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Tempted by Love

Page 2

by Jennifer Ryan

  She traipsed after him giggling.

  At his door, he put his finger to his lips. “Shh. Someone will see us.”

  “You mean hear us.” She laughed again.

  He shook his whiskey-soaked head, put the key card in the lock, and shoved the door open and Alina inside. She backed up through the sitting area toward the bedroom, kicking off one of her shoes along the way. He pushed the door shut at his back and stalked her, feeling very much like the animal inside of him that wanted to be unleashed to get his hands on her.

  She stopped at the foot of the bed, turned, dropped her sparkling purse, and stared at him over her shoulder, silently and provocatively inviting him to slide the zipper down the back of her killer dress. He’d get to it. First, he stopped behind her with his chest pressed to her back and slid his hands over her shoulders, down her arms in a soft sweep of fingertips, then dipped his hands under her arms and around her sides and up her belly and ribs to cup her full breasts. Her hands went up and reached over the back of his neck until her fingers combed through his hair.

  Her hard nipples pressed into his palms as he squeezed her breasts and kissed a trail down her neck to the curve of her shoulder. Every taste of her skin, the rock of her rump against his hard cock, the intoxicating scent of her, made him want her more with each passing second.

  Impatient to see all of her, he unzipped the satin dress. He shucked off his jacket and threw it aside. The tie he’d loosened at the bar followed. She dropped the front of the dress down her arms and pushed it over her hips with an ass wiggle that made his dick twitch with anticipation. She kicked the pool of blue away along with her other shoe. He undid his shirt cuffs and several more buttons down the front, then reached back and pulled the whole thing over his head and sent it sailing to the floor.

  Alina turned to him and stared at his bare chest, lust and admiration in her eyes. He held back the impulse to flex. Barely. His gaze roamed down her beautiful face to her lace-covered breasts. She reached behind her, undid the bra clasp, and tossed the thing, smiling mischievously when he growled low in his throat and moved toward her again, wanting to get his hands and mouth on those pink-tipped breasts begging for his attention.

  She backed up and fell on the bed, her breasts bouncing as she scooted back. He almost laughed, but the sight of all that creamy skin, soft curves, and her welcoming smile tightened his chest and shut off his brain to speech because all he wanted to do was devour.

  The gorgeous goddess lay on the white blanket, a shapely silhouette of golden skin.

  Like gravity, she pulled him in.

  He drew closer, leaned over, planted his hands on either side of her hips, and kissed her belly, his bottom lip grazing her dark blue panties. She sighed and melted into the bed. He licked his way up to her belly button and circled it with his tongue before traveling back down, taking the lace in his teeth and tugging the panties down her gorgeous legs. She drew her legs up and to the side, raised her arms to her head, and raked her fingers through her long, dark hair, spreading it over the white bed. Stunned by her beauty, his heart slammed into his ribs. His mind lost all thought but one. Sexy perfection.

  He stood at the end of the bed with her panties hanging from his mouth and undid the belt at his waist and kicked off his shoes. Her eyes smoldered as she watched him undo the button, slide the zipper down, slip his hands inside his boxer briefs at his sides, and push his pants and underwear down his legs all at once. Socks went flying a split second before he stood before her naked, his cock standing up, hard as rock. Her eyes blazed. He tugged the panties out of his mouth and rubbed them down his chest, over his dick, and tossed them away.

  Her hips rocked back into the white cloud of blankets, then up. An invitation if he’d ever seen one. He crawled up the bed and Alina and laid his body over hers. She cradled him between her thighs and rubbed her slick center against his aching cock. He wanted this one moment to feel her against him, skin to skin, soft to his hard, before he got the condom.

  He sank down and kissed her softly, then pressed back up on his hands and stared down at her in the soft light coming through the window sheers from the hotel garden lights glowing outside.

  She took his breath away. “You are so beautiful.”

  “I want to touch you.”

  Those bold words should have warned him how the night would go. He was unprepared for the onslaught of sensations—fire and need—she’d evoke with every brush of her hands, press of her lips, lick of her tongue, and stroke of her body against his. She held nothing back. She gave everything. Accepted all he poured into making love to her. The immense pleasures they shared forged some kind of bond that had her eagerly responding to him every time he woke her in the night, greedy for more, and needing to make every last second of their time together mean something because somewhere in the back of his mind he knew something this amazing wouldn’t last.

  Chapter Two

  Jay woke up with the last woman in the world he should have in his bed. The pounding in his head was nothing compared to the thrashing he’d take from the two men he worked with if they found out he’d slept with their sister.

  Well, they hadn’t done much sleeping.

  Not helping.

  This might be the stupidest thing he’d ever done, especially since he was here to attend both those men’s weddings. But he had to admit the beauty sleeping in his arms felt damn good. Intoxicated by more than the whiskey they’d shared last night, he gently brushed his fingers over her soft skin, inhaled her sweet, orange-blossom scent, and rubbed his chin against her silky dark hair. She snuggled closer, her face nestled against his neck, her breath whispering over his chest. Her hand lay over his heart, which seemed to be a bit out of rhythm this morning. He tried to dismiss it as part of his raging hangover, but a part of him attributed it to the woman pressed down his whole side with one leg draped over his thigh, her small foot pressed to his other calf.

  She held him like she owned him. Not such a bad thought, especially after the amazing night they shared. He could blame the alcohol for the wild, hungry, unforgettable sex that was still replaying in his mind and hardening one particular body part he thought down for the count after rising to the occasion three times last night. But again, some part of him gave all the credit to the sweet, sexy, kind, giving woman he should have said good-night to at the bar.

  It might turn into a curse if her brothers found out about this. Though he didn’t know how he’d keep it a secret when he definitely wanted to see Alina again.

  And they had Beck’s wedding to get through today.

  Worry about it later.

  That’s exactly how he’d been dealing with his personal life.

  Just like with a hangover, this morning he needed a little hair of the dog to make him feel better. Instead of reaching for a drink, he leaned down, tilted Alina’s chin, and kissed her awake. That same zip of fire rushed through him with an undercurrent of something he couldn’t name but felt all the same. She melted into him, her warm body pressing closer to his. He lost himself in her for a minute, then wrapped her in his arms and held her close. “Morning.”

  Her whole body stiffened a second before she broke free from his arms, planted her hands on his chest, and pushed herself up to glance at the clock. He didn’t mind when she obstructed his view of everything with her perfect, pink-tipped breasts in his face. All thoughts about getting up and ordering breakfast fled his mind as the blood drained from his head and headed south.

  “It’s nearly ten.”

  He hooked his arm around her middle and flipped her over so she landed on the bed a split second before he covered her body with his. He leaned down and kissed her again. “Morning.”

  She stared up at him, wide-eyed and nervous. “Hi. Uh, I’m late. I have to go.”

  He rocked his aching cock against her center. “Are you sure?”

  Her eyes dilated and softened. Her body melted beneath his. But instead of giving in to the desire he saw in her eyes, she plant
ed her hands on his shoulders, shoved him off her, and rolled up and out of bed. Her feet hit the floor, but she swayed and pressed a hand to her head.

  Yeah, they’d had a lot to drink last night.

  He moved to the edge of the bed, gripped her hips, and held her steady. “Slow down, sweetheart.”

  She shook her head, the wild mass of dark hair cascaded over her shoulders and around her pale face. “Don’t call me that.” Her gaze locked on her reflection in the mirror over the dresser.

  He thought she looked adorably rumpled and well-loved after last night. The shock in her eyes made it clear she didn’t agree.

  She raked her fingers through her tangled hair. Her gaze dropped to his. “What have I done?”

  “I can give you the blow-by-blow. I’m still thinking about how well you did that last night. And then there’s that thing you did with your hips—”

  He hoped to see her smile.

  Instead, she clamped her hand over his mouth. “Stop talking.” She pressed her fingers to the side of her head.

  “I’ll order coffee. Drink some water, it’ll help with the hangover until breakfast arrives.”

  Her eyebrows drew together. “I can’t stay here.”

  “Why not?”

  “This was a bad idea.”

  He didn’t like the panic in her eyes. “Maybe, but it was your idea.”

  That panic rose to outright terror when she glanced down at her naked body. He had to admit, it held most of his attention. She snatched up the sheet to cover herself and ended up exposing his naked lap and morning wood standing proud, begging for her attention, especially now that her eyes locked on it. It twitched with the bolt of lust that pounded through him.

  She stepped out of his reach and backed up two more steps. “This was a mistake.” She bent and snatched up her maid-of-honor dress and the silky panties he’d taken off her with his teeth last night. She found her lace bra under his slacks and rushed into the bathroom.

  He didn’t like her running away or the tight feeling it left in his chest, but he knew what he had to do even if he didn’t like it.

  He abandoned all hope last night would carry through to the end of the weekend. He’d hoped they could smile at each other in the light of day, sober and happy for the time they spent together. A part of him hoped there might be something more.


  He didn’t know, but the disappointment filling him made him wonder what he’d expected.

  “Dumbshit.” This didn’t end any other way than her walking out the door and both of them forgetting it ever happened. He worked with her brothers. He barely did anything but work. Young, beautiful, she wanted to go out and have fun. He barely had time to sleep most days.

  And he was making excuses to ease the rejection that stung more than it should.

  She was Alina, his best friends’ sister. He was Agent Bennett, the guy who should have kept his head last night for both of them. Enough said.

  So he’d be the responsible one and get her out of here without anyone the wiser. Maybe one day, she’d look back on this with fond memories and not that wash of embarrassment and regret he’d seen in her eyes.

  He found her purse under the bed, checked the room number on her key, put it back, and set the bag on the bed where she’d see it. He grabbed one strappy heel off the nightstand, the other from under the coffee table between the leather club chairs by the fireplace. He squashed the idea of making love to her on the soft rug in front of it tonight. He set her shoes at the end of the bed and listened to the water running in the sink while he dragged on a pair of jeans and a black tee. He had time to get ready for Beck’s wedding later. Right now, he needed to scout out where everyone was and if he could get Alina to her room unseen.

  Shoes on, he walked right out of his room like he didn’t have a care in the world. No one in the hall, he made his way to the stairs, passing one of the open alcoves that opened up and looked out over the lobby. Several wedding guests, Alina’s parents, her aunt, and Mia’s aunt were in the lobby and restaurant below.

  He didn’t spot Caden or Beck. Caden was probably still in bed with his bride. Beck was probably getting ready for his wedding in a few short hours.

  Jay pushed through the heavy door to the stairwell and jogged up the flight of stairs to the fourth floor. He peeked through the small glass panel in the middle of the door and sighed with relief to see the hallway clear and Alina’s room one door down.

  With everyone occupied with breakfast below or in their rooms waiting for the festivities later this afternoon, he made it back without being seen. He walked in and found Alina slipping her second shoe on. With her hair brushed back, tangle free, and her face scrubbed clean, she looked young and fresh and so damn innocent compared to him even if she was wearing a wrinkled dress.

  “Agent Bennett . . .”

  He cocked up one eyebrow. “Seriously? Miss Cooke.”

  “Okay, that was ridiculous.”

  “It’s bullshit, Alina.” He emphasized her name because damnit he knew every inch of her and hearing that Agent Bennett in that formal tone grated every last nerve. He’d woken up feeling . . . happy. The feeling felt strange because he’d gotten used to content. He wanted more of that surge of bliss that filled him when he’d woken up with this particular beauty in his arms.

  Clearly not going to happen, his emotions sank past content to weary resignation.

  She raked her fingers through her long hair. “I’m sorry, Jay. This is the last thing I expected to happen.”

  “Me, too. Believe me.” While he had a lot of regrets locked away in his soul, this wasn’t one of them. Memories of her he’d pull out and savor for a long time to come. Unforgettable, Alina, and what they shared last night, took up residence in the front of his mind and hunkered down for a long stay. He didn’t mind. He had too many bad things from his job that often peeked out and demanded his attention. Now, he had something really worth ruminating about day and night.

  An odd look came over Alina. One he couldn’t read, and he’d made a close study of her the last twenty-four hours. “I have to go.”

  “I already scouted it out. Your parents, the aunts, and most of the other guests are downstairs in the atrium and restaurant. Your brothers are probably in their rooms, Caden with his bride, Beck getting ready for later today. Hug the wall and they won’t see you walking past the overlooks. Take the stairs up to the next floor. There’s a small window in the exit door. Make sure no one is in the hallway before you step out. Your door is very close. No one should see you.”

  “I guess you’ve got practice sneaking women out of your room.”

  The flippant, bitter remark stung and left a painful pinch in his chest. “They usually stay for more, and I’m happy to give it to them,” he shot back. Though none of them ever stayed long, they didn’t sneak out in the morning like nothing happened and they didn’t want to be seen with him.

  Maybe that last part wasn’t fair, but he didn’t like her making him feel that way. He got they needed to be discreet. He thought they’d be in on it together. This felt very much like she wanted to erase last night and him from her life.

  She stood perfectly still, her face blank, but her mind working behind her gray eyes that hinted toward blue unlike her two brothers. He couldn’t imagine what she was thinking, but she shifted from one foot to the next like she couldn’t wait to get out of here.

  He gave her an out because the need to touch her again grew with every second she stayed. “You’re late, sweetheart. Better get going before someone misses you.”

  He missed her already and didn’t like it one damn bit.

  Her full lips pressed together a split second before she turned for the door. If she meant to say something, she thought better of it. Unable to watch her leave, he turned to the windows and stared out at nothing but another lonely day and empty bed ahead of him.

  The door opened. He felt her hesitate and prayed she changed her mind and came back to him. For wha
t, he didn’t know. She wasn’t for him. He stuffed his hands in his pockets so he didn’t turn and reach for her in some vain attempt to hold on to something neither of them were willing to bring into the light of day. He had no intention of ruining Beck’s wedding by giving him a reason to kill Jay today of all days.

  When the door closed and the emptiness of the room suffocated him, he told himself it was over, maybe not easy, but done. For the best. Right?

  Chapter Three

  Alina stood on the terrace, the sun bright overhead. Her brothers smacked each other on the back in greeting as Beck waited for Ashley to come downstairs and promise to be his wife for the rest of her life. Mia had made that same promise to Caden yesterday. He looked damn proud of himself and well satisfied after a long night in the honeymoon suite. The smile on his face, the happiness dancing in his eyes, made her little green monster rear its ugly head again.

  She mentally socked him back into his hole where he belonged because she was happy for her brothers. They deserved to be this every-dream-came-true happy.

  Okay, so last night after everyone left the reception she’d let loose the self-pity she’d kept hidden behind an Oscar-worthy smile all day. She’d always thought she’d get married long before her workaholic brothers. The simple plan turned out to be not so simple. Leave her high school days in the rearview mirror where they belonged along with the high school sweetheart she liked but didn’t want to keep forever. Attend college, hook up with a few cute guys, have some fun, gain some experience and perspective in life and love, but stay focused on the future. Grad school was where she planned to find the perfect someone: educated, motivated, kind, gorgeous, and oh-so-in-love with her. They’d build the foundation for their relationship as she finished her Pharm.D. She’d get the perfect job, they’d get married, and live happily-ever-after.

  The first two items she checked off the list no problem. Desperate to leave high school and be on her own, she loved college and meeting new people. She found her drive to be the best. Her circle of girlfriends was easy to maintain but dates became few and far between. Nights out with friends gave way to long hours studying.


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