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Zahra Unveiled

Page 16

by Trace Komoros

  “Interesting. Do you know what their powers were?”

  “Not really. One or two people mentioned that they were espers, but I don’t think I ever saw that proved or disproved.”

  “Interesting. Now I’m curious.” He flashed a smile. “That can wait, though.”

  Our waitress walked up. “Gavin, a pleasure to have you back. Who is this lovely lady with you?” She looked at me with a friendly expression.

  “Sonnya, please meet Zahra. Zahra, this is Sonnya. She’s kept Zanto’s in smooth operation since I was a kid, although I swear she never ages.”

  Sonnya laughed as she glanced at him. “Flatterer. I age, and you know it since your family and mine have known each other for so long. But thank you.”

  She looked back at me. “What can I get for you today, Zahra?”

  “I’d like the three cheese tortellini tossed in olive oil, heavy on the Parmesan cheese topping, with a side of garlic Parmesan grilled asparagus spears. Just the ice water to drink, Sonnya.”

  “Anything for an appetizer?”

  “Cheese garlic bread. Thank you.”

  She turned to Gavin. “And for you?”

  “I’ll go with the seven-layer lasagna and another order of cheese garlic bread for an appetizer. Ice water for me as well. Thank you, Sonnya.”

  She gathered our menus then walked away.

  ::That outfit looks fantastic on you. Another of Sari’s creations?::

  My eyes widened. Whatever I might’ve expected for our next topic of conversation, I certainly hadn’t expected him to broach it mentally.

  Gavin chuckled. “So, you did hear me. I wondered since you didn’t always reply at the Fête.”

  I flushed. “I heard you. Sometimes I chose not to answer that way.” I fidgeted with my silverware for a moment. “I’m... It’s new to me, so I’m not comfortable with it. Especially since I’m not sure how or why we can do that.”

  “Understandable.” Gavin looked as though he was debating something. “It was a shock to me as well. I spent several hours after our encounter in the park thinking about you and what had happened.” A rueful look crossed his face. “I didn’t realize until I was already home that I had no idea what your name was!”

  I burst out laughing. “The look on your face! I take it that was a problem?”

  “Damn right it was a problem, you little minx. You’d just handed me the shock of a lifetime, and I couldn’t even put a name to the face that drove everything else right out of my mind.” He shook a finger at me playfully. “I see by your smirk that you had no such problem.”

  “True, true. You’re well-known, so I knew who you were as soon as you turned to face me.” I hesitated then continued, “It was just as shocking for me because no one has ever connected with me like that. It wasn’t just the telepathy, Gavin. I might not have experienced it before, but I know damn well you read me right down to my soul. I felt it.”

  This time, his eyes widened. I expected him to shut down since this wasn’t an easy, much less comfortable topic, but he surprised me. “You were trembling, weren’t you?”

  I slowly nodded. That one statement confirmed the connection was real and went both ways: I hadn’t imagined it.

  He reached out and laid his hand over mine—I'd unconsciously clenched it on top of the table. “We’ll figure it out, Zahra. For the moment, let’s enjoy dinner and get to know each other a little better.”

  He withdrew his hand. Moments later, Sonnya returned with our appetizers.

  “Here you go. Be careful. They’re fresh out of the oven.” She set the plates in front of us. The cheese on the garlic bread still bubbled a little. “Is there anything else you need right now?”

  I shook my head. “I’m all set for the moment, thanks.”

  “I’m good as well, Sonnya. Thank you.”

  “Very well. Let me know if you need anything else. Your dinners should be ready soon.”

  Once she’d walked away, I asked a question that had been on my mind since the night before. “Why did you claim the first dance last night?” He looked at me questioningly. I hurried on, “I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I’m delighted you asked, but I’ve learned that you made a pretty public statement by doing so.” I smiled. “My curiosity bump has been going nuts ever since.”

  He laughed at that. “When you turned away to obtain refreshments, I saw an unhappy expression on your face. It was an instinctive move to try and make it go away.” He paused to eat a bite of bread then added, “I didn’t realize until a few other people rubbed it in my face that I'd made a public claim. I’m glad I did, though, because I’d be kicking myself if someone else had done so first.”

  “Well. I guess that answers that,” I murmured to myself.

  I’d forgotten that Gavin had excellent hearing.

  His reaction was swift and sure as he caught my hand and leaned forward. “Make no mistake, Zahra. I have no issue with publicly claiming you then, now, or in the future. Whatever is between us will be fully explored and enjoyed. I’ll wait on your timing for certain aspects of it, but I’d be delighted to walk out of here with my hand low on your back while wearing an expression that says, ‘she’s with me.’”

  Heat flooded my body at his words and the picture they painted. I couldn't deny that I wanted exactly that, but caution over it being a one-way claim combined with my inner minx made me challenge him. “What if I want to claim you, Gavin? Hmm? What will you do if I walk up to you in full view of everyone and rest a hand on your chest while I pull your head down and kiss you?”

  His hand tightened slightly on mine as heat flared in his eyes. “I’d fucking love it if you did, Zahra.”

  I gulped. The intensity radiating off him left no doubt that he meant it. And if I’d had any remaining doubts, the wash of emotion I felt from him made it crystal clear that he spoke nothing but the truth.

  Sonnya interrupted the tension-charged moment as she delivered our food. “Here you go! Zahra, your tortellini with grilled asparagus. Gavin, your lasagna.” She set the dishes down with smooth efficiency. “I’ll be right back with more ice water.”

  My hands shook as I picked up my silverware. I drew a deep breath and tried to quiet the storm of emotions swirling inside me. Gavin noticed.

  “Is everything okay, Zahra?”

  “It’s fine, Gavin. Just a lot to process.”

  He studied me for a moment.


  I almost jumped in my chair but managed to hold the reaction down to a twitch. ::Yes.::


  With that, his broadcasted emotions eased. I still felt his reactions, but he’d somehow cut off the flood so that now I just had to deal with mine—not the easiest of tasks, but more manageable.


  ::Yes. Thank you.::

  I TUCKED INTO MY DINNER, enjoying the taste of fresh-made tortellini that had just the right amount of olive oil and Parmesan on it. The asparagus was seasoned and grilled to perfection. Gavin looked like he enjoyed his lasagna as well. I had a hearty appetite, especially after sparring with Sari, but I wasn’t sure I could finish a serving the size of the towering pile of noodles, meat sauce, and cheese that was on his plate. Zanto’s didn’t stint on quality or quantity.

  Sonnya came back shortly after we’d finished the last bites. “Can I interest either of you in dessert? We have a few seasonal specials on the menu tonight.”

  I groaned softly. “Sonnya, you’re a cruel woman. First, you stuff me, and then you ask if I want dessert?” She laughed, her eyes twinkling. “I’d love to, but I’m too full right now to properly appreciate it.” I thought for a moment. “Perhaps I’ll grab one on the way out if you can make it a to-go order.”

  “I can do that, Zahra. Let me know if you decide you want to. Gavin? Anything for you?”

  “No, thank you, Sonnya. Not tonight. But don’t be surprised if I pop in tomorrow to grab some.”

  She chuckled. “I know your sweet tooth, Gavin. I won’t be
the least bit surprised.” A long look that I couldn’t decipher passed between them. A moment later, Sonnya gathered our plates. “Is there anything else I can get you? More water, or some after-dinner drinks?”

  Gavin looked at me. I shook my head.

  “I think we’re all set, Sonnya.”

  “All right, then. Take your time. There are no other reservations for this table tonight. Zahra, I’m delighted to have met you and hope to see you again soon. Gavin, a pleasure as always. In case I don’t see you again before you leave, I hope you both have a good night.” She bustled away, our empty plates balanced on her arm.

  “What about—”

  “It’s all set, Zahra. Sonnya took it upon herself to extend house hospitality.”

  I sat there for a moment, staring, then huffed out a short laugh. “That woman is a force of nature.”

  Gavin laughed outright at that. “You have no idea.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  AS WE SAT AND TALKED for a while longer, I cataloged Zahra’s responses to everything I said and did. It didn’t take a genius to figure out she’d been burned before, probably more than once. I wondered if that was one reason she was more guarded, and sometimes startled by the things I said and did.

  During a natural break in our conversation, I decided to get personal. She’d either freeze me out and tell me to go to hell, or answer. I hoped for the latter.

  “Do you have any current lovers I need to know about, Zahra?” I dropped my voice to a softer, more intimate tone as I asked, and observed her reactions.

  Her expression didn’t change, but her shoulders loosened slightly. Interesting.

  “That was something I wanted to talk to you about.” She paused to take a sip of water. “I have two, and plan to keep them.” She snorted a laugh. “Although it’s just as accurate to say they plan to keep me.”

  “Now I’m intrigued. Anyone I might know?”

  She laughed merrily. “I’d say so.”

  I waited, but she didn’t elaborate.

  ::Are you going to make me guess?::

  ::No, but you’ll have to wait to find out, Gavin.::

  The subtle smirk that played across her lips was enough to tell me she enjoyed my reaction. I let my shield drop so she could feel the full intensity of what she’d stirred up. Curiosity, hunger to know her better, and woven through everything, the desire to claim her as mine.

  Possessive? Maybe, but only in the best of ways. I didn’t want to own her or control her every action and thought. That wasn’t me. I did want to be her partner, though, and so profoundly interwoven in every facet of her life that we knew each other on an intuitive level.

  Sin’yai. The thought drifted across my mind and made me shiver. I wanted that, but was also afraid to believe.

  ZAHRA’S GENTLE TOUCH on the back of my hand brought me out of my thoughts. “I’d say ‘penny for your thoughts,’ but from what I felt, they’re far too numerous for you to carry away the payout.”

  I chuckled in appreciation of her attempt to lighten my mood. “Sorry about that. I went down a few burrower holes just then.” I reset the light emotional shield I’d dropped. The subtle lines of stress on her face eased in response.

  “Some of them felt more like foxholes to me.” Her wry tone let me know she’d picked up on the emotions that accompanied some of my more disturbing thoughts.

  “My apologies. I didn’t mean to throw that much at you.”

  She shook her head and changed the topic. “Since you asked earlier...are there any lovers in your life I need to worry about?”

  I chuckled. “Currently? No. Past? There might be a few who’ll get a little pissy, but none with a right to be.” I smiled. “Based on how you shut Bella down, I doubt you’d have trouble handling any potshots they might deliver.”

  She laughed. “Potshots are easily dealt with. It’s the ones who might hold a grudge that worry me.”

  I shook my head. “None of those that I’m aware of.”

  Her enigmatic smile said she’d heard but would keep her own counsel on that judgment.

  NOT LONG AFTER, WE decided to head to a nearby park. I rose and moved around the table to pull Zahra’s chair out for her. A quick lift of my eyebrow followed by her slight headshake told me to keep my hands to myself for now as we walked out.

  Once outside, the question of how we wanted to get to the park arose.

  “Walk, hoverboards, or other transportation?”

  Zahra thought for a moment. “How open is this park? And are there likely to be a lot of people there?”

  I was a little puzzled by her questions but answered readily. “A lot of open areas, and no. It’s usually pretty quiet and more so at this hour.”

  “Hoverboards, then.”

  We walked down to the kiosk and grabbed a couple. Zahra indicated she’d follow me before we hopped on the ‘boards and took off. I checked a couple of times during the ten-minute ride to make sure I hadn’t lost her, but she easily kept up. Once we reached the park, she moved up alongside me.

  “Any particular spot you had in mind?”

  “No, I thought we’d stroll around or find a bench once we arrived.”

  A trickle of amusement reached me just before she flashed a mischievous grin. “Think again.”

  The next thing I saw was her delectable backside as she sent her hoverboard rocketing forward then pulled up into a series of tricks that made my jaw drop. Most people were good with their ‘boards, but she’d taken it several steps beyond that. I watched as she sent it into a twisting, half-inverted spin. One hand grabbed the edge of the ‘board then released as she came back upright.

  Her moves reminded me of some old video footage I’d seen of a sport known as snowboarding. I didn’t know the names of all the tricks, but damn if they weren’t impressive as hell—and Zahra did them without the ‘board strapped to her feet! As I looked a little closer, I saw that she used subtle grips and catches with her feet to keep the board where she needed it to be, in addition to the hand grabs some of the tricks seemed to require.

  ::It’s a cross between skateboarding and snowboarding. Now, are you going to join the fun?::

  Her question reached me just as she launched into her most complicated trick yet—I couldn’t even begin to describe all the motions going on in this one. I watched in admiration as her lithe body twisted, turned, bent, and flexed, her long hair flying around her in response to her motions, before she came back upright and settled into a smooth glide back toward me.

  ::Zahra, I couldn’t match that if I tried.::

  She wore a smug grin as she stopped next to me with a flourish, her face alight with carefree pleasure.

  “So, you’re saying you can’t pull off those moves, eh?”

  I shook my head. “Maybe some of the tamer ones, but the wilder stuff you were doing? No way. I’m not ashamed to admit I’d lose my ‘board and fall on my nose.”

  Her infectious peal of laughter rang across the park and made me smile. “We can’t have that—you’d never live it down, and I’d be accused of damaging the scenery.” She winked. Her implication hit me a split second later.

  I flushed. “Oh, for the love of—”

  “Easy, Gavin.” She giggled at the look on my face. “I didn’t say I was worried about your looks.” She gave me a slow once-over then boldly met my eyes. “Although I’d be a liar if I said you aren’t a damn good-looking man.”

  I reached out, grabbed her wrist, and gently tugged her closer. She brought her 'board up just above mine and made sure she didn’t hit my ankles. I was impressed all over again by her control.

  “I think you know I find you compellingly attractive, Zahra, but in case I didn’t make it clear...” I leaned closer until my lips were scant inches from hers, “seeing you any time is enough to make my blood race. Watching you have fun on your ‘board? That was amazing and hot as hell.” I stopped and cleared my throat. “Damn, woman... If I told you everything that ran throug
h my mind just now, you’d probably slap me.”

  Her look turned heated—and then she dropped a challenge. “You think so, do you? Go ahead. I dare you.”

  A feral smile crossed my face. “Zahra, my dear, if it weren’t for the fact that you haven’t yet agreed to share my bed, you’d be riding me just as hard and wild as you did your ‘board as soon as we were somewhere private. I’d have you twisting and writhing over and under me until both of us couldn’t move—and be assured that would take hours, because I’m patient, inventive, and have the stamina to back up any play I make.” I tugged her a little closer until the edge of her ‘board rested against my ankles, and her lips were an inch away from mine. “And then I’d do it all over again. Repeatedly. Because I already know that when it comes to you, I’m going to be insatiable.”

  Heat radiated off her body as she drew quick, shallow breaths. Just as I was about to close that last inch between our lips and kiss her, she somehow slipped my grip on her wrist and slid away.

  “I wouldn’t slap you for that, Gavin. I’m more likely to make you prove your claims. But, you’ll need to earn it.” Her look was saucy, but her words were earnest. I took them as the caution she meant.

  A moment later, she stiffened. “We’ve got trouble.”

  “How—” I snapped my mouth shut as I realized she’d probably sensed it. “Right. Any idea how many, or what they have in mind?”

  “Three, I think, and beyond the intent to harm, no. I have no idea.”

  Just then, two men and a woman zipped around a nearby hedge on hoverboards and flew toward us. “You two take him. I’ll get her,” the woman called as she bent her knees and sent her ‘board straight at Zahra.

  Zahra waited, outwardly calm as she watched the woman come closer. At the last moment, she sent her hoverboard sideways and clotheslined her attacker as she overshot her target. The woman choked as she tried to grab Zahra’s arm then fell and choked even more when she hit the ground hard enough to drive the air from her lungs. Zahra hopped off her 'board and put her would-be assailant in a painful hold, then started to question her as I turned my attention to the two men approaching me.


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