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His Little Red Riding Hood (Halloween Honeys Book 2)

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by Sher Dillard

  “Hurry,” I said as I pushed him forward.

  He shot me a questioning frown and shook his head. “Hey, we’re the last in line. You can spend all the time you want with her.”

  The line had slowed down as the people in front started getting backed up. I couldn’t take my eyes off the girl taking tickets. We’d made it about halfway when Jeanie said something to her friend and left her, headed straight for me.

  I stepped out from the line and let her approach, she smiled sweetly and said, “Jake Dawson, as I live and breathe.” I had to laugh, she had that whole Marilyn Munro act down pat. Any other night and we might have had some fun. But tonight. All I could see was that redhead.

  “Who’s your friend?” I asked, looking past her at the young woman. She was staring at something back inside the house. Her face in profile. Delicious, sweet, perfect slightly upturned nose, high cheekbones. Everything about her was pulling at me like an electrical current that refused to let go.

  “Introduce me,” I added without taking my eyes off the girl.

  Jeanie studied me for a moment then looked back at her friend. She laughed for some reason, thought for a moment, then slowly shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. Not tonight.”

  My heart slammed to a halt for a second. What was going on? Was Jeanie acting as a blocker for her friend? Was that why she had come over here? To keep me away from Little Miss Red Riding Hood?

  I turned to Jeanie and smiled as I nodded. “If that’s the way you want it. But, I am warning you. It won’t stop me.”

  She threw her head back and laughed then put her hand on my arm and leaned in to say. “I should hope not.” Then without another word, she turned and pulled Kyle away, so they could talk in private.

  I frowned for a second as I watched them go, then like a magical spell had ahold of me, I turned back to look at Red. The girl was staring at me as if she had just had her worst nightmare. White face, large eyes, and fingers that shook as she fumbled with the tickets in her hand.

  What was that all about I wondered as I looked over my shoulder, wondering if something else might have caused that look of distress in her eyes.

  Nope, nothing.

  Turning back, I saw that she had turned away a little. Enough to pretend I wasn’t there, but not so much that she couldn’t see me from the corner of her eye. Smiling to myself, I knew what that meant, she was interested but didn’t want me to know it. If she had been afraid, she would have never turned away.

  The line had disappeared, leaving just me and Miss Red. With a feeling of renewed confidence, I made my way towards her. I had almost gotten there when she turned towards me. Our eyes locked and I forgot every cheesy line I had ever known. All I could do was stare down at perfection.

  She searched my eyes, waiting, wondering. Somehow, I got my mind back on track and smiled. The best smile I had.

  “So, you aren’t by any chance looking for a wolf tonight. Are you?” I asked her.

  She froze for a second. “Why? Are you offering?”

  I tried to remain cool. “Some of us were born to play the part.”

  She tried not to smile. “The woodsman was the hero of the story.”

  I laughed, “Yes, but he isn’t near as interesting as the wolf. You look like you need a wolf, not a hero.”

  She blanched for a moment then tilted her head slightly. “So, you think you know what I need?”

  My insides turned over, this woman wasn’t going to make it easy.

  “Perhaps,” I answered. “But at some point in her life, every woman secretly wants a wolf.”

  The girl paused for a moment then leaned back to look me over. “Why the tuxedo. Not exactly a costume?”

  I smiled. “A modern-day wolf. We come in many different disguises, just like the story.”

  She laughed and took a sip of her drink. Those luscious lips brushed the rim of her cup and my insides tightened up.

  “I’m Jake,” I told her. “Jake Dawson.”

  “I know,” she replied with a bit of a coy smile.

  An awkwardness threated to descend over us when she didn’t give me her name. So, I said, “I could call you Red if you want. I mean you are perfect for the part. But, I would much prefer to know your real name. it will make the evening go so much smoother.”

  Her cheeks blushed pink for some reason but then she nodded. “Sadie, Sadie Winters.”

  My mind relaxed. Sadie Winters. A sweet name for a sexy woman. No matter what happened here tonight. I had her name.

  “Nice to meet you Sadie Winters.”

  Holding out my hand, I waited for her to take it. At last, she hesitantly placed hers in mine. A shock of pure energy traveled up my arm. She felt it too as her eyes grew big and the pulse pounded in her neck.

  “You have very big hands,” she said looking down where hers was buried in mine.

  “All the better to touch you with, my dear,” I said in a playful growl as I reached up and gently placed a strand of hair behind her ear.

  She looked up at me, both frightened and excited. Her eyes searched mine. As if looking for some long lost secret. Desperately wanting to find something that would reassure her.

  I felt a warm comfort flow over me, this girl was special. One look and she had me eating out of the palm of her hand.

  “You know they killed the wolf at the end of the story,” she said, raising an eyebrow.

  “A lie spread by idiot woodsman to make themselves look better,” I told her while staring into her eyes. “In truth, the wolf escaped. And Red spent the rest of her life dreaming about him. And what might have been.”

  She laughed. But there was something behind her eyes. I don’t know what it might have been but for some reason, I felt as if this woman had a ton of layers. As if there were secrets I was supposed to know but could never discover.

  She continued to study me for a long moment. Turning, she placed the tickets into a small tin box, then checked to see where Jeanie was. Her friend waved a hand letting her know she’d be there in a moment.

  Sadie looked up at me and sighed heavily.

  “Come on,” she said as she started to pull me into the house. “Let’s get this over with.” Looking back over her shoulder she gave me a small smile.

  My heart dropped a couple of feet. Was she saying what I thought she was saying? And if so, how had I gotten into heaven without dying?

  Chapter Three


  I was going to kill Jeanie. A long slow, painful death was exactly what she deserved. How could she have done this to me?

  She had marched right up to him and asked him to take my virginity. She’d probably begged him even. I’d seen it, that look of shock followed by that confident smile.

  She had known all along. If Jake Dawson talked to me, I would be lost. I couldn’t back out of it, not now. If I did, I would spend the rest of my life regretting it. But, I was also perfectly aware that if I went through with it, I would spend the rest of my life regretting it.

  A rock and a hard place. So, if I was going to regret it, either way, I might as well get something out of it.

  Damn her. A long slow death.

  Everything about the man was made to turn a woman’s head. The drop-dead gorgeous looks. That athletic body that radiated strength and power. Those eyes, oh my god, those eyes just melted my heart every time he looked at me.

  But, it was something else. A sense of rightness. As if he knew exactly what to say and do. As if he had control of the world and made it comply with his desires. The man was just too perfect for his own good.

  His hand encased mine in a firm yet gentle grip. The calluses on his fingers reminded me that this was an athlete. A finely tuned machine who I was about to use for my own pleasure. The thought sent a surge of energy through me and a burning need to my very core.

  We’d only taken a few steps when I looked back at him, raising an eyebrow. He silently smiled back at me, telling me to lead on. I swallowed hard as my mouth went ins
tantly dry and my body tingled. This was it. If I went up those stairs I was committing myself. I was telling him that he could take my virginity.

  Taking a deep breath, I led him upstairs as we weaved our way around people taking the tour. I kept looking back to find him smiling like a Cheshire cat with a bowl of milk. The man was enjoying this. Me, on the other hand, I was so nervous I thought I might be sick.

  My stomach turned over, my palms were actually sweating and my heart wouldn’t stop racing. I was about to cross over a special threshold. With Jake Dawson no less. My life would never be the same.

  When we got to the door of the spare bedroom, I remembered Stacy’s advice and knocked. Thankfully, no one answered.

  Jake reached around me and opened it, ushering me in with a cocky smile. Taking a deep breath, I swallowed hard and stepped inside. The room was sparse without being cold. A desk, a small refrigerator, a single bed.

  I actually gulped when I saw the bed. Neatly made with a tartan comforter. It was all I could see at the moment. As if my world had shrunk down to just that bed.

  “Here,” Jake said softly as he reached up to remove my red cape. My heart jumped as his fingers gently brushed against my skin. This was really going to happen. It made me both hate Jeanie and love her at the same time. This was the one thing I didn’t want to have happen… and yet, here Jake was. Right in front of me. Maybe Jeanie knew me better than I even knew myself.

  He draped the red cape over a chair then turned to smile at me. His eyes dancing with a mixture of anticipation, surprise, and desire.

  I looked back at him, clueless. What happened now? Every muscle screamed at me to run. To get out of there before he broke my heart forever. Yet, my soul refused to move. This was my chance to experience a dream. To know, at least one time, what it would be like to be in Jake Dawson’s arms.

  Holding my breath, I watched him take a step towards me. His eyes diving into mine, searching, cataloging. As he drew near, he reached up to gently put my hair back in place. The man liked doing that I realized, and I so liked it when he did. As if it was our own little private thing.

  Tilting his head slightly, he said. “There is one thing every wolf would like to know. Now I am finally going to get the answer.

  My gaze became lost in his. “What is that?” I managed to say without sounding like an idiot. My mouth was so dry I was surprised I could even talk.

  He smiled as his hand came up to cup the back of his neck. “What it is like to kiss Miss Red Riding Hood.” The words had no sooner washed over me when he leaned down and took my lips with his.

  Oh, My, God. My heart melted as I sank into him. I was lost. There would be no changing my mind. Not after I had tasted his lips. The man kissed like a god. Gentle yet firm, tasting, taking, demanding more.

  Without thinking, my hands reached up around his neck to hold him in place. I would never let him go. His arms snaked around my waist holding me in a secure embrace that I wanted to last forever.

  A safe, sure, world that would never let in anything bad. A world in his arms.

  Oh, Sadie, I thought, I had already become lost. I was his. I was still nervous, but now I worried about being enough for him. Would he be disappointed? However, before I could start over-thinking things, he broke away and leaned back.

  His eyes smiled down at me. “I knew you were special the first time I saw you.”

  That was all I needed. Pulling him back to me I attacked him. My lips devoured him while my hands slipped into his jacket and pushed it off his shoulders. I needed to be closer. I needed him. Now.

  He chuckled as he started unbuttoning his shirt. When he shrugged out of it, I learned what was better than Jake Dawson in a tux. Jake Dawson in nothing.

  He gave me a sexy smile then turned me around, so he could unlace my bodice.

  Was this real? Was that desire I had seen in his eyes? Did he really want me or was this a favor to Jeanie. A charity project. My insides turned over with doubt. What if he didn’t want to be here. What if he didn’t want me.

  My stomach churned with worry until he leaned down and began to kiss the back of my neck. My mind went blank, every worry, every doubt disappeared as all I could think about was his hard body pressed against mine.

  Pushing my dress off my shoulders he turned me back to examine me slowly. I stood before him in nothing but my panties while his eyes slowly traveled up, lingering on my hips. My insides tightened up. Please like what you see, I thought to myself. I would die if he was disappointed.

  Licking his lips, he let his eyes continue upward. He studied my breasts and smiled then glanced up at my eyes.

  “You are delectable,” he said with that cocky grin of his. “And I am going to thoroughly enjoy devouring you.”

  My core turned to molten flesh at the need in his voice.

  “Come here,” he demanded, forcing me to move to him. My heart raced, my mind whirled and the world shifted as he scooped me up and gently laid me onto the bed. He hovered over me, his eyes staring into mine then he leaned down to take my lips once again.

  A need began to build inside of me. A desire for fulfillment. A burning want had been ignited.

  I became lost in him as my fingers traced his hard muscles. He was all angles and hard male flesh. A soft leathery and sandalwood scent invaded my senses. A scent I knew I would remember for the rest of my life.

  Slowly, his hand drifted from my waist to cup my breast.

  Oh, God, his touch was like heaven. His caress sending a chill through me to my very center. I thought nothing could be more wonderful until he lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth.

  “Yes, oh yes,” I moaned as I arched into him. He kissed and suckled, pushing me forward, bringing me higher.

  Then, he left my breast and I felt a sense of loss. A sense of regret. But Jake Dawson knew what he was doing, Jeanie had chosen well. Without any warning, he started to trail kisses down my stomach. I froze as his fingers slipped into the waistband of my panties and pulled them off.

  I swallowed hard. I was exposed. Vulnerable like I had never been before. He could see everything. My insides tightened up and muscles grew tense. He looked up at me, giving me a reassuring smile then kissed the inside of my thigh.

  Oh, I hadn’t known.

  “Please,” he said as he gently pushed my legs open.

  No, was he? Really.

  Slowly, I let him open me to him fully. He smiled and gently kissed me there.

  I was lost. I had departed to another universe. This was impossible. This was too wonderful to be true.

  Jake continued to kiss and suck. Pulling my clit into his mouth and sucking. Sending me into a new orbit.

  “My God,” I yelled as I held his head in place, demanding more, demanding everything. I continued to climb higher. My insides grew soft and swollen with need. A need he began to meet when he slipped a finger inside. Then another.

  I gasped. The sense of invasion was what I wanted. This need to be taken was building something inside of me as his fingers worked in and out.

  “Yesssssssss,” I squealed as a wave of pure pleasure washed over me. Jake continued pushing me higher. Continued to hold me up on the crest of that wave until I could stand it no more. Pushing him away, I fought to catch my breath.

  It was as if my world had changed its very meaning.

  He looked up at me, a smirk on his face that tore at my heart. He had enjoyed giving me pleasure. His only focus. It was enough to make a girl fall in love.

  Without a word, he stood up and removed his pants. The man was perfect. Fully aroused. His large cock throbbed and jumped as if it needed me. Me. Jake Dawson needed me.

  “Now, it is the wolf’s turn,” he said.

  I gulped as I remembered everything anyone had ever told me. Reaching to the basket I removed the box of condoms.

  He laughed and shook his head as he used his teeth to tear open the package and rolled it onto his hardness. My stomach dropped as I watched his hand move u
p and down his shaft.

  This was it. That was going to be inside of me. Thrusting into me. My heart jumped with anticipation and hope.

  Jake smiled as he kneeled between my legs and positioned himself. His eyes locked onto mine for a second, silently asking to make sure I wanted this.

  I bit my lip as I nodded back at him. I wanted this more than anyone had ever wanted anything.

  He smiled as he began to push himself into me. Slowly. His forehead furrowed in concentration as his eyes closed and became lost.

  My body opened for him. Stretching, taking him slowly. He continued to push forward. Then he reached my barrier, he froze for a moment, frowning down at me. Holding back.

  “Please,” I begged as I thrust myself up onto him.

  A sharp twinge was immediately followed by a sense of fullness. As if I had finally achieved what I had always been searching for. Oh, it was glorious. As if we were designed to fit together.

  He looked at me for a long second then slowly withdrew all the way to the very beginning. No, I thought. No, I need you inside of me. As if reading my mind, he slowly thrust forward.

  “Oh, yes,” I moaned as I rose up to meet him. Yes, this was what I wanted. This was what I needed. “Yes,”

  Jake thrust into me again. Over and over, pushing me higher. Our bodies working together. Our hearts beating the same rhythm. Our souls becoming one. Over and over.

  Once again, I felt that wave approaching me. Lifting me higher, then he thrust one last time, his body going stiff with release as he throbbed inside of me. It pushed me over the edge and my world exploded. Lights and sounds shot off in a thousand different directions.

  “Yes,” I screamed, not caring who heard me.

  Jake sighed heavily as he stared down into my eyes. “You Miss Riding Hood are special.” He whispered as my arms wrapped around him. Pulling him in tight. I wanted this weight on me. I would never let go. This feeling of power and wonder and specialness. No never.

  Chapter Four


  Sadie rested in the crook of my shoulder. Both of us coming down from the highest of highs. Her soft body meshed with mine as my fingers slowly caressed that sweet butt of hers. The woman fit against me perfectly. Almost as if she’d been designed to do so.


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