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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

Page 21

by Harmony Raines

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well, we might have to get a good supply of them. I don’t think I’m ever going to be sated now I’ve had a taste of you.”

  Her stomach knotted and her sex ached for him. His words kindled her desire, something she found unexpected. She had thought that once he had made love to her, that would be it, they would be both satisfied. But he had other ideas.

  First, he kissed her nipples lightly and then down her stomach until his head was level with her sex. His tongue flicked over her clit and she grasped the covers on his bed, balling them up in her hands. Then he licked the length of her and plunged his tongue deep inside her.

  “Oh fuck,” she said.

  He laughed, his breath warm against her thigh before he sucked her clit again, his tongue over it at the same time. She writhed beneath him, her hands plunging into his hair as she lost control. He sucked and licked her until she was begging him to make her come. Instead he stopped.

  He reached for another condom, and her sex contracted in anticipation.

  “Kneel for me, Antonia.”

  Nervous, she sat up and then rolled onto all fours. Looking behind her, she watched as he knelt down, fitting the condom on to his rigid length. Holding her hip, he guided himself into her sex. Rocking his hips backwards and forwards, he penetrated her with just the head of his cock over and over again. She tried to push back onto him, but his hand on her hip held her in place. He teased her until she begged him again. This was his idea of an exquisite torture. Maybe he was trying to let her experience the torture he felt having to wear a rubber sheath.

  When she thought she could stand no more, he plunged into her, impaling her in one thrust. Her sex gripping him incredibly tightly, throbbing around him. She groaned at the feeling of fullness, and then it was gone as he pulled back once more. This time she was ready for him and braced herself when he thrust forward again.

  His rhythm was slow and determined. In and out of her, each time he pushed her arousal to new heights. She buried her face in the bed and whimpered with each thrust, her orgasm tantalisingly out of reach. Sam took her, his actions measured as he took his time to enjoy his mate to the full. There was no rush this time, and he planned to enjoy every incredible minute.

  Then it became too much. Her sex ached and her body throbbed with need, for a release she couldn’t achieve. She remembered the way he had made her come with his mouth on her clit and knew that was what she needed. Reaching between her thighs with one hand, she put pressure on her clit. Oh, that was it. She was so close now she could feel it. Then his hand covered hers and he helped her, his finger circling her clit and then thrumming it until she exploded around him.

  He followed, thrusting hard while his fingers continued to drive her wild, making her orgasm last so long, she swore it must have been one rolling into another. Then his body slowly stilled, he lost momentum, moving for the sake of moving rather than to eke out more pleasure from her body. When he finally pulled out, she collapsed onto the bed.

  A few seconds later, he pulled her into his arms and held her close. Pulling the covers over them, he kept her near him until she slept.

  Chapter Twenty One – Sam

  “What do you mean she’s gone?” Sam stood in the barn where he had been sweeping the floor after placing the last of the chairs. It didn’t really need doing but he was trying to keep himself busy. He had been waiting for Antonia to come to visit. She had said she would love to look around the farm and they had arranged to meet after lunch. Instead Kayleigh stood in front of him, out of breath from rushing up to see him.

  “We went to the bridal shop so she could try on the dress again. And I don’t know ... she kind of had a moment. She was a bit teary. I put it down to the emotions of finally meeting someone she liked. And yes, Sam, I know she likes you. It was there in her face this morning when she turned up for breakfast.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Nor do I. She seemed so happy.”

  “Did anyone say anything to her, my mom or Louisa?”

  “No. We left the store and went for coffee. It all seemed normal. But when we got back home she suddenly decided to leave.”

  “So she’s not coming to the wedding?”

  “She said she’d come back. But I’m not sure. If there was more time then I’d go after her. But I have too much to do.”

  He dragged his hand through his hair, noting how dirty he was. That’s probably what put her off. After the life she had in the city, surrounded by clean-shaven, well dressed men, it must come as a disappointment to think she would have to spend her life surrounded by animals and mud.

  “I’m so sorry, Kayleigh. This must be my fault. I can’t see how, but I must have upset her.”

  “No, Sam. Don’t do that. It’s just the way we are. A little mixed up. I thought she had come to terms with it. But I wonder if it was all just too much for her.”

  “Shall I go after her? Not to make her come back, but to see if she’s alright?”

  “I think we should give her some space. I’ll ring her later. Maybe she’ll come back for the wedding. If not, I’ll give you her address.” Kayleigh looked close to tears. “She’s the only family I have. I really wanted her to come to the wedding, be part of it with me.”

  “I’m sure she’ll come back.” Sam gave Kayleigh a hug. “For your sake, I’m sure she will.”

  But he wasn’t sure. He had no idea what had happened, and he didn’t know how he could just stand by and wait to see if his mate showed up again. Was it the way he had behaved last night? Had he hurt her when they made love? Maybe he had been too full on. No matter what Kayleigh said, he would always blame himself if she didn’t return.

  Chapter Twenty Two – Antonia

  She was exhausted, both mentally and physically. It had been a two-hour drive back to her apartment and all she wanted to do was go to bed and hide from the world. She couldn’t figure out how she had let life get so complicated. After last night, all she could think about was being with Sam. Then today when she tried the dress on, she had pictured herself marrying him. It had made emotions surface that she hadn’t even realised she had buried.

  However, she thought she had it under control. Then they had gone for coffee, and it all became too much. Kayleigh was talking about her wedding and then she had confided that she thought she was pregnant. It had hit Antonia square in the face. If she stayed with Sam, this would be her in a couple of months. His need for children would become too great and she would give in to him. Because she loved him.

  The further she got away from Bear Creek, the more she realised what a mistake she had made. Now it seemed impossible to go back; she had made a complete and utter fool of herself. Sam would hate her, thinking she didn’t want to be with him. Then there was Kayleigh’s wedding; she would ruin that too.

  It all seemed to be a hopeless mess. Without unpacking anything, Antonia threw herself face down on the bed and cried herself to sleep.

  She woke to the phone ringing. Groggily searching around for it, she looked at the number displayed and saw it was Kayleigh. She couldn’t ignore it. “Hello.”

  “Toni. Are you alright? I waited to make sure you would be there before I called. I just wanted to make sure you were safe.”

  “Yes.” She rubbed her temples. “I’m home. I’m sorry I ran out on you, Kay. It all got too much for me.”

  “I understand. Of course I do. I just needed to know you were alright.” She hesitated. “I shouldn’t have told you about the baby. I haven’t even told Daryl. It was stupid of me; I’m not even one hundred percent sure. I daren’t go and get a pregnancy test because word would get round and I don’t want it to overshadow the wedding.”

  “Kay, I’m so sorry, you should be able to confide in me without me freaking out. I just panicked. After last night, I know it’s what Sam would want if I stayed. But it’s all too soon. I like my independent life here.”

  “Can I at least tell him you’re safe?”r />
  “Of course. I should have spoken to him before I left.”

  Kayleigh’s voice broke. “Do you think you would come back for the wedding? Just one day. You’re the only family I have. I don't want to pressure you. And I promise Sam won’t force you to do something you don’t want to do. But ... please.”

  “I can’t promise, Kay. But I’ll ring you tomorrow and let you know.” She knew she should have told Kayleigh either way. But right now, if she did, the answer would have been a resounding no.

  “OK. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Kay.” She heard her sister sob as she ended the call. All she felt was guilt at causing such heartache for the people she loved. She felt more like her mom than ever. Whereas Kayleigh had risen above the legacy of their past, Antonia seemed compelled to let down those she loved. They were better off without her.


  Nights had always been the worst time for Antonia. When they were kids, she remembered lying in the dark listening to the noises of a new house as it settled around them, knowing that by the time she had become accustomed to it, she would be moving on again. Last night had been filled with the taste of regrets and recriminations. She had berated herself about everyone she had let down over the wedding: Kayleigh and Daryl, even Ginny. And Sam, who would have to smile and look happy while his brother wed his mate. Knowing that he had been dealt a bad hand where his own mate was concerned.

  Trying to forget all that, she dressed to get ready for work. Although she had been given the week off, there was no reason not to go in since she was back. Going to the kitchen, she brewed herself black coffee and made a mental note to pick up some groceries later. Then she left her apartment, passing the guy who had lived two doors down from her for the last two days and realising he didn’t even know her name. She was invisible in this world.

  It was a theme that carried her into work. People on the train, on the street and even in her own office made her feel invisible. Did this world really make her feel safe, or mean more to her than the life she could have in Bear Creek? This life promised her nothing more than a lonely apartment and acquaintances she passed in the corridors. Whereas Sam offered her love and a family.

  She dived into the restroom, trying not to hyperventilate. She hadn’t had a panic attack since she was ten years old and they had tried to split her up from Kayleigh. Someone had wanted to adopt her, but only her. She had made sure they never tried that again. Making herself so sick that the prospective parents had left, muttering something about needing some more time to think about it. Kayleigh never knew. But that day she had chosen her family, Kayleigh, above all else, above her own security.

  She washed her face and dried it, looking at the pale face staring back at her from the mirror. The same girl who had made a life-changing decision and stuck to it all those years ago.

  She threw the paper towel in the garbage and headed to her manager’s office. He looked up, surprised, as she walked in.

  “Hello, Antonia. I hadn’t expected to see you today. I thought your sister was getting married.”

  “She is. I have to go back later today.” She saw the confusion on his face. “I’ve come to resign. I believe I have several weeks vacation due that I’d like to take in lieu of notice.”


  Back on the road, heading for Bear Creek, she had everything with her that was important. It saddened her that it didn’t amount to much more than a couple of boxes. But her future was in front of her. She had taken a gamble on happiness, on belonging. Now that decision was made, she felt lighter, happier than she ever had.

  No longer torn in two, she embraced trying something new, something she had never experienced. She embraced Bear Creek and the family, including her sister, who would welcome her and smother her in what she had missed her whole life. Love.

  When she reached Bear Creek, she didn’t go to Kayleigh first. She needed to speak to Sam and apologise for her behaviour. So she went straight to the farm. But when she knocked on the door, no one replied. He was out, leaving Antonia flattened and unsure what to do.

  Chapter Twenty Three – Sam

  He had no choice, his bear had clamoured at the edge of his consciousness all day. The only way to ease the agony tearing his soul apart was to go up into the mountains and run until he was exhausted. Only then might he find a way to sleep. He had always known it would be bad to lose your mate, but never this bad. Once again, he struggled to comprehend how Will had done it, or why.

  Going out of the farmhouse, he went up the track that led into the woods. He always went away to change so that he didn’t frighten the farm animals. Releasing his bear had never felt so good, so right. This way he could push everything else out of his mind and go hunting; it didn’t matter if he got a kill. He only wanted to find something to occupy his mind.

  Off and running as soon as his paws were formed, he headed straight into the forest. He ran out into a clearing and looked down on the town below. All those people going about their lives, while something inside him quietly died.

  For a moment he paused. There was a car coming along the track. He expected it to turn off and head to Daryl’s house on wedding business. Instead, it kept on coming up towards the farm. Why did someone have to come now? He wanted to ignore it and keep going, being in no mood for visitors. But something pulled him back.

  Then the car stopped and a figure got out. His heart beat rapidly in his chest, hammering so hard the sound filled his ears. It was her. She had come back to him.

  Still, he didn’t move. Was his mind playing tricks on him? No. He would know her curves anywhere. Then the scent of her came to him. He turned and ran back to her, calling as he went charging back down to the farm.

  He never thought what she might think, having a bear hollering at her. It never crossed his mind that she might get scared and run again. All he could think of was how much he needed to get to her. The animals around him scattered, scared by the creature that was roaring loudly. He didn’t see; he didn’t care.

  “Sam,” she said, and he stopped dead in his tracks.

  Before her eyes, he changed, watching her face as she watched him shimmer back into existence. The final atom of his human body hadn’t even settled before she launched herself into his arms. She kissed his neck, her tears salty on his lips when finally he met her lips with his.

  “I thought I’d lost you,” he said.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Shh. It doesn’t matter. None of it matters now.”

  He lifted her and carried her to the house, kicking the door open without pause. They never made it upstairs; the kitchen was closer. He set her down on the table and lifted her skirt, his hands going to his belt and undoing it. With his jeans pooled around his ankles, he guided himself toward her, needing to claim her.

  “Oh, damn. Where’s your purse?”

  “In the car.” She captured his face when he went to move away. “It’s OK. Everything we need is right here.”

  She slipped her hand around his cock and guided him towards her while they kissed. His hand went under her bottom and he pushed himself into her, holding her in place while he impaled her in one fluid movement. She clung to him as he thrust hard and fast, her body taking everything he had as she fought to contain her orgasm.

  He didn't want it to be over so fast, but he couldn’t hang on. His raw emotion was too much. The feel of her around him, skin on skin for the first time, made it impossible for him to keep his head. He roared as he came, his voice cracked with emotion. She had turned his world upside down. She had chosen him. All he needed to know was one thing.

  “Antonia, will you marry me?”

  Chapter Twenty Four – Antonia

  “And you’re sure you don't mind?”

  “Stop asking. This is more perfect than I could have ever planned,” Kayleigh said, adjusting her headdress in the mirror and smiling radiantly.

  Antonia helped her sister put her necklace on and smiled at her. “Who would
have thought things would end up like this?”

  “Daryl says that sometimes we just have to wait for life to iron out the kinks.”

  “So we are kinks?” Antonia asked.

  “No. You know what I mean. Our childhood was the kink, and this is kind of like our reward for getting through it.”

  “A life with two men who will go to the ends of the earth for us?”

  “Yes,” Kayleigh said simply.

  “Then I don’t think we should keep them waiting.”

  “You’re keen,” Kayleigh said, taking Antonia’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  Walking hand in hand, they made their way through the congregation to where Daryl and Sam stood side by side. In front of them was the head of the Bear Creek Clan; it was he who would marry them. He performed every wedding ceremony in Bear Creek. All around them well-wishers smiled. It seemed everyone had turned out to see the Cartwright brothers finally married.

  In the front row sat a very proud Ginny with her husband, Hank. Ginny was already dabbing at her eyes, Hank had his arm around her, smiling broadly, and Antonia already loved them. They had been overwhelmed when Sam had broken the news to them that he had asked Antonia to marry him and she had said yes.

  Hastily, the town had pulled together to make the double wedding possible. Two sisters who had never belonged anywhere being welcomed into Bear Creek and the Clan, as if they had always lived here.

  The two grooms took their brides by the hand and the ceremony began. Antonia looked into Sam’s eyes, knowing she had made the right decision. He was her life now, and she was excited by the prospect of sharing every day with him. When they were pronounced man and wife, he lifted her veil and kissed her as if it was the first time.

  Her stomach clenched with desire for him. A desire that they would fulfil on their wedding night and every night for the rest of their lives. Lives that would be made longer at the Beltane Rites, but for now the ceremony was over and the party was about to begin.


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