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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

Page 27

by Harmony Raines

“Why didn’t you all go back?” she asked.

  “We couldn’t. We were trapped this side of the mountain.”

  She looked at Hal. “Can you lead them down into Bear Creek?” The bear in front of her nodded. “Then that’s what we’ll do. Can you control Kurt?”

  “I can try.”

  “You’ll have to do better than try. Now help me drag the other mutt out of the snow. Why you ever helped Kurt is beyond me.”

  He didn’t answer, but together they went and dragged the third wolf out of the snow. Then she went back to Hal. “Shall I help you take this off again?” she asked, indicating the pack.

  He nodded. She quickly undid the straps and the pack slipped off him. He had to loosen his hold on Kurt while he took it off, but the prone wolf didn’t move.

  Satisfied, she turned wolf, glad to be in her warm, thick wolf pelt. The other two changed and they managed to get Kurt up, the four of them surrounding him as they began the slow trek down the mountain. It took hours, but at last they were on the lower slopes of the mountain where the snow was thinner and the temperature much warmer.

  Kurt became more and more lethargic, making their journey slower. But they kept on, there was no way they would leave him behind, Fiona knew that was mostly because they didn't trust him. She was sure that Hal would turn him over to Brad. What happened to him after that, she didn’t care. He had tried to hurt her, sell her to a tiger in return for power. She hated the internal politics of Wolf Valley. But that had stopped being her concern; her home was with Hal now.

  They dropped down lower and about a mile ahead, she could see smoke coming from a chimney. She hoped that was where they were heading because she didn't think her legs could carry her much further. But they had to go on, although beside her, the wolves were stumbling and tripping over things that weren’t there. She had little sympathy for the state they were in. They should have known better that to betray one of their own.

  The forest was sparse on these lower slopes, so when another bear came running towards them he wasn’t exactly hard to miss. Hal stopped and waited for the bear to reach them. Something passed between them, and the new bear turned and led them down the slopes.

  Fiona had never been so pleased to see a house in all her life. It was a large farmhouse with barns and other various outbuildings around it; it was also the source of the wood smoke. The bear didn’t take them to the house though; instead, he went to a big barn. There he changed into a big, broad-chested man, and opened the doors, ushering the wolves in.

  Straw was strewn across the floor and the wolves flopped down on it, exhausted. Then one of them changed into his human form and spoke to Hal.

  “Thank you for bringing us down from the mountain.”

  “You should thank Fiona. I would have gladly left you there.”

  “Thank you, Fiona. We don't deserve your mercy.”

  “I do not understand why you followed Kurt. But you have to promise me this ends now. I belong to Hal. I am his bonded mate, so this tiger is out of luck.”

  “I give you my word,” he answered, and then asked, “If we could eat, I would be most grateful.”

  “Do you have spare food, Sam?” Hal asked his friend.

  “I’ll fetch something while I go and phone Brad. It will take him half an hour to get here.”

  “You’d better get him to bring something to transport a wolf in. I don’t think Kurt has the strength to turn.”

  “I’ll warn him. I’ll move him in the cattle trailer if I need to. Then Brad can shut him in one of the kennels until this mess is sorted out.”

  Sam stared at Fiona. “And who is this one?”

  “She’s mine,” Hal said.

  Sam looked at her more closely and then at Hal. “I didn’t think I’d ever see the day that our hermit found a woman. Come on in the house and warm up. Antonia will fix you something warm to eat. You can eat off a plate; I’ll bring bowls for these mutts.”

  She looked at Hal, who nodded. Then she changed, eager to have something to eat and to sit by a warm fire.

  “Sam, this is Fiona.”

  “Good to meet you, Fiona. Does this mean you’ll be moving back to civilisation?” Sam asked as they walked across to the farmhouse.

  “We haven’t discussed it,” Hal said.

  “I like the cabin,” Fiona said, slipping her cold hand into Hal’s.

  “Then you must be his mate. I don’t know any woman who would live up there.” Sam opened the farmhouse door and Fiona practically ran inside, it was so warm and inviting. “Antonia, we have guests.”

  “Hello, Hal.”

  “Antonia. This is Fiona.”

  “Fiona. You look frozen. Come and sit by the fire.”

  “I’ll call Brad,” Sam said and left the room.

  “Are you both alright? Sam said there were wolves coming down the mountain.”

  “We ran into some trouble. But I think it’s sorted out now. I can’t see them giving us any more trouble.”

  “Did they attack you?” Antonia asked, pouring boiling water into four mugs to make steaming hot coffee.

  “They chased Fiona a couple of days ago, that’s how I found her.”

  “On the mountain?”


  “How did you get up there? I thought your cabin was almost inaccessible in this weather, Sam.”

  “It is. Fiona came from Wolf Creek.”

  “Wolf Creek, so you’re a wolf?”

  “Yes,” she said, lifting her chin defiantly. Why did she feel like they were not supposed to be together, as though she were unsuitable for a bear?

  “And you’re Hal’s mate?”

  “Yes,” she answered, her tone becoming more defensive.

  “And he found you in the snow. Wow, so fate really did kick in.”

  “Doesn’t it always?” Sam asked, returning to the kitchen and picking up his coffee. “Brad is on his way. None too pleased to have to come out in this weather. I’ll drink this and then take some food out for them. They look half starved.”

  “They got stuck on the wrong side of the pass when the storm hit. Fools.”

  “Brad will take care of it. And you two can stay the night, yes?” Antonia asked.

  “I ... I’m not sure,” Fiona answered and looked at Hal.

  “Brad is taking the wolves back to town; he’ll no doubt be in touch with Wolf Valley. He won't just let them go,” Hal said. “It’s late; we should stay here tonight and then go home tomorrow.”

  “I think it would be best to stay here tonight. And yes, home tomorrow will be great.”

  Hal’s expression dropped. “I’ll speak to Brad. I’m sure he will give you a lift.”

  “I meant home with you. That cabin is going to be freezing, though; the fires will have gone out.”

  Hal’s face cracked into a smile. “I know how to warm you up.”

  Fiona nearly spit her coffee out everywhere.

  Around her, Sam and Antonia giggled and exchanged glances. Her doubts had gone; they didn't question him having a wolf for a mate at all.

  Chapter Seventeen – Hal

  “A tiger? You think it’s the same one that was after Abbi?”

  “A bit of a coincidence if it isn’t? But hopefully he’ll move on. I’m sure they’ve learned their lesson in Wolf Valley.” Hal looked into the back of the cattle trailer where one wolf lay on its side and two men sat watching over him.

  “You would think so. Kurt is going to need medical attention; he’s too weak to change. My guess is he’ll be hospitalised for a week or so.”

  “Great, between that and the snow in the pass, we are going to have no worries from them.”

  “I’ll make sure these wolves do not worry you again, Hal. I am going to have some stern words with the sheriff over there. There have been several acts of trespass lately.”

  “Fiona said they have no alpha.”

  “Then I am going to suggest they get one quick, it’s getting out of hand.” He closed the back of the
trailer up. “But that is not your problem, Hal. So you go in and see that pretty mate of yours. And when the snow melts, come down and stay a spell so we can get to know Fiona.”

  “Yes, Hal,” Sam said, slapping him on the back. “We expect you to attend the Beltane Rites this year. I know you don’t need to, but we would like to see you there. And maybe before that, you and Fiona might get married. That will be all of us bonded.”

  “Apart from Will.”

  “Maybe one day we will find out what the hell it is with him.”

  “The man of mystery. He must have his reasons.”

  “Can you imagine, though. We all have mates now. Do you ever think how hard it must be to deny your instincts?”

  “Enough sad thoughts. We have a warm supper waiting for us. Poor old Hal needs to keep his strength up. You know how demanding the first couple of weeks are.”

  Hal blushed and Brad burst out laughing. “I will see you both soon. And take care, Hal.”

  He stood with Sam and watched the sheriff leave, and then they went inside the farmhouse. The smell of proper food, not something dried and out of a packet, assailed his senses. Hal looked across to Fiona and smiled, but his heart was heavy. Now that she was back in civilisation, would this be where she chose to stay?

  Chapter Eighteen – Fiona

  “You know, I’m beginning to think this pack is cursed,” Fiona said.

  They were back on the mountainside, with the pack laid out ready to go onto Hal’s back. Unfortunately, something had smelled the food and helped itself, spoiling some of the contents.

  “As long as my coffee is OK, it’s worth getting it back to the cabin. In a few days we could go back down to Bear Creek.”

  “I don’t mind dried rations for a week or more. I’ve had enough of people for now. I want to enjoy you all to myself. That hibernating thing you talked about, I think it could catch on with this wolf.”

  Hal looked up at the sky. “That might not be a bad idea. We are about to have another foot or two of snow.”

  “At least the pass will remain closed. So we don’t have to worry about visitors.”

  “I don’t think you’ll be seeing Kurt again in a hurry.”

  “I wasn’t thinking about Kurt. I was thinking more of my parents.”

  “Your parents?” He looked at her with a worried expression.

  “Yes. I wrote the letter, like you said, and Sam said he would make sure he mailed it. When they know where I am, I expect a visit.”

  “I don’t know, you pick one wolf up and all of a sudden you have to expect visitors.”

  “Yes. Old bear, I’m afraid your life has changed now you have a mate.”

  He turned and looked at her. “I am looking forward to it.”

  “Really? You haven’t met my family yet.”

  He laughed. “You haven’t met mine, either.”

  “Is that something I can look forward to? You’ll introduce me to them?”

  “Yes. I think Sam was right. We should get married. Invite our families.”

  “You have changed.” She felt a rush of pleasure at the thought of being married to him.

  “All because of you,” he said and grabbed her, pulling her into his arms.

  Their lips touched and they kissed. “Come on, we need to get back. The fires will have gone out.”

  “I guess we’ll have to find another way to keep warm for a while,” she teased.

  Hal looked at her. “That sounds like a good idea. Here, help me with this pack. Then I can change. The sooner we get back to the cabin, the sooner I can use my body heat to warm you up.”

  “Friction. That is the key.” She smiled at the look on his face; he was imagining the friction of his body moving against hers.

  “I’m ready.” With that, the bear appeared before her; in an instant, she had changed too.

  Together they ran through the trees, climbing up to the small cabin they called home. The sun glinting off the pure white snow as the odd couple, bear and wolf, raced each other up the side of the mountain where a lonely bear had once lived.

  The End

  Biker Bear Billionaire

  When things fell apart, Will took on a new identity, he became a biker. It gave him a sense of belonging. With the rest of his gang he built up a business he was proud of, it enabled him to help others. He gained respect. Yet his self respect was lost, for he also gave up his mate.

  How can he call himself a bear when he denied the one thing he should value above all else? Yet the bear is a part of him, a part that has to be mastered and controlled or it would take matters into its own hands and go and claim his mate, whatever the cost.

  But now she’s here, standing in front of him, can he be that strong, can he push her away once more? Or can he become the man she wants, the man she needs, because the person that took everything from him, is now threatening her.

  And if she’s come to ask him for help, then he must be her only hope.

  He is her only hope, but he’s a man she barely knows any more. Riding around on his motorcycle, part of a gang, is there any way he can help Freyja? So what if he does look good in his leathers? Will might be everything she could want in a mate, but he won’t claim her.

  He told her it was because his father would disinherit him if he mated with a bear from another clan. Yet when his father died he gave away his fortune. Now she needs to know who he is, who he is brave enough to be. Or can he be all things, can he be her biker, bear, billionaire?

  Or are they destined to be apart forever?

  Chapter One - Will

  She slipped her hand around his cock, and stroked him. He was already hard; he had been since he first scented her. He always knew when she was within a mile of him, her scent would tickle his senses, and then that tickle would turn into a burning need. A need that always had to be denied. But tonight she had come to his home. Tonight was different, and he needed to know why.

  “What do you want?”

  “Why do you think I want something?”

  “Because you are here.”

  “Can’t I just be here to see you?” Her hand continued its lazy motion, so soft, so subtle, she would bring him to his knees.

  “That’s not part of the deal, is it?”

  “Do you want me to go?” She squeezed just that bit harder.

  “Fuck, Freyja, you’re going to make me come.”

  “Isn’t that what you want?”

  He pulled away from her. “And what do you want, to bring me to my knees, make me beg like a dog?”

  He went to the kitchen, and grabbed the ever-present bottle of whiskey. Tipping his head back, he gulped it down until he felt his erection subside.

  “Shit.” When he turned back, she was stood before him. Naked. All voluptuous curves, he wanted to bury himself inside her and never leave her warm embrace.

  “This is what you want. So take it.”

  “What’s going on, Freyja?” He took another gulp, and then hung onto the countertop to stop himself going over to her and fucking her hard and long. Fucking her in the way he had fantasized about for the last ten years. Ten years, seven months and three days. Not that he’d counted.

  “I’ve come to do a trade.”

  Now he laughed. “You are selling yourself like a cheap whore, for what?”

  She looked a little embarrassed; perhaps no one else would be able to see it. But her face, her many moods were ingrained in his subconscious. This was harder than she was letting on. He saw his advantage, and he pushed for it.

  Taking his self-control firmly in both hands, he walked over to her casually. Well, as casual as you can be when your cock is throbbing to be let loose.

  She stood her ground, but her body tensed: she couldn’t help it. The effect she had on him was mirrored in her. He always forgot that, he always thought it was him that was weak, but in reality, she struggled every single day too. She probably could tell him down to the last minute how long it had been since they had known they were
true mates.

  “You’ve put on a few pounds.”

  She closed her eyes and mentally tried to bat him away. “Charming.”

  “It wasn’t a criticism.” He was so close; he knew she could feel his warm breath across her skin. Her nipples hardened, and he saw her swallow, trying to keep her thoughts off the bedroom.

  He lifted his finger and trailed it across her body, a full one centimetre away from her skin, but he might as well be touching her. She could feel it, his skin against hers; she closed her eyes, and now he could see her blinking back tears.

  Why did they do this to each other? Why tease and torment?

  “What do you want?” he repeated, tired of games.

  He stopped in front of her, his hands by his sides, his control his own once more. If she were here, like this, it must be bad. If she was here, like this, he must be her last resort.

  “I am here to trade myself for the land at Garrow’s Creek.”

  He laughed. A mixture of confusion and relief.

  “What’s so funny? I thought I would be worth that much to you.”

  “Freyja. Put your clothes back on and go home. If this is how you think you will persuade me to fuck you, you are mistaken. I’m not in the mood for games.

  He went back to the counter and took another long draw from the bottle.

  Chapter Two – Freyja

  Ashamed and humiliated once more at the hand of Will “Damn” Frasier. She bent down and picked up her coat. Turning away from him, to shield herself while she pulled it on, she tried to ignore how wet she was for him. She had thought she was strong, stronger than this, anyway. All she had done tonight was give him more ammunition against her.

  Pulling the belt tight, she turned, set her sights on the door, and headed for it. He was there first.

  “Not so fast. I told you to get dressed. I didn’t tell you, you could leave.”

  “Now who’s playing games, Will?”

  “I’m sorry, but if I’m not mistaken you are the one trespassing. Your clan lives ten miles that way. Since when does the mighty Stuart McCormac, Chief of the Bear Bluff Clan, send his daughter to do his dirty work?”


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