Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4)

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Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4) Page 7

by Sable Hunter

  “You walk as quietly as an Indian, Love.” He pulled her close for a kiss. “And you don’t work for me, you live with me.”

  Their kiss was sweet and she clung to him, enjoying the haven of his arms.

  “Sit and let me dish you up a plate.” His eyes raked over her body. She was dressed in simple jeans and a T-shirt, but to him she was a goddess.

  Lilibet pulled a stool out and sat down at the bar. A plastic bag caught her eye and she pulled it to her. “Where did this come from?” she asked. It was a pocketknife. Without removing it, she molded the plastic to it, so she could examine it carefully. “Remember,” she read the word engraved on the handle. Shock and memories collided in her head. “Kane, this knife belongs to my brother. What are you doing with it?”

  “The knife belongs to your brother? Are you sure?” His tone had turned business-like and that made her feel funny. He placed her breakfast in front of her and kissed her on the end of the nose, tempering his words with affection.

  “Yes, no doubt about it.” She pointed to the engraving. “Our Dad gave this to him. It belonged to his father.” She ran her finger over the place where the word ‘Remember’ stood out plainly. “This is a Camillus military knife given to my grandfather by a buddy of his after they survived a prisoner of war camp during World War II.” Searching his face, she tried to make sense out of what was going on.

  Kane hated to see the uncertainty in her eyes. “My deputy found it next to the wash house last night. I had him come look around after you were stung by those scorpions planted in the dryer.”

  “Planted?” That was ridiculous. “You actually think someone was trying to deliberately hurt you?” Her mind wasn’t processing everything very well. What was he saying? And what did it have to do with her brother?

  Kane dry scrubbed his face with the palm of his hand. “No. Baby, I think somebody was trying to get to you.”

  A desolate look clouded her features. “How can that be? And you think my...” She couldn’t even bring herself to finish the sentence.

  “Where is your brother? Do you know?” His voice was soft, but Kane needed for her to consider the possibility he was involved.

  “He’s in Houston. I’m sure of it.” Lilibet’s mind was racing. This was Brien’s knife, but why would he want to hurt her? After all, she’d taken his debt upon herself. What more could she do?

  Kane picked up the knife. “Could you have dropped this? Could you’ve had this knife in your pocket and forgotten about it?”

  “No.” Lilibet looked down in dismay. “I haven’t seen the knife since my Dad gave it to my brother several years ago. But I do know he would never part with it. It was too important to our family.” As she made the statement, she realized how damning it was. Her brother had been here and he’d done something to cause her pain, senselessly. Why? Strong arms folded around her and pulled her back against his wide, hard chest. She hadn’t even noticed him moving. And when he kissed her hair, she couldn’t hold back the tears. “Why would Brien do this to me?”

  “I don’t know, Baby. I don’t know.” Kane had some thinking to do. “But until we get to the bottom of this, I don’t intend to let you out of my sight.”

  Lilibet appreciated Kane’s concern for her well-being, but what he was suggesting was impossible. “That won’t work. You have a job to do and so do I. Libby needs me. They have two extra crews there to cook for.”

  She was right. What could he say? “I’ll take you back and forth to work, and I will also speak to Aron and make sure you’re watched over—carefully.” Kissing the side of her neck, he felt her shake just a little bit. “Don’t you worry, you’re safe with me. Anybody who wants to get to you, is going to have to go through this Ragin Cajun, and that ain’t gonna be an easy thing to do.”

  * * *

  “I don’t understand why you had to hurt her. What purpose did that serve?” Brien Ladner looked into the cold, hard face of Kyle Hanks, one of the biggest crooks in Houston. Hanks was involved in every shady business the big port city had to offer.

  “It was a warning, idiot!” Hanks snarled at him. “Now when the real deal goes down, they’ll know we mean business. I’m gonna get my money one way or the other.”

  “But she doesn’t have anything.” Brien tried to reason with him. “She’s already putting every dime she has toward paying off that loan that you forced me to get.”

  “I know how poor she is.” Kyle picked Brien up by the shirt collar, just because he could. “But that new boyfriend of hers, he has money. His daddy is loaded. Isn’t it fortunate for us that your crippled sister managed to hook a catch like Saucier? Although she’s pretty easy on the eyes, if you can get past that disgusting limp.”

  Brien fought for breath. He gasped like a fish out of water. “Wait,” he croaked, wondering if he could put a stop to this before somebody else got hurt. But as he looked into the cold grey eyes of the loan shark, he knew that he and Lilibet were both in trouble.

  “I wonder how much he’ll pay to get her back,” Hanks mused, already planning how he was going to get rich on Saucier money. “If threats don’t work, I know what will.”

  Brien felt sick to his stomach. What had he done? God, he’d screwed up royally this time. Kidnapping? Extortion? Great! That’s all he needed, to spend a few years in jail. He wondered how soon they could get this mess straightened out. “How much are you gonna ask for?”

  “I’m not going to ask him for a thing. I’m going to demand it.” Kyle laughed, satisfied with the plan as it stood. “If he won’t cooperate with me, he may have to deal with Maxim, the biggest white slave trader in the country.”

  * * *

  Tebow Ranch was abuzz with activity. Lilibet loaded the dishwashers with plates and glasses from the noon meal and wiped down the cabinets. The mood among the McCoy clan was jubilant. Joseph McCoy had apparently made great progress in his physical therapy, and it seemed he was going to make a full recovery.

  “You did a great job today. Those briskets were out of this world.” Jessie helped Lilibet put the leftovers in the stainless steel commercial fridge. “Aron said he and Jacob were frying fish tonight, so we’re off the hook for supper.”

  Glancing at the clock over the stove, Libby knew it was too early to call Kane. He still had over an hour before he’d be able to leave the office. And there was no way she was going to bother him. She had caused him enough problems already. Ever since the scorpion incident, he’d not left her alone for a minute. “Can I hang around here till Kane gets off work?”

  “Kane’s already here,” Libby announced in a sing-song voice as she entered the kitchen. “Aron called him and told him that you’d be getting off early. He promised Kane he would watch out for you and that means no rides from helpful ranch hands.”

  “Why are you blushing?” Jessie enjoyed ribbing Lilibet. “All we have to do is mention that Cajun’s name and you light up like a Christmas tree.”

  “I think he’s got plans for you, girl.” Libby playfully pushed Jessie. They were both with child and that fact made Lilibet yearn for something she might never have.

  “Hey, don’t tell all my secrets, Miss Fontaine.” Kane walked into the room and caused Lilibet’s blood pressure to spike with excitement. He was such a fine figure of a man, big and broad, a man any woman would give their eye-teeth to call her own. The miracle that she was the one leaving with him was not lost on her. “Hey, Baby.” He walked right up to her and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Kane, I could’ve waited until five.” He took her by the hand, nodding to the others as he left.“I couldn’t. We’re going on a picnic.” Lilibet couldn’t help but smile at the knowing looks her friends were giving her. “I have a surprise for you.”

  * * *

  “You did all of this yourself?” She was amazed at the array of goodies Kane had put together for h
er. There was a loaf of green chile cheese bread, prosciutto and melon slices, olives, dried apricots, grapes and a couple of perfectly ripe pears. “It’s beautiful.”

  Kane pulled out the bunch of seedless green grapes and offered her one. “Pleasing you has become my favorite sport, Little-bit.”

  She took the grape from his fingers, and couldn’t help but let her tongue linger on his skin. His eyes instantly sought hers and there was no way she could misread the promise they held. “It all looks delicious. Let’s eat.” She had to occupy her hands or she was going to attack him where he sat. Digging in the hamper, she almost giggled out loud. Kane had gone all out on the food but had shown up with flimsy paper plates that wouldn’t hold up till the water got hot. Indulgent affection for him welled up in her chest. To compensate, she used two plates for each of them. She didn’t want the romantic mood spoiled with a food accident.

  “I want some of everything.” He sounded so excited that a laugh bubbled out of Lilibet and she marveled at how happy she was. With joy in her heart she prepared his food for him and handed it over.“Indulge me.” He motioned for her to come over to his side of the blanket.

  “I don’t have my food, yet.”

  “You won’t need it. I want to feed you.” He chuckled as she carefully made her way over to him on all fours. “You look like a big pussy cat.”

  “I do not.” She laughed. ”Where do you want me? Is this good enough?” She sat before him, her legs folded beneath her.

  “No, I want your head in my lap.” He patted his thigh. Lilibet looked at his lap and couldn’t help but notice he was aroused.

  “Are you sure I won’t mash something?”

  At this Kane laughed out loud. “You are a minx!” He pulled her over and she eased into his lap. “Just think of it as a hard, lumpy pillow.” By that time they were both laughing. “Open up, baby bird.” Lilibet sobered, touched by the care he was taking with her. She accepted a bite of bread and cheese. and a kiss. Next came a bit of melon and prosciutto, and a kiss.

  “Lilibet?” Kane growled. “I’m not hungry for food anymore.” He put the plate to one side and began unbuttoning his shirt with one hand and hers with the other. “Look, I’m ambidextrous,” he teased.

  Getting into the spirit of things, she raised her hips and tugged off her panties. ”Yes, I’ll have to agree. You’re very talented.”

  “Don’t pull everything off. We’re out in the open, and I don’t want anyone else getting a look at my girl.” Kane undid his belt and pants, freeing his cock. All Lilibet had to do was turn her head and take a nibble.

  “Do you want me to...?” She let her tongue dance along the side of his shaft.

  “No.” Kane’s voice was gruff. “I want you on top of me. Now.” He helped her up and astraddle of him. Picking up her skirt, she eased down until her pussy was cradling his sex. She was hot and wet, but his girth was such that she still had to push down and take a little at a time. “I want to hold you tight.”Unfastening the front clasp of her bra, she let the cups fall to one side and hungrily fit her breasts to his chest, her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder as he began kissing her collarbone. “This feels so good.” She sighed. Taking him by the shoulders, she sought to move up and down on his shaft.

  “No, baby,” he groaned. “Don’t move. Just feel.”

  She stilled. God, he was big. He filled her up, fitting so perfectly inside of her. “You’re pulsing. I can feel all of you. Don’t you want me to bounce?”

  Kane rubbed her back. Even through her clothes, she felt the heat of his hand. “Milk me, baby. Just use your little squeeze box to make us happy.”

  “Oh, yeah.” She knew exactly what he wanted. And so she began, pressing inward with her pussy muscles, hugging his rod, letting him know with her body how much she cared.

  “God!” Kane shuddered. This was friggin’ unbelievable! “That’s right, love. You know what to do.” He sucked on the flesh of her neck, knowing he would leave a little hickey, but not giving a damn. Lilibet belonged to him. Cupping the back of her head, he began to rock his body. His dick felt like it was going to explode any second. “Damn, this is good.”

  Lilibet hugged Kane as tight as she could, her orgasm breaking over her like an ocean wave. “Oh, Baby!” she cried. Shudder after shudder caused her body to quake in his arms and when he cried out his climax it was the sweetest sound she had ever heard.

  “That was a wonderful surprise, Kane.” She helped him adjust his clothing, laughing as his stomach growled loudly. “You didn’t eat.”

  “I had another appetite to worry about.” Kane reached for a pear and bit a big chunk out of it. “Besides, I can eat now. You’ve got some presents to open.”

  Kane appeared a bit nervous as he reached behind the hamper and handed her what was obviously a shoe box. “I know what that is,” Lilibet admitted. “My shoes.”

  Chunking the half eaten pear in the bushes, Kane knelt by her and began removing her sandals. “Let’s see how they fit.”

  Forcing aside her embarrassment, Lilibet extracted the special made pair, relieved to see that they didn’t look like orthopedic granny shoes. They were sexy. The sole of one shoe was slightly thicker than the other, but that was the only difference. ”They’re beautiful, Kane. It was so sweet of you to do this for me.”

  “Let’s put them on.” He took her narrow foot in his hand and slipped the shoe on, then the other one.

  “I feel like Cinderella,” she whispered.

  “That’s good, as long as you don’t disappear when the clock strikes midnight.” He finished the last buckle. “There. Stand up and tell me how they feel.” She did and he watched her proudly as she was able to walk gracefully and sure for the first time in her life.

  As soon as Lilibet had taken the first few steps, she realized the freedom these shoes gave her. Clasping her arms around herself, she actually spun in a little circle. For the first time, confident enough in her balance to do something every child took for granted. “These are wonderful. I will love to wear them.”

  “I got you three more pairs at home, all different, all as pretty as those are.” He looked so proud of himself that Lilibet just threw herself in his arms and he caught her with ease. Kane kissed her cheek, her neck, the corner of her mouth. He just couldn’t seem to get enough. “When are you going to tell me you love me? I know you do. I can feel it.” She stilled in his arms.

  Leaning back, she looked him full in the face. “Of course I love you, Kane. It seems like I’ve loved you forever.” Placing a hand on both sides of his face, she gazed at him for an eternity before sealing their love with a kiss.

  * * *

  “That was so much fun.” She held hands with him as they emerged from the woods. “I’ll plan a surprise for you next. We’ll make a game out of it.”

  “You do love me, don’t you, Lilibet?” Kane didn’t know why he needed reassurance, but he did. “I practically twisted your arm for that declaration.”

  Lilibet stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. She wanted to make him understand. “Kane, I...”

  But a voice broke into their reverie, a voice brittle with sarcasm and disdain. “Kane, I hate to interrupt anything, Honey. I just thought you might want to know I’m back in town, and I intend to claim what is rightfully mine.”

  Well, hell. Kane closed his eyes. His ex-wife. “What do you want, Lisa?”

  “Simple answer, Saucier.” She pushed off the side of his truck and began walking toward them. Lilibet didn’t know whether to pull away from Kane or draw nearer to him. Lisa’s next words made the decision for her. “I want you, Kane. I want my husband back.” Lilibet stepped away.

  Kane caught Lilibet’s arm. “Don’t listen to her. She means nothing to me.”

  “That’s not entirely true, is it, Kane?” Lisa wasn’t dru
nk, but she had been drinking. Kane knew the signs. “You used to love me, didn’t you? I can remember how you used to carry me to bed. You were insatiable.”

  Kane couldn’t believe the crap she was spouting. Looking at Lilibet, he could see how every word was hurting her. “Your memory is flawed. Our divorce is final, Lisa. So why are you bothering me, now?” Hell, he didn’t want to deal with this. He didn’t want to deal with Lisa, at all.

  Lilibet moved farther away from him. God, he was going to lose her. But what she did next surprised everyone.

  “Excuse me...Lisa?”

  “Yes, and who might you be?” Lisa was literally looking down her nose at Lilibet.

  “My name is Elizabeth Ladner and I’m the one who has Kane now.”

  You could have knocked Kane over with a feather. Hallelujah!

  Walking with slow confidence, Lilibet approached Lisa. “You had your chance with this incredible man and you squandered it.”


  “You valued the material things he could give you more than you valued him.” Her statement was so flat and so true that both Kane and Lisa were at a loss for words.

  “Now, you wait a minute…” The beautiful Lisa looked ready to confront the other woman who dared challenge her position in Kane’s life.

  “No, Lisa.” Kane joined Lilibet and pulled her to him. “You wait a minute. Lilibet is right. We have nothing to discuss.”

  “I want you back. There are things you don’t know.” His ex-wife stated flatly.

  “Not going to happen.” Kane was emphatic.

  “But look at me.” She stood up proudly, thrusting her chest out—tall, elegant, perfectly coiffed.

  “Let me tell you what I see.” Lilibet spoke up again. “I see a woman who is more in love with herself than she could ever be with any man.”


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