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Zahra Unveiled

Page 19

by Trace Komoros

  I closed my eyes and extended my senses as far as they could reach. “Manaqui is en route but needs assistance—he’s badly injured.” My eyes snapped open. “And he’s worried he won’t make it.”

  Healer Mithrae cursed, something I’d never heard him do. “Can you stay with him, Zahra? Yell if something changes.”

  “I can try.” My answer met empty air as he all but flew out of the room.

  Moments later, the emotional dynamics in the building changed as several people hurried out. The intensity of their feelings provided a kind of map for where they were. Tourmion’s control strengthened, so I assumed Neetra had stepped in to deal with Rasana. Everything else felt like the calm before the storm.

  Several minutes after that, Manaqui’s fear spiked to unbearable heights. “Healer Mithrae!” I yelled as ordered. He appeared moments later.

  “Is it Manaqui?”

  “Yes. His fear level went through the roof.”

  Just then, the healer pressed his fingertips to his temple as added lines of tension appeared on his face. “They’ve reached him. Jennits says it’s a good thing they got there when they did.” He relaxed minutely and gently rubbed between his eyes before he dropped his hand.

  “Well done, Zahra. Very well done. Please spin your shields back up—you’ve used your new abilities more than enough for the moment. I don’t want you to strain them.”


  He pinned me with a stern look. “Shields. Now. Jennits and the others have Manaqui in hand, thanks to you.”

  I knew better than to argue with that tone and spun my shields up until I was comfortable again.

  WHILE WE WAITED FOR the others to return, I dressed in my armor and persuaded the healer to let me file my report for the Wardens. He escorted me to an office with a secure holoscreen then left me alone. The door slid shut behind him. I dimly sensed the others' return and the flurry of activity as they treated Manaqui but tuned out most of it until my report was complete and submitted.

  I stood and stretched. My back popped as my spine lengthened and shifted back into proper alignment. While I debated whether to go back to my room or wander through the wards to see if I could help with anything, I sensed Sari and Gavin walk through the front doors.

  I left the office and met up with them just outside the doorway. Sari scanned me from head to toe as she assessed my physical condition.

  Gavin watched me with a worried look on his face. “Should you be up and about?”

  “Healer Mithrae cleared me and brought me here to file my report, which I’ve done. As long as I don’t overexert myself, I’m allowed free rein.”

  “Overexert yourself?” Sari pounced on that immediately.

  “Meaning push the empath stuff more than I already have today.”

  “What did you do to have him limit you like that?”

  “She was doing a mild exercise that used her significantly-increased ability to sense emotions and their related activities in the building when she pushed farther than either of us anticipated. Although I’m grateful she did because she discovered Manaqui before he bled out from injuries he sustained while en route here. However, the toll to monitor him until my team arrived on the scene, especially with raw senses, was more painful and taxing than I think Zahra was aware of.”

  Gavin and Sari looked at me, then back at the healer.

  “Exactly where was Manaqui when the team reached him?” Sari spoke with careful precision.

  “He was in the alley that cuts between Seeling Street and Kandisha Avenue, several blocks away. From what we can tell, he was at least a block farther away than that when she first picked up on his emotions.”

  Gavin’s eyes widened. “Wait a minute. Those aren’t small blocks. You picked him up way the hell out there?”

  I shrugged. “He was doing the emotional equivalent of screaming in terror since he feared for his life. Once I dropped my shields enough, it wasn’t difficult to pick up on that kind of distress call.”

  Even Healer Mithrae’s eyes widened at my comment. “I know you still had shields up. Do you mean that you could distinguish things at greater distances if you dropped them even more?”

  I considered the question for a moment. “Probably. Although I’d pick up a lot of other noise if I did.”

  The three of them exchanged long looks, and then Sari gestured for us to enter my room.

  I noticed that while I was gone, a couple of curved, padded benches and a small round table had been brought in. There was a pitcher of water and four cups on the table. A closer look revealed that the benches folded up into the wall when not in use. It was an ingenious way to adapt the space for different needs, and easy to keep clean and sanitized as well.

  I settled onto the bench nearest the door and turned until I could cross one leg in front of myself and lean back against the wall. While I wasn’t tired, I did want to be comfortable during this discussion. Gavin chose the spot next to me while Sari and Healer Mithrae sat opposite us.

  The silence had just started to become uncomfortable when the healer sighed. “There’s a lot to discuss. Let’s start with the attack yesterday and go from there. Sari, Gavin, if at any time I should leave due to classified information beyond my current security clearance, let me know.”

  Sari nodded respectfully. “Thank you, Healer Mithrae, but that won’t be necessary. You have sufficient clearance for everything we’re likely to cover. Plus, I’m sure we’d all value your input as we try to untangle the threads. Based on some information we’ve recently learned, it’s become clear that several things are going on at once, any of which might tie to the master plans to overthrow our government.”

  “I’m happy to share any insights I might have, and it would be good to bounce some thoughts and ideas off the three of you. I suspect that a case I’ve been working on with Zahra’s help,” he nodded at me, “and what happened to her might have some things in common.”

  “Judging by some things we recently learned, you may well be right.” Sari shifted in her seat. “Before we start, I’d like to do two things. Zahra, can you tell if anyone is trying to listen in on our conversation?

  I was about to ask how she thought I’d know when I realized that I did—the knowledge came to me through my newly-awakened senses as quickly as breathing. Everyone in the building formed a mental "hot spot" map, and if I focused on one of those spots, that person’s emotions became clearer. The one closest to us—a mere ten feet from the doorway—showed no curiosity whatsoever, but a second person across the central room radiated an intense desire to know what was going on. The overtones I picked up on indicated that it wasn’t pure curiosity, either.

  “I’m not sure whether they’re actively trying to listen in, but someone on the other side of the main hall wants to know what’s going on. It’s not just simple curiosity, either. There’s also someone right outside the room, but that person doesn’t seem to care.”

  Sari nodded. “Which brings me to my second request. Healer Mithrae, with your permission, I’d like to invoke privacy shielding. While I’m sure your people are trustworthy, most of them have neither the clearance nor the need to know any further details.”

  He nodded. “Other than Zahra, there is no one currently undergoing treatment in this area, so using additional privacy shields won’t interrupt any natural healing sessions. You have my permission.”

  A shield sprang to life around us. Gavin stirred. “The same one you used when we walked to the Wardens’ offices?”


  Gavin addressed the healer and me. “Anyone outside can hear our voices, but not the words said. It’s like a distant conversation—you can hear the buzz and the cadence, but not the specifics.”

  The healer nodded. “Impressive. And practical.”

  I shifted in my seat as a faint buzzing noise echoed in my skull. It was similar to having a case of tinnitus but in my head instead of my ears. “Does anyone else hear a faint buzzing?”

and Sari shook their heads, but Healer Mithrae nodded. “Yes. I do. Although I’m not sure...” his voice trailed off as he turned his attention inward for a moment. “Not that...” He extended his hand. “Zahra, take my hand for a moment, please.”

  I reached over and clasped his hand. The familiar feel of what I now knew was his healing energy traveled quickly through my body. A minute later he let go and slipped to his knees next to the small table between us, then reached under the top and felt around. “Ah-ha!” A sudden burst of static accompanied those words. I winced and rubbed my forehead, although it didn’t alleviate the aftereffects.

  “Someone is very keen to know the details of our discussion.” He held up a finger with a tiny black dot on the end of it.

  Gavin leaned forward. “A transmitter. Very stealthy, and unless I’m mistaken, a model that’s currently in R&D testing and not available to the public even through black market sources.” He sat back. “How the hell did the two of you pick up on it?”

  “In my case, the short answer is conflicting energy currents. The ones broadcast by the transmitter fought against the ones put out by the shield, which caused a dissonance that registered in my senses as a faint buzzing noise. Zahra heard the same sound, most likely for the same reasons.”

  “So why didn’t Sari and I hear it, too?”

  “Bluntly put, because the two of you don't work with the extended range of senses that Zahra and I do.”

  Sari broke in. “We can get into the why and how of that later. For now, let’s review the circumstances that led up to this. Then Gavin and I will share some information we’ve learned from your attacker, Zahra.” She nodded at me. “After that, we’ll see where the discussion and possible leads take us.”

  I nodded back. “Sounds good. I assume you’d like me to start with the attack?”

  “Start with your time at Zanto’s, please. That way we can match baselines with Gavin’s account.”

  I changed positions and brought the leg I had crossed on the bench up and bent it until my foot was flat on the seat and my knee was almost even with my chin. I wrapped my arms around my leg and laced my fingers together.

  “I arrived at Zanto’s just before Gavin. Nothing was out of the ordinary either then or during dinner, other than that I sensed others’ emotions and needed to shield against them. That effort had mixed results. Luckily for me, Gavin knows how to shield. So that helped. Public places are no joke for an empath!” I made a face. “After dinner, we went to Sohto Park via hoverboards. I needed the stress relief after being around so many people, so I messed around on my ‘board for a little while. It wasn’t long after I stopped that I sensed the three attackers. I warned Gavin, and then the fight was on.

  “The woman came straight for me after she told the two guys with her to handle Gavin. While she put up a good fight, it wasn’t that hard to subdue her. I remember thinking it was almost too easy. I know I’ve leveled up over the past two or three days, but it felt off. Like she had a hidden agenda.”

  I paused for a moment then continued, “We subdued all three then I questioned the woman. She didn’t want to talk, but finally admitted she had a bigger plan than just snatching me off the street. Gavin had already called in the Wardens, so when they arrived, he instructed them to keep the three in custody for us to question.

  “The Wardens asked us to go to the offices to make our reports. We were headed there when I grew dizzy. Soon after that, it became so bad that I couldn’t even stand up, let alone ride my ‘board. I told Gavin to bring me here and ask for Healer Mithrae, then passed out. That’s the last I recall until I woke up.”

  “Did you sense anything other than what you’ve already told us when you fought the woman? Either physically or emotionally?” The healer spoke before anyone else. The intensity of his questions startled me.

  I started to shake my head then stopped. “I don’t—wait, there was a moment just before she was fully restrained when I felt a flash of something like triumph. I wasn’t sure if it was from her or not, but I think it might’ve been. I didn’t feel anything physically beyond the blows we exchanged, but if she was adept enough with a needle, I might not have. Although I’d think an injection in the back of the hand would take a while to accomplish.”

  Healer Mithrae shook his head. “It would take surprisingly little time to inject the cocktail she used on you, even with a fine-gauge needle. Although a hand isn’t a common location, those drugs—the Zytoclastine in particular—are designed to get from the injection site to the brain in the fastest possible manner. Your hand was likely the only target of opportunity the woman had, given your armor. The distance between the injection site and the target area would explain why you made it as far as you did before you reacted to the drugs.”

  Sari shot him a sharp look. “I thought—”

  “I’ve been researching Zytoclastine, Sari. I’ve learned enough to know the common delivery mechanisms and what the drug targets.” He snorted. “You didn’t think I'd leave anyone who has mental powers and abilities vulnerable, did you? I’d be a piss-poor healer if I did. Not to mention that it would betray both my friendship with Zahra and my healer’s oath to do so.”

  “Fair points, and no insult intended, healer. I didn’t know you’d found a reliable source of information so quickly, given the amount of secrecy that surrounds the drug.”

  He shrugged. “Professional courtesy. Although I had to jump through several hoops even then, and there’s a limit to what my sources can divulge.”

  “I’m not surprised.” Gavin sighed and raked his fingers through his hair. “Is there a countermeasure, or an antidote? Also, are there any long-term effects Zahra needs to know about?” His worry grew stronger by the minute and pounded at my shields incessantly.

  ::Gavin. Shield, please. You’re too intense for me to block right now, especially at this close range.::

  Hard on the heels of that communication, two things happened simultaneously: Gavin shielded, which made it easier for me to handle the flood of emotions from him, and Healer Mithrae snapped upright and stared at me in shock.

  “Did you...” His words trailed off although he never took his eyes off me.

  ::Did you speak to Gavin this way just now?:: A new voice entered my head. Although it didn’t identify itself by name, I knew—the same way I’d recognized Gavin when he first spoke to me—that it was Healer Mithrae.

  Then we both received a second shock. ::Healer Mithrae? Is that you talking to Zahra?:: Gavin’s mental tone was a mix of awe and disbelief.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  SARI STARED AT THE three of us, then cleared her throat. “Would one of you please explain why all of you suddenly look poleaxed?”

  I chuckled a little at her description as Gavin shook his head. Healer Mithrae was the first to recover.

  He looked at me, questioningly, then at Gavin. After he received a nod from both of us, he shifted in his seat to face Sari. “Zahra spoke to Gavin telepathically. I’d be fascinated to know how and when that started. Why I look poleaxed, as you so accurately described it, is because I heard her speak to him—and then he heard me and spoke to me in return.”

  A shocked look replaced Sari's usually calm demeanor. “How is that even possible?” she whispered. “Gavin and Zahra have communicated that way before, but it seems to be a unique link between the two of them. What’s changed? Or is it due to one of your abilities, Healer Mithrae?”

  He shook his head. “While I can’t speak for other telepaths, my abilities don’t extend to mental communication with those who aren’t. At a guess, the Zytoclastine might be playing a role in why I can suddenly hear Zahra. Gavin, though...” He looked at him and didn't bother to mask the emotions that crossed his face as he considered possible explanations. Then his eyes widened. “Wait a minute. Gavin, Zahra, you two are linked?”

  ::Ah, hell. Zahra, I didn’t say anything yet because I didn’t want you to feel pressured, but this development forced my h
and. Have you ever heard the term sin’yai?::

  I racked my brain, but the term wasn't familiar. Then I sat there, stunned, as the information suddenly flooded my mind. ::Is that why we could talk like this right from the first time we saw each other?::

  ::I think so. And as shocking as it was, I’m glad it happened with you.::

  Healer Mithrae cleared his throat to remind us that he could hear our conversation. “Now that the cat’s out of the bag... Yes, the sin’yai bond the two of you share is most likely the reason Gavin can hear me when I talk to you, Zahra.”

  “Am-patrinaj dioj de tri fojoj fripona kaoso! Kio poste?”

  The healer’s lips twitched as he tried not to grin. “I didn’t realize you knew that particular language, Sari, even though we’ve worked together many times over the years. Although I don’t think you phrased it entirely correctly. I assume you meant ‘mother-loving gods of thrice-fucked chaos’—and you should know better than to ask what next.”

  A very subtle hand gesture implied flipping him the bird. He laughed in response.

  “What are the chances that Gavin’s ability to amplify others’ powers is currently affecting Zahra’s abilities?” Sari voiced the question before I could.

  “At this point, probably very little—if at all—since he’s not actively using it.” Healer Mithrae studied me for a moment. “Zahra, may I have your permission to do a deep scan? It would be advantageous to discover how strong a telepath you’re likely to be.”

  “What does that involve?” Gavin’s voice was calm, but I felt his instinctive protectiveness spike higher.

  “Zahra needs to give me explicit permission and drop her shields. The scan works the same way I look for injuries and abnormalities like drugs or poison but focuses on the areas of the brain where our abilities and powers come from, instead.”


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