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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

Page 1

by Harmony Raines

  Table of Contents



  Get In Touch

  Rescued by the Bear

  Chapter One – Brad

  Chapter Two – Abbi

  Chapter Three – Brad

  Chapter Four – Abbi

  Chapter Five – Brad

  Chapter Six – Abbi

  Chapter Seven – Brad

  Chapter Eight – Abbi

  Chapter Nine – Brad

  Chapter Ten – Abbi

  Chapter Eleven – Brad

  Chapter Twelve – Abbi

  Chapter Thirteen – Brad

  Chapter Fourteen – Abbi

  Chapter Fifteen – Brad

  Chapter Sixteen – Abbi

  Finding Her Bear

  Chapter One - Daryl

  Chapter Two - Kayleigh

  Chapter Three - Daryl

  Chapter Four - Kayleigh

  Chapter Five - Daryl

  Chapter Six - Kayleigh

  Chapter Seven - Daryl

  Chapter Eight - Kayleigh

  Chapter Nine - Daryl

  Chapter Ten - Kayleigh

  Chapter Eleven - Daryl

  Chapter Twelve - Kayleigh

  Chapter Thirteen - Daryl

  Chapter Fourteen - Kayleigh

  Chapter Fifteen - Daryl

  Chapter Sixteen - Kayleigh

  Chapter Seventeen - Daryl

  Chapter Eighteen - Kayleigh

  Chapter Nineteen - Daryl

  Chapter Twenty - Kayleigh

  Chapter Twenty One - Daryl

  Chapter Twenty Two - Kayleigh

  Tamed By The Bear

  Chapter One - Sam

  Chapter Two - Antonia

  Chapter Three - Sam

  Chapter Four - Antonia

  Chapter Five - Sam

  Chapter Six - Antonia

  Chapter Seven - Sam

  Chapter Eight - Antonia

  Chapter Nine - Sam

  Chapter Ten - Antonia

  Chapter Eleven - Sam

  Chapter Twelve - Antonia

  Chapter Thirteen - Sam

  Chapter Fourteen - Antonia

  Chapter Fifteen - Sam

  Chapter Sixteen - Antonia

  Chapter Seventeen - Sam

  Chapter Eighteen - Antonia

  Chapter Nineteen - Sam

  Chapter Twenty - Antonia

  Chapter Twenty One - Sam

  Chapter Twenty Two - Antonia

  Chapter Twenty Three - Sam

  Chapter Twenty Four - Antonia

  Snowbound With The Bear

  Chapter One - Hal

  Chapter Two - Fiona

  Chapter Three - Hal

  Chapter Four - Fiona

  Chapter Five - Hal

  Chapter Six - Fiona

  Chapter Seven - Hal

  Chapter Eight - Fiona

  Chapter Nine - Hal

  Chapter Ten - Fiona

  Chapter Eleven - Hal

  Chapter Twelve - Fiona

  Chapter Thirteen - Hal

  Chapter Fourteen - Fiona

  Chapter Fifteen - Hal

  Chapter Sixteen - Fiona

  Chapter Seventeen - Hal

  Chapter Eighteen - Fiona

  Biker Bear Billionaire

  Chapter One - Will

  Chapter Two - Freya

  Chapter Three - Will

  Chapter Four - Freyja

  Chapter Five - Will

  Chapter Six - Freyja

  Chapter Seven - Will

  Chapter Eight - Freyja

  Chapter Nine - Will

  Chapter Ten - Freyja

  Chapter Eleven - Will

  Chapter Twelve - Freyja

  Chapter Thirteen - Will

  Chapter Fourteen - Freyja

  Chapter Fifteen - Will

  Chapter Sixteen - Freyja

  Chapter Seventeen - Will

  Chapter Eighteen - Freyja

  Chapter Nineteen - Will

  Chapter Twenty - Freyja

  Bound To Her Bear

  Chapter One - Eirik

  Chapter Two - Drew

  Chapter Three - Eirik

  Chapter Four - Drew

  Chapter Five - Eirik

  Chapter Six - Drew

  Chapter Seven - Eirik

  Chapter Eight - Drew

  Chapter Nine - Eirik

  Chapter Ten - Drew

  Chapter Eleven - Eirik

  Chapter Twelve - Drew

  Chapter Thirteen - Eirik

  Chapter Fourteen - Drew

  Chapter Fifteen - Eirik

  Chapter Sixteen - Drew

  Chapter Seventeen - Eirik

  Chapter Eighteen - Drew

  Chapter Nineteen - Eirik

  Chapter Twenty - Drew

  Doctor Bear

  Chapter One - Ben

  Chapter Two – Beth

  Chapter Three – Ben

  Chapter Four – Beth

  Chapter Five – Ben

  Chapter Six – Beth

  Chapter Seven – Ben

  Chapter Eight – Beth

  Chapter Nine – Ben

  Chapter Ten – Beth

  Chapter Eleven – Ben

  Chapter Twelve – Beth

  Chapter Thirteen – Ben

  Chapter Fourteen – Beth

  Chapter Fifteen – Ben

  Chapter Sixteen – Beth

  Chapter Seventeen – Ben

  Chapter Eighteen – Beth

  Chapter Nineteen – Ben

  Chapter Twenty – Beth

  A Bride For The Bear

  Chapter One - Alli

  Chapter Two – Kian

  Chapter Three – Alli

  Chapter Four – Kian

  Chapter Five – Alli

  Chapter Six – Kian

  Chapter Seven – Alli

  Chapter Eight – Kian

  Chapter Nine – Alli

  Chapter Ten – Kian

  Chapter Eleven – Alli

  Chapter Twelve – Kian

  Chapter Thirteen – Alli

  Chapter Fourteen – Kian

  Chapter Fifteen – Alli

  Chapter Sixteen – Kian

  Chapter Seventeen – Alli

  Chapter Eighteen - Kian

  Chapter Nineteen – Alli

  Stranded With Her Bear

  Chapter One - Trent

  Chapter Two – Willow

  Chapter Three – Trent

  Chapter Four – Willow

  Chapter Five – Trent

  Chapter Six – Willow

  Chapter Seven – Trent

  Chapter Eight – Willow

  Chapter Nine – Trent

  Chapter Ten – Willow

  Chapter Eleven – Trent

  Chapter Twelve – Willow

  Chapter Thirteen – Trent

  Chapter Fourteen – Willow

  Chapter Fifteen – Trent

  Chapter Sixteen – Willow

  Chapter Seventeen – Trent

  Chapter Eighteen – Willow

  Chapter Nineteen – Trent

  Chapter Twenty – Willow

  Home Or Her Bear

  Chapter One – Melanie

  Chapter Two – Taylor

  Chapter Three – Melanie

  Chapter Four – Taylor

  Chapter Five – Melanie

  Chapter Six – Taylor

  Chapter Seven – Melanie

  Chapter Eight – Taylor

ter Nine – Melanie

  Chapter Ten – Taylor

  Chapter Eleven – Melanie

  Chapter Twelve – Taylor

  Chapter Thirteen – Melanie

  Chapter Fourteen – Taylor

  Chapter Fifteen – Melanie

  Chapter Sixteen – Taylor

  Chapter Seventeen – Melanie

  Chapter Eighteen – Taylor

  Chapter Nineteen – Melanie

  Chapter Twenty – Taylor

  Chapter Twenty One – Melanie

  Fated To Her Bear

  Chapter One – Ciara

  Chapter Two – Ryan

  Chapter Three – Ciara

  Chapter Four – Ryan

  Chapter Five – Ciara

  Chapter Six – Ryan

  Chapter Seven – Ciara

  Chapter Eight – Ryan

  Chapter Nine – Ciara

  Chapter Ten – Ryan

  Chapter Eleven – Ciara

  Chapter Twelve – Ryan

  Chapter Thirteen – Ciara

  Chapter Fourteen – Ryan

  Chapter Fifteen – Ciara

  Chapter Sixteen – Ryan

  Chapter Seventeen – Ciara

  Chapter Eighteen – Ryan

  Chapter Nineteen – Ciara

  Lonely Bear

  Chapter One – Chloe

  Chapter Two – Nate

  Chapter Three – Chloe

  Chapter Four – Nate

  Chapter Five – Chloe

  Chapter Six – Nate

  Chapter Seven – Chloe

  Chapter Eight – Nate

  Chapter Nine – Chloe

  Chapter Ten – Nate

  Chapter Eleven – Chloe

  Chapter Twelve – Nate

  Chapter Thirteen – Chloe

  Chapter Fourteen – Nate

  Chapter Fifteen – Chloe

  Chapter Sixteen – Nate

  Chapter Seventeen – Chloe

  Chapter Eighteen – Nate

  Chapter Nineteen – Chloe

  Best Man Bear

  Chapter One – Olivia

  Chapter Two – Joshua

  Chapter Three – Olivia

  Chapter Four – Joshua

  Chapter Five – Olivia

  Chapter Six – Joshua

  Chapter Seven – Olivia

  Chapter Eight – Joshua

  Chapter Nine – Olivia

  Chapter Ten – Joshua

  Chapter Eleven – Olivia

  Chapter Twelve – Joshua

  Chapter Thirteen – Olivia

  Chapter Fourteen – Joshua

  Chapter Fifteen – Olivia

  Chapter Sixteen – Joshua

  Chapter Seventeen – Olivia

  Get In Touch

  Also By Harmony Raines

  Bear Creek Clan


  Bear Bluff Clan

  Complete Series


  Note from the author: My books are written, produced and edited in the UK where spellings and word usage can vary from U.S. English. The use of quotes in dialogue and other punctuation can also differ.


  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the author or publisher.

  This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events or places is purely coincidental.

  © 2016 Harmony Raines

  Silver Moon Erotica

  Kindle Edition


  Many readers have asked me what order they should read my Bear Creek and Bear Bluff books in. So I have decided to put together a box set, with the books in the correct reading order.

  This means you’ll come across a Bear Creek book, A Bride for the Bear, in amongst the Bear Bluff books.

  For my wonderful readers who have already read them all, I’ve added a new book, Best Man Bear, which will lead into the new series I have planned, Fated and Mated. And if you join my newsletter, you’ll get updates as to when I am releasing these books.

  If you want to skip straight to my new book, here’s the link - Best Man Bear

  But I’m hoping you’ll all enjoy revisiting Bear Creek and bear Bluff - I know I have!

  Harmony X

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  Harmony Raines



  Rescued by the Bear

  Abbi finds herself on the run from a tiger. Not any ordinary tiger, this one can change from man to tiger in an instant. Her innocence attracts him and he plans to claim her as his own. What Abbi doesn't know, is she has run straight into the path of the only person in the world who is willing to lay down his life for her.

  After waiting centuries for his mate to appear, bear shifter Brad, the sheriff of Bear Creek, is shocked to find her hiding out in a ruined house. Trying to unravel her story, and protect her from whatever it is that hunts her, he keeps his other self a secret.

  Rescuing her is the easy part. How is he ever supposed to explain to her he is a shifter too. Will she run? Or will he convince her all he wants to do is mate with her and raise a family of bear cubs.

  Chapter One – Brad

  He raised his head and scented the air. The reports were right; there was someone in the old Francis place. No one from Bear Creek ventured this way, and so it was the perfect place to hide. He opened his mouth, tasting the scent once more. Female. Damn, she smelt good.

  Dropping back down onto four paws, he went closer, sniffing the ground. Only one set of tracks. Hers. What was she doing here? It was cold, and dark. There was no light on, no smell of fire. Unless she was wrapped up in lots of layers, she must be freezing.

  Or hurt. He shuffled closer. Someone was crying, she was crying. He wanted to burst in there and tell her he would protect her from whatever was after her. But he was a bear. Bears frightened normal people. So he turned and loped away.

  Chapter Two – Abbi

  Hugging her knees up to her chin, she tried to ignore the jolting cold that infused her body. She knew she should get up and move around; sitting here would kill her. However, she couldn’t summon the courage to leave this place. It had become her temporary sanctuary from the outside world. She knew only too well what was out there, what hunted her.

  In the distance, she heard a car. Few people had passed this way while she had been here. It was too out of the way for passers-by. She held her breath and listened, but it kept on going. She tried to relax, but she was tired and hungry, her legs cramped. This was ridiculous; she would die if she stayed here. Yet still she didn’t move. Worse things than death waited outside of this ramshackle house.

  A sound. Footsteps. She couldn't tell. Holding her breath, she listened. The dark night surrounded her, suffocating her as she tried to make out what was out there. Surely, they hadn’t tracked her here. She had carefully chosen this place. The scent of other beasts would conceal her. That’s what she had hoped, anyway.

  Nothing. She breathed again, her teeth chattering.

  Suddenly, the door burst in and he was there. She fought hard, kicking and scratching at him. Her screams lost in her throat as she tried to catch her breath. All she could think of was the need to get up and run. Yet the more she struggled, the firmer his hold became.

  “Relax. I’m not going to hurt you.” A hand gripped each of her wrists, pinning them above her head. She struggled, aiming a kick at him. But he managed to put his well-toned body between her thig
hs and use his weight to pin her down.

  With a strangled sob, she begged him, “Please let me go. Please.”

  With the last of her strength, she strained against him. They both knew it was useless—they had found her and she was lost. Slowly, consciousness slipped away from her. She was too cold and tired, and the welcome envelope of darkness consumed her.


  For a long time she was conscious but didn’t open her eyes. She didn’t want her captor to know she was aware of her surroundings, not yet. First, she allowed the warmth of the vehicle she was travelling in to thaw out her cold flesh. While the sound of the country music soothed her. How could a man who liked listening to country be a threat?

  Inside, she berated herself for her own stupidity. Trust no one; she had learned that the hard way. Until two months ago, she saw the best in every person she met. Every person she passed on the street, every man who asked her on a date.

  Then had come the night when the date became a horrendous game of cat and mouse. And she was most definitely the smallest of mice, and the cat was a tiger. Big, brutish, and in want of a mate.

  Trying not to move, or change her breathing, she opened her eyes a little, hoping not to give herself away. At first, he was hidden in shadow. Then, as they passed under a street light, she caught a glimpse of the ruggedly handsome man who had found her. He was dark haired, and dark natured. His face creased into a frown. His large hands were gripping the steering wheel. Everything about him screamed of a wild primal power. There was no doubt. He was one of them, and she had to get away.

  Slowly sliding her hand out, she felt for the handle to release the door. Her body weight was propped against it, when the door flew open she was going to disappear into the dark. It was going to hurt, but she knew she had no choice but to get herself up on to her feet and run.

  Closing her eyes, she steeled herself against the shock of falling, and pulled the lever.

  “Don’t take me for a fool. Do you think I hadn’t figured out you’d try to escape?”

  So now he knew she was awake. And she knew she was trapped.

  “Please,” she begged. “Let me go.”

  “Go where? You’ve been holed up in that house for a couple of days or more. If you wanted to go, you should have gone. Not stayed there. You’re just lucky it was me that found you.”

  She sat up and found he had draped a thick jacket over her shoulders. “What do you want?”

  He looked at her closely while they sat waiting for the lights to change. “Do I have to want anything other than to see that you’re OK?”


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