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Your Tempting Love (The Bennett Family)

Page 15

by Layla Hagen

  "You don't mind if it's a naked tour, do you?" I ask. The glimpse of shock and desire in his eyes? Priceless.

  I start by showing him the walk-in closet adjacent to his bedroom, and then as I tiptoe out of the room, I'm overcome by a sense of giddiness. Christopher walks a few feet behind me, which I suspect is so he can gaze unabashedly at my ass. I add an extra sway to my hips to test my theory. His sharp intake of breath is my answer.

  I've never seen myself as a vixen or a seductress, but Christopher is bringing that side out of me. The tour takes less than ten minutes, during which I do all the talking, and Christopher does all the gawking. Well, that last part isn't exactly true; I admire him too when he isn’t looking. This man is a piece of art. Every muscle is sculpted beautifully, and I commit every inch of him to memory.

  Because the smell of burned cookies still lingers in the kitchen and living room, we open the door to the balcony but close it quickly. The weather has clearly received the wrong memo. It's November, not December! Even though we closed the door within seconds, I swear the cold has seeped into my bones. On the bright side, my nipples have turned to pebbles, something Christopher is appreciating greatly.


  "I had all your boxes brought over," I inform him on a more serious tone once we're both dressed, and I'm about to leave.

  I collaborated with his sister Alice on that one. When Christopher abruptly took off to Seattle, he hadn't packed up the things at his old apartment, so she did it for him. "But I didn't unpack them. I thought you'd prefer to do it yourself."

  "Not really looking forward to that, but I'll start on it today. One question though. Why did you put sheets on my bed?"

  I grin. "For the same reason you had a condom in your back pocket."

  "You little feisty thing."

  "You wake up a wild side in me."

  He rests his hands on my waist, peppering my temple with kisses. "Back at you."

  From the bedroom, the alarm on my phone blares again. "I have to hurry to pick up the kids." Tipping my head upward, I look at him expectantly, nearly burning with anticipation.

  "No good-bye kiss for you today as punishment for teasing me since we woke up."

  "Is that your last word?"

  "Yeah, and I'm sticking to it come hell or high water."

  "Famous last words, Bennett. Famous last words."

  Chapter Nineteen


  At six o'clock, I finish throwing away the last of my boxes, and the apartment finally looks like it's lived in. Looking around the living room, I can proudly say Victoria did a great job making this place look like a home. There’s just one problem. It's huge, and I am one person. What the hell was I thinking when I bought this place?

  I wanted to live in this building, and I wanted the top floor. The three penthouses were all huge, so it's not as if I had much of a choice, but standing inside now, it seems like a dumb choice. Demolishing the walls of the five bedrooms to merge them into two hasn't chipped away at the square feet. The space feels empty, especially after having had Victoria here, and it's too quiet. Lucas would have a field day. The living room alone is so huge, he could play soccer, which is an excellent reason to invite them over. Reaching for my phone, I'm about to message Victoria when I see she’s already sent me one.

  Victoria: Talked to the kids! It went well.

  “Well” wasn't exactly the word I was hoping for, but it'll do for now. I call her right away, pacing the living room.

  "Hey, handsome," she answers.

  "You never called me that before."

  "Hmm, after recent events, an upgrade was in order."

  "Recent events? Is this code for ‘I'm not alone’?"


  "I have an idea. Why don't you and the kids come over? We could watch a movie or something."

  "Ah, we were about to ask you to come over here, if you don't have plans."

  “Tell him to bring ice cream too,” Chloe yells in the background.

  "I don't have plans. I can be at your house in about forty minutes. With ice cream."

  "That's great, but no ice cream because we're eating enough junk food tonight as it is." Her background goes quiet, and I assume she went into another room. "I'm alone now."

  "So how well did telling them go?"

  "They like you a lot, so that helped. Sienna was already on top of things. Chloe asked what the specific difference between a friend and a boyfriend is. I…. Is it okay I said you're my boyfriend? I mean, we haven't officially—"

  "Yes, Victoria. It's perfectly okay. I am your handsome boyfriend."

  She laughs softly in response. "Yeah, so I explained the difference, and then she asked if it means she'll have a sister/cousin. So I had to give her and Lucas the birds and bees talk."

  "It required giving them the birds and bees talk? Jesus!" I stop pacing, dragging my hand down my face.

  "Yep. Pretty sure Lucas knew I was bullshitting."

  "He's nine. Of course, he did."

  "Anyway, all in all, I think neither of them should ask you about a wedding or something. And they can't wait to have you over. You can sleep here too, if you want."

  Grabbing my car keys and a jacket, I head out the door. "Are you kidding? Of course, I want to. I'm on my way."

  "I have to get back to them now. I left the three of them alone in the kitchen. Last time I did that, Lucas snuck chili peppers in the cookie dough when Sienna wasn't looking. She needs backup. Drive safe, handsome."

  "What's it take to be upgraded to the next level?"


  "I'm not really happy with the handsome moniker. I have a few suggestions. They're far better."

  "You suck at negotiating. Get your ass over here, Bennett."


  I walk up Victoria's front steps a while later. Sienna opens the door before I even ring the bell.

  "Come in." She gives me a solid “I approve of you” smile.

  When I sent the flowers two weeks ago, I was hoping Victoria wouldn't be home when they arrived, so Sienna would have time to inspect them. I knew she'd read the card. I'm not often sneaky, but when I am, it's for a good cause, such as winning Sienna to my side.

  "Victoria had to run to the store, but she'll be home in a few minutes."

  I follow her into the living room, where Lucas and Chloe are sitting on the couch. Both are silent, which is my first clue that something's up. Growing up, the only time our house was silent was when some serious shit went down, and we wanted to keep it from Mom and Dad. Not that we ever managed to; Mom had a sixth sense when it came to those things.

  "What are we watching?" I ask them, breaking the weird silence.

  "We haven't decided yet," Lucas answers. "Chloe, take your position."

  Huh? Chloe half walks, half crawls to the armrest. Kneeling on it, she props her tiny hands on the windowsill, peering outside. Lucas mouths to Sienna, “You first.”

  "Okay, what's going on?" I ask, sitting on the ottoman opposite the couch. "I feel like I'm missing something. What's Chloe doing at the window?"

  "Sounding the alarm when I see Victoria," the girl responds, which only further confuses me.

  "If we don't hurry up, she’ll be home soon," Lucas tells his older sister. "Cheese-flavored popcorn is easy to find."

  "Nah, I told her to buy nachos with guacamole instead," Sienna says thoughtfully. "Those are never where they’re supposed to be. I always have to ask the clerk to bring it from the back."

  "What's going on?" I repeat.

  "We wanted to talk to you," Lucas says.

  "When Victoria's not around," Sienna adds.

  Ah, and now it becomes crystal clear. I'm being ambushed.

  "Let's hear it."

  "Victoria told us today you guys are dating," Sienna begins, and the “I approve of you” smile is gone. "And we like you."

  "Okay…," I say cautiously, not feeling very liked right now.

  "We want to know if you're serious about h
er," Sienna says.

  Well, I'll be damned. Over the years, I've heard variations of the talk from a lot of people, including my own family. I usually dismissed their questioning with a variation of “It's none of your business,” but seeing these kids look up at me with hope… this is a whole new set of expectations. And I don't want to let them down.

  "I am," I answer without hesitation.

  "How serious?" Lucas presses.

  "Are we getting a new sister?" Chloe asks, snapping her gaze from the window to me.

  "It wouldn't be a sister," Lucas corrects instantly. "It would be a niece. Victoria already explained."

  "Whatever." Chloe darts her tongue at her brother. "Are we getting a new baby? I don't want to be the baby forever." She practically winces at the word “baby,” and she's downright adorable. But I'd be a liar not to admit that hearing that word made my entire stomach coil with panic.

  “You’re not a baby anymore,” Lucas says. “You’re a midget now.”

  “I am not.” Chloe balls her little hands into fists.

  "Lucas, stop being mean to Chloe,” Sienna hisses. "Chloe, you're our lookout. Lucas and I are asking the questions."

  "Okay, listen up. Relationships between adults are complicated, but Victoria and I want to make this work," I tell them.

  "That sounds like bullshit," Lucas affirms.

  "Language," Sienna, Chloe, and I say at the same time.

  "He’s right, Lucas," Sienna explains patiently. "Relationships are complicated."

  I grimace, trying not to give too much thought to how much she knows about relationships firsthand. She's only seventeen. I make a mental note to do some digging on this topic later on when I'm back in Sienna's good graces.

  "But you're going to take care of Victoria and spoil her, right?" Sienna presses.

  "I give you my word."

  "If you make her cry, don't forget I have my sisters' backs. I protect them. That's what brothers do." Lucas frowns in a very un-Lucas way, crossing his arms over his chest. I have déjà vu, remembering the day I told him that. Talking to these kids is like talking to the police. Everything you say can and will be used against you.

  "You'd better, buddy," I encourage. "That's what siblings are for. Kicking any guy's ass who messes with his sister."

  Sienna smiles, and Lucas gives me a thumbs-up, and I know the grilling is over. Just in time too, because Chloe squeaks, "Victoria's here."

  "You two sit on the couch, bickering as usual." Sienna points her siblings to the couch. "I'll bring the cookies."

  "I'll help," I offer, following her to the kitchen.

  "Err… I think Lucas got into his character a little too much," Sienna says once we're out of earshot. "He wasn't nearly as menacing when we rehearsed."

  "You rehearsed this?" I ask in amazement.

  Sienna gives me a sheepish look while opening the oven and taking out the cookies. "After the airport incident, I thought it was for the best. Victoria already talked to us today, but we wanted to hear your version too. I'm glad you and Victoria are dating. It's been hardest for her. We all miss our parents." Her eyes become glassy, but then she takes a deep breath, smiling again. "But Victoria also had to take care of us on top of it all, and she's kind of put her personal life on hold. Just take care of her, okay?"

  "Will do."

  We carry the cookies in bowls to the living room, where Victoria awaits.

  "Nachos with guacamole," Victoria barks. "Sienna, I'm murdering you. I had to wait forever for the vendor to bring it from the back."

  Sienna's cheeks turn pink as she relieves Victoria of the bags.

  "Hope you survived this bunch on your own," Victoria says when she sees me. "How long have you been here?"

  Sienna shoots me a panicked look from behind Victoria, shaking her head, and it doesn't take a genius to know what she means. Don't tell her.

  "I just arrived," I tell Victoria, winking at Sienna, who lets out a breath of relief. It'll be our secret. We unpack all the goodies she bought, laying them out on the coffee table, loading it down.

  "What are we watching?" I ask.

  "We want to watch the first Percy Jackson movie again," Sienna says, backed up by an eager Chloe and Lucas.

  "I want to see that romantic comedy with doctors that came out last year," Victoria says, making me wince. The woman truly has dreadful taste in movies.

  "You're outnumbered," Lucas points out.

  "Christopher hasn't cast his vote,” Victoria retaliates. “And his vote counts twice."

  "Why?" the kids ask in unison.

  "Because I need someone on my side." She looks at me expectantly. The wheels start turning in my head, measuring my chances of being denied the pleasure of sinking into her tonight if I don't side with her.

  Fuck this. I'm not putting myself and the kids—but mostly myself because I'm a selfish bastard—through two hours of hell just to get laid. Besides, I'm confident enough in my seductive abilities to persuade Victoria in case I have to.

  "I vote Percy Jackson."

  Victoria gasps. The kids burst out laughing at the same time.

  "I'm sorry, but you have terrible taste," I inform her.

  "I keep telling her that," Sienna says.

  "I can't believe you're siding with them." Victoria folds her arms over her chest, shaking her head. "Fine, you all win. Let's watch Percy Jackson for the tenth time," she says with a huff, sitting at the far corner of the couch. When I attempt to sit next to her, she gives me the evil eye, plopping her bowl of cookies there.

  "My cookies need their own seat," she states.

  Right. I foresee a lot of seductive work being required tonight. But I'm more than up to the task.

  Within a few minutes, the room is dark, the TV is on, and we're watching in silence.

  I sit next to Victoria's bowl. Lucas sits next to me. Chloe and Sienna are at the other end of the couch, wolfing down nachos with guacamole. Midway through the movie, Chloe changes places, wiggling herself between Victoria and me while holding the bowl in her lap. As Chloe rests her little head against my arm, it dawns on me how trusting these kids are. Yeah, their almost-intimidating attempt at grilling me was a surprise, but they've been accepting and welcome all-around. I make myself a promise. I won’t let them down.

  I peek at Victoria, who is watching Chloe with a bright smile. She snaps her gaze up, sending me an air kiss, and I know I'm forgiven. But that doesn't mean I won't employ some of my world-class seduction techniques. It'd be a shame to waste them.

  After the movie ends, Victoria informs Chloe that it's her bedtime, and it's non-negotiable. Chloe pouts for a few good minutes, but by the frequency of her yawns, even she knows she'll fall asleep soon.

  "I'm going up with Chloe to make sure she goes through her routine," Sienna tells Victoria, in an obvious attempt to give us some alone time.

  "Lucas, are you coming upstairs too?" Sienna inquires, but Lucas is too busy rattling about his latest soccer game to do anything more than shake his head. Sienna glares at him but doesn't insist.

  Some ten minutes later, we move from talking about soccer moves to soccer players when Chloe pops into the living room wearing neon green pajamas and clutching a book against her chest.

  "I'm coming right away to read your story, Chloe," Victoria says. "Lucas, you should really go to bed too."

  "But Christopher is still telling me about the players."

  "Let's make a deal," I chime in. "Lucas and I will clean up while talking, and when we're done, he'll go to bed."

  Lucas nods eagerly and pumps his fist in the air when Victoria agrees.

  Chapter Twenty


  After Chloe falls asleep, I tiptoe out of her room. Soft music comes from Sienna's room, and I'm about to check if Lucas is up too when I see him climbing the staircase, smiling before disappearing in the bathroom. Descending the stairs, I find Christopher in the kitchen, looking sexy as sin.


  Snapping his
head up, he glances my way, offering me a sly smile. "You're a quick reader."

  "Chloe fell asleep when I reached the part where Cinderella sneaks away to go to the ball."

  I lean against the counter and Christopher encircles me in his arms. His presence fills the room, and I can't help thinking how effortlessly he’s slipped into our routine. It scares me. He drags the back of his hand down my cheek in a gesture so tender, I all but melt in his arms.

  "I don't get why Cinderella is considered a story fit for kids," he says with a smirk.

  "Huh? What are you talking about?"

  "She snuck out of her house, trusted a completely random woman to give her clothes—by the way, I think that was code for she got high and imagined a fairy godmother—and then made out with a guy she barely knew."

  For all of two seconds, I'm convinced he's pulling my leg, but nope. My man is serious.

  "She didn't actually make out with the prince. And her family was evil."

  "That's beside the point. What kind of example is that for young, impressionable girls?" He pinches his brows together, frowning as if concentrating on solving a mystery.

  "You win the trophy for the world’s most adorabilicious man."

  "That's not a word," he deadpans.

  "I just made it one. Relax, they're just stories."


  "You know, we've been alone for almost a minute, and you haven't even tried to kiss me."

  "Counting the seconds, were you?"

  I shrug one shoulder, trying to play it cool.

  "After the whole movie debate, I was sure I had to work hard to get back in your good graces."

  "I admit I was going to grill you pretty hard, but your adorabiliciousness changed my mind."

  "Stop repeating that word."

  "Why? Is it assaulting your masculinity?"

  "Ah, no, thanks for the concern. My masculinity is just fine, thank you. My ego on the other hand—"

  I silence him by popping open the top button of his shirt and placing a kiss on the patch of skin I revealed. He sucks in a deep breath as I lick the hollow at the base of his neck.

  Christopher backs me against the kitchen counter, rocking his hips into me. I swallow when I realize he’s hard as steel. Pushing a strand of hair behind my ear, he tilts my head up.


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