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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

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by Harmony Raines

  She turned those itchy feet right around and made them walk downstairs. But halfway down, she paused. She could hear voices. Well, one voice. His.

  Leaning forward, she tried to listen, but it was too muffled. He was talking to someone and obviously didn’t want her to hear. Shit.

  Her heart beat erratically. He was in on it, after all. Wow, he’d played his part perfectly. He had persuaded her, so subtly, to let down her defences. Then he had stripped her of her clothes, and now was telling them where to find her. She had to be the biggest idiot ever. All those stupid, juvenile thoughts about him being her knight in shining armour. Men like that didn’t exist, and it was time she learned her lesson.

  How she was supposed to get herself out of this damn mess? Think. She went over all her options, at the same time sneaking down the stairs as quietly as she could. No step creaked to give her away, and she made it to the bottom without him hearing. Now she could make out his voice. She stood perfectly still and listened to what he was saying.

  “Yes, she’s here.” He paused. “No, she doesn’t have a clue. No, I don’t think it would be a good idea to share that information with her right now. All she’s going to do is run.”

  You bet she was. Her boots were by the front door, where he must have placed them after he put her on the sofa. Slowly, she made her way along the hallway. Slipping her feet into them, feeling the cold leather on her damp skin. Right then her luck changed. Hanging up were the keys to his truck.

  Dare she take them? And then take his truck? He sure was going to be pissed about it.

  Stop thinking of him as your saviour, he’s the enemy, she reminded herself. Slowly, hardly daring to breathe, she lifted the keys form the hook. Not allowing them to jangle, she closed her hand around them. Holding her breath, she lifted them off the hook and then headed for the front door. It wasn’t locked, the handle turned smoothly, and she opened it up. Not a single squeak or creak. He would never know she had left.

  Running now, her feet flopping in her boots because she had no socks on, she made it to the truck. Fumbling, she tried the keys, her hands shaking from the adrenaline pumping through her. She got the right one, and was halfway in before he grabbed hold of her.

  This time she was stronger. She fought for her life, scratching at his face with her nails. Trying to inflict some pain on him, while he tried to drag her back into the house. She opened her mouth to scream, not that anyone would hear her. His hand clamped over it.

  “Be quiet. You don’t know who’s out here.”

  She fought against him, trying to get his hand off her mouth. Frantically, she made a grab for his truck, curling her fingers around the frame. Anything to stop him taking her back inside. He had to take his hand off her mouth to prise her fingers away. Seizing the opportunity, she took a big breath and began shouting.

  “Please. Stop.” He released her, just like that.

  She staggered back, holding the keys out as though they were some kind of ninja weapon. What was she going to do with them, scratch him? Seeing the blood dripping from his cheek, she saw she’d already done that.

  “Get away from me,” she said forcefully, although her hand, holding the keys, shook. “I know what you're planning.”

  “I thought you’d be pleased.”

  “Pleased? I’ve been running from that bastard for weeks. Why would you think I’d be pleased you’d told him where I was?”

  His face clouded for a moment, his confusion making him tilt his head to one side. He was trying to work out what she was talking about. It was in that moment she realised he wasn’t going to hand her over to the tiger. He couldn't, because he had no idea who the tiger was. In her own misguided way, she had told him her secret.

  “A tiger. That’s what you're running from?”

  “No, of course not. It’s just a nickname for some guy who’s after me.”

  “Don’t start lying to me. I can help you, if you’ll let me.” He held up his hands, showing her he was defenceless. “You can’t keep running for the rest of your life.”

  “Yes, I can.” But she didn’t want to; the thought of that terrified her.

  “You’ll be safe with me. I can help you, I can protect you.”

  “You don’t know him. You don’t know what he is capable of.”

  “I know enough to be able to protect you. Let me help you.”

  “I can’t. It wouldn’t be fair. What if they kill you for helping me?”

  He laughed. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. But I can assure you I know exactly how to look after myself.”

  “Not against these men.” She shook her head, trying not to let his words influence her. It would be all too easy to simply turn her fate over to him. She was so tired of running, of being on her own with no one to trust.

  “It wouldn’t be just me. I have friends, friends who’ll help see to it that you’re safe. Come inside with me, and we’ll talk it through. Trust me. Please.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “I want to trust you, I really do. But I’ve forgotten what it’s like to rely on anyone other than myself.”

  “Then let me help you.” He held out his hand, and she placed the keys in his palm. He took another step forward and gathered her into his arms. Just in time, because her body convulsed with big heaving sobs, and she had to lean on him for support. “We really need to get inside.”

  She went with him, her fate sealed. It was too late now to carry on alone. This man was determined to help her, and she desperately wanted him to succeed. Even if the small, nagging voice in the back of her head told her she was fooling herself.

  Chapter Seven – Brad

  “Why don’t we start with your name?” he asked gently.

  “Abbi. Abigail Parker.”

  “Hi, Abbi.” He held out his hand for her to shake. “My name is Brad. You already know I’m the local sheriff. But I want you to understand this is off the record. I’m off duty; you haven’t committed a crime, so I guess we can deal with this like we’re two old friends.”

  She sat, looking pale and drawn. “Why would you do that for me?”

  He laughed. “It’s a whole lot easier than putting hunted by a tiger on the police report.”

  “How do you know about this kind of thing? It’s not something you come across every day. Or is it?”

  “It’s more common than you think.” He should have told her there and then that he was a bear. That he knew only too well what it was like to have dual personalities. Two separate beasts vying for control. Well, separated might be stretching it a little. They were joined, but distinct, all at the same time. When he changed he knew who he was, but his animal instincts took over. And when you’re a bear that means trouble, unless you get your mood under control swiftly.

  Right now, knowing a tiger was pursuing his true mate, his bear tried to break free. All his years of self-control were threatened. He couldn’t allow that. This had to be handled carefully. But the final resolution had to be permanent.

  “They followed you to Bear Creek?” he asked, his voice even.

  She nodded. “The outskirts, at least. I knew there were bears here, so I hoped their scent would mask mine. I ran. When I found the old house, I went inside, to rest. I was too scared to come out,” she admitted, lowering her gaze.

  “Sometimes it’s good to be afraid. It kept you safe.”

  “It put off the inevitable. They’ll find me. He won’t give up. Not unless...”

  “Unless what?” He knew what she was going to say, he was sure of it. The only reason a tiger wouldn’t give up was because he wanted to claim her as his own. She was a virgin. He could almost smell her innocence, and he guessed other shifters could too.

  “Nothing. It doesn’t matter. I’ve dragged you into this enough.”

  His breathing stopped fleetingly. Was she asking him what he thought she was?

  To take her. Claim her innocence and free her from the tiger’s preoccupation with her. It was so tempting, and right now his be
ar was clamouring to do exactly what she wanted him to.

  Chapter Eight – Abbi

  She had nearly asked Brad to take her, right now. It would finally end all the trouble she was in. The tiger wanted an untainted virgin. He had told her she was rare in this age. There were few women ready to breed who were still pure.

  Ready to breed. The thought made her stomach churn.

  “Listen, Abbi. I am going to need to go out. You’ll be safe here,” he added, when he saw her worried face.

  “I was speaking to someone who’s seen the men you’re talking about. They’re not in this area. So I feel comfortable leaving you here. When I’ve dealt with them, then you’ll be free.”

  “You don’t know them. There is no way you can handle them alone.”

  “I won't be alone. This is a small town; we watch each other’s backs. So I’ll get some guys together and we’ll track them down and encourage them to leave.”

  “I can’t ask you to do this. You might get hurt.”

  He smiled and her heart fluttered. “Abbi. You are not asking me to do this. I’m offering.”


  “I’m the sheriff, remember?”

  “Oh, of course.” Stupid. She had thought he was doing this to help her. That it was personal. But he was the sheriff and these men were trespassing on his territory.

  “Now. The best place for you is in bed. Come on.” He held out his hand and she took it. Effortlessly, he pulled her to her feet. Surprisingly, he didn’t let go. Instead, he held her hand tightly, possessively, while he led her upstairs.

  She told herself it was because he didn’t want her to make a run for it again. It didn’t stop tendrils of desire spreading out from the point where their skin touched. It filled her with a deep hunger for him.

  Leading her to his bedroom, she was struck by the softness of the room. She had expected it to be very male, dark colours, functional, and sparse. Instead, it had a big double bed and a dresser with a flower arrangement sitting on top of it.

  Although flowers might not be the right word. The vase was filled with twigs from the forest. All unique, curling around each other, different textures and hues. Then, mixed in with these, were wild flowers and mosses. It was as if he was trying to bring the forest into his room.

  She could imagine the room in the summer. On warm nights, with the big windows open, the scents and sounds of the forest would creep into the room. To lie here on the bed with him, wrapped in his arms, would be heaven.

  His hand tightened around hers. When she looked into his eyes, his face mirrored her own thoughts. He wanted her, in a way no other man ever had. This was her chance to seduce him and get rid of that tiger for good.

  Only one thing troubled her conscience. What if the tiger was so angry at being cheated out of his prize, he came looking for her anyway? Or worse, hurt Brad, who had done nothing to deserve the tiger’s wrath. All he had done was try to help her.

  She didn’t have long to ponder those thoughts. He made his move, pulling her into his arms. His fingers stroked her cheek, and then slid along her chin to tilt her face to his.

  He looked at her, questioning her. For a brief moment, he paused. However, something in her eyes, or her body language, told him what he needed to know. Maybe it was the way she licked her lips in anticipation. Somehow, wordlessly, she had given him her answer.

  His lips touched hers. In that first, electrifying contact, something seemed to click inside her. A switch that told her all she needed to know about him. He was honest, he was truthful, and he was hers.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, threading her fingers through his hair. Pulling him towards her as he kissed her deeper. His tongue slid along her lower lip, tasting her. She parted her lips for him and let him in. Her defences completely swept aside.

  Brad put his hand on her bottom, and pulled her into him. The press of him against her told him how aroused he was. This was it: without having to ask him, he was going to save her without even knowing it.

  Slowly, they inched back towards his bed. His mouth moved to her neck. She tilted her head to one side, sighing as his lips moved down her exposed skin. His kisses were so soft they made her squirm against him. He was so good at this, so capable. She pushed all thoughts of the danger she was putting him in away.

  Supporting her body, he lowered her down to the bed. Then he took her hands and pinned them above her head. She struggled against him, but then his mouth grazed her breast through the thick material of the shirt he had loaned her. She arched her back, encouraging him to go further. Her brain had completely shut off.

  Which is why she didn't see his quick movement. Or hear the jangle of the cuffs as he put one around her left wrist before securing the other end to the head of the bed. She didn't know how to react; she hated feeling trapped, but what if that was what he liked? Her questions were cut short when he sat up and pulled back away from her.

  "I have to go."

  "What? Then why cuff me?"

  "Because I want to make sure you don't run this time."

  "I have no intention of running."

  "I'm sorry, but I don't want you to be tempted. This way I don't have to worry about you ending up out in the woods and getting yourself into danger."

  "I won't. I told you I was only out there because I was scared. Please let me go." She pulled her hand hard against the bed, but it didn't move. "Please. I hate this, it makes me feel claustrophobic."

  "It's a big room."

  "But I can't get away. Please." She felt her breathing coming in quick bursts.

  "I want you to be safe."

  She couldn't believe that only seconds before she had thought he wanted her. Instead, he had wanted to fool her, and she had fallen for it. "I swear I'll stay in the house. Lock the door, but don't leave me handcuffed like this."

  "You're a resourceful woman. I don't think a locked door is going to stop you."

  Her chest felt heavy, as though a great weight was pressing down on it. The air in the room became too thick to breathe, and she had to force it into her lungs. Trying to remember how to cope with her panic, she breathed slowly. In through her nose, hold it, and then let it go very slowly out of her mouth. For a moment, she thought she had beaten it, but then he got up off the bed and made for the door.

  She panted. Her breathing now short, sharp gasps. Trying to sit up, she struggled to position herself so she could put her head down between her knees. The room spun around her, and she felt her consciousness slipping away. This was the worst panic attack she had ever had. The whole experience of running, hiding out with no food or water, and now being chained up like an animal, was too much.

  Brad came back to her. He put one hand each side of her face and made her look up. "Look at me, Abbi. Look at me and breathe." He mimicked the deep breathing she needed to conquer to get herself back to normal. Slowly she breathed in time with him, and her head cleared. "I just want to keep you safe, Abbi. I know what hunts you, and I would feel a lot happier if you were here."

  She leaned her head on his chest, the sound of his steady heartbeat making her relax. So strong, so alive, it was as though she could hear the blood pumping through his veins. "I won’t leave here. I promise."

  He sighed and his hand went to his pocket. Pulling a key out, he unlocked the cold steel from around the bed and brought her hand down to rest in front of her. "I accept your word. In return, I promise to get back here as soon as I can. But I am going to be gone awhile. I have to meet up with the others, and then we'll head out to where they were last seen."

  "I'll be OK. I'll stay right here."

  "Please do, Abbi. I don't want to have to hunt you down myself."

  "Would it matter to you? If I left?"

  "Yes." He looked at her, full of intensity. "If you have nowhere else to go. I want you to stay here, with me. You know that. You feel it. I know you do."

  "I felt something. But I guess that's just relief at not being on my own any more."

  "It's more than that. It goes deeper than that."

  "I can't think about that now. My life has been on hold since the tiger decided he wanted me. I don't understand it. I can't get my head around the fact that creatures like him exist."

  He looked away, keeping his face hidden from hers. "I'll take care of this for you."

  "Please. Don't put your life in danger for me."

  He didn't answer; he simply left the room, and she was all alone again.

  Chapter Nine – Brad

  Her words hammered inside his head. “Creatures like that,” creatures like him. How was he ever supposed to tell her what he was, without her thinking he was the same as the tiger? He could just imagine it. 'Hey, you know that tiger who wanted to mate with you. Well, how about a bear instead?'

  She would run as far and as fast as she could. However, to keep it from her would make the life he wanted to share with her a lie. She had to have all the facts before she made her choice about her future.

  Going downstairs, he put his truck keys back on the hook and went to the kitchen. He checked all the windows and doors, making sure they were locked, before he went out of the front door. Locking that too, he took one last look at his home and hoped it was the best place for her to be safe. Having her locked in a cell with two guards seemed a much more sensible idea. But sensible was not always the best way of dealing with things.

  He had thought it over. There was no way she could be traced here. She was right about his scent masking hers. This territory was well and truly marked with his scent. She would be safe. Brushing his worries aside, he jogged off into the woods. He followed a well-worn path before turning down an old trail that led into a clearing. There, out of sight of his house, he allowed his bear to take over. He fell down onto all fours before the bear appeared in his mind, and he let himself go. The air shimmered with static energy, and, for a split second, he faded out of this world before returning as a bear.


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