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Trent (Redemption Romance Book 4)

Page 4

by Anna Scott

  Yanking the top three buttons opened, I kicked off my shoes and tried to get comfortable in the monkey suit. It was impossible.

  “Why don’t you change?” Amber asked, speaking quietly, still focused on her tracing.

  “I have a bag in the car, but I don’t want to get up and go get it.”

  “You have stuff in your drawers,” Amber admitted, sounding as if she were confessing something.

  Knowing that she hadn’t gotten rid of my things, that she hadn’t even moved them was a balm to my battered soul. It was as if she knew I would be back for her. Kissing the top of her head, I lifted her into my arms as I walked into the bedroom.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” Amber shrieked as I tossed her onto the bed.

  “I’m lonely. I wanted you to come in here with me.” I told her, trying to pout so she’d take pity on me and never leave me alone again.

  Rolling her eyes at me, she shook her head and flopped back onto the bed. As soon as the sound of my drawer opening bounced around the otherwise quiet room, I heard the movement of bedsprings as she moved up to prop her head on her hand. Just for fun, and to torture her a little, I took my time with each and every button, making sure I flexed my muscles as I worked.

  Since I was facing the dresser, she had a perfect view of my ass and back. I was doing my best to remember that dumbass male stripper movie she made me watch one night. She’d offered me a blowjob right in the middle of it, and hey, yeah, blowjob, right? But no, I mean, there were dudes stripping on the screen. If my dick got hard, I had no idea what that would do to me, but I didn’t want to take the chance and weird myself out. Besides, what if I couldn’t get hard, then she would have been all upset or something. With all that shit still in my head, I put what I learned from the movie to good use.

  I backed up from the dresser far enough that I could bend over without smacking my face. Bending one leg, to pull the trouser pants tighter, I pressed back into the fabric, giving her the perfect view. I took my time removing one sock and then the other, tossing them back over my shoulder as I did.

  If I turned around and she wasn’t watching, I’d lose my fucking mind. Forcing myself to stay in character, I didn’t look, but fuck did I want to. Trying to make unbuttoning a shirt look sexy was difficult. That shit was not sexy. Neither were socks. There was nothing sexy about pulling off dress socks.

  I remembered a few years ago, a stupid video went around about business socks for 'business time.' That shit was funny, and I had to stop myself from chuckling as I thought about it. I was almost tempted to put the socks back on and let her know that these were my business socks because this was business time. But, I didn’t, I held my shit together and stayed focused. Sexy undershirt. Yep, my undershirt was so sexy, I had to rub my chest while I pulled it off, over my head.

  As with the socks and shirt before, the undershirt went sailing across the room, to destinations unknown. I was shirtless, erect and so horny I could probably cum in two pumps, and remembered that I was supposed to be taking this thing slow. Fuck, why was I stripping for her like a fucking moron if I wasn’t going to touch her?

  I was going to have a serious case of blue balls. I wondered if she would have something like that too, blue pussy. That sounded like a drink. Something my sister would order at the bar, ‘three blue pussies please,’ her crazy ass would probably make that up too, just to get a reaction out of people, then she’d pretend not to notice.

  Hearing Amber's excited gasp from across the room brought my focus back and encouraged me to continue. Maybe I could get her off at least, that would be taking it slow, right? Why was I taking it slow? I couldn’t remember right now, maybe I’d remember after I touched her again.

  The hiss of her iPod dock sounded, just before the thumping beat of Ginuwine’s "Pony" started to play. Damn woman. I had to fight my laughter but did my best to stay in the moment. Turning my back to her once again, I opened the fly of my pants, moved my ass in rhythm with the beat and slowly slipped my hand inside. I turned to the side so she could see the downward motion of my hand. Gliding it back up, over my abs then my chest, I tweaked one of my flat nipples and almost winced in pain.

  My free hand got into it too, I felt like an asshole, rubbing all over myself like that, but I heard Amber snicker a couple of times, so at least I was entertaining her. If she got turned on, that would be great, but if all she did was laugh, I'd take that too.

  After slipping both hands under the waistband of my pants, I pushed them down, trying hard to stay focused and keep my movements in rhythm. When they were down around my knees, I grabbed the top of her dresser and moved my hips, mimicking fucking her against it, which I’d done many times before.

  I could feel the heat of her gaze, and I loved it. I’d missed the shit out of this girl and the fucking crazy ass fun we’d had together. She’d been the best woman I’d ever known. Letting loose, I got into the music, and forgot all about taking it slow.

  Moving from the dresser to the wall, I spun around, let my pants fall the rest of the way down, leaving me in just my skin tight boxer briefs. They were her favorite, and I knew she could see the outline of my dick, as well as the piercings strategically placed in it. The ink on my biceps, chest just above the waistband of my briefs turned her on every time.

  With my back against the wall, I moved to the music, one hand above my head. I pressed back into the wall, which I knew would accentuate my muscles. Keeping my eyes closed, I knew I’d never get through this if I looked at her, most likely we'd both start laughing.

  My free hand skimmed down my bare chest, pinched a nipple again, but much more gently this time. Then with one finger, I slipped under my briefs. I didn’t let her see the prize, she loved to be teased, so I figured I’d give her exactly what she liked.

  Wrapping my fingers tight around my throbbing dick, I kept my hand still, fingered the apadravya piercing and fucked my fist, allowing her to see the exaggerated movements my hips were making.

  Finally, I lifted my chin and opened my eyes, making eye contact with Amber. She was sitting on the side of the bed, completely naked, legs spread wide, and running her finger from her mouth to her nipple. Jesus, I had to squeeze my dick really hard all of a sudden to keep from cumming in my shorts.

  Deciding to move this thing along, the song started again, she’d put it on a continuous loop, obviously. As I moved to her, I slipped the hand from myself and wrapped it around the back of her head. Thrusting toward her with the music, I crouched down, allowing my hands to glide over her skin then I captured her wrists and placed them on my chest.

  As I moved in front of her, she slid her hands up and down my abs, my chest, over my hips, to my ass, down to my legs and back up to my arms.

  Amber's hand paused, and her entire body stilled completely as she found the words that had been added to the tattoo on my right arm. “Forever Amber” was now scrolled below an intricate flower design.

  My body stopped, and I watched her, curious how she'd respond. She looked at the letters, then traced them with her sweet fingers until she finally met my stare.

  “Trent?” She asked quietly.

  “It was always you, Amber, only you.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes once again, but this time, I was able to run my thumbs under her eyes and catch them. Leaning in I kissed the apple of each cheek.

  “It was only you, for me too.” She admitted, giving me the information I desperately wanted but had been afraid to ask.

  With both hands cradling her face, I kissed her with every bit of love I felt. Pressing her back, I followed her down onto the mattress. Instinctively, we began the rhythm of two people who’d been intimate more times than we could count. We knew exactly where to touch, how to kiss, when to stroke. There was no fumbling. Amber played my body like a master, and I worshiped hers like it was my lifelong mission, which it was.

  Kissing across her collar bone, she shivered in delight, so I sucked her soft skin into my mouth, laving it with my tongue.
I pressed my erection into her naked, wet, puffy lips and stroked over her clit, rubbing the metal ball over her and putting pressure on all the right places. She’d always loved my piercings. When we first started dating she’d begged me for the story, which I, of course, did not tell her.

  Our lovemaking had turned from fun and playful to sensual and intimate. The music, however, hadn’t changed, so it was easy to fall into that rhythm once again. Kissing down her center, I licked her tight nipples but kept on going. I knew what she liked, her pussy would drip for me. I could lick her in just the right spot, and she’d blow.

  I could remember the first time I’d gone down on her, we’d been in my truck, after eating dinner out. She’d been kissing the side of my neck, pressed up against me in the truck. As she ran her hands up and down my arms and chest, teasing me, playing with me, I could smell her increased arousal. I’d pulled off on an old farm road, then crowded her back, so she leaned against the passenger door.

  Pushing up her legs, so her feet were flat on the seat, her skirt fell away naturally, revealing the smallest pair of lacy red panties I’d ever seen. First, licking her over the lace, I brought her to climax, nipping at her clit with my teeth. Then I moved the fabric to the side and fucked her hard with my tongue until she came all over my face.

  Thankfully, now she was already naked, so I had no barrier between my girl and me. Lapping, laving, licking, sucking, biting, stroking, fingering, plunging, loving, every single thing I can do to her cunt, I did. I relished in the feel of her tight walls, constricting around my finger and tongue over and over again until she begged me to stop.

  Moving up over her, I whispered "I remembered what you taste like, I never forgot. I've dreamed about it so many times."

  Amber tilted her lips up and caught my mouth with hers. Her kiss was appreciative and lust filled. I knew she'd be able to taste herself on my lips. That was something that always got her going before.

  Breaking away from the most perfect mouth, I leaned over to look at the floor and searched for my pants. If she had condoms in her nightstand, they’d be expired by now. Thankfully, I’d had the forethought to bring one, or maybe two.

  As I leaned farther over the side, I looked all around for my damned pants, then, of course, Amber, being the little vixen she was, pushed me off the side when I was leaned over far enough in my search. Rolling onto the floor, I sprawled on my back and looked up at her as she peered over the edge of the bed at me. She was smiling full out, and I couldn’t help the smirk on my face. Shaking my head in laughter, I lifted up off the floor and propped up on my bent elbows.

  “Do you see my pants?”

  Looking around, she searched the room, then crawled across the bed to on the other side. Pulling myself up quietly, I moved around and just as she leaned half off the bed, I grabbed her ribs and tickled.

  Her quick jerking movements sent her scrambling, trying not to fall, arms and legs flailing. I snatched her around the waist before she fell and pulled her up against me.

  Sitting back on the bed with her in my lap, I smiled, then leaned down to grab the elusive pants. Finally, I pulled a condom from the hidden interior pocket and tossed it toward the top of the bed.

  Amber cocked her head to the side, looked toward the pillows and back at me, brows wrinkled in question. “What’s that for?” She asked.

  “Um, if you don’t want to tonight, that’s fine,” I stuttered and stammered, not fully sure how to proceed.

  “No, I mean, I’m still on the shot. Or, do you not trust it? Because of...” she looked away, unable to meet my eyes. I knew she was thinking about, that horrible night.

  “No, sweetness, that’s fine, I didn’t want to assume anything.”

  “You haven’t... I mean... have you... you know, have you been with anyone?”

  My heart sank, and I was sure my look was horrified. Just thinking about anyone else like that, made me feel sick.

  “Of course not, I told you, it’s only you. Okay?”

  Her sweet smile and slight nod were all the encouragement I needed. Frankly, I’d be fine if she got pregnant again, though it about killed us both last time with how things ended.

  She’d been on antibiotics while on birth control. Even knowing the risks, we forgot about double coverage a couple of times in the weeks following. Though it hadn’t been planned, it wasn’t a mistake, not to me. Even if it was only for a short time, this woman carried my baby inside her. If she’d never allowed me back in her life, I didn’t know what I would have done, because I didn’t think I could ever look at another woman after that.

  Creating life with someone, even if it didn’t turn out how you wished it would, was such a profound event that I knew my life would never be the same. Amber would forever be the mother of my first child, whether we had more or not.

  Holding this beautiful, strong, resilient woman in my arms again, felt like a dream come true. Our night of reunion moved from uncertainty and grief to humor, and intimate passion.

  Amber’s naked body pressed against mine. I sat up on the edge of her bed, my feet on the floor, and she was sitting on my lap, facing me, arms and legs wrapped around me. My arms held tight around her as we kissed and caressed, exploring every piece of one another’s body again.

  As her hand grazed over my bicep, she pulled away from my mouth and looked down at the new ink once again. The script was small, for me alone, but she’d found it. I wondered what she thought about it, did she think it was stupid?

  “This is beautiful,” Amber whispered, her head laying against my chest, her gaze focused on my arm.

  Kissing the top of her head, I laid my cheek there and stroked her back. “I can’t let you go again, Amber, not ever again.”

  “How am I going to go to work?”

  Chuckling, I shook my head slightly and squeezed her tighter.

  “You’re not unless you want to go to work just like this.”

  She shrugged, like she was considering it, then pinched the skin on my back.

  “Ouch, you’re just mean.”

  “Yeah, you know, if you took me to work like this, with you only in your boxer briefs, we’d get more customers. I’m not sure if they would buy more, though.”

  “You’re a nut.”

  “I know, that’s why you like me.”

  “Nope, it’s why I love you. Big difference.” Placing a finger under her chin, I lifted it once more, bringing her lips back to mine. Our kiss was deep, sweet and passionate and lasted a long time.

  Completely lost in Amber, I started to lay back on the bed, but something was behind me, so I pushed it out of my way. Laying back, I rolled us, so she was under me and with one hand, I began to move my shorts down.

  As my ass was uncovered something strangely rough and damp moved across my skin. Jolting out of my lust induced haze, I pulled my face away from Amber, turned and saw Snowball. He was smelling me and had apparently licked my ass.

  “Jesus, that fucking cat just licked me,” I shouted, beginning to move.

  Pulling me closer again, she hindered my movements. “He’s not going to do anything.”

  Unsure if I believed her and a bit creeped out that the damn cat had licked me, I gave it a skeptical look, then turned to her iPod.

  “Here we go, this is perfect,” I told her, pressing my lips to hers once more.

  “You were done with the hip hop portion of the night?”

  “Yeah, I can only handle so much.”

  “You could strip to this, too, you know.”

  Moving my head from side to side, as if considering it, I looked down at her, her hair was spread out all around, the long curls wild and free, she looked unkempt and disheveled, I loved it.

  Luke Bryan played on, one song faded into another, as we got lost in each other once again. My lips and hands touched every part of her body. I knew it as well as I knew my own, we were back to the pair we were meant to be.

  My shorts were long gone, and I throbbed to push inside her when she
wrapped her slender fingers around me and positioned me at her opening. She was so tight, as tight as she’d been the first time. She held me as I pushed inside. She liked to touch, to feel us together, and I loved that she did.

  There was nothing more sensual to me, then touching the place where we were joined. Taking her mouth and kissing her in rhythm with the slow country beat, in time with the movement of my hips, we were one again.

  Slowly, moving inside the tight walls, her pussy gripped me. Amber felt amazing. She was so much better than my hand, the only thing I’d felt in months. Pressing my nose into the crook of her neck, I inhaled her peachy scent and lost myself in bliss.

  Amber came down from her third orgasm just as I began to tip over the edge. A sudden burst of rightness shot through me, I was right where I should always be. I’d fight anyone, even Amber, to keep her right there with me, forever.

  As she fell asleep in my arms that night, I held her close, caressed her hair and reveled in the beauty we had in store for us in our future.

  Chapter 3


  Soft fur brushed across my cheek, and as I was still firmly in dreamland, I turned my face away from Snowball and into smooth, tight, firm skin. Skin that smelled an awful lot like Trent. Shocked, I open my eyes, blinking several times as my eyes focused. It was him, I hadn't been dreaming after all.

  A hand came up to brush my hair as he leaned in and kissed the top of my head. “Good morning, sweetness,” he murmured sleepily, as he pulled me in tighter.

  “I thought it was all a dream,” I confessed.

  “A dream come true, maybe.”

  In that moment, I was so happy that I was actually afraid of it. Trent and I had been happy once before, and it had all gone terribly wrong. I wouldn’t push him away again. He decided that he wanted to pull me back in, and he knew what he was giving up to do it. It had been so long, he’d had ample opportunity to move on and he hadn’t. I had to trust that he knew his own heart, his own mind. I didn’t, however, trust that our relationship would be able to sustain whatever the world threw at us next.


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