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Brought to Heel

Page 25

by Brought to Heel [Nexus] (retail) (epub)

  Jackie’s fingers worked furiously as she remembered all her ‘perks’. The owner of the take-away distracting her from the lorry on the pavement, his broad hand gently inching up beneath her pleated mini-skirt towards her cotton panties. The brief impudence of his swift thumb tip at her pubic mound. She had tried, half-heartedly, to slap his face. Laughing, he had gripped her wrists and kissed her fiercely, snatching her beret away like a schoolboy – returning it with a tenner tucked inside. And all the time the refrigerated lorry had been disgorging boxes of frozen chips on to the pavement in breach of at least three by-laws.

  Strumming her labial lips, and palming them wider apart, Jackie squeezed her wet buttocks tightly together as she teased up her tiny hood of velvet and prised out her clitoral bud. Concentrating hard, she pressed her thumb-tips down.

  She did not hear the changing room door open slightly, then yawn wide. She did not hear the soft creak of leather as the captain sidled in, closing the changing room door softly behind her. Under the drumming scald of her shower, the naked Car Cadet did not hear the faint chink of keys, or the squeak of the locker door being opened. Thighs trembling, thumbs busy as she masturbated luxuriously, Jackie did not see or hear the captain examining the contents of her purse, counting the thirty pounds in notes that had not been there during the snap inspection earlier that morning.

  Jackie approached the windowless van. Out of town plates. Not a regular, new to her patch. ‘Tortoise Couriers – we beat the hares’ was splashed in red along the side. Jackie smiled.

  The driver wound down his window, eyeing the hem of her pleated mini-skirt unashamedly. Jackie drew her thighs together primly. Better get him booked, she thought, fishing out her radio. Word in the canteen was that targets weren’t being met.

  ‘Have a heart, darling. It’s my mobile. Signal keeps breaking up.’

  ‘Can’t let you stay here.’

  ‘Four minutes. Five, tops. They’re just sorting out my next pick-up. Only place I can hear them clearly. Go on.’

  Jackie saw the fiver being thumbed out of his wallet.

  ‘You deserve a quick break, love. Get yourself a coffee and a cake. No sugar, mind. You’re sweet enough.’ The blue fiver was promptly palmed through the window, as if they did it regularly.

  ‘OK.’ Jackie nodded, swiftly scanning the road up and down to check for prowling motorbikes. ‘Make your call.’

  ‘Thanks. You’re a little cracker.’

  Jackie turned, pocketing her bribe, and strode away. The driver stared hungrily at her mini-skirt swishing provocatively against her sensually swaying hips.

  The driver turned to speak into the back of his van. A lorry thundered by, drowning out his words. He unsnapped his seat belt and twisted around into the darkness behind him.

  ‘How was that? Got all you need?’

  ‘Everything,’ the captain whispered softly, her leathers creaking as she stretched to tackle a gripping cramp.

  Jackie scampered out of her shower, clutching her white towel up to her bulging breasts. The captain, severe in her gleaming leathers, closed the changing room door and locked it firmly, pocketing the key in her leather jacket.

  ‘Get back into that shower, you little bitch. I’ve got your number.’

  Jackie froze in alarm. The towel dropped from her lifeless fingers, revealing her wet breasts, tightened belly and pubic snatch sparkling with undried droplets nestling in its matted coils.

  ‘I don’t –’ she stammered, bending to retrieve her towel.

  The cropped blonde glimpsed the bulging breasts and growled. ‘Leave that alone. Back into the shower. At once.’ She took two paces forwards.

  The shivering nude squeaked her alarm and dashed back into the cubicle, dragging the wet plastic curtain across. It was torn back instantly, exposing Jackie to the stern, leather-clad captain’s cruel gaze.

  ‘I suspected, but wasn’t sure.’ The captain twisted the cold full on. Jackie, huddled and squirming, shrieked. ‘Checked your purse. Full of fivers. Face the wall,’ she snapped, propelling the naked Car Cadet around towards the white-tiled wall.

  Jackie cried out aloud as the cold water streamed down, stinging her soft nakedness with its icy talons.

  ‘Little cracker.’ Spank. A hard hand smacked the bare bottom harshly.

  Jackie twisted around, her mouth gaping in surprised pain.

  ‘Yes, I was there this afternoon. In the back of that van.’

  Spank. Spank. Jackie shrieked.

  ‘Set up a little sting? Tortoise and Hare, remember?’

  Spank. Spank. The creamy cheeks reddened and blushed deeply under the fierce onslaught. Again, then again, the hard hand slapped across the shuddering cheeks, punishing Jackie’s naked, defenceless bottom until the wet buttocks were crimson. Jackie twisted in a desperate bid to escape. Slipping on the tiles, she steadied herself with outstretched arms, presenting her unprotected bottom to her tormentress.

  ‘Stay exactly as you are. That’s perfect,’ the captain hissed.

  The chastisement commenced in earnest, the sharp spanks – and Jackie’s broken sobs – ringing out against the glistening white tiles. Her heavy buttocks shuddered and bounced beneath the harshly cracking palm of her cropped blonde punisher. With the cold water stinging her belly and breasts, and the hot spanking hand stinging her blazing bottom, Jackie begged for mercy.

  The captain ceased, holding her hot hand out under the cold shower. ‘Down,’ she thundered. Still facing the white tiles, Jackie, snivelling loudly, knelt down uncertainly under the icy stream.

  ‘No,’ the captain barked, prodding Jackie’s reddened bottom with the toe of her leather boot. ‘Not like that. Get your arse under the shower. Cool it off. I want it ready for my strap.’

  Jackie howled her protest but the captain taloned her victim’s wet hair and forced the sobbing nude down, making Jackie squat on all fours.

  ‘Turn around.’

  Jackie scuttled on the wet tiles, turning awkwardly until her eyes met the polished toecaps of the captain’s leather boots.

  ‘Bottom up.’

  Sobbing gently, Jackie strained to raise her spanked cheeks up to the icy deluge.

  ‘Stay like that until I return. Move, and you’ll really suffer.’

  Out in the canteen, Jackie was missed.

  ‘You want all of that tea-cake?’

  ‘Go on, then. Where’s Jackie?’

  ‘The captain followed her into the changing room ten minutes ago.’

  ‘Bloody ’ell. Jackie been on the take, do you think?’

  ‘Something like that. They say the captain’s been oiling her strap all afternoon. You know, linseed oil and cotton wool.’

  ‘Poor Jackie. Up for the Double Yellow club.’

  ‘Yeah. Poor cow.’

  The leather-clad blonde relocked the changing room door and strode across to the shower cubicle. She grunted a grudging approval as she saw Jackie, naked, red-bottomed and shivering, still squatting obediently beneath the freezing shower.

  ‘At least you are trainable. Dishonest, but there may be hope for you yet. Hope, discipline and punishment.’

  Jackie, shivering, whimpered.

  ‘Thought you’d get away with it, hmm? I was on to you at once. So were City Hall. Beat them to it, that’s all. Now I’m going to beat you. No need to let City Hall know. Deal with it internally. Best way.’

  Kneeling down, the captain – both hands gloved in black leather gauntlets – raked her straightened forefinger along the length of the dark cleft between the wet, reddened cheeks. Jackie moaned as the leathered finger skimmed the velvet of her sensitive flesh.

  ‘OK,’ the captain murmured, rising up to twist the cold off. ‘We understand each other. Good. Now get out here and get dried.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Jackie mumbled. ‘I only did it –’

  ‘Don’t lie,’ thundered the cropped blonde, clenching the length of quivering leather in her tightly fisted gauntlet. She snapped the strap, viciously, twic

  Jackie, struggling with numbed fingers to dry her shivering nakedness, looked in horror at the evil strap.

  ‘No, please. I’ll never –’

  ‘City Hall pay me to run an efficient squad. I’ll get them their revenue – but I’ll do it my way. You’ve forfeited your bottom, girl. It is mine from now on. Now hurry up and get dried. I’m running late. I’ve only got forty minutes to deal with you tonight.’

  Tonight. The word exploded silently in Jackie’s brain. Was there going to be more of this humiliation, suffering and pain? Tomorrow night? The night after that? Was her bare bottom really at the mercy of the cruel captain from now on?

  ‘Most of you girls go on the take. Turn a blind eye. So do I, until someone gets greedy. I catch ’em all in time. Bring ’em to heel with my little pal here.’

  Jackie crushed the towel to her breasts as the cropped blonde snapped her leather belt again. Twice.

  ‘I run a sort of club. Exclusive, like. Except every Car Cadet on the squad seems to end up an unwilling member.’

  Jackie looked up, her eyes dark and fearful.

  ‘They call it the Double Yellow. You’re just about to become a member. Bend over.’

  Out in the canteen, the girls were impatient to go.

  ‘No, wait. Just a few more minutes.’

  They sat, nervously fiddling with KitKat wrappers and teaspoons. Nobody spoke, but each knew what the others were thinking. About bending over, bare-bottomed. About the leathered blonde standing directly behind the proffered buttocks. About the leather belt being raised aloft. About the swish, swipe as it lashed down.


  They looked at each other, nodding. The stroke down across the bare cheeks. They waited.


  They flinched as Jackie squealed a second time, almost immediately after her first shriek of pain.

  Yes, that was it. The cruel strap snaking upwards to bite at the punished nude’s exposed plum. The supple leather snapping up to kiss the tender pubis fiercely. Ow, ow, the punished yelled. The double ‘ow’ of all new members.

  ‘Yep,’ a Car Cadet nodded, gathering up her cigarettes and lighter. ‘That’s it. She’s in the club all right.’

  Leather always did something for Jackie. Whipped, her wet slit ablaze from the licking hide, she stretched across the captain’s leathered thighs, her nipples raking the soft hide.

  ‘Naughty girl,’ the cropped blonde purred, already half an hour late for her almost forgotten appointment. ‘Naughty girl. What am I going to do with you?’

  Alone in the deserted, locked changing room, the captain palmed the punished buttocks of the wriggling nude across her knees. Jackie’s trembling thighs inched apart and her wet fig glistened. The perfume of her arousal stabbed the cropped blonde’s nostrils. Her gauntlet trapped and squeezed the captive cheeks firmly, dragging them apart to expose the sticky cleft within. Knuckling the whipped cheeks, the cropped blonde gazed down. Jackie mewed softly as she squirmed.

  Leather always did something for Jackie. She nestled her nipples into the leathered thighs and rasped her splayed labia into its sleek warmth. The gauntlet released her soft buttocks from its cruel grasp – becoming one firm leathered finger at her wet plum.

  ‘Not too sure you need much more discipline, my girl,’ the captain purred, nuzzling Jackie’s shining sphincter with her leathered fingertip. ‘Perhaps I’ll just fashion my strap into a leash and use it to curb you. A little touch of leather here –’ she worried the tight little anal whorl vigorously ‘– and here –’ she dragged the fingertip down between the sticky labial lips ‘– will suffice. Hmm?’

  Leather always did something for Jackie.

  The captain pinned her nude victim down, the gauntlet of her left hand firmly controlling Jackie’s neck. Splaying two leathered fingers on her right hand, she guided them towards the naked flesh across her lap: the upper finger probing Jackie’s sphincter, the lower, longer finger sliding into the writhing nude’s slit.

  Jackie came violently, creaming the leathered thighs across which she was arranged in her submissive helplessness.




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