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Zahra Unveiled

Page 9

by Trace Komoros

  “Why did you fight Pyrras tonight?”

  “Asshole insulted me the other day. Finally managed to track him down to get satisfaction.”

  “How did you get in?”

  “Walked in through the kitchen service door, dude. It’s easy enough to do when it’s busy.”

  What the hell? There were Wardens posted there for that very reason. Plus, every single person who might have reason to use it was pre-screened, and their photos provided to the Wardens for visual ID checks. Moravio knew that, too.

  “How did you get past the Wardens and the visual ID check?”

  “Like this.” Darvar turned invisible.

  I threw quick shields up around Moravio and myself in case Darvar got any bright ideas to attack us while he was invisible. Thankfully, they weren’t needed since he reappeared in the same spot mere moments later.

  “Whoa. Dude. That shit’s trippy when I feel like this.” He swayed, then caught his balance.

  Moravio waited until he was steady on his feet. “Do you know where the others are?”

  “Others? Oh, you mean Asha and the rest? They’re probably hanging with the group they met up with the other day.”

  “Do you remember who was in this group?”

  “Nah, man, I never got introduced. But those people are seriously fuckin’ wild when it comes to sex! Dude, the shit they were doing—in public—whoa. I’m no prude an' I got nothin’ to be ashamed about, understand, but that was way beyond my comfort level.”

  I snickered soundlessly and saw Moravio’s shoulders quiver as he fought his laughter.

  “I know which group you mean. They are a little over the top, sometimes.”

  “A little? Dude, if that’s your idea of ‘a little’ then I’m definitely in the wrong place with the wrong mother-flippin’ crew!”

  Moravio laughed outright at Darvar’s exclamation before he wound him up even further. “I’m not sure any of them ever did their mothers, but...” he snickered then added, “I wouldn’t necessarily put it past them to do each other’s.”

  The expression of shock on Darvar’s face was priceless.

  “Dude, I’m outta here. Seriously. If that’s the way y’all roll here... Nope. Can’t go there.”

  Moravio laughed again. “We’re not all like that. Not even most of us. But if you want to leave Stratis right now, before your friends drag you into anything else, I can make that happen for you with no questions asked.”

  “Well... I mean, I’d kind of like to see a few of the sights, maybe find a girl interested in a night or three of no-strings fun to share them with, but no crazy shit like that.”

  Moravio shrugged. “Can’t help you with the girl, but if you want to see a few of the sights, I can arrange for a short tour on your way to the shuttle port.”

  Frown lines appeared on Darvar’s forehead as he weighed his choices then shook his head. “Nah, I’ll take my chances. I’m not ready to go back to Killara just yet. Not much there. Y’know?”

  “Very well. I’ll escort you out but understand that you’re now on record. Any more stunts like the one you pulled tonight, and you’ll spend some time in a place you’ll hate.” With that warning, Moravio escorted Darvar out of the white room. I followed as they went up the stairs then out the side door.

  ONCE MORAVIO WAS BACK inside, he tossed me an enigmatic look. “What’s your read on this guy?”

  “Seems to be a good guy, but not Stratis-level street-smart. He probably does well enough on Killara, but some of our denizens would eat him alive. I don’t think he wants to walk anywhere on the shady side of things, though.”

  “Me neither.” He sighed. “At least the security report will be easy enough to write—although I don’t envy the Wardens who were on duty at the time, and I damn sure don’t envy whoever has to try and come up with a way to scan for invisible supers.” He gestured to a door that led back into the Fête. “Shall we?”

  Chapter Eighteen


  ONCE WE’D UNOBTRUSIVELY slipped back into the throng of Fête-goers, I scanned for Obsidian and Zahra. To my surprise, Ember was chatting with her and Obsidian was across the room. I looked a little closer and noticed that he was subtly shadowing Sari. My trouble antennae went up.

  Moravio noticed, too. “Oh, hell. Now what?”

  Just then, Obsidian nodded to Moravio. A quick flick of his eyes indicated the group of six people standing slightly to the left of the people Sari was conversing with. Moravio nodded acknowledgment and worked his way over.

  I raised an eyebrow. Obsidian’s headshake was so slight that I barely caught it. Assured that he didn’t need me over there, I scanned the room again. Zahra was still talking with Ember, the two of them laughing at whatever was said. Lumi was an effervescent buzz near the dance floor. As my gaze landed on her group, she convinced one of the men, Nightshade, to join her on it. Although by the look of things, he probably hadn’t been all that difficult to convince. Lumi had that effect on people.

  The scent of rain-washed gardenias floated around me. I tensed, although I didn’t let it show. There was only one person I knew who wore that scent, and she was damn near the last person I wanted to see or speak with.

  “Darling! So good to see you again!” The shrill voice behind me almost made me flinch.

  I schooled my expression to a polite mask as I turned. “Bella. It’s been a while. How are you?”

  “I would be better if you’d visit me, you naughty boy. It’s been too long.” Her innuendo-laden tone and blatant perusal of my body left no doubt about what she wanted from me.

  “Sorry, Bella. You know I don’t do that lifestyle anymore.”

  She pouted. “But—”

  A cool voice cut her off. “I’m afraid he won’t have time for the foreseeable future.”

  I glanced over my right shoulder. If I didn’t have such control over my reactions, my jaw would’ve dropped. Zahra stood there, Ember just behind and to her right.

  Bella sniffed disdainfully. “And who are you, to make that claim? Assuming it’s even legit?”

  Zahra smiled, the socially correct but cutting smile of a matriarch putting an errant family member in her place. “I’m the person who will be occupying every moment of his time from now until my reasons for engaging him have been satisfied. Trust me, he won’t have time or energy to even think of you.” She swept a dismissive gaze over Bella from head to toe.

  Bella gasped, affronted, as I tried to warn Zahra, ::You play a dangerous game, little one.::

  ::I know what I’m doing.::

  The shock of hearing her reply like that caused me to miss part of her next comment to Bella.

  “—We have matters of a private nature to discuss, so I’m sure you’ll excuse us.” The steel in her tone made it clear that she'd dismissed the woman.

  Zahra’s light touch on my arm and glance at both Ember and me indicated that we should follow her toward the balcony doors. Once there was clear space around us, she stopped. “My apologies if I overstepped, Gavin, but you didn’t appear thrilled to be dealing with Bella.”

  “No apologies needed, Zahra. However, I would like to know what’s behind your statements to her—and how truthful you were in making them.”

  Her laugh was a quicksilver peal that was gone as fast as it came. “Entirely truthful. I’m taking up your time and attention right now. Plus, Ember suggested that I should engage your services as a sparring partner, trainer, and unofficial bodyguard. While I think all of that might encompass more time than you have available, it would certainly take up the time you aren’t working on other things.” She shrugged. “I might’ve fudged things a little when I implied anything more than the immediate moment was a done deal, but ‘for the foreseeable future’ covers a great many eventualities.”

  Ember guffawed. “Well played, Zahra. You know Bella’s going to envision all kinds of naughty thoughts, though, right?”

  A mischievous smirk played about Zahra’s lips. “No, really? I neve
r would’ve guessed.”

  My eyes widened as I processed the implications of her comment and smirk. “You little minx. You planned on her doing exactly that, didn’t you.” It wasn’t a question.

  Zahra’s smirk widened into a full-blown devilish smile. Ember laughed again, half-bowing to her in playful tribute.

  “With that kind of sales pitch, how could I say no?” My smile bordered on predatory, although not in a bad way. I was starting to see the possibilities.

  “Gavin, my friend, if you said ‘no’ I was going to volunteer to be Zahra’s sparring partner for as many hours a day as she needed.”

  That brought my thoughts back from the pleasurable paths they’d drifted down. Ember was no slouch as a fighter. He was also pretty damn particular about his sparring partners. If he was offering to spend that many hours a day working with her...

  “I see that got your attention.” Ember directed his next comments to Zahra. “I’ll give you some privacy to tell him what you told me. If for some reason he backs out or doesn’t have time due to other obligations, my offer stands.”

  Zahra touched his arm lightly with her fingertips then withdrew them. “I’ll remember. Thank you. You’re good people, Ember. If there’s anything I can do for you, please let me know.”

  “Stay safe and learn fast, Zahra.” With that, Ember moved far enough away that he couldn’t hear us easily but was still close enough to run interference if someone approached while Zahra and I talked.

  I STUDIED ZAHRA FOR a moment. Although she appeared calm and collected, I had the sense that her nerves were tight-strung.

  “You mentioned...”

  “About engaging...”

  We spoke simultaneously, which caused us both to laugh. I gestured to her. “Ladies first.” She chuckled again, a mischievous look crossing her face before she schooled it back to her social mask.

  “As I said, Ember suggested engaging you for sparring, training, and personal bodyguard duties. However, since I assume you don’t have unlimited free time, and I don’t have unlimited funds, I was thinking more along the lines of some training and sparring. I already spar with Lumi. I believe Sari intends to work with me for another session or two as well, but I also think it would be advantageous for me to work with additional, carefully selected people. Everyone has different strengths, weaknesses, and training, so facing that kind of variety should help better prepare me for any threats I encounter.”

  “Training against different fighting styles in a non-threat situation is always good for learning, I agree. Is there a particular reason you’re asking me now?”

  A subtle lift of her right shoulder accompanied her response. “Opportunity, for the most part. Ember’s encouragement, for another.”

  Truth, as far as it went. But not the entire story. Time to test some theories. ::I think there’s more to it than that. What aren’t you saying?::

  She didn't answer mentally but continued aloud, “Before you decide, Gavin, there are some things you need to know. I’d prefer not to discuss them here, however.”

  “Very well. We can either add those details to our dinner conversation tomorrow evening or discuss them afterward. Regardless, I’m intrigued enough to want to spar with you as time allows.” ::Be advised that sparring may turn into something else entirely, though.::

  This time, she answered. Her reply was both quick and bold. ::That’s something you’ll have to earn.::

  Chapter Nineteen


  HELL’S BELLS! WHAT on Stratis possessed me to throw that kind of challenge at a man like Gavin? I already knew the answer, of course. Luckily, Lumi’s approach with someone I hadn't met distracted him. Ember rejoined us as well and was the first to greet the newcomer.

  “Nightshade! It’s been a while. How’ve you been? For that matter, where’ve you been?” The two gripped each other’s forearms and slapped the other’s back with their free hand before they broke apart and stepped back to a comfortable conversational distance.

  “Long time no see, Ember. I’ve been traveling here and there, checking out the sights and sounds in various places.” A long look passed between the two of them as Nightshade spoke. I had a feeling they were talking in code, although on the surface, his reply was perfectly innocuous.

  “I see. Any places you’d recommend for a fun sightseeing visit?”

  “The hanging gardens in Lovell are flourishing this year. One of the gardeners I spoke with said that someone with a talent for nurturing their exotic and rare flowers had visited, and now their exotic displays are blooming like never before. Word of it has become widespread, and many have already traveled there to check it out.”

  “Ah! So that’s what Myna was talking about the other day. Good to know. Any other memorable places come to mind?”

  “Remember that party-goer some time back who insisted that the music on Valhale was the best around?”

  Ember winced as Gavin chuckled.

  “I ended up taking a side trip there, so I thought I’d see if he was right.” Nightshade shuddered. “I suppose if you like war cries and chants, or to be deafened by thundering drums all vying to be the dominant sound and rhythm, then the music is probably fantastic. Since that’s not my preference, I maintain that the lively but complementary harmonies interwoven with tastefully done percussion lines on Syrene still hold the top spot.”

  Lumi entered the conversation. “I love the music on Syrene. Remind me to stay away from Valhale.”

  We all chuckled. Lumi shook her head. “Where are my manners? Nightshade, this is Zahra. Zahra, this is Nightshade. He and I became acquainted a few years ago, and I believe these three gentlemen have known each other even longer than that.”

  “Yes indeed, Lumi. I’ve known them for most of my life.” He turned his attention to me. “Zahra, it’s a pleasure to meet you. If you’re not in the middle of something, would you care to take a turn on the dance floor?”

  I saw Lumi quickly cover a smirk as she anticipated my response. I kept my expression bland, although it was harder to hide the mischief dancing in my eyes. “That depends. Can you guarantee the safety of my toes?”

  “What—” his perplexed expression made the others chuckle. He joined them a minute later when he figured it out. “Your toes are safe as long as we don’t attempt the faster, more convoluted dances. Since I hear the music for a more restrained one starting now, this would be an excellent time for me to provide proof.” He held out his arm to escort me to the dance floor.

  “Very well.” I chuckled and accepted his arm. As we walked away, I heard the guys ask Lumi if she wanted to join them in a friendly wager on whether we’d finish our dance or not. I was quite sure they meant us to hear, it, too.

  “What was that about?” Nightshade’s inquiry was casual, but I realized that he was wary of something untoward.

  I laughed. “Don’t mind them. They think it's amusing that every guy who’s asked me to dance tonight was similarly challenged.”

  “Why that particular question?”

  “Because I hate having my toes stepped on. It allows me to warn potential dance partners that if they do, our dance ends right then and there.”

  He chuckled. “I see. A warning and a challenge to bring their ‘A’ game, all in one.” He swept me out onto the dance floor, his lead solid and assured. “I accept.”

  WE CONVERSED EASILY throughout the dance. I learned a little more about him, including that he was a level rho whose specialty was gathering and correlating information. While I didn’t feel the same effortless, almost intuitive connection I’d felt while dancing with Gavin, neither did I have to think or work to follow Nightshade’s lead. True to his word, my toes remained unscathed. When the dance ended, he escorted me to a nearby refreshment table for a glass of ice water before he brought me back to the others. Just before we reached them, he pulled me to a gentle halt.

  “I know we’ve just met, Zahra, but I’d like to get together again sometime soon and become better acqu
ainted. I believe Gavin, Ember, and Lumi will all vouch for me if you’re concerned about your safety with a relative stranger.”

  I unconsciously tilted my head as I considered his request. “Should I be worried about ulterior motives?”

  He shook his head. “No. You’re an interesting person, one I’d like to know better. Perhaps even be able to call you a friend, rather than an acquaintance.” He paused, then a flash of humor lit his face as his voice shifted. “You’d know it if I were to make other interests known.”

  When his voice dropped into that register, suggestiveness flowing through his words... I swallowed hard. Yeah, he was right. If he ever did make that kind of play, I’d know.

  SARI AND OBSIDIAN HAD joined Gavin, Ember, and Lumi by the time Nightshade and I returned from our dance. Obsidian greeted Nightshade with, “I see you managed to avoid stepping on Zahra’s toes. Congratulations—you’ve joined an elite club.” The others laughed, Nightshade right along with them.

  Lumi joined the byplay by needling me, much to everyone’s amusement. “Zahra, I feel left out. Your screening procedure is faulty since your test skews toward men. I protest.”

  That little minx! I was about to retort that I wasn’t the one who’d turned dancing into the entrance exam for a club when an idea came to mind. I spotted a staff member nearby and beckoned her over, then murmured a request in her ear. She tapped something into her wrist holo. When she received a reply, she nodded at me to confirm that it was possible and would happen. Moments later, when the song that was playing finished, a pleasant voice filled the room.

  “Gentlemen, please leave the dance floor. This next song is for ladies only. Ladies, you’ve been challenged to bring your best moves to the floor. Singles, partners, trios, groups...let’s see what you’ve got!” With that, the music changed radically from the pleasant, chamber-style songs that had been playing to a sultry but driving rhythm worthy of the best clubs around.


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