Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4)

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Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4) Page 8

by Sable Hunter

  Lisa stepped closer to Lilibet, her hands curled into claws. It was clear she would have enjoyed scratching her rival’s eyes out. “Why you plain, poor, simple little upstart—”

  Lilibet didn’t let her finish. She walked right up to Lisa, nose to nose. “I may be plain, poor, and simple, but I’m smart enough to appreciate what I have. I have Kane, Lisa. I have him in my life, in my bed, and in my heart. You have no place here. You might as well leave.”

  Lisa was furious, and if Kane hadn’t been standing behind Lilibet like an avenging warrior guarding his prize, Lisa would have become violent. But when faced with such opposition, she did what any self-respecting bully would do. She backed down. “This isn’t over, Kane. In fact, you’re going to be very sorry you ever crossed me.” As she left, she shot Lilibet a look that needed no explanation. It was full of hatred and promise. Gravel flew through the air as her wheels spun in anger.

  Kane didn’t wait one more moment. He grabbed Lilibet around the waist and swung her in a circle. “I can’t believe you did that! You told her off, but good!”

  Lilibet held on to him for all she was worth. To tell the truth, she was sort of proud of herself. “I was pretty awesome, wasn’t I?” She was almost shaking from the adrenaline rush of confrontation. “Do you want to know the secret of my bravery?” she asked in a whisper.

  “Please.” He wanted to hear anything she had a mind to share.

  “It was the shoes.” She kissed his neck. “The shoes gave me courage. For once, I was on an equal footing with everyone else.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Now, what were we saying right before we were so rudely interrupted?” Kane pressed Lilibet up against the door of his bedroom. “Was a beautiful woman about to explain to me how much she loves me?”

  He goosed her a little, making her giggle. “No, it was just me. I love you,” she said breathlessly, suddenly turning serious. “I love you, Kane, and if things were different...” She began.

  “Not another word.” Kane’s voice wasn’t harsh, it was desperate. He was desperate to be inside of her in every way possible. Pulling up her skirt, he ripped her little panties right off. “Do you want me, Lilibet?” He would never take a woman without asking permission, no matter how desperate he was. She loved him. They would work the details out later.

  “God, yes.” She raised one leg and hooked it behind his knee, opening her tender pussy up for him. “I’ll always want you.”

  Kane freed his cock and let it find her opening like a homing device. “Do you see how we fit together?” He slid into her, and there was nothing like this feeling in the entire world.

  Lilibet leaned her head back against the solid surface and luxuriated in the rightness of his possession. “Perfectly, we fit perfectly.”

  “Hell yeah, we do.” Kane slid all the way out, slowly, letting her enjoy the drag of his cock over her G-spot. “Tell me how it feels when I do this.” He plunged back in, seating himself balls deep, then he rotated his hips, grinding his cock in as far as he could go.

  Lilibet laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, letting the reality of his loving permeate her very soul. “It feels right. Like you’re a part of me, a part of me that has been missing my whole life, and now you are here and the piece of the puzzle that was missing has been set in place...and, oh God!” She tightened her arms around him as he repeatedly pumped into her. The sounds of their lovemaking filled the air. “You feel so good stretching me. I love making love to you.”

  “Good.” Kane hissed as he took her hard. “I want you addicted to me. I want being with me to be as essential to you as breathing.” He sealed her mouth with his, cupped her bottom and lifted her up. She wrapped both legs around his waist and he took her with all of his strength, with all of his heart, with all of his love.

  * * *

  “Okay, I’ll help you.” Lisa didn’t get too close to the slimy Hanks. She didn’t like to dirty her hands with the likes of him, but at the moment, she didn’t see a better way. “What can I do?”

  Hanks let his eyes rove over the sexy woman standing before him. “I want you to be bait, Missy. We’re about to go fishing and the catch we’re trying to land is going to be a big one, to the tune of half a million dollars. As you know, your ex-in-laws, those Saucier’s are loaded and I want a piece of the action. Don’t you?”

  * * *

  No one had brushed her hair in years. A gentle tugging at her scalp and big hands lifting the tresses both soothed and excited her. Lilibet sat at an old fashioned wooden vanity dresser, on a padded bench and surreptitiously watched Kane’s image in the mirror. He was concentrating on his task and, swear to God, he had his tongue at the corner of his mouth, like a little boy. It was all she could do not to tug him down for a kiss.

  “You have beautiful hair.”

  “Thank you.” How inane. But he had stolen her reasoning, along with her breath.

  “I think we need to talk, don’t you?”

  “About what?”


  Just the idea of an ‘us’ was intoxicating to Lilibet. Kane laid the brush down on the vanity top and sank to his knees behind her. He held her gaze in the mirror and Lilibet’s pulse rate soared.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m making myself happy.”

  She felt the zipper of her dress being eased down and her nipples immediately peaked in response. “Oh...” Was all she could manage to say.

  Kane slipped her dress over her shoulders and Lilibet gasped a little as it fell into her lap. He pushed her hair back over to the front and undid the clasp on her bra. “You’re getting chill bumps.” He chuckled. “Are you cold?” He lowered his head and began to pepper tiny kisses over her shoulder blades and down the valley of her spine.

  “Oh, my.” Her voice was hoarse. “No, I’m not cold, exactly the opposite.”


  Mesmerized, Lilibet watched Kane’s reflection as he took her bra straps in his hands and slid them down her arms. The bra cups fell forward and her nipples perked up, proud, swollen and darkened with arousal. “Mmmmmm, look at you,” Kane murmured, as he nibbled at the nape of her neck.

  Lilibet couldn’t help but look, and feel. Kane’s hands were rubbing her back, her arms, her shoulders. Everywhere he touched appreciated the attention, but her breasts and nipples were so jealous, they were pouting.

  “Hand me that bottle.” His words made Lilibet start a bit, but she managed to give him her vanilla-jasmine lotion that she used after every bath. Instead of squirting it into his palms, he held the container over her shoulder and squeezed. A trail of creamy, cool, white ointment made patterns, first over one breast and then over the other. Lilibet shivered with wondrous anticipation at what he was about to do.

  “Lay your head back on me,” Kane commanded in a low tone. She obeyed without question. Lilibet was so ready for him to touch her. God, if he didn’t touch her soon, she might faint.

  Kane was rock hard, leaking and ready to rut, but he intended to do this right. He was setting a scene, wooing with the best of them, courting heavy. His methods might be different, but he knew what his baby liked.

  Lilibet was holding her breath, waiting.

  “Watch my hands,” he growled in her ear. “Look at me loving you.” Her skin was creamy white; his hands were tanned a dark gold. Large hands, long thick fingers, nails cut short, veins standing out prominently on the back, sexy hands. He rubbed the lotion into the skin above her breasts. Lilibet arched her back, trying to hurry his progress toward, what she hoped, was his intended target. Her nipples. God, her nipples were needy. She didn’t pucker and wrinkle when aroused. Lilibet’s nipples only became more engorged and puffy. They literally begged for attention. Still, he lingered, languished, rubbing all around, inches away from where she needed him the most. “Pleas
e,” she begged.

  Oh, yeah. He had her now. “Do you want me to rub your nipples, Little-Bit?” His dick was gonna bust through his britches. No doubt about it.

  He circled her breasts, luxurious circles that were driving her crazy. Lilibet couldn’t stand it. She covered his hands with her own and tried to pull them where she needed them the most.

  Kane laughed out loud, loving the fact she was letting him know what she needed. “God, yes!”

  He let her have her way, sliding his hands down to cover the swollen mounds. As he began to cup, lift, massage, she actually shuddered with abandon.

  “So, you like how this feels?” He took her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and began to pull and rub, twisting and stretching.

  “Kane! More!”

  He worked her breasts, increasing the intensity, kissing her neck, scraping his teeth on the soft skin. Her little bottom began to rock on the bench.

  “Ummmm,” she whimpered. Lifting her arms she cupped his head, and turning her face she found his mouth.

  Her kiss seemed to answer his questions, but he had to hear it from her lips. Turning loose of one breast, he upped the ante ten-fold by pulling up her skirt and working his fingers past her thong and into her hot, wet pussy. God, he was good. He smiled, just watching her in the throes of a passion that he created just for her. Lord, he could almost cum himself. Was there anything more beautiful than watching this woman orgasm, every nerve vibrating in sweet gratitude and response to his touch?

  “Yes, yes, yes...” She began to chant.

  Did he dare? Would she notice? It would be fun to see...

  “Sweet love?” He began as he continued his assault on her nipple and her clit. She was still writhing with ecstasy. “Will you marry me?”

  Lilibet was sliding over the precipice. “Yes, Kane, yes!” she exclaimed.

  Kane smiled. He’d ask her again later. It would only be fair. But for right now, he was a happy man.

  * * *

  “Look, Ladner, we can use this.” Hanks waved the newspaper in Brien’s face. “Whoever has been cutting these fences and letting cattle on the road has just given us the perfect way to kidnap your crip sister.”

  “Don’t call her that,” Brien muttered too low for Hanks to hear.

  “And don’t worry, she won’t get hurt. We’ll be right there.” Hanks wasn’t so sure about that part, but it sounded good. “Now, do you understand what you’re supposed to do?”

  Brien did. He was sick at his stomach over the whole thing, but Hanks would kill him in a heartbeat if he didn’t cooperate and Lilibet would be taken anyway. “Yea, I’m to slash all four of the sheriff’s tires, so he won’t be able to pick my sister up from work. And his ex-wife will make sure he doesn’t borrow a vehicle to drive out to Tebow. I got it memorized.”

  “Good.” Cocking his 38, Hanks aimed it at a tree and imagined he had Saucier in his sights. All he could think about was that shitty day at the warehouse on the Mississippi in New Orleans. Saucier had shot his brother, Earnest, down like a dog. And from that moment forward, Hanks had been determined to bring him down.

  He hadn’t recognized him at first. Saucier had been plainclothes in New Orleans, long hair, tattoos, a good disguise. And he’d gone by another name, Ted Robicheaux. But it was Saucier, no doubt about it. Hanks had promised his brother as he took his last breath that he would get revenge for him. And revenge was going to be sweet. “She’ll get someone else to drive her. We’ll cut the wire and fill the road with a herd of cattle and when whatever cowpoke gets out of his vehicle to clear the cattle off the road, we’ll take her. We may have to shoot the hick, but there’s always collateral damage.”

  As he listened to the thug who had him between a rock and a hard place, Brien swore he would rescue his big sister. He might die trying, but he fully intended to right the wrong that he’d done to her. She didn’t deserve any of this. All of his life she’d only shown him kindness. “All right, Hanks. You can count on me.”

  The lie was easy to tell.

  * * *

  “Watching you cum, holding your body as you fly apart in my arms is the biggest turn-on I have ever had the privilege to experience.” He sucked a sweet spot on her neck as her chest heaved. A rosy red flush of sexual excitement drew his eyes and his hands up to cup those luscious tits again. He couldn’t keep his hands off of her.

  “We’re not through are we?”

  “What did you have in mind, Miss Ladner?” He knew what he hoped she meant.

  Standing, Lilibet bent over and placed her arms on the vanity, her breasts hanging down like lush, ripe fruit.

  Kane’s cock jumped.

  “I want an engagement present.”

  She said it so matter-of-factly, he almost missed it.

  Kane’s heart jumped.

  “So, you understood what I was asking?” He picked up her skirt and laid it on her back. A perfect white tush presented itself for his kneading enjoyment. He took a cheek in each hand and squeezed. She jumped the slightest bit. Kane couldn’t help but slip his hand between her legs. His fingers came back coated with cream. “Baby, you are so hot.” The words came out like a prayer.

  “A girl doesn’t miss a proposal, Kane.” There was a hint of amusement in her voice. “If you’re thinking about taking it back, I’ll sue you for breach of promise. I know a good lawyer.”

  Kane brought his hand down on her butt with a loud smack. She squealed her delight. “Are you already intending on using my brother’s legal services against me?”

  “Will I have to?” She pressed her bottom back against him, asking for what she wanted without saying a word.

  “Hell, no,” Kane admitted. “You’ve got me wrapped around your little finger, you know that.” He put his cock between her legs and pushed it up and down her slit, teasing her. “Now, what did you have in mind for an engagement present?” Smirking, he pulled his cock back out, stepping back about six inches.

  “Hey!” she protested, tilting her hips up and back, spreading her legs, letting him know her desperate desire.

  “Did you want flowers?” He was about to explode, but this was fun.

  “No!” She huffed her need.

  “Did you want jewelry?” He ran a hand down the smoothness of her back. Lord, she was pretty. He’d already bought her a present, the most beautiful little gold locket he could find. It had a diamond in it that was almost as bright as the love-light in her eyes. He hoped it would be a surprise, though.“That’s not what I want!” She wasn’t whining, but she would be if he made her wait much longer.“Well, what do you want, Darlin’?”

  Their eyes met in the mirror. “You, Kane Saucier. I want you.”

  “Never let it be said that I didn’t give the lady exactly what she asked for.” With one smooth move, Kane slid home, sheathed completely within her welcoming, tight heat. He watched her reflection. The relief on her face, the sheer ecstasy mirrored his own.

  “Not. Saying. That.” She managed to enunciate between jolts of pure pleasure as he thrust into her body. He ran his hands over her skin and everywhere he touched, she felt sparks of electric pleasure. This was her man. God had created him just for her. There was no doubt in her mind.“So you want me, Little-Bit?”

  “Yes.” She really was having a hard time talking, but she wasn’t about to complain.

  “You’ve got me.” He was about to say more, but he couldn’t. Leaning over her back, he kissed it tenderly. “God, I can’t talk. It just feels too damn good.”

  Lilibet pushed backwards, greedily asking for more. “You don’t have to talk, just fuck me.”

  Kane stilled. “No.” This was too important, and it had to be said. Now.

  “No?” Lilibet looked over her shoulder. “What do you mean?” Was she going to have to beg?

p; “No, I have something else in mind.” He pulled out slowly, then lusciously pushed back in, making Lilibet moan.

  “Something better?” She couldn’t imagine, but she wasn’t going to argue.

  Keeping up a steady pace of hard thrusts, Kane dipped his hand around between her legs and began circling her clit with the pad of his thumb. The juice of her excitement coated his fingers. “Oh yeah, Honey. What you and I share is different from what I’ve ever felt with anyone else. I’ve been in lust, but I’ve never been in love before. I’ve had sex with other women, but you’re the only one I have ever made love with.”

  Lilibet melted. Honest to God, she just simply melted. Her heart contracted with love, and her whole body flashed in a burst of orgasmic heat. “Kane!” she cried, reaching behind her with one hand to grasp his leg, anything to complete the connection. “I love you, Baby. I love you so much.”

  “Mine!” Kane made sure his woman was satisfied. He gritted his teeth and held back his eruption until she was thoroughly limp. Then he pulled out, and like the ultimate male claiming his mate, he let his spray cover her back, her hips, running over her skin in streams of liquid passion. Kane marked Lilibet as his own.

  * * *

  “It’s Saturday night. I want to take you out on the town. So get ready.” Kane kissed Lilibet on the end of the nose and walked out of the room, giving her some privacy to do girly stuff. He had a little business to tend to, namely flowers, candy, and an engagement ring. It was quick, but he’d never been more certain of anything in his life. Heading to his truck, he didn’t see the strange pickup parked across the road. If he had, he never would have left.


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