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Sublime Vanity

Page 6

by Dana Arden

  “It’s okay, Xander. Can you get your sister?” He nods and rolls over to where Emerson is tucked into Isabella. She rouses. “Come on, baby. We need to go upstairs so you two can have a talk with Ms. Ruth and then I’ll make breakfast for everyone.”

  The kids trudge up the stairs sluggishly. Once at the top, I take their hands and lead them to the couch. I kneel in front of them and speak quietly. “Listen to me. Ms. Ruth just needs to talk to you for a little bit and then you’ll be able to get up and go play. I’ll be right outside on the front porch. If you need me at anytime, all you have to do is yell and I’ll be right here.”

  “Razzy,” Emerson whispers, “I can help with breakfast, right?” Leave it to Emerson to have a one track mind.

  “Yeah baby. You’ll help me make breakfast.”

  “Isabella too?”

  “Of course.” I hug them tightly and make my way outside.

  When the door shuts behind me, I release the frustrated breath I was holding. Heading to my rocking chair, I sit next to Banshee who is in the chair beside me drinking his coffee. Poison is leaning against the railing talking quietly on his phone. We sit in silence until Poison interrupts the rage beginning to boil in my veins.

  “I called Brute. He’s going to relay the message to Rudy.”

  I nod. “That isn’t necessary. Those kids are not neglected and Ruth will see that. There has to be actually proof and there is none. This is just a complication of loving Trigger.”

  Banshee pipes in. “You think Sadie had something to do with this.”

  “Yep. Who else wants to hurt me? She’s the only person to threaten me with Emerson and Xander. Apparently, something isn’t going her way in Cumming and as much as I should be thrilled, I’m not because all its doing is pushing her harder to come after me anyway possible.”

  We let our thoughts consume us until the front door opens and closes softly. Poison and Banshee head into the house so I can talk to Ruth.

  “I’m really sorry Raquel for ruining your morning, but when a complaint comes in we have to followup.”

  “I understand.”

  “The kids have progressed nicely considering a month ago.”

  “Yeah, they’ve been a blessing. Xander is doing awesome in school and Emerson has turned into a little diva. She has dance classes on Thursdays and she has a pony that she’s learning to ride.”

  Ruth giggles. “She told me all about Peppa and Xander told me about Thor. Look, just talking with them I know that they are not abused and I know deep down that you’d never do anything to hurt them, so with that said I will report it as a false report. But I have to warn you that this could happen again.”

  “I understand, but at what point will the false reports end. I mean is there a limit on the amount of time a person can claim I’m neglecting them to the point where I can press charges for slander and harassment.”

  “We have ways of guaranteeing that false accusations are tagged and then we deal with them. I’ve made a note for this visit and I’ll continue to do so. Usually three false claims resort in us going after the claimant.” She places her hand on my shoulder and squeezes. “Raquel, you’re doing great with those two. Don’t worry about this and just focus on them. I think you promised breakfast and they were running downstairs to wake up the others.”

  I laugh. “Thanks, Ruth. Have a good day.” I say as I walk back into the chaos that is my house with eight kids wanting to be fed.

  “You too, dear.”

  Chapter 15


  It’s been quiet on the Sadie front for the past few days. Poison let me know that she’d been taken in by the Erwin County Police Department the day before Ruth showed up on my doorstep. It doesn’t matter whether I’m in Cumming or not. She still takes her frustrations out on me.

  With the development that no matter where I go or what I do Sadie will still use me as her fall back, I decide to get back in the game. Sitting here and not knowing what’s going on is leaving us unprepared and I don’t do unprepared well. There are so many ways I can handle this situation, but there are only a handful that won’t land me in jail.

  I got word from Reggie, the leader of the Blue Enigma that Sadie had been in contact with him since she was released on bail. She has an elaborate plan to have him help her get rid of me. She has this idea in her head that taking me out of the equation will help her succeed at getting back in the Chaotic’s good graces.

  Reggie’s final words to me that day were ‘she’s giving me until the end of the weekend to come to a decision.’ So I made the choice and the arrangements. If Sadie wants me, she’s going to get me.

  This decision clouds my mind with multiple effects of the aftermath, but only one thing stands out in my mind. If I’m incapacitated in Sadie’s mind then the wrath on my family will lessen or so I hope.

  With Christmas right around the corner, I decided to go shopping for the kids taking my mind off of what’s to come. Surrounded by aisles of baby dolls and action figures are when I wish Trigger was here to help me make these decisions, but I can’t because I made sure to cut myself off from him and the Chaotic’s.

  Do I regret that decision? Yes and no. I made that decision with Emerson and Xander in the forefront of my mind thinking that it’d take days not weeks to resolve the Sadie issue. But Trigger and I have been apart for years before and still came back to each other. There’s no reason that that won’t happen again just hopefully not in years.

  After filling my cart with toys and clothes, I check out and proceed to my Tahoe. Pushing the unlock button on my key fob, I hear the distinct click of the locks. As I sling my purse over my shoulder, an arm wraps around my middle and a white cloth covers my mouth. The more I struggle the more I suck in the fumes from the cloth and then my world turns black.


  The shifting of my body sends awareness to my brain. I am jolted awake as I’m laid on a soft surface. Trying to open my eyes is pointless and trying to speak just results in mumbling.

  “You’re fine, Razz.” A familiar voice says.

  Slowly prying my eyes open, I see a blurry version of Reggie. “This wasn’t supposed to happen today. Why did you take me two days early?”

  “Razz, we had to make it look real. Plus, I know how proactive you are. I know you have a backup plan and it was probably laid out the day that you gave me the go ahead.”

  “That’s not the point.” I grit out. “I had two more days with the kids. I had time to wrap presents. I wanted to see the kids’ faces when the pile under the tree grew.”

  “We couldn’t take the chance. If we want the Chaotic’s to think that you’re taken, every step has to appear as though you were taken against your will. You know they will hack the security feeds. They will scrutinize every aspect of that recording.”

  “Okay.” I whisper. “Now what happens?”

  “Once your sea legs are stronger, you’re going to take a trip to the basement. I’m going to tie you up and gag you. I’ve already sent Sadie a picture of you in the trunk of the car and we are waiting for her response.”

  I try to roll to my feet out of the bed, but my legs are jelly so Reggie helps me stand and walk to the basement.

  Chapter 16


  Hiding out was never my intention. I wanted to be front and center for everything, but that bitch somehow got the old hag to turn on me. All my acquaintances turned their noses up at me when I showed up on their doorsteps, expect Goober. Even Goober couldn’t protect me from my little stay-cation in Erwin, but he was there to bail me out, so I could get back to the destruction of Razz and Trigger. It’s sad that Goober has no clue how involved he is in my plan or that the repercussions fall back on him.

  The ding of my cell and the image of Razz bond in a trunk makes me giggle. She’s in over her head this time and about to drown. I send a quick three word text, on my way, to Reggie.

  Arriving at the dilapidated house brings a smile to my face as my present waits insi
de for me. My stilettos crunch with each step I take against the gravel. The excitement adds an extra spring in my step.

  Reggie’s minions standing watch let me pass as I enter the slum. Reggie sits in a recliner watching some movie with guns blaring on it.

  “Reggie.” I greet.


  “Where is she?”

  He gets up from his spot and I follow as he leads me down rickety stairs to the basement. The smell of mildew and mold makes bile rise. Good. This is the type of place that Razz belongs in other than six feet under. In the middle of the room under a light bulb hanging from the ceiling sits Razz in a wooden chair. Her wrist and ankles are taped to the arms and legs of the chair, as well as a strip of tape over her mouth. Her head is bent with her chin resting on her chest.

  I bump her foot with the top of my heels. “Wake up, cunt.” No response. I draw back my hand and slap her across her left cheek. “I said wake up.” Her head rises. “It’s nice to see you again, Razz. I bet you never expected little ole me to accomplish this.” She just glares at me. “Whatever. This is how it’s going to go down.” I point over to Reggie. “He’s going to get you a laptop and then you’re going to transfer all the money you have in your bank account to me.” I hand Reggie my account information. “Once that’s done and I have proof, Reggie is going to let you go.” I bend so I’m eye level with her. “Word of advice. When you’re released, I suggest you keep out of my business and away from the Chaotic’s. If not, Reggie here will do more than just kidnap you and tie you up in this dingy-ass basement. Got me.” She nods and I turn to Reggie getting close to his ear so Razz can’t hear. “She won’t be leaving here alive. I want proof of her death. If you don’t come through, I’ll have you and your little misfits shipped off to County with a snap of my fingers.” He nods.” I want proof of the money and her death by the end of the day.” He nods again and I leave as fast as I arrived.


  Six hours later, I have four million dollars in my bank account and a video of Razz swimming with the fishes. I’d say I was sorry, but I’m not. I’m filthy rich and the one person that could bring me to heel is at the bottom of Pine Lake.

  Chapter 17


  Fear, anger and sadness are all emotions I’m well acquainted with today. Before lunch, I received the news that Razz was kidnapped as she did her Christmas shopping for the kids. Worse than receiving the news is watching as the cart full of bags tips and Razz struggles against her attacker. Even more disturbing is not being able to get any information or even a little hint as to who took her.

  I wanted to race to Florida, but I was stopped by my brothers. I want to beat the shit out of Poison and Banshee for leaving her unprotected. I want to be there for Emerson and Xander as they get the news that Razz was taken just like their mother. I want Razz to walk through the door and wake up from this nightmare.

  But what I want doesn’t matter at the moment as I sit here surrounded by my brothers trying to figure out how we fucked up by thinking that leaving Razz and the kids alone was this great idea. That nobody would fuck with them if they had no association with us, specifically me.

  Beanie isn’t much better than I am. He’s sat in the same position since we surrounded the table in Church, head resting in his hands as his elbows rest on his thighs. He’s pissed at himself. Fuck, I think we’re all mad at ourselves. We didn’t think this through. We made the rash decision to cut ties with Razz. We didn’t take in the implications of what Sadie was capable of.

  Various tones break the monotony of the room. My cell vibrates in my pocket. Taking it out and sliding my finger against the screen, a text from Sadie sits there. I press it and Razz appears on the screen at the end of a dock with a rope circling her ankles with cinder blocks attached to the rope. A man in all black, except for a blue bandana wrapped around his face, appears in front of Razz. He lifts the cinder blocks and the screen goes to black.

  Lost in my agony, I miss the chairs flying around my head until I’m pulled out of my seat by Beanie. He has his hand gripping my collar as he slams me into the wall.

  “This is on you, fucker. I just possibly lost my best friend because of you and your shitty attempts to protect her. I shouldn’t have allowed you to get that close to her. I should’ve protected her from you. I hope you’re happy with the outcome of what your infatuation has done. We might’ve just lost the most amazing woman I’ve ever known to a deceitful piece of shit.” He let’s go of my shirt and storms out of the room.

  Looking around the room at my remaining brothers, their eyes display the same emotions as me except for the loss that is tearing me apart from the inside out.

  A chorus of dings has us looking back at our cells. Another message from Sadie.

  Sadie: The ball is in your court. If Trigger doesn’t come back to me within the next twenty-four hours, Razz will find her demise at the bottom of the lake.

  My knees buckle and I slide down the wall landing on my ass.

  Beanie storms back into the room. He heads straight for Einstein. “Can you track Razz’s earrings?” Einstein nods and pulls out his laptop. Beanie gives me a pointed glare. “You’re going to that cunt and you’re going to do everything she fucking wants. I don’t care if you have to take it up the ass.” He looks at my dad. “I called Mad Dog. He’s on his way in.” Dad nods.

  “Got it.” Einstein pipes in. “She’s near Pine Lake.” Beanie and I crowd behind Einstein. “The signal isn’t blinking, but it’s clear she was there.”

  Dad taps the gavel on the table getting our attention. “Sit!” He bellows. He waits for us all to be seated to speak. “Beanie.” He commands. “You, Buzzard and Toby are going to Pine Lake to look around. Trigger, you’re going to text Sadie and have her come here tonight for a sit down.”

  I shake my head. “I need to get to Florida and get to the kids.”

  “No you don’t. Banshee and Poison are bringing the kids here. Nicole, the girl that lives at Razz’s granddad’s, is coming to pick the kids up here. You’ll be able to see them before we have our sit down with Sadie. I think your momma is planning on going to stay there for a few nights.” I nod. “As for the rest of you, I need you here at this table so it doesn’t seem odd that everyone is missing at once.” He turns his attention to Ryker and Spook. “I need you two to get your women here. I want them here to observe Sadie. No commenting. No bitching. Just sitting.” They nod. “That’s all I got until Mad Dog gets here and we can figure out which way to turn through this shit-storm.” He bangs the gavel down and the room clears except for my dad, Ryker, Spook and me.

  When I hear the door close behind the last person, I take a deep breath and hope my family can help me clear my head. “There’s no way in hell I can be nice to her. I can’t look her in the face and not see the person who took Razz, who has possibly drown in the lake. Please explain to me how playing nice with this mental case is going to help me get Razz back.”

  I look up to see my dad’s moist eyes. “We’re not going to play nice anymore.” He croaks. “We tried to be civil, but that’s not going to work. But us being hands on is going to be hard as she’s pregnant and it could possibly be yours.”

  “A DNA test is definitely up for grabs first. I’d never do anything to harm that baby even though I’d love nothing more than to hand Sadie over to the women.”

  Spooks raspy voice interrupts my daydream of the women taking care of Sadie. “This needs to be done in the clear. Nothing that can come back on us. We need to keep in mind that it isn’t only the baby she’s carry but Lyla too. We need to get Albin Breaux to Georgia. There has to be repercussions for her actions.”

  Dad nods. “Ryker, get Albin on the phone and see what needs to be done to get him here ASAP.” Ryker pulls out his cell and types for a couple of seconds and then places it on the table.

  “Dani’s on it.”

  “Good. I’ll call Jimmy and see if he has anything new. Trigger, why don’t you go grab a couple of
drinks at the bar. You need to be relaxed. If Sadie walks in here and feels the tension strumming off you, she’ll probably play hardball.”

  “Yeah, I could use a stiff drink or five.”

  I leave them at the table and make my way into the main room. My mom is on a barstool hunched over with her head cradled in her hands staring at nothing in particular. I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her. “I love you, Ma.”

  “Love you too, baby. I just wish this was all over with and we were back in your yard watching you and Razz saying your vows with no disruptions.”

  “Me too more than you could imagine.” I reach behind the bar and grab a bottle of Beam and two shot glasses. Filling them up, I slide one to my mom. She picks it up and lifts it and I do the same. “To Razz, Emerson and Xander. May I get my family back in one piece.”

  “Amen.” My mom whispers and we suck back our shots. Refilling our glasses, we take another shot and then sit in silence both of us lost in our thoughts.


  The breeze at my back from the door opening has me turning around to the two little people I haven’t seen up close in a few weeks. Emerson takes off running towards me as I kneel on the floor accepting her embrace. She squeezes my neck tightly.

  “I’ve missed you.” Her whisper is muffled into my neck.

  “I’ve missed you too, baby girl.” I look towards Xander as he stands stiffly in front of me. “Come here, Xander.” He slowly makes his way to us and Emerson pulls back an inch. I wrap an arm around his waist and pull him to me. “I missed you too, buddy.” I feel his head move and wetness covers the side of my face. “No need to cry. I’m not letting y’all go again.”

  Xander sniffles. “Razz is gone. You left us and now Razz is gone.”

  I run my fingers through his hair soothingly. “I know, buddy. I’m going to get her back and when I do, we’re going back home to Peppa and Thor.” He nods. “Tonight you two are going to stay with Nicole. In the morning, I’m going to come and get y’all and we’re going home.”


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