Book Read Free

Falling Hard

Page 27

by Shelly Bell

  The bells on the door chimed again, but this time it was Chase. “Just saw Vega walking out pissed. Not going so well?” He smirked.

  “Mind your own fucking business,” I warned, returning to my table.

  He followed and sat in the seat across from mine. “Watching you lose this bet is going to be fun, Holland.”

  Chapter 5


  “Happy Birthday!”

  I jolted from my bed and was nearly struck with a tray of purple cake pops, one of which held a lit candle.

  “Watch it, girl, this is breakfast.” My roommate, Isabella, still in her pink and blue heart pajamas, laughed.

  I breathed in the scent of freshly baked sweetness. Isabella must have been up early baking, and I wondered how the intoxicating scent hadn’t woken me earlier. She was an amazing baker and had been crafting a successful business, selling her scrumptious cake pops around campus. I still didn’t understand how she baked only using the electric cake pop maker.

  “Come on, make a wish . . . I’m dying for a cake pop.” Kevin said as I realized he was there.

  I wiped the sleep from my eyes and groaned. Sitting up, I folded my legs underneath me while Kevin and Isabella made themselves comfortable at the other end of the bed. I closed my eyes and pondered a wish. What did I want? I wish I could be normal. No illness, no medicine, just a regular college girl who could live a carefree life. My chest stung with the familiar ache. I held my breath and blew out the glowing flame of the candle.

  “Thank you,” I managed to whisper through the fog of sleep.

  “What did you wish for?” Kevin handed me a to-go cup of coffee from Roasted. The freshly ground beans awakened my cloudy senses. I ignored his question until the first bitter burn of the coffee slid across my tongue.

  “If I tell you, then it won’t come true.” I took another sip of my coffee. “What time is it?”

  “Ten,” Isabella said.

  “Thank you, guys, but I might go back to sleep. It’s Saturday and I’m off from the library, by some miracle.” My pillow called to me to lay my head back down. I was exhausted from staying up late and finishing the project plan to give to Blake. I was glad I hadn’t run into him since he stopped me at Egg’s and Oinks three days ago. I was still angry about our argument outside of Kelley’s classroom. Yet, It hadn’t stopped my stomach from flip-flopping when our eyes met. He does something to me. My body completely alters. It comes alive with both desire and hostility.

  “No, doll face. We woke you up because we have a fun-filled day planned. ‘We’ meaning me and this redheaded cutie to my right,” Kevin said.

  “Like what?”

  “I’m not sharing all the details so you won’t back out. But after we doll you up, first stop is brunch at Eggs ‘n’ Oinks.” He shrugged. “It’s the best we can do out here in the sticks.”

  I managed to drink the rest of my coffee and eat a cake pop before I was bullied into getting ready. After I showered, I returned to the room to find my clothes had been laid out for me. A dark green, fitted long sleeve T-shirt, dark denim jeans, my black Ugg boots, along with a gift bag, were placed on my bed. The gift bag was from Kevin and it contained a really pretty black and dark green fluffy scarf to match the clothes he’d laid out for me. Before long, he returned and started in on my hair and make-up. He insisted I wear my hair down in ringlets and plastered my eyes with make-up that he and Isabella called ‘smoky eyes.’ I refused to wear the red lips he wanted, but we compromised on a pink gloss.

  I was impressed with how well it all turned out, considering normally, I only wore lip gloss and occasional mascara. Isabella, however, looked perfect, as always. Her tiny frame was adorned in similar colors, black leggings and layered black and green fitted T-shirts, and a pair of very sexy over-the-knee black boots.

  Until we reached Egg ‘n’ Oinks and sat down, it hadn’t occurred to me that it was a game day. Then I noticed that everyone was wearing black and green. “Are we going to the game? Is that what you’re not telling me?”

  “Partly.” Kevin winked and Isabella gave him a high-five. I hated surprises, and I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like what they had planned for the day. I looked around the worn-out diner, and from across the room, I saw him. Blake Holland. He looked good in green. I couldn’t see from here, but I was sure it only made the color of his eyes even more dazzling. He sat in a booth surrounded by girls, laughing with a blonde. A bolt of jealousy ripped through me and confused the hell out of me. Luckily, by the time we finished breakfast, Blake was gone. I made a quick trip to the restroom and then it was time for the next stop—a stupid beer tent. This day was becoming less and less appealing, but I’d wanted to be normal, and this was normal. Evidently, the plan was to tailgate before the homecoming game, then go to the football game, and afterward, a party at the Alpha Beta Omega House.

  When I rushed out of the restroom, I nearly crashed into someone, but he steadied my balance. The familiar scent of shower-fresh man and spice wrapped around me. Our eyes met and a tremor feathered down my spine. Blake.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled, attempting to make an escape.

  “You really need to watch where you’re going. Isn’t this the second time you’ve bumped into me this week?”

  The anger I was harboring toward him exploded. “You’re really a jerk, you know that?” I lifted my chin to look him in the face.

  “Can’t take a joke?” His lips curled into a large grin.

  “No, not if they’re not funny.”

  He laughed. “Sorry if I came off as a jerk. You get so fiery mad, it’s kinda fun.”

  “Glad I amuse you.” I turned to leave, but his warm hand pulled on my arm to stop me. I burned from his touch and jerked away.

  “Cat, right? When are we going to work on that project for Kelley?”

  “I’ve already broken down your part. I will get it to you by Monday.” I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eye, so I stared at the Holland 23 on the chest of his green and black jersey.

  I turned to leave again, but his hand, now on my shoulder, sent shivers down my spine. “Wait,” he said.” Can I borrow your phone? I think I lost mine.”

  I wanted to say no, but thought twice about my rudeness. Instead, I reluctantly dug my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him. Crossing my arms over my chest to hide my uneasiness, I waited for him to finish. His phone chimed from his pocket.

  I reached out for my phone, ready to strike the asshole. “I guess you found your phone.”

  “Guess so.” He shrugged, but his lips curled into a sinister grin that made my knees weak. “Now you have my number. Don’t prank call me or send me nude pictures.”

  I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my lips.

  “Blake. We’re heading out, you coming?” The petite blonde he’d been laughing with earlier came around the corner toward us. My stomach knotted.

  “Yeah, be there in a minute.” His eyes never left mine.

  I blinked away his penetrating stare, and the blonde reached out her hand to me. “Hi, I’m Brooke, Blake’s sister.” Her smile was bright and lighthearted while her hazel green eyes shone with interest.

  His sister. A strange sense of relief washed over me, which was still confusing. I hated this guy. I shouldn’t care if this girl was his sister or a girlfriend. “Hi, I’m Cat. Sorry, I’ve got to go.” I shook her hand and eased my way around her.

  “Going to the tailgate?” he asked.

  I hadn’t realized he’d followed me, and I stood still at the sound of his voice. “Stalking is against the law.” My hair flew behind me as I turned to confront him.

  His cheerful laugh was the opposite of his sullen behavior when we first met. Kevin edged his way between me and Blake before I could make a scene. “Hi, I’m Kevin. We’re on our way there now. It’s Cat’s birthday today, you know.”

  “Birthday, huh?” Blake’s delicious lips curled into a sexy grin, sending butterflies dancing in my st
omach. “Then you guys should come to the Alpha Beta Omega tent.”

  “Cool, see you there,” Kevin said.

  Blake’s stare held mine for just a moment longer, and then he was gone. “You called Blake Holland a stalker. Have you fallen on your head?” Kevin hissed at me.

  “He was following me.”

  “As sexy as that man is, he could follow me anywhere.” Kevin fanned his face with his hands.

  “That’s because you’re a whore.”

  “Girl, don’t knock it until you try it.” He flipped imaginary hair off his shoulder as he strutted away.

  Chapter 6


  Cat looked different today, but still very beautiful. I preferred the natural look on her, but whatever she had done to her eyes made them look even larger. The color looked different, too. They weren’t just brown eyes now—a gold fleck shone behind the rich mocha color. Her ponytail was gone, replaced with ringlets which framed her face and fell down her back. It was the first time I was able to appreciate her figure, too. Her breasts stood high in a fitted green T-shirt, and her waist was so tiny compared to the curve of her hips and the fullness of her bust.

  When I spotted her walking through the tent with that Kevin guy, I went straight to her. Her breath hitched when I placed my hand on her waist to get her attention. Her body trembled beneath my hand when her eyes found mine. “Hey, birthday girl. Are you cold?”

  “No, I’m good.” She slowly sidestepped me, and my hand fell off her waist.

  “What can I get you guys?” I asked.

  “Beer.” Kevin said, placing his hand on Cat’s wrist. “Be right back.”

  She placed her hand over his and shook her head. Along the way, it seemed the redhead had disappeared, and if I didn’t know better, I would think Cat was afraid to be alone with me.

  Kevin laughed and tapped her hand and strode away. “Crazy girl.”

  Finally, we were alone . . . in a tent filled with people. Romantic. “Look, I owe you an apology for the other day.”

  She extended her chin, but avoided my eyes. “Apology accepted.”

  “You’re lying. You’re still mad at me.”

  Her eyes sliced into mine. “No.” Her bottom lip trembled. “I accepted your apology. That doesn’t make us friends.”

  “So, I’m your enemy?”

  She smiled and I noticed a small dimple on her left cheek. “No, I would have to care about you for you to become my enemy.” Her spiky attitude was so fucking sexy. She obviously didn’t realize that the more she challenged me, the more I was intrigued.

  “Then what does that make us?” I took a step closer and left very little space between us.

  She inhaled deeply, and her face flushed, but she shrugged in an attempt to hide the effect I had on her. “Classmates.”

  I laughed. “Okay, classmate. Have dinner with me, so I can move up my status to friend.”

  “No, I think I’d rather keep you as a classmate.” She flashed me a sexy smile, and I had to restrain myself from kissing her feisty mouth.

  “You’re so mean.”

  “Yeah . . . I know.”

  She bit down on her lower lip and turned away from me. I watched her sexy ass make her way over to a group of guys that surrounded Kevin, and a bolt of jealousy shot through me when she hugged one of them. It was a strange sensation. I’d never cared enough about a girl to ever be jealous. Beside, this girl was nothing but a bet to me. The stirring in my chest wasn’t jealousy. It was just frustration over not getting what I wanted. And right now, with or without the bet, I wanted her.

  As though she could sense my stare on her, she made eye contact with me from across the tent. She couldn’t hide her attraction to me. It was obvious she was playing hard to get. Good thing too, because I fucking loved a challenge.

  Chapter 7


  After a quick trip back to the dorms to change clothes, Kevin had arranged for one of his cute boy toys to give us a ride to the frat house so Isabella and I wouldn’t freeze to death in our skimpy dresses. The Alpha Beta Omega house would have been a nice building, had it not been a filthy frat house. It was a traditional style house with dark wooden floors, brown leather sofas and chairs with beautiful oriental rugs that were covered with stains. As we circled the place, we came across a game room with a pool table, air hockey table, and guys crowded around two TVs, playing video games. Drinks were everywhere. People were dancing, singing, and having a good time, but I felt out of place. I was a little shell-shocked since this was my first real college party. I usually avoided them like the plague.

  I sensed Blake before I actually saw him. My body was always filled with awareness when he was around. He looked mouthwatering in a simple black crew-neck sweater and blue jeans. Every inch of his wide shoulders, muscular biceps, and chiseled chest were showcased beneath the soft material of his shirt. He was surrounded by girls wearing dresses shorter than my own, and that stupid hint of jealousy stung me in the chest. One girl, a size zero blonde with big boobs, was hanging off his arm, but he seemed bored. I thought about our interactions at the diner and the beer tent, and I honestly couldn’t explain what he did to me.

  How can I hate him and want him to kiss me at the same time? It didn’t really matter. No dating. No relationships. And virgins don’t hook up, so I was never going to get with Blake or any other guy. I couldn’t go through that again, not after what happened in high school. Not after my high school boyfriend told the whole school that I wet my pants during a seizure.

  “He looks hot,” Kevin whispered in my ear.

  “Who?” I pretended to look around.

  “Smooth, acting like you don’t know. You think he’s hot, too. I see it in your eyes.” As though he’d heard us talking, Blake’s stare found mine. He removed himself from the blonde’s grip and came toward us. Even though my heart hammered in my chest and my stomach fluttered, I wished he would avoid me. It was better. Safer. He had a way of getting under my skin, and it scared me. I didn’t like losing control of my emotions.

  His movements were confident and sexy as hell. The way his eyes drank me in made all the nerve ending in my body stand on end. “Hey, glad you made it,” Blake said.

  “Well, Kevin dragged me.” I looked to my left and saw that he and Isabella were gone. Traitors.

  “He walked away while I was coming over here.” Blake smirked.

  “I see.” I crossed my arms over my chest, but that only made my cleavage spill out over my dress. I dropped my hands quickly.

  “You need a drink,” Blake said. “You’re too tense. Besides, it’s your birthday.”

  One thing was for sure, I did needed a drink, but I had to be careful since I was a total lightweight. More than a couple of drinks, and I would be flat on my face. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

  “Well, then, let’s get you one. What do you want?”

  “Something that doesn’t taste like alcohol.”

  He chuckled. “One girly drink coming your way. Come on.”

  He placed his hand at the small of my back and tremors moved up and down my spine. He led me into the kitchen. The house was so packed that his chest was against my back for the entire walk. I watched him make me some concoction that tasted like pink lemonade and berries. He poured a drink of clear liquid for himself and added a lime.

  “Not really your type of crowd?” He tilted his head in question.

  “Nope, but it’s my birthday and this is what students do. I mean, don’t you get drunk on your birthday?” His eyelids were heavy and his smile was relaxed, as if he’d had too much to drink already.

  I was getting there myself, since I’d stopped sipping and had started gulping my drink.

  I handed him my empty cup. The first one had already taken off the nervous edge and the second one would just make me not care about anything. I wanted to enjoy my night. Happy fucking birthday to me.

  “Yeah, but it gets old fast.” He shrugged and made me another drink. “Come o
n, let’s go somewhere more your scene.”


  He reached out his hand to me. “It’s somewhere much cooler than this mess.”

  I set my drink down, but he picked it up and handed it to me. “No, bring it with you.” He grabbed his drink and held my free hand, which burned from his touch. I wanted to let go, but he gripped it tighter. “It’s crowded, and I don’t want to lose you.”

  It wasn’t that crowded, but I humored him. Besides, it felt oddly good touching him.

  Chapter 8


  Damn, Cat was hot in that tight little black dress. Every curve of her beautiful frame was outlined. She seemed so out of place at the party, it was the perfect opportunity to get her alone. We’d started off on the wrong foot, and if I planned on winning this bet with Chase, I needed to step up my game.

  “What’s up there?” She hesitated going up the stairs and let go of my hand.

  “A really cool room I think you’ll like.”

  She used her index finger to usher me closer. I leaned in and warm air tickled my ear. “I’m not having sex with your sweet-talking, panty-dropping sexy ass,” she whispered.

  Sweet-talking panty-dropper? What the fuck? She scowled as I laughed. I leaned into her ear and nearly groaned at her flowery scent. “I just want to show you a room. I thought, because you’re a librarian, you would appreciate it.”

  “So you don’t want to have sex with me?” Her expression sullied. She was disappointed that I wasn’t taking her upstairs to fuck? Was she that foreign? Of course I wanted to tear her clothes off and bury my cock inside of her.

  Why else would I be spending time with her?

  I shook my head. “Fuck yeah, I do, but I wouldn’t do anything you didn’t want.”

  She blushed a few different shades of red, her mouth slightly parted. When she chewed on her bottom lip, I fought the urge to fist her hair in my hands and kiss her. She walked up the stairs with a little wobble in her step and gave me a beautiful view of her ass. I’m getting to her.


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