Sublime Vanity

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Sublime Vanity Page 10

by Dana Arden

  Before he can start on his, Trigger runs into the room with his Razzle Dazzle jeans on proudly. He struts like a runway model between his brothers who can’t help but laugh at his excitement. Razz is wearing an appreciative smile for my son and I couldn’t be happier for them both.

  “Razzle Dazzle, I love em’.” He declares. He turns to Chase. “Come on man. Don’t make us wait. You’ve got to be a little curious.” He picks up Ryker’s jeans and nods vigorously. “Ryker, these are the shit. You got elephantiasis.”

  Ryker snatches them out of Trigger’s hands. “No, jackass. It means my cock is as big as an elephants.” He looks at Trigger’s crotch. “It means I don’t have an itty bitty, brother.”

  Trigger grabs his junk and flexes his hips forward. “Itty bitty is an antonym for biggy huge, brother.”

  Ryker just shrugs. “Whatever.”

  “Fuck it.” Chase puffs out and tears into his gift. He stares in the box like it’s going to jump out and bite him. Finally after glaring at his jeans, he takes them out and shows his brother’s the ass.

  Lily giggles, which gets her an eyebrow raise from Chase. The back of his jeans are covered in pink bunny heads. One pocket says ‘hop’ and the other says ‘on.’ He rotates them and his lips tighten in a thin line. The front is another bunny head with a baby carrot dangling its mouth.

  Trigger adding fuel to the fire has to have his say. “Ah, snap. Chase, a baby carrot, really dude.” Chase flips him off. “What happened to your purple-headed womb ferret? Did it run away?”

  Razz envelops Trigger with her arms around his waist. “Alright, biggy huge. Leave Chase’s baby carrot alone and let the rest open their gifts.”

  Trigger drapes his arms over her shoulders and whispers not so quietly. “My biggy huge is going to invade your pussy palace so hard when we get home.”

  I choke on my beer spewing it on the floor. “Trigger.” I choke.

  “Ma.” He says back.

  Good Lord, what am I going to do with my boy?

  Chapter 25


  Since my mask slipped, it’s been hard to put it back into place. All this Christmas bullshit doesn’t help. Watching Trigger fawn over Razz makes me want to gouge my eyes out. I’ve never been a touchy feely kind of person unless it benefited me.

  When it was time for them to open presents, I opted to go to my prison. Benny escorted me by the elbow down the hall. He unlocks the door, swings it open and allows me to pass. Before he can close the door, I fall to my knees and start working the button and zipper of his jeans before he can react.

  While he’s slapping my hand away, I circle his hip with my other hand and slowly slide his cell out of his back pocket, hiding the phone between my thigh and calf. He disengages my hand and leaves in a hurry with a nice little peek of the bulge in his pants.


  Climbing to my feet with the ever present evil smirk on my face, I walk and sit on the edge of the bed. I fumble with the phone as I keep one ear listening to outside the door and my attention divulged on remembering the number I need to get me the fuck out of here.

  He answers on the first ring. “Yes.”

  “It’s me. I need you to get me out of the Chaotic’s Clubhouse. They won’t let me leave. I need you, baby.”

  “Be there soon. Hold tight, doll face.”

  Soon isn’t minutes or even an hour later. No. Its six hours later before the electric’s cut from the building and the echo of a gunshot ricochets through the quiet building. A few minutes later, the sound of a body crashing into the door and then the loud ‘open it’ descends before the door is slammed open and I watch as my rescuer pistol whips Benny and tosses him to the floor.

  “Let’s go, doll face.”

  “You got it.” I can’t help the wide smile that spreads across my face along with the adrenaline that courses through my body.

  We rush down the hall, out the door and to his beat up truck parked on the side of the road. Freedom never tasted so good and the excitement to get my revenge is better than a hundred orgasms.

  Chapter 26


  Poke, nose rub, poke, giggle, nose rub. I open my eyes to slits and take in the pretty princess in her pink Anna nightgown hovering over my face. “Baby girl.” Emerson giggles. I look to the alarm clock and groan. It’s five in the morning and still dark outside.

  She leans closer to my face. “Santa came and brought a lot,” she swings her arms out to elaborate hitting me in the head, “presents. He ate all our cookies and drank all his milk.”

  I lift her and roll to my back placing her in the middle of the bed. “You already went downstairs.” She bobs her head excitedly. I gaze to Razz’s side of the bed and it’s empty. “Where’s Razz and Xander?” She points out the door. “Alright, short stuff, get going. I’ll be down in a minute.” Emerson jumps off the bed and runs full force. “Be careful.” A faint ‘okay’ is all I hear before the pounding of her feet down the stairs.

  Getting to my feet, I slide my discarded sweatpants from last night on. Fuck a shirt. I’m too tired from playing Santa last night, putting together the kids’ toys and then munching Razz’s cookie and sipping her cream. You know you’re getting old when staying up all night and sleeping two hours feels like you got hit by a Mack truck. No consumption of alcohol. No wild partying. Nope. Just playing toy maker and then pussy patron.

  Ugh, but it was phenomenal.

  Watching Razz’s tits bounce as she rode my cock hard, then flipping her over on all fours and punishing her pussy from behind. Flashbacks from a few hours ago have my cock tenting my sweats. With a groan and a quick adjustment, I make my way down the stairs to the sounds of excited chatter.

  Hitting the last step, Razz stands there with a cup of coffee for me. I take it from her hand and bend to place a chaste kiss on her lips, “Mornin’. I feel like we never left this room.”

  “I know. I figured we’d have a couple more hours of sleep and the sun would be out before the kids got up, but that was wishful thinking.” She laughs. “Xander woke me with his stinky breath as he tried to wake me up.”

  “Well let’s get this show on the road and then maybe take a nap.” I mumble into her hair.

  “Wishful thinking, again.”

  I sling my arm over her shoulder and tug her tight to my side as we stride towards the living room. Emerson’s playing with her Barbies and Barbie mansion that Santa brought her and Xander’s playing with his GI Joe and Avenger action figures.

  “What do we have here? Looks like Santa was very busy last night.”

  Emerson jumps from her spot and skips over to me carrying a Barbie. “I gots a Barbie house, Trigger and a bike and baby that has a bed and stroller.”

  “I see. You must have been really good this year.” She nods her head furiously. I look to Xander who’s still playing and not paying much attention to anything else. “What did you get, Xander?”

  He stops and glances at Razz and I as we sit on the couch. “I got Army men, Avengers, a bike, roller blades and I don’t know what that is.” He points to a little black toy.

  “Bring it here.” He grabs it and walks over to me. I take it from his hand turning it over. “It’s a drone, bud. You use the remote to control where it flies.”

  “Oh, that’s so cool. Can you show me how to do it?”

  “Sure, bud. Let’s open the rest of these presents and I’ll take you outside and teach you.”

  Razz gets up and starts digging into the pile of toys when there’s a knock on the door. She stops what she’s doing and goes to get up but I shake my head. Getting up and stomping to the front door, pulling it open and low and behold, my parents are standing there in their pajamas with travel mugs of coffee in their hands.

  “What are y’all doing here?”

  My Ma blushes as my dad grunts out. “She had Razz call her as soon as the kids got up. She wouldn’t even let me get dressed.” I step back and take in what my parents are wearing, matching green
and red striped pajamas. What the hell. “Don’t you dare laugh, Trigger.”

  I can’t help the chuckle that leaves my lips. “You look good, Pops. I never took you for a matching PJ’s kinda man.” He pushes passed me with a growl. I hug Ma and lead her to the cluttered living room. I watch as the amazement glimmers in her eyes at the kids and Razz in the middle of the living room surrounded by discarded wrapping paper and bows.

  She leans closer to me and whispers, “I’m so happy for you. Who’d of thought this time last year that you’d be married with two kids.”

  “True, but I knew eventually I’d have a family just had a different wife. I’m glad it turned out the way it did. I can’t even fathom being married to anyone else.”

  “It’s fate. People are placed in our paths for a reason. Sadie taught you how to love, but she didn’t teach the meaning of real love like you have with Razz. It just wasn’t your time yet and now there’s no going back. You married your childhood best friend and have made an exceptional life with each other. You’ve got two kids who adore y’all and I’m sure there’ll be more kids added in the future.”

  “There’ll definitely be more babies. I want a mini-Razz running around with her big heart and easy laugh.” The thought of a beautiful little dark-haired girl with bright blue eyes growing makes me change my mind. “Maybe not. I just need a bunch of boys. I’ve got one girl who’s going to turn my hair gray. Yeah, I think I’ll stick with making boys.”

  “Wouldn’t that be nice if you could decide the sex of a baby with a snap of your fingers? Sorry to burst your bubble, but that’s not how it works.” She laughs at the petulant look on my face.

  “Whatever.” I growl. “Just don’t be surprised if I have any daughters that look like Razz and they end up living in a convent.”

  “I don’t see their momma allowing that and if they are as headstrong as you and Razz, you don’t stand a chance in hell of sending them anywhere they don’t want to go.”

  We spend the next hour tearing through presents and awing over all there presents. My dad gets a call and excuses himself out the front door. Razz hands me two presents and my mom a few as well. I look at her confused because we said we weren’t exchanging gifts this year and were just focusing on the kids. She gives me a shy smile.

  “Just open them, Trigger. They’re from the kids.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat and begin to open the first present. Moving the tissue paper out of the way, black leather riding gloves come into sight. As I lift them out of the box, I see ‘Trigger’ embroidered on the wrist in lime green and grin. Looking at Emerson, I wink. She’s all about favorite colors and I remember her asking me during the first week we had her what my favorite color was and going into great detail about how I liked green but it had to be a neon green.

  “Thank you, Emerson. I love them and can’t wait to wear them.” I set the gloves back in the box and move on to the second. Ripping through the paper with fervor, I start pulling out Henley after Henley in navy blue, black and forest green. At the bottom of the box, is a black shirt with the evolution of a man with a baby in a stroller, a kid on a trike, a teenager on a bigger bike and then a man on a motorcycle. As I glance at Xander under my lashes, he’s waiting nervously to see my reaction. “Bud, how’d you know I needed new Henley’s and this t-shirt,” I hold it up for everyone to see, “is awesome.” He smiles brightly. “This is the best Christmas I’ve had in a really long time thanks to you two.”

  Xander fist bumps the air. “Razz told me you needed shirts because yours were holey.” I shoot Razz a glare as she covers her mouth to hold in her giggle. “She wanted me to get you new underwear because she said they were holey too and she was tired of looking at your butt, but I hate getting underwear for Christmas so I told her no.”

  “Well, you did good, bud. I hate getting underwear for Christmas too.”

  Emerson runs over to me with her new panties in her hands. “I love getting underwear for Christmas. Look it.” She throws them in my lap and starts holding them up one-by-one so close to my face my eyes cross. “I’ve got Cinderella, Elsa, Anna and Troll underwears and they’re so pretty.”

  “Yeah, baby girl. They are beautiful underwear.” I whisper.

  “I know.” She huffs in her little voice. “Razz has pretty underwear too.” She admits and I choke.

  “Mhmmmhmmm.” I don’t want to agree because then she’ll probably want to start wearing lace thongs or see through silk.

  My mom claps her hands together, thankfully changing Emerson’s train of thought. “Xander, why don’t you go get your Pops and tell him we’ve got presents to open.” Xander scampers off and out the front door returning moments later with my dad following behind with a fake smile plastered on his face.

  Chapter 27


  Merry fucking Christmas to me. Fuck. Getting a phone call from Banshee telling me that Sadie escaped the Clubhouse sometime this morning that resulted in Buzzard tied to a chair, Benny with a gash on his head and Toby with a bullet in his shoulder was not what I was expecting when I answered the call.

  Banshee and Poison had shown up at the Clubhouse after staying out the night before thinking they were going to be able to crash for a few before they headed back to Blairsville to celebrate the holiday with their Devil family.

  Banshee wanted to know if we wanted them to take Benny and Toby to the hospital to get checked out and stitched up. Damn, these are the moments I wished we had a doctor or nurse on our payroll. He said they were both stable. Toby’s gunshot was through and through and the bleeding had resided.

  That fucking cunt can’t just admit defeat and except that she’s done. I guess I can’t admit it either since her ass escaped.

  “Pops.” Xander’s voice stops my pacing. “Mamie said to come get you so you can open your presents.”

  “Sure, little man.” I squeeze his shoulder as we walk through the door and I try my hardest to cover the anger that is wafting off of me, but I didn’t try hard enough from the expression on my son’s face.

  I sit next to Queenie and squeeze her thigh. With one look from me, she knows that something has happen. She’s been my ride-or-die long enough to know that I need her to take over when it comes to normalcy around the kids. I glance at Razz and she gives a short chin lift and I know that she knows something isn’t right too.

  Queenie opens present after present from the kids with the excitement I can’t express and I appreciate the hell out of her. The kids got us grandparent coffee mugs. I got new riding gloves with ‘Pops’ embroidered on the wrist in red. They got Queenie a pink fluffy robe with ‘Mamie’ embroidered over the left side in purple. I smile and comment at the right times and the more I have to fake something that shouldn’t have been interrupted with more of Sadie’s bullshit the madder I get.

  Presents unwrapped and hugs given and received from the kids, I make my way to the kitchen with Queenie, Trigger and Razz hot on my tail. I turn abruptly making them halt in their tracks. “I need to get to the Clubhouse, now. Sadie got away, Toby was shot, Benny was knocked out and Buzzard was tied to a chair. If it wasn’t for Poison and Banshee needing to crash, I’d have not known shit until I got there this afternoon. I can’t take them to the fucking hospital because that will raise suspicion.” I ramble on. “That cunt just doesn’t know when to quit.”

  “Rudy,” Razz interjects, “I know a nurse and if she’s in town, I can get her to the Clubhouse to check out Benny and Toby that way if it’s not serious she can take care of it.”

  “Razz,” I stomp over to her and pull her tight into my arms, “that would help out a lot.” I mumble into her hair. She nods against my chest and I release her. She walks to the counter and grabs her phone. Putting it to her ear after she dials, I listen intently hoping that this doesn’t fall through.

  “Bells,” she greets, “are you in town?” She nods along. “Would you be able to come to the Clubhouse? There was an incident and we want to avoid overreacting if i
t isn’t necessary.” She listens for a few seconds and continues. “You’ll probably need your kit. Okay. Right. See you in a few. Thanks.” Razz hangs up and swivels her head up to us. “She’s coming, but I have to be there or she won’t come.” I nod. “She’ll be there in about fifteen, so we need to get going.”

  “Darlin’,” Trigger tries to butt in.

  Razz raises her hand to stop him. “Trigger, I’m going.” She grits and her eyes turn cold. “If you want your brothers to be checked out, I have to go. I got this. You can stay with the kids and teach Xander how to use that hover-thingy.”

  “No.” He growls. “I’m going.” He looks to his Ma. “Can you stay with the kids?”

  Queenie doesn’t get a chance to answer as Greer’s loud ass can be heard from the front door. “Merry Christmas!” She yells and I can hear her as she makes her way to the kitchen. The grin on her face drops when she sees us. “What the fuck is going on now?” She says exacerbated. Spook follows with Cyan on his hip and I watch as Razz steps to him taking the baby from his arms nuzzling his neck and making Cyan giggle.

  “Prez.” Spook greets.

  “Spook.” I grunt. “Can you round up the brothers and have them at the Clubhouse in thirty?” He grunts and steps out the backdoor to the porch as he makes his calls.

  “Dad, what’s going on?” Greer pleads.

  “Sadie.” I watch her face go tight and her eyes go hard.

  “Got it.” She knows not to ask questions and that if it’s serious or dangerous she’ll get answers.

  “You gonna stay here?” Queenie asks Greer. “They’ve got to get to the Clubhouse and I’m going to stay with the kids.” Greer nods. “You got your piece.” Greer nods again and pats her purse.

  Razz grabs Greer by the shoulders and they stare at each other intently. They both nod as their wordless message is passed. Razz releases her and steps back. “If something happens just tell the kids ‘Shake-N-Bake’ and they know where to go. Xander knows the code.”


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