Trent (Redemption Romance Book 4)

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Trent (Redemption Romance Book 4) Page 11

by Anna Scott

  Over the next several months, we worked hard and started the store. I worked with her on the side at first, since we hadn’t both needed to be in most days. I had been able to work with a family friend at another high-end boutique, doing her books and working on her low-level marketing campaign until Aurora needed me to be present in the store more often.

  No one except Trent and probably Luke, knew about our arrangement. It was Aurora’s dream to have it as her own, and I was happy to let her have it, though I was involved with decision making and was responsible for the majority of the accounting. Aurora had mostly paid me back, so now I only held a small percentage in the actual business. I enjoyed working at Indulgence, we all worked hard and were compensated well for our efforts. Additionally, I had made other investments over the years that ensured that I didn’t need to look for a higher paying job. I was secure financially, though not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination.

  The rest of the meal with my parents and subsequent visiting time went rather well. The drive home had been quiet, and I knew Trent well enough to know that he had something to say, but wasn’t sure he should. I encouraged him to tell me, but he held his silence. I understood that, mostly.


  The following days flew by quickly as we found our new normal. Trent and I spent most every night together at my house. A night or two each week, we went into Dallas and stayed at his condo downtown. The change was nice and I wondered if he missed being home. His space was sparse, devoid of emotion. Very few personal items or mementos cluttered his house. It was sad and I wondered if he felt at home there.

  I took the day off Tuesday, and Dawn Wednesday since Aurora was back in the store. It had been great to have a little down time. I took it easy and when my mom called, I hadn’t answered. I spent the entire day cleaning up the house and doing laundry. Okay mostly, I laid on the couch with my feet in fluffy hot pink socks and sleep shorts, reading a new book. I was absolutely addicted all of the novels by Jill Shalvis. Her Animal Attraction series was my favorite, one I read over and over again. My house, thankfully wasn’t messy, just a bit dusty so I had plenty of time for reading.

  “So you and Trent are actually a thing now?” Aurora asked, totally prying into my personal business and not caring one bit about it. I had just walked into the store Wednesday morning as she bombarded me with her nosey question.

  “Yep.” I grinned, knowing that my non-answer would irritate her.

  Hands on hips, she glared at me in the 'spill it' look she was so good at. I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

  Stomping her little foot in the faux-fit, she was pretending to throw a little tantrum. It was something we liked to do sometimes, just joking around with each other. Sadly, for Aurora, I did the best fake fits. We strived to out attitude each other, usually plunging us into ridiculous fits of laughter. I won that contest several times over the past couple of years.

  I started to laugh at her before I could answer. I wasn’t holding back from her, not from my bestie, I just hadn’t gotten a chance to share yet. That seemed ridiculous even in my own head since I had kept so much from her before.

  “All right, all right, keep your panties on.”

  She sat and crossed her arms, waiting for the dirt.

  “Fine, yes. Trent and I are together. No this isn’t a new thing. We dated quietly a while ago. It didn’t work out, so now we’re going to give it another shot.” Pretty satisfied with my explanation, I relaxed.

  That had been my first mistake. Aurora knew me better than almost anyone – except Trent of course.

  “So, I hear things are serious with you. When did this start back up?”

  “After the wedding. He took me home, and we worked things out that night.”

  She seemed to be waiting for something or considering her next words. I stood patiently waiting and putting my things away. I started to pull up the inventory reports I needed to work on when she spoke again.

  “You’ve been back together for just over a week, and it’s serious?”


  “Uh huh,” her hesitation worried me, I had no idea what would come out of her mouth next.

  “How long did you date before?”

  Apparently, I took a little too long to answer, because her mouth tightened and her fierce look zeroed in on me.

  “A few months.”

  “Months?” She shouted the sound reverberated off the walls around the room.

  Nodding, I watched her. I worried, knowing what was coming next.


  “Last summer.”

  Her face paled, brows shot up to the ceiling, and I thought I could see smoke coming out of her ears as she considered what I just told her.

  “When did you break up?”

  I hesitated a few seconds, not wanting to bring up her brother. It had been such a difficult time for all of us, and we couldn’t keep living it. I knew she’d pull the information out of me, so instead of dragging it out I finally admitted, “Just before Nolan died.”

  Aurora’s eyes closed and her body visibly shuddered. I knew that she was reliving that time, as she so often did when the subject was brought up. She was a lot better, thanks to the passage of time, Luke’s love, and support, and her own immeasurable strength.

  “The week you were out sick?”

  “Yeah, that’s when we broke up.” God, I hoped she’d stop. I wasn’t as strong as she was, obviously. She dealt with her brother’s decision to take his life. It had been horribly difficult, but she was carrying on. I had miscarried a baby and couldn’t even talk about it. I couldn’t even talk about it with Trent. He was the only person who knew and I started crying when I just thought about it and how much he was giving up to be with me.

  I wondered what I could do to be stronger, to be more like she was. I needed to learn how to move past the pain.

  I knew from my mom that the pain was always there, just under the surface. It got easier to deal with, easier to accept in time. I hadn’t done that, not even close. I brushed it under the rug and hid from my agony and grief.

  Thankfully, it was time to open the store, and we were busy for most of the day. Trent came in that afternoon with Reed, both carrying Thai take out bags. We stood around the table in the back with the door open, listening and watching for customers. Technically, I was on lunch, and Aurora should have just been coming in since it was her day to close. I knew since she had been gone that she had a lot of work to catch up on. Mostly, she was trying to make up to Dawn and me for being gone, though she didn’t need to. It was her honeymoon after all.

  It didn’t take long for Reed to start in with the verbal jabs at Trent, about our seemingly blissful domesticity. Of course, Aurora couldn't help from giggling with every verbal strike.

  “God, can’t wait for tonight. You’ve been catching shit for months about your hang-dog face. What is Gavin going to find to irritate you this time?”

  Looking up at Reed in question, I remembered, “Oh, boys’ night.”

  “What, you’re not going to keep Trent home tied to your bed?” Reed looked truly concerned for his friend, but I knew he was screwing around.

  “That’s on the agenda for tomorrow, then he ties me up on Friday. Don’t worry Reed, we’ve got the schedule all worked out."

  The bell on the front door chimed, and since I was finished, I waived Aurora back down and walked up front to greet Gillian. The guys were in the back, so I knew she assumed we were alone when she started to talk – quickly.

  “Oh. My. God. I don’t know what to do. I got back last night, the place was a mess. My cousin was fine, but I think she’s into something. I tried to get her to sign the paper your dad gave me, but she wouldn’t even read it.” Gillian was exasperated, understandably so. She came in on Monday and told me that her cousin had finally resurfaced. The neighbor was understandably upset, feeling used and taken advantage of. Mostly she was worried about Missy's daughter.

  Thankfully, Kelly was young eno
ugh that she wouldn’t remember all the nonsense swirling around her. I agreed wholeheartedly with Gillian that something in the child’s life needed to change and quickly.

  I had talked to my dad and asked for his advice with Gillian’s permission. Since he was licensed in all the nearby states, which made a lot of family cases easier. He was able to practice in Louisiana. He got some form that would have given Gillian the ability to care for the little girl if something happened to the mother. Gillian left it with Missy, hoping that she would come to her senses at some point and sign it.

  The entire thing was a mess, and I felt for Gillian. She had a business to run here and her cousin’s nightmare there. She obviously couldn’t be in two places at once, and she wasn’t sure that going for custody of Kelly was the best idea since she had no idea what Missy was into.

  I led her to the chaise and sat one of the side chairs. Gillian’s back was to the storeroom. I noticed Reed lurking near the doorway and listening in. Since Gillian wasn’t saying anything derogatory, or telling me anything embarrassing or personal, I didn’t stop her. I might have been breaking the girl code, but I saw how he watched her and how he flirted with her over the past several months.

  Gillian had thwarted Reed’s attempts, but I had a feeling that if he found an opportunity to get in there, he’d take it, so I was helping him out. He was one of the kindest men I knew, so really I was doing her a favor. I hoped, otherwise, I might get kicked out of the sisterhood.

  “I’m just so worried. My mom doesn’t think that I should get involved. She thinks I should leave Kelly with Missy, and that is the best option if Missy isn’t using again. Mom doesn’t want to think of her only niece in trouble, and I understand that. Missy is the last link Mom has to her sister, but I’m trying to do what’s best for Kelly, and I don’t know what that is.”

  Nodding in understanding, I waited to see if she’d say anymore. When she didn’t, I suggested that she talk to my dad directly. I got his number and gave it to her, then walked into the back while she waited so I could grab his business card for her, which had all of his contact information. As I passed Reed, I gave him a questioning look, wondering why he hadn’t made a move.

  Laughing to myself, I watched as he seemed to come to his senses and stride toward her. Since her back was to him, she didn’t have any warning. I stopped and watched a minute and enjoyed the feel of Trent’s warm arms come around me and kiss the side of my head. We stood together for a moment, then he kissed me good-bye. As he slipped out the back door, I made eye contact with Aurora, who had watched Trent and me with avid fascination then moved by me to watch Reed and Gillian.

  From this distance, we couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he was apparently asking her something, and she kept shaking her head in response. When she started to look around the room, I walked back to her and gave her my dad’s card.

  “Hey, Gillian, how are you?” Aurora called as she walked through to the front of the store. Reed seemed frustrated, but I watched as a determined gleam entered his eyes. He kept his gaze firmly on Gillian. I knew that look, it had been the look Trent had given me many, many times. I almost felt sorry for the girl – almost.

  When I finally left for the day, it was well after six, later than I’d planned to stay. It had gotten really busy, so I'd needed to help Aurora out. I honestly didn’t know how she was planning to work so long. I had no idea what time she came in that morning, but she was going to close later.

  With the guys going out, I planned for a quiet night with Snowball. He had laid on my stomach most of the previous day, showing his great dissatisfaction when I got up to change over the laundry. I knew he could go for more cuddle time. He was a possessive cat and didn't like all the time I ignored him for Trent.

  Yoga pants on, a DVD of my favorite movie in the player and my dinner almost done, I was ready for the perfect night – as perfect as it could get without Trent. He called after I got home, telling me that he wasn’t coming by until after I was asleep, which I already knew. He was sweet, as always, but we'd only spoken for a few minutes.

  A knock at the front door surprised me, it wasn’t late, not all the way dark yet but I wasn’t expecting anyone, and it was too late for solicitors. Looking through the peephole, I saw a man looking away from the door. I hadn't ever seen him before, but he seemed to be looking out over the street.

  Opening the door until it caught on the chain, I asked, “Can I help you?”

  With a quick glance at me, the man donned an insincere smile that he probably thought looked charming and greeted me.

  “Amber, darling. How are you?”

  I was taken off guard with his odd greeting since I had no idea who the man was. With one hand hidden behind the door, I slid the locking cap on the can of pepper spray I was holding, to the open position. Narrowing my eyes at the older man, I surveyed him. He had blonde hair, which seemed to be turning white around his ears and face and dull, lifeless blue eyes. He was tall, over six feet for sure and looked fit for a man his age. He was in his mid to late fifties if I had to guess, though I wasn’t sure. He looked like maybe life had been a bit rough on him, that maybe he’d aged more rapidly than normal.

  “I’m sorry, have we met?” My tone was polite but cold.

  “Oh dear, I’m sorry. Of course not. I’m Trent’s dad, Joseph. Is he here?”

  I didn’t know much about Joseph, but I did know that Trent wasn’t close to him. Something had happened when Trent was a teenager, and his father had gone to prison. A chill ran down my spine, and I knew that something was off here. This man wasn’t here for a nice visit with his only son.

  “No, he isn’t. Do you want me to ask him to get in touch with you?” I cursed myself for letting him know that I was home alone. I didn't know this man but something told me to be wary of him.

  His lips tightened infinitesimally, but I noticed. “Why don’t you give me his cell number, sweetheart? I’ve just gotten a new phone and for some reason, I’ve lost his contact information.”

  That damn fake smile was effortless for him. That man was such a snake, I could almost see his scales.

  “Oh, that’s got to be annoying. Leave me your number and I’ll give it to him.”

  There was no way in hell I would give out Trent’s number. I didn’t give two shits who this guy was, it was obvious to me that he was up to something. After he recited the number, and I dutifully wrote it down, I nodded and began to shut the door, but paused and looked at him one more time when he warned, "You need to be sure he calls me, understand?"

  There wasn't any obvious threat, but it was still delivered as one. I was concerned. Nodding, with furrowed brows, I closed the door and locked it securely.

  Grabbing my cell phone, I hit Trent's number. I hated to call and disturb him. He had probably only been at the bar an hour or so, and these nights out were important for the guys to get together and bond. I knew, though that he needed to know what was going on.

  Chapter 6


  "Hey sweets, you okay?" A strange prickle had run up my neck just seconds before my phone rang. Looking at the screen, dread spread through my chest as I answered Amber's call. I didn't know how I knew, but I knew that something wasn't right.

  Beginning to stand and pull out my wallet, Gavin looked at me quizzically and began to stand as well.

  "Yeah, I'm fine, I just thought you should know that your father was just here."

  "What?" The roar that left my chest quieted the otherwise noisy bar and unbeknownst to me, the other patrons turned to stare. I was on the move, and all the guys were hot on my heels, all but Jake. He was home hovering over Hope, making sure she didn't do anything strenuous.

  "It wasn't a big deal. He asked if you were here, I told him you weren't, and he left a number. I just wanted you to know, that's all." I knew she was trying to settle me down, but it wasn't working. All I could see was my sister huddled in the chair, blood leaking out, broken and bruised. My mother's black eyes, my fu
cking father lording over them, hatred and menace in his eyes.

  I had to get to her, the need had me rushing to my truck as I told her I would be right there and jumped in. The sound of multiple trucks starting and following behind was comforting, though I didn't pay it much attention. I needed to see her, needed to know that she was all right. I had to know that he wasn't hurting her, not like he'd done to my mom and Nat all those years.

  Memories of that fateful night swamped me, flooding my mind with horrid images, so many I'd forgotten. Nat's terrified and beaten face was different now, in my mind, I kept seeing Amber's face, Amber's tears, Amber hurt and at the mercy of that sadistic asshole.

  I never hated anyone in my life, aside from my father, and amazingly, the hatred I held for him all these years grew exponentially on the ten-minute drive to her house.

  Pulling up in the driveway, I barely put it in park before jumping down and racing toward the front door. By the time I made it to the front steps, I had heard Gavin, Reed and Luke pull up and park.

  Thankfully, Amber swung the front door open. A look of surprise clear on her face as she looked at me, then out at the street.

  "What's wrong?" She asked, baffled, just before I reached out and grabbed her, pulling her up, off her feet into a tight embrace. My face was buried in her hair, but I felt it when her hands encircled me, holding on to me.

  "Trent, what is it, did something happen?"

  Shaking my head, I knew that I was acting crazy. She must have been thinking I was nuts.

  "No, sorry, my mind just kept flashing back to the past. He was a horrible man, Amber - horrible. I tried my best to protect them, but when I got older, he hid it. I thought he quit hitting them, I didn't know." My rambling words seemed to make some amount of sense to her, she smiled, placed a small hand on each of my cheeks and kissed me. Her soft, warm eyes stayed on me as she assured me that all was fine.


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