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Bishop (New Vampire Disorder Book 3)

Page 21

by Marie Johnston

  Both vampires lunged at Rancor at the same time. Bishop’s meaty fists pummeled the demon’s leathery sides while Rourke charged Rancor’s other side. Metal flashed as Rourke sank a blade deep into Rancor’s gut.

  Rancor roared and sank his fangs into Rourke’s shoulder. The male sank to his knees under the weight and pain of the demon. Bishop staggered back, but prepared to lunge forward, his arms spread out like he was going to give Rancor a bear hug.

  If he did, Rancor would rip off Rourke’s shoulder, maybe even his head. If Rourke went down, Bishop and Demetrius would fight to the death for their friend.

  Fyra beat Bishop and jumped on Rancor’s back, her hands burning brands into his forehead. He opened his mouth to roar and dropped Rourke. They spun and Fyra tried to hold on, willing her heat to escape from all parts of her body.

  The way the library lit up, it was working. Pressure built within her.

  “Get everyone out,” she shouted. “I’m going to blow.”

  Hellfire. Bishop’s life getting threatened was enough to create the event she wanted, but not enough to control it. The whole place, and everyone in it, might go with Rancor.

  Rancor’s strangled scream was growing higher, but he held out a hand and beckoned Bishop toward him. Ragged and weakened as he was, her male stumbled toward him.

  Oh shit. If Rancor couldn’t possess him, he was going to kill him, just to get to Fyra. As he waved to Bishop, he brought his other arm up, claws displayed, and slammed them down at Rourke.

  The vampire caught his wrist before impact and had enough strength left to hold Rancor back as much as he could, but only one arm worked decently. Demetrius was there in a heartbeat, ripping Rancor off his friend and kicking Bishop back from Rancor’s compulsion.

  “Get them out of here, D. I’m going to explode.” Fyra gritted her teeth and concentrated as much as she could. Part of her was afraid she’d calm herself altogether and then they’d be shit out of luck.

  Demetrius hefted Rourke and grabbed for Bishop.

  Bishop evaded his grasp and maneuvered around to shove them to the door. Calli appeared to help, but Bishop tucked her under Rourke’s other side and ordered them to go.

  Fyra squeezed her eyes shut against, the power growing inside of her. Where it came from, she’d didn’t know. Her mom was a fire demon, it was all she knew and all she’d taught Fyra. Energy demons kept their cards close to the chest; she had no idea how to control that part of herself.

  Rancor’s claws snagged her hair and raked at her scalp. She curled into him as much as she could. Melted into him was more accurate. His screams were turning to gargles, but it didn’t slow him.

  When he couldn’t reach her over his back, he rushed backward toward the wall. Tightening her hold, she prepared for the impact, but a strong body landed between them and the wall.

  Air whooshed out of Bishop. He was fading fast; blood ran in rivulets out of his guts and soaked his pants.

  “Do it, Fyra.” He held onto her.

  “Get out of here!”

  He was too close.

  With a mighty bellow, Rancor rose to his full height. His head crashed through the ceiling. Plaster and sheetrock rained over Fyra’s head and the sense she was losing Bishop was enough to relinquish her hold on herself.

  She opened her mouth and flames flew out. Her cry was cut off by a sonic boom the same time strong arms wrapped around her. Her hold loosened from the force, and she and Bishop were flung sideways.

  White light blazed through her closed lids and the smell of brimstone overpowered everything. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes, had to see Rancor destroyed for herself.

  White-hot flames touched with reds and yellows and spots of blue tore through the library. The outline of Rancor fell to ash just like Trance had.


  He lay under her, not moving. She twisted until she faced him.

  His lids were slits, and cool air radiated from him into her.

  He was concentrating. His own abilities were protecting him, but his skin was still blistered red.

  This close, it was gravely apparent how dire his injuries really were. So much blood.

  Covering him the best she could, she soaked up his coolness.

  Think cold thoughts to get the fire to die down.

  Fuck, that never worked.

  Think Bishop thoughts. He was cold and he’d stayed. For no reason but to save her. When was the last time anyone had performed a selfless act for her?

  Memories of their time in the ice caves came back. How he’d taken her frantically against the wall. Back at his place, before they’d told his team they were back.

  He’d snowed over them. Grown stalactites over his friends’ heads when he was angry about their treatment of her.

  But he hadn’t stifled her fire.

  She brushed his hair back off his head, relishing the low temperature of his skin despite the burns he’d endured. It had to be costing him copious amounts of energy to keep from going up in flames.

  He was weak, but she was relatively uninjured. A few gashes from Rancor and some bruises.

  The entire house was ablaze, but she and Bishop were a nexus in the middle. No flames touched them. They balanced each other out, but the heat was winning.

  She bit into her wrist and stuck it over his mouth.

  His tongue licked out and the inferno around them faded. He took a pull and she murmured encouragement.

  She smiled when his arms encircled her waist, and she encouraged him to drink his fill.

  He gently stroked her face. His steel-blue eyes gazing deep into hers.

  They’d both survive this.

  When he finished, he licked across her wounds and tucked her into his side as he rolled over her.

  “Have I told you how amazing you are?” he whispered. His mouth crashed down upon hers.

  The house creaked and groaned. It’d burn to the ground and they’d wait it out. The combo of their powers created a bubble above them. Timbers bounced off and landed around them while Bishop held her and kissed her senseless.

  Chapter Twenty

  Bishop had no clue how much time had passed and he almost didn’t care. Only the knowledge that his team was worried sick about whether he’d lived or died kept him from tearing Fyra’s clothing off.

  As the fire died and embers glowed, dawn brightened the sky.

  He caressed her cheek. “We need to go.”

  “I know.” She sighed wistfully.

  No matter what, they’d have to hide their bloodlines.

  Stiffly, he got up. The injuries no longer plagued him, not with her blood coursing through his veins. No, his difficulty moving was the aftermath of his adrenaline high. And the raging erection from making out with Fyra while he’d let his own abilities have full rein.

  When he got her alone…

  Where would he get her alone?

  She’d almost disintegrated his team. Her real power had decimated one of the Circle and a monstrous building.

  Better go face the fallout.

  Together, they picked through the rubble, but the library had been belowground. Testing the pile of debris, he didn’t trust it to be strong enough to hold their weight while they crawled out of the hole.

  He was too worn to flash, but…what if he steadied the rubble with ice?

  Splaying his hand out, he concentrated on freezing the pile. All signs of smoldering died and he stomped on the pile again.


  He assisted Fyra as they scrabbled over the remains of Calli’s former home.

  When they crested the top, they stopped.

  A hundred yards away stood all of his friends.

  Creed whooped and pumped his fist in the air and Zoey grinned. Rourke’s mate sat basically in Rourke’s lap. Surely he had fed from her and was strong enough by now, but Bishop guessed their seating arrangement had more to do with Grace’s fear of how close she’d come to losing him.

  Calli sagged into Demetrius
and they came forward.

  “Now I can tell Ophelia to quit calling, that you’re fine.” Demetrius’s voice was thick with emotion. “She almost blew her cover to storm in there and dig you out.”

  Demetrius pulled Bishop into a bro hug. Rourke gently displaced Grace to stand but only clapped him on the back.

  Fyra took a step to the side to make room, but he tugged her next to him.

  “Go home,” Demetrius ordered. “Get some healing rest, get cleaned up, we’ll meet again at sunset.”

  “But…” He glanced at Fyra who wasn’t meeting anyone’s eyes.

  “If Fyra can pull this off again so soon, I’ll be seriously impressed.” Demetrius eyed the remains of the manor. “As if I’m not already. We’ll talk when we’re all somewhat back to normal.”

  “Rourke?” Bishop didn’t have words for his friend jumping in to help him. They’d done it over and over again throughout the years, but this was the first time since the truth was out.

  “Always.” Rourke nudged his shoulder before embracing Grace and flashing away.

  “I have this all on video.” Creed tapped his little camera. “It’s pretty epic. You should watch it.”

  Zoey rolled her eyes. “I bet that’s first on their list.”

  They all flashed back to the compound and trudged to their respective rooms.

  As soon as his door was open, he dragged Fyra through. He shut the door, stripped her down, and took her against it.

  She met him with equal excitement and they lost themselves in a private inferno.


  Fyra adjusted the maxi dress that she’d found in Betty’s bag of wonders. How the female had found one long enough to cover her from neck to toe, she didn’t want to know. No matter where Demetrius kicked her out to, there would be a serious shopping trip involved, and she hoped to avoid all the places Betty had gone to.

  They stood in the garage.

  Tears threatened to steam. They didn’t even trust her in the conference room anymore. At least they were all exhausted enough to not care she’d spent one more night under their roof.

  “We can’t escape the fire threat you pose to us.” Demetrius’s solemnity was sobering. “But while we waited to see if you’d been burned to dust or not…” He waved to Creed.

  Creed spread large sheets of paper over the workbench. “I’ve been working on some ideas that Demetrius and Calli brought to me, but the fireside brainstorming really helped iron plans out.”

  Fyra’s brows drew together and she leaned over what looked to be blueprints.

  Bishop squinted and tilted his head to figure out what they were looking at. “A freezer?”

  Creed nodded. “Sunlight doesn’t bother you two, so we could just build it off the garage here, but still have an underground section, like your own ice caves. There’ll be a fire-suppression system, warded for her pleasure.” He chuckled at his own joke.

  “Warded to put out my fire?”

  “Yes, but set to release the special chemicals on command.” Demetrius shrugged. “There may be a time we need your type of fire around here.”

  “If we’re ever attacked,” Rourke agreed.

  Zoey broke in. “We’ll need you two to help finish the design since you’re likely to know things we don’t.”

  Steam escaped Fyra’s mouth as she blew out a long exhale. “All for us?”

  “Do you want to be part of this team? Our secret weapon?” Demetrius cleared his throat. “But don’t be offended if we don’t bring you out unless it’s a last resort.”

  Laughter bubbled up from her, and the hand that wasn’t clutching Bishop’s rubbed her chest.

  These vampires really wanted her around, with or without her help. After the firestorm she’d created, probably more without her help.

  “Yes,” she said. “But I think I might be better off helping Calli than being out in the field. Maybe we can uncover details about my powers and Bishop’s.”

  Calli’s expression glowed with excitement. “Thankfully, I emptied the library before last night.” Her features sobered. “I’m actually glad my old home is gone. Don’t feel guilty about leveling it. I’d rather see a new place built for a fresh start for some other family.”

  Bishop had been quiet the whole time, but he finally spoke. “You’ve really been looking into this…before you thought I’d…”

  Hope simmered in the depths of Bishop’s eyes. Fyra squeezed his hand.

  Demetrius nodded once. “We noticed rather quickly that you two even each other out. It was worth checking into. None of us are tied to this place, but it’s easier—and safer—if we’re all together.”

  Bishop looked at her. “Will you stay here, with me?”

  She scoffed. “Try to get rid of me. Um, leave the walls dirt, though. I like to draw on them.”


  A couple of hours later, Fyra hit the mall with her male. They strolled, held hands, and snacked on ice cream like a normal supernatural couple hiding among humans.

  She couldn’t lose the twitch between her shoulder blades. Just because Rancor was toast didn’t mean she was safe.

  Pulling her borrowed ball cap down, she ducked between racks of clothing while Bishop lounged in the chair by the waiting room. She had no money, but Bishop was loaded and said what was his was now hers.

  It’d be insulting if she didn’t take him up on it.

  Snatching up several shirts that didn’t go up to her chin and a few pairs of leggings, she meandered toward the lingerie.

  A shadow moved, and she almost ignited her armload and the figure standing next to her.

  “Think about snowballs. Maybe your boyfriend’s.” Stryke’s eyes gazed out from the human he was in.

  “Really? Lurking in women’s underwear? I knew that’s how you rolled.”

  “My female doesn’t wear underwear,” he said flatly. “Rancor’s death rocked the underworld.”

  “Do they know it was me?”

  An eyebrow rose. “Since no one else can leave the amount of burned rubble and reduce a Circle demon to dust, yes, they assume it was you.”

  She clutched her items and thought of Bishop, her favorite cold thought. Stryke was right. Not just cold thoughts, but imagining her heat coiled into a controlled ball. “And what are you here for?”

  His smile was sad.

  “Most beings down there want nothing to do with you and wouldn’t mind if you never return. You’ve earned a fearsome reputation.”

  She’d hung onto one word. “Most?”

  His face drained of all emotion. “I’m with Hypna now and she holds a serious grudge.”

  Behind Stryke, Bishop moved like a phantom. Fyra doubted even Stryke knew he was so close.

  “Is that what you’re here for?”

  Stryke sighed and rubbed his temples. “I wish it was that easy. She doesn’t know I’m up here. With the upheaval down below, she’ll be using me as her assassin to get who she wants in Rancor’s place.” He looked away, bleakness in his eyes, and muttered, “Among other things.” He shook himself. “I’m going to get away from her, even if it kills me.”

  Fyra laid a hand on his shoulder and Stryke flinched. The human host seemed so frail under her touch. “If I can help you, say the word. Not a tit-for-tat arrangement, but because you were my first friend. Kind of a shitty one, but you and I are still tight.”

  He took in a fortifying breath and turned to nod at Bishop, who stood a foot behind him with his arms crossed. A department store employee nervously watched the interaction between them. Fyra threw her a wink and she visibly calmed.

  “Anyway, I just wanted to let you know. You won’t have to worry about minions and if Hypna sends anyone after you, it’ll be me, and you know how bad I am at detaining you.”

  “You sent the text?” Bishop asked. “How did you get Zoey’s number?”

  “I have my ways.” Stryke turned to walk away, but stopped. “My ineptness will be my gift to you two. Congrats on your bond. It’s a wo
nderful thing when it goes both ways.”

  Bishop came to stand next to her as they watched him shuffle away.

  Then Bishop leaned down to whisper, “Underwear, really?”

  Her most sultry grin curved her lips. “I like having you take it off me.”

  He steered her toward the checkout and she grabbed several more armloads before they reached it.

  “Did you find everything you need?” the checkout clerk asked.

  Fyra grinned. “Oh, I didn’t find anything. I saw what I liked and took it.”

  Bishop smiled down at her. “You sure did.”


  Thank you for reading. I’d love to know what you thought. Please consider leaving a review at the retailor the book was purchased from.


  For new release updates, chapter sneak peeks, and exclusive quarterly short stories, sign up for Marie’s newsletter and receive download links for the book that started it all, Fever Claim, and three short stories of characters from the series.


  Book 4, New Vampire Disorder

  A demon in love…

  Stryke harbors a love so secret, not even the powerful vampire he’s bonded to knows about him. When a sadistic demoness targets Stryke for breeding, she uncovers his bond and orders a hit on his female. Stryke’s carefully laid plans dissolve under brutal beatings and imprisonment and he’s left to languish. Scraping his last threads of energy together, he escapes the underworld to save her. But the cunning vampire rescued herself and would rather shove a blade in Stryke’s heart than claim it.

  A vampire’s duty…

  Uptight vampire Zoey Chevalier lost her mate years ago, but her duty protecting her species keeps her going, Lately, she’s been coming unraveled and fantasizing about a male she’s never met. She’s alone and going crazy, and hiding her instability from her team. When several underworld lackeys capture her, she fights her way into the arms of her dream male. Stryke’s a mortal enemy with an absurd story about their connection, and he dredges up hopes and dreams that died with her mate. She’ll lose her livelihood if she succumbs to her attraction. And if he can’t convince her to accept their bond, he’ll once again be at the mercy of the underworld.


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