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Air I Breathe (Hudson and Emmy Book 1)

Page 17

by Amanda Kaitlyn

  Where I'd always belong.

  “Love you, Hud.”

  The words were uttered as exhaustion heavies my eyes and I didn't have to open them to know my man was smiling against my hair, his lips pressing to my ear as he muttered,

  “You're everything, Darlin'.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six



  A deep, amused voice roused me from sleep and blinking open my eyes, I grinned. Hudson was standing beside the bed, his bare chest showing off a mass of taut, tanned skin and the defined muscles that rolled beneath the surface. I stretched my arms over my head, the sensation of the sheets against my chilled skin heavenly. As I sat up, he leaned in close, mouth pressing firmly to the top of my head, the loving gesture spreading warmth through my chest.

  “How long have you been awake?”

  Setting the two coffee cups in his hands on the nearby table, I felt his hands settle around my waist and on a gentle tug, I was pulled back to his chest, the warmth that radiated from his body seeping into my skin.

  “Not long. Didn't have the heart to wake you.”

  His thumb nudged my chin up, my eyes meeting his and the adoration I found in them stole the words I'd been about to say away.

  “You're sweet.”

  A predatory look passed over his features before he chuckled softly, moving his thumb in circles over my cheek.

  “We've talked about this, babe. I'm not-”

  “Yes, you are, Hudson. You're so much more than you let others see. But, I do.”

  His blue hued eyes narrowed just enough for me to know he heard me, heard the meaning behind my words and then he just shook his head, muttering a curse that didn't phase me.

  My man was sweary. Many would say he was rough around the edges, crass.

  But I saw the man behind all of that.

  I saw Him.

  “Fucking lucky to have you, Emberly.”

  “Yeah, you are.”

  A hearty laugh met my cheek as he shook his head at me, again.

  “Come and shower with me before I go.”

  I was nodding before he'd gotten all of the words out but when their meaning registered, I stopped short , faintly hearing the sound of the water coming on in the bathroom.

  Stepping inside the door way, Hudson's gaze came to mine and I saw the determined rage darkening them, the expression one I hadn't noticed moments before.

  “Where are you going?”


  Oh, no, no, no.

  He begun to advance on me, his hands tightly clenched at his sides and I saw it, his control slipping from him. Taking a step back, I just needed to get my thoughts straight before his touch made me forget the palpable fear that spread through my veins like acid.

  If he went after Brad, he could be hurt.

  I couldn't let that happen.

  We were finally letting one another in and I knew we'd be happy.

  If Brad took that away…

  My eyes stung as my emotions welled up inside of me and as they spilled over, Hudson's eyes softened, the pain I was feeling reflecting back at me.

  “Just let it go, Hudson. I'm sure he'll leave me alone, now…”

  My voice trailed off when his eyes darkened, the warmth seeping out of their depths as he stalked to me. His steps, loud and determined, hands grabbing mine with a rough, powerful hold, similar to the way he'd taken hold of my heart that beat frantically within my chest, each thundering beat only adding to the knot of anxious worry in the pit of my stomach.

  I closed my eyes tightly, feeling his thick fingers pressed to either side of my face, the pressing touch urging me to look at him, but I resisted.

  Looking at him meant seeing the hurt he felt at the thought of leaving my side. The love I always saw in his face when he looked at me. The devastating, anger that emanated from his massive body and blackened his normally expressive eyes.

  “Really? You're fucking sure the egotistical maniac that attacked you, hurt you is going to let it go? The monster of a man that went into an innocent families home and terrorized and murdered four people in cold blood? You really think he's just going to walk away from all of this?”

  All the blood drained from my face at his words and I was grateful for the fortifying strength of his hands capturing mine because without them, I was sure I would have fallen to the floor. He had told me of his history with Brad, but not the extent of it.

  I hastily shook my head, the image of blood and pain and wreckage Brad had done by his hands enraging me to the point where I shook from the force of the emotion swarming through me. I knew he needed to pay for all of it, every ounce of despair he'd caused to those around him. And I hated it, because I was powerless.

  I couldn't protect myself when he'd come after me, he was just too strong.

  But Hudson could, I knew that.

  I slipped my hands from his much larger ones, opening my eyes, instantly looking deep into his gaze, through the sadness and the fury and the darkness.

  To the man that I loved more than I thought possible.

  I ignored my own anger, my own hatred for the man he was about to hunt down because to me, it just didn't matter. We were what mattered.




  And the connection we had was stronger than all of this, I felt it in my heart.

  “Hud-” His head dropped to mine and I sucked in a grateful breath of air, needing his scent in my lungs to strengthen myself for whatever came next.

  “No, baby. He doesn't get a free pass because you're scared.”

  I gasped audibly at his answer, pushing at his chest with closed fists, my anger for my attacker morphing into utter, disbelief at the man in front of me.

  “Don't say that. God, don't say it like I'm protecting him. I'm not!”

  “Then what is it?” I shook, emotions overwhelming me as I stood there, feeling as if the ground was slipping from beneath me and I was losing my footing.

  How could I tell him how panicked I was of what would happen if he found him? I felt one of his thick, callused fingers on my jaw, urging me to look at him but I couldn't. I trained my eyes on the tiled floor of his kitchen, memorizing the pattern of it instead of facing him.

  The idea of Hudson being hurt or worse for the sake of protecting me was like the sharpest blade, planted in my heart.

  I couldn't take it if the worst happened and I lost…

  “Need to see you, Em. Eyes.”

  When I did, I saw the love, the warmth, the urgent need and possession, all reflected in his now blue eyes. God, I loved his eyes.

  Someone once told me that the eyes were the window to the soul. I never thought much of it, until I saw him. I could always read his emotions, right there, in his eyes.

  It was one of the many, many things I loved about the man and I blinked against the build of tears in my own eyes as I realized I wanted to keep learning about him, loving him more and more each day. Endless, that was how I felt for him.

  Would it go on, if I lost him?


  I knew the answer the second the thought crossed my mind and I didn't want to face that.

  I wanted to spend my life loving Hudson Lennox. If he chased after my demons, I might not get that chance.

  “Every single person I've loved in my life, I've lost them. My mom… everyone.”

  I uttered the words, hearing the break in my voice as I spoke but I pressed on, because I needed him to hear me.

  “I can't…please, Hud. I can't lose you, too.”

  I caved, then, letting my face drop to his chest where I inhaled his musky scent, chills racing up my spine at the knowledge that it may be the last time.

  The room went quiet for only a matter of seconds before I heard him curse, moving his hands from his sides and up my bare back, leaving shivers of longing in their wake. All I could do was hold onto him as he lifted me off of my feet, carrying me back to the bed, where
he gently, oh so gently, laid me down before getting in behind me.The soft kiss of his lips on the shell of my ear was a wordless apology and I cuddled closer, needing the warmth of his embrace more than anything else.

  “I know how scared you are, Darlin'. I'm not going out there blind. Tristan may not be with me…” His deep baritone dropped off, as if he'd only just remembered his best friend and the accident that left him unconscious and in critical condition.

  “But, I have my men. I have officers I would trust with my life, have trusted with my life. I won't be going in there alone.”

  Turning in his arms, I gently took his face in my hands, imploring him with my eyes not to go. Why did it have to be him? Why did he have to put his life on the line instead of the many other capable police officers in his department?

  It wasn't fair.

  “It doesn't have to be you.”

  He grabbed my hands, not moving his gaze from mine for a second.

  The emotions in them were clear as day and I knew what he was about to say before he uttered the words.

  “It has to be me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I LIED TO her.

  There was no backup. No plan B. No rationality to what I was about to do.

  Would do it, anyway. This was for my Emberly.

  For the young, innocent baby girl she'd been, only wanting love and acceptance from a father that took and took and took, from her.

  A monster.

  Similar to the one I was hunting down, like the vile, despicable animal he was.

  Murderer, rapist, pedophile.

  But those crimes weren't what had gotten him in my wrath.

  A low chuckle escaped me as I imagined all of the ways he'd suffer for ever touching her.

  Hurting her.

  Bruising her beautiful, flawless skin.

  Tainting her loving, kind soul.

  Cracking her insecurities open, again just after I'd succeeded in putting them to rest.

  That was his doing.

  And he would pay for it, with his life.


  I pulled the keys of my truck from the ignition and tugged the hood of my sweatshirt over my head before stepping out of the cab and taking the front steps of the ranch styled house in front of me. Grabbing the handle of the front door, I pushed it open expecting it to be locked and ready to break it down if I had to. Except, it wasn't.

  It wasn't hard to find Brad Sullivan's main residence with a little digging and though it was doubtful he'd make it that easy for me to find him, it was the first step in my search.

  Flipping the light switch by the front entrance of the house, my eyes scanned the room, noticing the bare walls and scarcely furnished living room. I moved toward the kitchen, noticing a small lamp illuminating the room. If no one had been here in a while, why would he leave a light on?

  It didn't make a lick of sense until I cleared the threshold of the kitchen and noticed a notepad and disposable cell phone sitting on a nearby table.

  A shudder raced up the length of my spine as I froze where I stood, the fury I'd had for my target morphing into dread that chilled me down to my bones.

  What the fuck?

  I paused to tuck my gun into the back of my jeans before I tore the note from the pad of paper and read the message left for me.

  You're smarter than I thought, Lennox.

  I knew you would be looking for me soon enough.

  Took you long enough.

  Take the phone.

  I'll call you about a meeting place and time shortly.

  We have a few things to talk about.


  My hands tightened into fists at my sides as I read it, my body vibrating with the need to find the fucker and finish this.

  I'd dedicated the last five years of my life to upholding the law and protecting the citizens of Austin.

  Never straying from the oath I'd taken to protect, serve and put away the bad guys.

  If you asked me then, if I would break that oath I would have said no.

  Hell, no.

  But, I had run out of fucking options.

  It was my job to protect my woman from anything that could harm her.

  He had hurt her.

  I could have called the police and let them investigate the case.

  I could have done the right thing.

  I could have done a whole lot different than the choices I made.

  Couldn't risk her safety.

  That was all that mattered now.

  So, when the loud, ring of the flip phone in my hand filled the air, I didn't hesitate in answering it.


  “It's good to hear from you, too, Officer.”

  My blood boiled beneath my skin.

  “Don't push me, Brad. You wanted to meet me because you knew that if I found you on my own, you'd be a dead man. So tell me where.”

  The sarcastic hiss that sounded on the other side of the line only heightened the anger inside of me and I felt my control slipping away from my grasp.

  “Okay, okay. Testy! I will be at the abandoned warehouse on Lakewood drive in ten minutes. I'll expect to see you there. And don't be stupid, I'll know if you bring backup.”

  I was out of the house and next to my car by the time he finished his taunt and I seethed on the inside, my fingers itching to wrap around his neck, feel the spineless, sorry excuse of a man take his last breath.

  “Got it.”

  Throwing the phone on the passenger side of my truck, I started it up, peeling out of the driveway as I headed toward the other side of the city, to finally put an end to Brad Sullivan.

  * * *

  Everything I was made of rebelled against the action as I drew my gun out of the waist of my jeans and trained it in front of me, slowly approaching the run down building I'd been lured to. This wasn't me.

  I wasn't a killer.

  All of my life, I'd wanted to protect those around me.

  I wanted to help people and make a difference in this fucked up world.

  Never would have expected to have to strip my badge in order to do just that.

  Protect her.

  A dull, ticking sound from behind me raised the hair on the back of my neck, my body instantly on alert when the heavy door I'd come through heavily, shut behind me and I heard a lock engage.

  What the…

  “Ah! I'm happy to see you made it. I was worried you wouldn't show up. Coffee?”

  My eyes narrowed on the man that stood just inside the large, bare room, only a singular desk and chair inhabiting the space. He was the picture of calm, his knowing smile and dark, raised brow telling me he was enjoying taunting me, luring me here to the place of his choosing, leaving me vulnerable in a way I didn't fucking like.

  “I'll pass, Brad. Did you think you could trick me? Because all of this, this stupid game, doesn't fucking phase me. You're a dead man walking. And trust me, I will enjoy ending you.”

  His sneer widened as I approached him, my steps slow, calculating, deadly.

  “Uh, oh, not so fast, Officer. Well, you don't have backup do you? You've gone rogue, hunting me down to avenge your sweet Emberly. Not for long, though. She'll be mine, soon enough.”

  I was on him before the last word slipped from his vile mouth, my clenched fists lifting him from the ground while I used an arm over his windpipe to silence his response, not wanting to hear one more thing from the sorry excuse of a man.

  “Don't fucking say her name. You want to live? Tell me why you came after her. Why mess with what's mine? You had to know it wouldn't end well. Had to know I protect what's mine, always will.”

  A barely audible cackle burst from him and letting up on his throat just barely, I waited for him to start talking.

  No matter what was said, I was going to end him.


  “Do you hear that?”

  My focus shifted when I heard it again.

  Tick. Tick. Tick.

  “What the fuck?”

  My first instinct was to release him and find whatever device he'd placed in the warehouse, I was guessing it had to be close since I heard the tick of a timer when I'd come inside.

  The door.

  He more than likely hooked it up to the heavy, metal door I'd come through and had the timer engage as soon as it opened. Which meant that opening it again would set off the detonation.

  He'd tricked me.

  “Did you think I would make this easy for you? That door has a bomb traced to it's hinges. That means only one of us can get out of here alive. Through the window. So, you have two options. Kill me or say goodbye to your precious Emberly.”

  I gripped his arm in the next second, twisting it behind his elbow until he writhed in pain like the weak man he really was. Maintaining my hold on his throat with the other, making it barely possible for him to breathe as I gritted the warning, low and venomous.

  “Don't. Fucking. Say. Her. Name.”

  Releasing my hands from his throat, I barely registered him stumbling against the wall behind him, his dry heaving background noise to the thundering in my head. I roared with agitation and fury, damn near ripping my hair from my scalp as I begun pacing the room, mind scrambling at the sudden realization of how naive I'd been.

  Walking directly into the trap he'd set up for me.

  Tricked by his easily laid out plans.

  I was a cop.

  Should have seen this coming.

  Blinded by rage and painful remorse for my beautiful girl, I was putty in his hands.

  Taking a deep breath, I waited until my composure returned, letting the mask of indifference slip over my face before I turned back to Brad, knowing I had to allow him to believe he'd won this round; no matter how much it grated on me.

  “What do you want?”

  Gone was the sneer of his humored malice and all that was left across his face was fury, same as mine except his, wasn't justified.

  “You thought you could take her from me? She was mine first.”

  A scoff met my ears as he leaned closer, his maddened eyes assessing me as he finished what he'd lured me here to say.


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