think it’s time we left.”

  “I think you’re right,” she said, before bringing her lips to his.

  Chapter 12

  Derick straightened his clothing as he exited the car and headed toward the studio where Siobhan was finishing up a class. He hadn’t seen her paint since that day in Central Park, so he was happy he’d arrived early to pick her up.

  But as he opened the door, he didn’t see Siobhan instructing the students. Instead, he saw her lying on a couch.

  She wasn’t the teacher. She was a nude model.

  Chapter 13

  At the sound of her name, Siobhan’s head snapped up from its position. Shit. She knew that voice. She clutched the sheet that was loosely draped around her waist.

  “Put this on,” Derick said, thrusting at her the robe he’d grabbed off a nearby chair.

  “Derick, I’m working. You weren’t supposed to be here for another twenty minutes.”

  “Put the robe on, Siobhan.” Derick’s eyes blazed into hers, and she wasn’t sure what emotions she saw in them. Confusion? Anger? Frustration? Protectiveness? Probably all of them.

  At the sound of their voices, Michael came out from the back of the studio and approached Derick. “Is there a problem here?”

  Siobhan didn’t think it was possible, but somehow the question seemed to make Derick even more livid than he already was. “Oh, there’s definitely a problem. Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m the owner of the studio. Michael,” he said. He extended his hand, but Derick didn’t take it. “And you are?”

  “I’m the guy who wants to know why the hell my girlfriend’s lying naked on your couch,” he said, stepping into Michael’s space.

  Michael turned toward the painters. “I think we’re done for the day. Sorry, everyone.”

  Siobhan grabbed the robe and shoved it on. She didn’t give Derick a second glance as she headed toward the back room to get changed.

  She swung open the door to the dressing room, but when she went to close it before Derick could enter, he put a hand on the door to stop her. He followed her inside and closed it behind him. “What the hell are you doing?” he asked.

  “What am I doing? I think I should be asking you the same question. You can’t show up and make a scene like this. I’m working.” Siobhan ran a hand through her hair.

  “You’re working naked. That Michael guy’s paying you for your body.”

  “You say that like I’m a prostitute, Derick.”

  “I say that like I’m your boyfriend.” His jaw tensed.

  “Derick, among the art community, nude modeling is a respectable way to earn money. I get that you’re upset, but other people—”

  “You’re not other people. You’re my girlfriend. And I can’t believe you’re going to stand here and try to convince me that it’s okay for strangers to look at my girlfriend naked. You can’t really believe that.”

  Siobhan inhaled slowly, the scent of Derick’s freshly showered skin invading her nostrils as he took a step closer to her. He had a point. And truthfully, she’d known that he wouldn’t be happy when he found out about her side job. What boyfriend would be?

  “I get why you’re upset. But this was something I started doing before you and I got back together.”

  “Well, I think it’s time you stopped.” His voice was firm, but his tone had softened. “This,” he said, bringing a hand up to slip inside her open robe, “is mine.” He let his fingertips rest on her hip a moment before allowing them to brush over the skin of her stomach. “I’m the only one who gets to touch it.” His amber eyes nearly hypnotized her as he spoke. “And I’d prefer it if I were the only one who got to look at it, too.”

  For once, Siobhan was speechless. The feminist in her wanted to protest, but she couldn’t bring herself to. Derick’s words brought a rush of wetness between her legs.

  Then he trailed a hand up her ribs and over her breast, his fingertips grazing lightly over her nipple. “I know I can’t tell you what to do, Siobhan. You’re a grown woman, and you make your own choices.” He brought his mouth down to her neck, and she instinctively tilted her head to give him access. “So I’m asking you,” he said before his lips made contact with her skin to plant a gentle kiss. “Please don’t do this anymore.”

  She felt herself go nearly limp in his arms as his breath grazed her flesh, and a low moan escaped her. “Okay,” she said softly.

  Derick pulled back from where he’d been sprinkling kisses along her collarbone to look at her. He almost looked surprised. “Okay what?”

nbsp; “Okay, I won’t do this anymore.”

  A satisfied grin spread across Derick’s face as his hand moved down her stomach to cup between her legs. He slipped one finger inside her and began moving his thumb in small circles over her clit. “Why?” he asked, bringing her closer to release with every stroke of his fingers.

  Siobhan let out a shaky breath. “Because I’m yours,” she answered softly.

  “God, say that again.” Derick’s cock was hard against her thigh as he backed her into the wall.

  “I’m yours, Derick.”

  Chapter 14

  As turned-on as Derick was, there was no way he was letting either of them get off in a place where Siobhan had just been naked in front of strangers. “Let’s get out of here,” he whispered before slowly withdrawing from her.

  Her head whipped around. “Are you kidding me?”

  Derick felt his lips quirk up in a smirk. “No.”

  Siobhan stared at him for a few seconds, her eyes narrowing more and more as the time ticked by. “You’re blue-balling me.”

  A loud, raucous laugh burst out of him. “I wasn’t aware that term could be used as a verb. But yes, I am.”


  The pout she was directing at him was almost too adorable for him to resist. Almost. He leaned toward her again but was careful not to make any physical contact as his mouth approached her ear. “I was under the impression that I was going to get to watch you paint. You’ll get what you want when I get what I want.”

  “You want to watch me paint? Right now?” Her voice was filled with irritated disbelief.

  She sighed loudly as she reached for her clothes. “I’m not sure how I feel about my boyfriend insisting that I put clothes on. Maybe I’m losing my touch.”

  “No. You lost my touch. And there’s only one way for you to get it back.”

  He loved the sharp rise and fall of Siobhan’s chest caused by his words. He hadn’t ever played the dominant lover with her before, but he really liked it. And judging from the way she was staring at him and running her tongue over her lips, Siobhan liked it, too.

  “My studio is closest,” she said, her voice husky and breathless.


  She finished dressing, grabbed her bag, and led him out of the back room, through the room she’d never enter again if he had any say in the matter, and out onto the street. “It’s close enough to walk.”

  So they did. As they headed to the studio, he was careful not to touch her as they walked side by side. The charged silence was clearly driving Siobhan insane.

  The truth was, Derick couldn’t think of anything else besides sex.

  The two-block walk to her space seemed eternal. When she finally unlocked the door and let him in, his cock was ready to burst through his zipper.

  He quickly took in the room: the floor-to-ceiling window that let in copious amounts of natural light, the easel set up by it with a blank canvas resting on it. A few paintings were leaning against the remaining walls. Truth be told, it wasn’t much larger than his walk-in closet in New York, but it was obviously all the space she needed.

  “A popular guy in the art scene here bought out this whole floor and made it into mini-studios. The rent is incredibly reasonable,” she explained as she set her stuff down.

  Derick nodded as his eyes took one more sweep of the room. Then he looked back at her. “Strip.”

  Siobhan grinned as she began slowly pulling off her clothes. “Are you going to draw me like one of your French girls?”

  He stared at her, sure that confusion was plain on his face.

  She rolled her eyes. “Haven’t you seen Titanic? Leo? Kate Winslet?”

  “Oh. Well, then, if you paint for me, I’ll paint you.”

  Siobhan dropped her clothes onto the ground and stared at Derick for a long moment before turning and prepping her paints. Then she sat down in front of her easel, picked up a brush, and got to work.

  Derick allowed himself to watch her paint nude for a few minutes. He took in the faint flush of her skin, the way she swept her hair around to one side so it rested softly on her breast. It was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. She looked so comfortable. Painting was what truly brought out the light that Derick loved most about her. He’d never thought he could be more attracted to her. But watching her like that—seeing the vulnerability in every stroke across the canvas—made parts of him heat up in ways he’d never felt before.

  Eventually, he moved up behind her, allowing his clothed body to press against her naked one. He felt her breath hitch, but she continued to make sweeping strokes against the canvas. Gently reaching around her, he dipped a finger into her paint.

  He placed a soft kiss on the back of her neck before he shifted to give himself just enough room to run his paint-covered index finger down the soft slope of her spine.

  She arched her back and inhaled sharply as the paint made contact. She dropped her hand from the canvas.

  Derick reached around again and dipped both his thumb and his index finger. “If you stop, I’ll stop,” he whispered. “And trust me, you don’t want me to stop.”

  A shudder raced through her before she lifted her paintbrush and continued.

  Derick dipped the fingers of his other hand into the paint and then pressed his fingerprints into the skin on her hips. “I’m going to put my hands all over you,” he said in a low, firm voice. He continued to dip his fingers and draw lines and press finger marks all over her back and sides. “That way, whenever you take your clothes off from now on, you’ll remember the marks I put on you to claim what’s mine. It’ll be like my hands are still on you.”

  He moved to the side of her to paint around her nipples and over the taut flesh between and under her breasts, before streaking his fingertips down to her navel. Her brushstrokes were erratic, but she kept painting, even when he reached over her and left his fingerprints on the insides of her thighs as he pushed them open.

  Derick took a moment to observe his handiwork: Siobhan covered in a variety of colors that his hands had put there. Plucking the brush out of her hand, he set it down and reached for a rag that hung from the easel. He wiped his hands as thoroughly as he could, and then he grabbed her by the hips, and twisted her on the stool until she faced him.

  “I don’t need my hands for the rest.” He stepped between her spread legs. “You’re going to undo my pants and pull out my cock. And then I’m going to take you in a way that’ll leave no question about who you belong to.”

  Siobhan put her hands on his pants but didn’t open them. Instead, she looked up at him. “Do you belong to me, too?”

  Derick couldn’t resist cupping her beautiful face. “I’ve never belonged to anyone the way that I’ve belonged to you. And I never will.”

  Her eyes misted over at his words, but she regained her composure quickly before deftly undoing his jeans and pushing them down along with his boxers.

  Derick wasted no time pushing inside her. Her arms wound tightly around his neck as his hands drifted down to her ass. He spread his legs so he could thrust into her with all the power and need he felt coursing through him.

  Siobhan was his. And he was damn sure going to make sure she knew it.

  Loud gasps and moans filled the air as he bucked into her wildly. His thrusts were so intense he didn’t dare remove one of his hands from where it was steadying her on her ass so that he could play with her clit.

  It didn’t seem like she minded.

  “God, Derick, yes.” Her hands fisted in his hair, pulling to the point of pain.

  But the discomfort spurred him on. He wanted her wild. Feral. He wanted to imprint this encounter into her brain so that whenever she got the urge to run, she would remember this moment and know the truth: there was no longer any separating them. They were one.

  She groaned loudly as he pumped his cock deep inside her.

  Derick was all sensation, feeling everything but registering nothing but pleasure and overwhelming love
for the woman in his arms.

  Siobhan released a choked scream as she came, her wetness coating his cock as he continued to thrust it inside her.

  His ass flexed hard as he delved as deeply into her and as hard as he could, his release rocketing out of his body and into hers. Burying his face in her neck, he shallowly pumped into her a few more times, letting her walls milk him. He wanted to leave every drop inside her.

  They remained in their embrace for a bit longer, until the heat they’d generated dissipated and left their sweat-soaked bodies trembling in the coolness of the room. Pulling back only enough to look at each other, Derick placed a lingering kiss on Siobhan’s lips.

  When they finally pulled apart, Siobhan smiled. “So do you like my studio?”

  Derick grinned back. “Hands down the best place I’ve ever been.”

  Chapter 15

  Siobhan quickly applied some lip gloss and grabbed a light jacket before heading out the door to meet Derick, who had just texted to say that he was outside.

  When she got to the street, she saw him standing by the car. But it wasn’t the usual black SUV. It was some sort of steel-gray sports car that was so low to the ground she thought she might fall trying to get in. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d have to catch her.

  As Derick gestured to the raised passenger-side door for her to get in, Siobhan’s confusion only increased. She leaned down to look inside, and then she stood upright and turned toward Derick. “Where’s the driver?”

  Derick’s smile stretched nearly ear to ear. “You’re lookin’ at him.”

  It took a moment for Siobhan to register what Derick had said, but when she did, she choked out a laugh. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah. Why do you seem so surprised?”

  “Because you don’t drive.”

  “I drive,” he replied simply. “You’ve just never seen me do it.”

  Siobhan gave him a skeptical look and then took his hand and allowed him to help her in. “Whose car is this?” she asked, figuring he must have rented it, since he hadn’t mentioned having any friends in Detroit.


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