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Conjuring the Flesh

Page 10

by Brandon Fox

  Thane tousled Ander’s hair before he could ask more questions. “I’ll tell you later. After I understand better myself. What happened here? Did you have a chance to talk with Leif about our cause?”

  Ander took a deep breath and let it drop. If he wants time, so be it. “I did. He hates the zamindar, for good reason. And his skill as a lover is famous. I think he could master the art without trouble.”

  “He isn’t reluctant to bed customers, the way you were?”

  “He’s selective but enthusiastic. Once he took on half a dozen Travinian horse traders who were in Pella for a festival. Travinians howl like wolves when they come, and Leif had them howling all night. The next day they offered Lady Tay a king’s ransom if she’d send Leif with them for a year.”

  Nicolai’s eyes went wide. “I’ve seen Travinians. They’re tough men, with the endurance of their own war stallions.”

  “I think Leif considered it a challenge. Besides, they were a handsome group. Wild boys, long hair cut like a horse’s mane, on their first trip to the city.”

  “I should see him today,” Thane said. “We’ll be leaving tomorrow and might not have another chance.”

  “I’ll take you to his room. He might be up already, if yesterday’s customer didn’t keep him occupied all night.”

  Thane accepted the invitation while Nicolai left to begin preparations for the trip back to the lyceum. They stopped by Ander’s room to retrieve Thane’s cape and the small case of elixirs concealed in its pocket, then went to Leif’s room.

  Ander paused outside the door. “I’ll wait in my room, if you’d like. I told him you might be coming to see him.”

  “I could use your help. He’ll be more relaxed if you’re with me.”

  Ander’s tension eased. Whatever his problem is, it’s not with me. He gave Thane a sultry gaze. “If Leif’s test is anything like mine was, I envy him.”

  “Each test is different. It depends on the person being tested.” He squeezed Ander’s hand. “Let’s begin. Leif impressed you enough to become your bedmate, so I like him already.”

  Ander opened the door and was greeted with a whiff of cinnamon incense. Amber linens covered the walls and were draped on cords just beneath the ceiling, making the room look like a wealthy traveler’s tent. The window was open a crack, and a gentle breeze made the cloth ripple. Keeping with the tent motif, Leif slept on a pile of cushions and furs. A candle guttered inside a stone lantern, its terraced curves evoking the same hints of the east as Leif’s almond-shaped eyes. Grapes and pears arranged on a black lacquer tray added a faint earthy fragrance to the air.

  Leif was sprawled on a lambskin, still asleep. The tawny fleece was a close match for his skin. He lay on his stomach, arms crossed beneath his head, the heavy gold braid of his ponytail snaking between the blades of his wide shoulders. A sheet of pale gold silk lay across his lower body, accenting rather than concealing his narrow hips and strong legs. His face was turned to the door.

  “But for the eyes, he might be Nicolai’s brother,” Thane whispered.

  “He has Nicolai’s kindness,” Ander agreed. “Though not his calm. Leif’s an excitable creature.”

  Thane nodded. “Then let’s get him excited. Go ahead and wake him.”

  Ander took a step forward, and Leif’s eyes opened a fraction of an inch. “No need,” he said, not moving a muscle. “I heard when you entered.”

  Ander put an arm around Thane’s waist. “I should have mentioned, he’s sneaky. He’s the terror of gossiping girls, always overhearing them.”

  Leif stretched his arms above his head, smooth curves of muscle flexing beneath satiny skin. Then he rolled onto his back and sat up, ignoring the way his morning erection tented the thin sheet. He bowed his head in Thane’s direction. “I’m honored by your visit. I’ve been wanting to meet you. And thank you.”

  “Thank me? Why?”

  “For making Ander whole. He’s my best friend, and I sense how he’s changed. You’ve given him something, some gift beyond my power to grant.”

  Thane’s eyes widened. “Can you feel what the change is?”

  Leif’s expression was a mixture of perplexity and curiosity. “Love, certainly. But anybody could sense that. Ander’s been pining for you since you left. There’s more, though. He’s grown into something more than a musician.” His eyes crinkled merrily. “But I’m being a poor host. Sit, have some food. I was hoping you’d tell me what’s going on.”

  They joined Leif on the cushions. Thane placed his cape nearby and accepted a pewter cup. Leif filled it with water from a glazed pitcher, then poured for himself and Ander before lifting his cup. “To friends well met.”

  A trace of lemon tickled Ander’s tongue as he sipped the water. He glanced at Thane, who was drinking while maintaining eye contact with their host. Leif had magic of his own, but Ander knew his formality signified uncertainty. There was one sure way to draw him out.

  “You’re right about Thane,” Ander said. “He changed me. But remember what I told you, about how there are secrets of love you’ve never suspected? Thane knows them all.”

  The gleam in Leif’s eyes showed the topic had been on his mind. He fixed his gaze on Thane and nodded solemnly. “When Ander hinted at your knowledge, it reminded me of something. My grandmother was born in the east. She told me ancient legends, stories of powers long forgotten. Mysteries of flesh and spirit.”

  Thane leaned forward eagerly. “You must tell me, everything you remember. Any detail might be important.”

  Leif nodded. “It seems I was right. I felt new depths in Ander when we talked. A mystery just beyond my reach. And I’ve thought a lot about what he told me. I could tell he’d found more than a lover.” He extended both hands, palms up. “I’m unworthy, but I offer myself as an apprentice if you’ll have me. I know you’re honorable. Ander would never love you if you weren’t.”

  After a few seconds, Thane seemed to reach a decision. He clasped Leif’s hands. “I can’t confirm your guesses. But Ander vouches for you, so I trust you. We’ll show you some of what we’ve learned if you choose to share yourself with us. After that, who knows?”

  “No one knows the future,” Leif agreed. He released Thane’s hands. “And no matter what comes of it, bedding the two of you together is a chance I’d never miss. Did you know that Ander and I never slept with a third?”

  “Keeping up with you is challenge enough,” Ander said. “But now you’ll have Thane to contend with. I just hope you’re ready to be surprised.”

  “Oh, I’m ready. See?” Leif tugged on his sheet and sent it slipping to the floor. His cock stretched across his thigh, twitching and lifting at the prospect of intimacy. Balls nestled snugly against its base, tight and rounded, with only a trace of blond hair dusting the soft skin. He threw his head back, his ponytail falling free.

  Ander knew the invitation well. Rather than accepting it himself, he took Thane’s hand and guided it to Leif’s erection. Thane’s fingers curled around the smooth shaft. Lightly, his fingers barely touching the sensitive skin, he traced the phallus from base to tip.

  Ander shed his clothes while Thane explored Leif’s body. When he was naked, he knelt beside them and cupped Leif’s balls as Thane and Leif kissed gently.

  Thane rolled to his feet and stripped, then knelt beside Leif and touched his cheek. “You’ve guessed something of our art. But don’t be concerned with mysteries for now. Let us give you pleasure. Try to make it last.”

  “What about you?” Leif asked. He glanced down, his eyes widening when he saw the long span of Thane’s erection. He brushed the shaft’s underside with a light stroke. “What do you crave?”

  “Only your friendship. If anything else happens between us, it can grow from that. Just tell me what you feel and what you want.”

  Leif’s warm expression showed his approval. “Ander chose well. You care more for your lover’s pleasure than your own.”

  “He’s generous,” Ander agreed. “Now lie back
and let us take care of you.” He put a hand against Leif’s chest and pushed him down among the cushions. The young companion stretched out, extending his legs and spreading them apart as they renewed their kiss.

  Their kiss grew more urgent as Thane moved between Leif’s legs. Leif began to moan and writhe, but Ander held him down and didn’t break the kiss. In his mind’s eye, he pictured Thane fondling Leif’s cock and brushing it with whispery kisses. The mage made love with single-minded intensity and could use his anima to increase a lover’s pleasure. Leif’s body quivered, and his moan took on an urgent tone. Ander raised his head but kept the companion pinned to the cushions.

  Leif was panting. “What’s he doing? It feels incredible!”

  Ander looked down the length of Leif’s hard body. Thane was holding the companion’s cock, slick with spit, across the palm of one hand. With his other hand he traced the length of the shaft’s underside. Sparkling white light scintillated around his fingertips, a minute flow of anima. Ander knew from experience how extraordinary it felt. Thane’s movements were slow and controlled, and he studied the erection stretched across his hand with total concentration. The art required intimate knowledge of the body; Thane knew strokes and patterns of pressure to elicit sensation from every part. The pleasure’s intensity could be breathtaking.

  Ander turned back to Leif. “He’s just making sure you’re paying attention. Your only task is to see how long you can make it last. Be sure to let me know if you want something, or if you think you’re about to come.”

  “Then let me taste you. It’s been too long.”

  Ander lowered his head enough to rub his nose against Leif’s. “Anything you want. Just ask.” He swung around to straddle Leif’s head, then extended his arms and straightened his legs. He lowered his hips, and Leif’s lips parted to admit his cock. Moving in a slow glide, he slipped into the wet heat of his friend’s mouth.

  Thane looked up and tousled Ander’s hair. “He’s doing well. Let’s increase the challenge.” He pulled Leif’s cock upright. “Why don’t you take care of him while I make preparations?”

  Ander nodded, too breathless to speak as Leif held his hips and guided his slow thrusts. He took the head of Leif’s cock between his lips. Musky flavor bathed his tongue, his friend’s familiar taste mixing with Thane’s spit. The erection slid down his throat in a smooth glide.

  Thane moved back and took a thin leather case from one of his cape’s pockets before selecting a piece of black silk from a nearby pile. He put the materials aside and gently grasped Ander’s cock as it emerged from Leif’s mouth. Slick fluid smeared across Leif’s upper lip, and his tongue flicked out to capture it.

  Ander let Leif’s erection slide free of his mouth and rolled to his side, opposite Thane with Leif between them. He looked at Thane’s leather case, his fingers caressing Leif’s chest. “You’re going to love this.”

  Thane nodded. “We’re going to try something. But we need to blindfold you first.” He held up the black silk. “It helps make you more sensitive to touch.”

  Leif didn’t hesitate. He sat up and took the cloth. “I know what you mean. I often make love with my eyes closed.” He folded the silk rag into a band, then placed it across his eyes. Ander took the ends and tied them in a knot behind his head.

  “Sit behind him,” Thane told Ander. “It’s good to be held by someone you know.”

  Ander insinuated himself into the cushions, spreading his legs so Leif nestled between them, and wrapped his arms around the companion’s chest. His cock pressed against the small of Leif’s back. He nuzzled his friend’s neck while his hands explored the muscled torso. “Just lean against me,” he said. “Don’t worry if you feel something unexpected. Nothing will harm you.”

  Leif shivered, but Ander could tell it was from excitement rather than fear. He glanced down and saw that his friend’s phallus stretched against his flat belly, slick with his anticipation.

  Thane opened the leather case. Both halves held tightly corked vials filled with oily liquids ranging in color from clear to deep blue. He pulled out a vial of clear fluid and twisted the cork off. Eucalyptus fragrance filled the air.

  Leif cocked his head and sniffed curiously. Ander laughed softly. The prospect of taking his more experienced friend by surprise was strongly appealing.

  Thane poured oil onto his right palm and moved closer to Leif, crouching on one knee between Leif’s outstretched legs. “I’ll tell you before I do something,” he said. “We don’t want to startle you.”

  “You’re a considerate lover,” Leif replied. “As I expected. A perfect match for Ander.” He breathed deeply and let his weight fall back, surrendering himself with complete trust.

  “Don’t fear,” Thane said as he lowered his hands to Leif’s cock. “The feeling will be strong, but only pleasure.” He cupped Leif’s scrotum with his left hand and wrapped his right hand around the straining shaft. Leif tensed, then quickly relaxed.

  Ander was looking forward to his friend’s first experience with Thane’s extracts. This particular oil seemed cool and slick at first, not at all difficult to deal with. But then it began to tingle. The effect was subtle at first but grew as the flesh became more sensitized. The first time Thane had used it on him, he’d nearly swooned.

  Thane slid his right hand from the base of Leif’s cock almost to the top, spreading oil evenly over the smooth skin. He paused when his thumb and index finger reached the bottom of the glans. The erection throbbed in his hand as if in anticipation.

  Thane leaned forward until his lips were within an inch of Leif’s. “You’re at the threshold,” he whispered. “Cross it with me, and enter into light.” As he met Leif in a gentle kiss, he slid his fingers over the crown of the glans. The kiss grew more urgent as the elixir worked its magic on the sensitive flesh. Leif gasped, and Thane broke off the kiss.

  Ander watched, tense with knowledge of the pleasure being kindled, as Thane took the measure of Leif’s cock. Slickness flowed in a steady stream. The mage traced through it with a fingertip, mixing sensitizing oil with the natural lubricant. Leif started squirming.

  Ander felt a tingling echo of sensation in his own cock. He was startled, not understanding how he might be sharing Leif’s pleasure since they hadn’t formed a bond. He glanced at Thane, who was absorbed in exploring the companion’s body.

  Thane’s hand began to move on Leif’s cock, sliding back down with agonizing slowness. The phallus glistened with oil, and the glans looked darker than before. Leif started to reach for his cock, but Ander restrained him.

  “Let Thane do it,” he whispered. “It’s too soon. Trust us.”

  Leif took a ragged breath. “Then hold me tight. I’ve never felt like this before.”

  “I know,” Ander said, humor in his voice. And Thane has just begun. He adjusted his hold so Leif’s arms were restrained against his sides. The tickling sensation in his own cock increased as his friend started breathing faster.

  Thane released Leif’s phallus, then took another vial from his case. Pale red fluid coated the glass container in viscous streamers.

  Ander caught a whiff of clove when Thane twisted the cork off. The elixir of dreams. Why is he using that one?

  Wasting no time, Thane coated both his hands with the red-tinged oil. Aromatic vapors filled the air. “Something different now,” he said. “You’ll feel as much pleasure as before, but you’ll be able to control it better. Let your mind float. See where the currents take you.”

  “My cock… do something! It feels like I’m starting to come, but instead the feeling keeps getting stronger.”

  “That’s good,” Thane said, soothing. “Don’t fight your flesh. It’s showing you a new path. And it’s time to take another step.” He grasped the erection with an oiled hand. Leif moaned softly, thrusting as if trying to fuck, but Thane didn’t relent. His other hand, equally well oiled, moved lower. As he gently squeezed Leif’s cock, he slid his other hand’s index finger between the companion�
��s buttocks and into his body.

  “Ohh….” Leif’s body went rigid. His legs curled around Thane’s crouched form, muscles bunching. “There’s a spark inside me. It tickles!”

  “Imagine you’re kissing me,” Ander whispered in his ear. “Think of lying together beside the river, like we do in the summer. Feel the sun’s heat on your back.”

  “That’s good advice,” Thane said. He began to slide his finger in and out of Leif’s clenching channel, at the same time stroking his phallus with a loose grip. “Imagine you’re dreaming. What about the spark you felt? Is it still there?”

  “Yes,” Leif said, gasping. “It’s growing. Like a star.” He threw his head back and moaned. “It’s too much!”

  Ander’s cock throbbed with a pleasurable itch. He squeezed Leif tight and pressed against him. A pale glow drew his gaze down. Leif’s cock pulsed with golden radiance. A cloud of sparkling points danced around the glans, spinning away from Leif’s phallus and flowing along Thane’s hands before vanishing into the cleft between the companion’s buttocks. The mage was channeling sensation back into him, compounding it with each slippery stroke.

  Leif groaned again, arching his back and gasping. “It’s consuming me! I need to come!”

  Thane slowed his strokes further. “There’s only one way to truly soothe that itch. You should do it for him, Ander. It’s right that his best friend bring him release.” He moved back, a mass of sparks dancing around his hands as he broke contact. Leif’s erection strained against his abdomen, luminous and slick.

  “Now, Ander!”

  Ander needed no further encouragement. He released Leif and eased him onto his back. Leif reached for his cock, but Thane grabbed his wrists and moved around until he crouched above Leif’s head. He pulled Leif’s arms upward, immobilizing them. “Trust us,” he said softly. “It will be worth it.”

  Ander took a vial of simple lubricant from Thane’s case. He removed the stopper and quickly applied a thick coating to his cock. Even the light touch of his own hand as he spread the oil along his shaft was enough to make his balls pull up tightly. He put his hands under Leif’s knees, then lifted the legs and leaned forward until his erection nudged the well-oiled opening. His cock became hard as iron at the first contact with the elixirs Thane had been using. It ached almost painfully.


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